This document describes guidelines to follow for the addition of a new comic plugin.
A subfolder with an unique identifier name needs to be created in the plugins folder.
That identifier must contain only alphanumerical and lowercase characters.
- list of the authors (past/present, scenarist/cartoonist/...)
- homepage where to find more info about the comic
- comic main representative color (homepage color/strips color/character color/...)
- language used in the comic strips
- source where to find a link to the latest strip (RSS/API/URL/...)
This information needs to be in a JSON file named info.json
"name": "CommitStrip", // Display name
"color": "2a3f6a", // Color in hexadecimal format
"language": "en", // Language code
"authors": [ //
"Etienne Issartial", // List of authors
"Thomas Gx" //
], //
"homepage": "", // Homepage url
"stripSource": "" // Source url for the current strip
The cover needs to be a file named cover.jpg
- The cover should be immediately recognizable while scanning the full list of comics
- The cover is within a square
- Background is plain color from the comic own color
- Logo containing comic name should be displayed on top and centered
- The foregound contains the main character(s) centered
- format is JPEG
- size is 300x300 pixels
- minimize the size (remove metadata/use proper compression/...)
- ensure the text is legible when displayed in the smallest size in the app
- good contrast between logo/character and background color
- main character(s) is preferably shown in a characteristic attitude
- no shadows or effects on the main character(s)
- preferably no object is present with the characters (unless common for the comic or helping define the comic)
- the logo can be adapted to contain only the necessary parts (no tagline, background, author name, copyright/trademarks signs,...)
- the logo color can be changed if monochrome and is the same as the comic main color
- no full black or full white main color
- the main character(s) can expand in the bottom of the cover (but not on the side)
- if no main character, take a representative item or character
- if too many characters, limit to the most well known ones
- if the main color is the color of the main character, the main color can be darkened/lightened slightly to improve the contrast with the character
- the characters are preferably shown in full color (if they appear even only sometimes as such in the strips)
The cover needs to be a file named example.jpg
- The example strip should give users that don't know the comic an accurate idea of it.
- The example strip should be characteristic of the comic regarding format, drawing style and topic.
- format is JPEG
- remove the not necessary surrounding parts of the strip
- maximum width and height is 600 pixels
- minimize the size (remove metadata/use proper compression/...)
- ensure the text is legible when displayed in the smallest size in the app
The script needs to be a file named extract.js
That script is used to extract the current strip url from the source as defined in the information.
The Javascript needs to consist of an unique function with a single parameter.
That function will be called in the application with the content of the source.
It needs to return a string containing an absolute or relative url to the current strip.
function(page) {
var regex = /<img[^>]*src="([^"]*\/wp-content\/uploads\/[^"]*)"/;
var match = regex.exec(page);
return match[1];
- list the comic in the info/ file
- list, in the git commit message, the resource urls used for the cover and example
- keep higher resolution cover in the plugin folder with name cover_big.jpg
- regenerate the comics covers grid with the resources/ script
- regenerate the comics list with the resources/ script
- if needed, update, in the Comic class and in the resources/ script, the prefixes to ignore for the sorting of comics names