Repo for Testing Django, CI/CD and Docker.
Please don't run this for production yet.
- Check ./src/wissenslandkarte/
- You might want to enable HSTS
- You might configure a report URI
- You must set ALLOWED_HOST
- Check ./nginx/default.conf
- You must set the server_name under which the server will be reachable, otherwise all requests will be refused (421)
- Check out Github CodeQL and
- Check if we can authenticate access to static files with XSendfile.
- Connecting a database
- User Registration
- Check if we can document the API with tools like Swagger or some other postprocessor pushing to Github or Github Pages
- Provide a usable Plain Text API with Django Tools (Authentication via Header?)
- Try out REST or GraphQL?
- Docker is intended as production environment; if you want to just checkout this repo on a production server; please ensure to reapply security measures (deleting default secrets) from within the Dockerfile.
- The debug mode is currently enabled via a flag file in the data dir, where the application itself still has write permissions
- Permissions can be removed when a PGSQL DB is present instead of sqlite
- Dynaconf or environment variables loaded by pipenv from an env file can be used instead of the flag file; this would allow automated configuration changes, too.
- SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE and SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE are not set, this should be activated when a HTTPS reverse proxy is present.
- Connections between Docker Containers are not encrypted yet.
- unsafe-eval is still enabled in Production mode due to standalone Vue.js requirements -- see
- install python3.8
- pip install pipenv
- pipenv install
- You might want to create the ./app/wissenslandkarte/data/ACTIVATE_DEBUG_MODE file
- cd ./app/wissenslandkarte/ && pipenv run python ./ migrate
- cd ./app/wissenslandkarte/ && pipenv run python ./ createsuperuser
- cd ./app/wissenslandkarte/ && pipenv run python ./ runserver