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Fetcher manipulator: RandomSet

Mark Jordan edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 7 revisions


Fetcher manipulator that filters out a random set of objects to generate Islandora ingest packages for. Useful for testing and QA purposes.

If used with MIK's --limit parameter, the number of items in the randomized set will never be larger than the value of --limit (which means that the set could include every object). For example, if you ask for a random set of 10 and the value of --limit is 5, the set will contain 5 items.


Can be used within any toolchain (i.e., is not specific to CONTENTdm CSV, etc.).


To register this manipulator in your toolchain, add the following line to the "[MANIPULATORS]" section of your .ini file:

fetchermanipulators[] = "RandomSet|10"


This manipulator takes a single parameter: the size of the set you want to create, e.g., 10, 25, 100.


This fetcher manipulator extracts a random subset of records from a set of records generated by a fetcher. The set of records will not contain any duplicates. The same record(s) may be included in subsequent MIK jobs; no attempt is made to avoid including the same record across jobs.

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