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Backend knowledge tidbits

Martin Hradil edited this page Feb 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

Validate EMS Credentials:

ExtManagementSystem.validate_credentials_task(???, User.current_user.userid, MiqServer.my_zone)

(??? is whatever ExtManagementSystem.raw_connect? takes.)

Validate Host Credentials:

Host#verify_credentials_task(User.current_user.userid, ???)

(??? is whatever Host#verify_credentials takes.)

Queuing a task:

MiqTask.generic_action_with_callback({:userid => User.current_user.userid, :action=> 'Just a name'}, {:args=>[], :class_name=> 'SomeKlass', :instance_id =>, :method_name => 'magic', :queue_name => 'generic', :role => 'ems_operations', :zone => MiqServer.my_zone})

Running the queue:

simulate_queue_worker - but any task is executed immediately, regardless of timing

(or see manageiq/Procfile.example to run actual specific workers)

MiqTask data:

on error, status is Error, message is the exception message, state is Finished, and the exception class does NOT get saved anywhere

on success, TODO .. results are the result data.

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