+****Adding a pageNav****
+1. **Specify the smallest heading level you want to be included** within the `` of a page with `"default"` or a `heading level` .
+ The `default` level uses the [`headingIndexingLevel` property]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/siteJsonFile.html#headingindexinglevel) of your site configuration file.
+2. **(Optional) You may also specify a page navigation title** within `` that will be placed at the top of the page navigation menu.
+3. **Position the page navigation menu** within your layout using the `{% raw %}{{ pageNav }}{% endraw %}` variable.
+Example usage of the `{% raw %}{{ pageNav }}{% endraw %}` variable
+{% endif %}
- pageNav: 2
- pageNavTitle: "Chapters of This Page"
{{ icon_example }}
-In the page that you want to have page navigation:
+In the page that you want to have page navigation, you may show only `` and `
+Then, in your [layout file]({{baseUrl}}/userGuide/tweakingThePageStructure.html#layouts), use the `{% raw %}{{ pageNav }}{% endraw %}` variable to position the pageNav.
-A pageNav has a fixed width of 300 pixels for its contents. It is [_responsive_](https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_responsive.asp) by design and will be completely hidden when the screen size is smaller than 1300 pixels.
+{% if not doNotShowPageNav %}
+{{ icon_example }}