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--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ components themselves evolves and new functionality is added.
:maxdepth: 1
+ tutorials/dev_add_rrm
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+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm:
+Developer Tutorial: Adding a new ocean/sea ice regionally refined mesh (RRM)
+This tutorial presents a step-by-step guide to adding a new mesh to the
+``global_ocean`` test group in ``compass`` (see the :ref:`glossary` for
+definitions of some relevant terms). In this tutorial, I will add a new
+mesh called YAM ("yet another mesh") that is based on techniques used to build
+the existing :ref:`dev_ocean_global_ocean_sowisc12to60` as well as
+:ref:`dev_ocean_global_ocean_wc14` meshes.
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_getting_started:
+Getting started
+To begin with, you will need to check out the compass repo and create a new
+branch from ``main`` for developing the new mesh. For this purpose, we
+will stick with the simpler approach in :ref:`dev_compass_repo` here, but feel
+free to use the ``worktree`` approach instead if you are comfortable with it.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ git clone git@github.com:MPAS-Dev/compass.git add-yet-another-mesh
+ cd add-yet-another-mesh
+ git checkout -b add-yet-another-mesh
+Now, you will need to create a conda environment for developing compass, as
+described in :ref:`dev_conda_env`. We will assume a simple situation where
+you are working on a "supported" machine and using the default compilers and
+MPI libraries, but consult the documentation to make an environment to suit
+your needs.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # this one will take a while the first time
+ ./conda/configure_compass_env.py --conda $HOME/mambaforge --env_name compass_yam
+If you don't already have Mambaforge installed in the directory pointed to by
+``--conda``, it will be installed automatically for you. If all goes well, you
+will have a file named ``load_compass_yam*.sh``, where the details of the
+``*`` depend on your specific machine and compilers. For example, on
+Chrysalis, you will have ``load_compass_yam_chrysalis_intel_openmpi.sh``,
+which will be the example used here:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ source load_compass_yam_chrysalis_intel_openmpi.sh
+Now, we're ready to get the MPAS-Ocean source code from the E3SM repository:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # Get the E3SM code -- this one takes a while every time
+ git submodule update --init --recursive
+Next, we're ready to build the MPAS-Ocean executable:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/
+ make ifort
+ cd ../../..
+The make target will be different depending on the machine and compilers, see
+:ref:`dev_supported_machines` or :ref:`dev_other_machines` for the right one
+for your machine.
+Now, we're ready to start developing!
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_add_mesh:
+Adding a new mesh
+Use any method you like for editing code. If you haven't settled on a method
+and are working on your own laptop or desktop, you may want to try an
+integrated development environment (`PyCharm `_
+is a really nice one). They have features to make sure your code adheres to
+the style required for compass (see :ref:`dev_style`). ``vim``, ``emacs`` or
+a similar tool will work fine on supercomputers. Keep in mind that you can
+edit code on your laptop or desktop but you will need to use a high-performance
+computing (HPC) machine to generate a mesh. One step requires >=360 cores to
+remap a high resolution topography dataset to the MPAS mesh.
+Your new mesh will be defined in a directory within the ``global_ocean`` test
+group's ``mesh`` package. For this example, we create a new ``yam10to60``
+directory in ``compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/mesh``. The directory name
+should be all lowercase with no underscores. The convention is to give your
+mesh a short prefix (``yam`` for "yet another mesh" in our case) and then
+the finest and coarsest resolutions in km. In that directory, we
+will make a new file called ``__init__.py``. In that file, we will start to
+define a ``YAM10to60BaseMesh`` class.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/mesh
+ mkdir yam10to60
+ cd yam10to60
+ vim __init__.py
+We define the resolution as a function of space using a regular
+latitude-longitude map of the distance between cell centers in km. To begin
+with , we will start out with something really simple: a quasi-uniform 60 km
+mesh. We will make a 2D field called ``cellWidth`` on a 0.1 degree, regular
+latitude-longitude grid.
+.. code-block:: python
+ import numpy as np
+ from compass.mesh import QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep
+ class YAM10to60BaseMesh(QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep):
+ """
+ A step for creating YAM10to60 meshes
+ """
+ def build_cell_width_lat_lon(self):
+ """
+ Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude
+ grid
+ Returns
+ -------
+ cellWidth : numpy.array
+ m x n array of cell width in km
+ lon : numpy.array
+ longitude in degrees (length n and between -180 and 180)
+ lat : numpy.array
+ longitude in degrees (length m and between -90 and 90)
+ """
+ dlon = 0.1
+ dlat = dlon
+ nlon = int(360. / dlon) + 1
+ nlat = int(180. / dlat) + 1
+ lon = np.linspace(-180., 180., nlon)
+ lat = np.linspace(-90., 90., nlat)
+ cell_width = 60.0 * np.ones((nlat, nlon))
+ return cell_width, lon, lat
+We also need a config file for the mesh. For now, it can just be empty:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ touch yam10to60.cfg
+Next, we need to add this mesh to the list of known meshes:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ..
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 5, 24-25
+ ...
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.so12to60 import SO12to60BaseMesh
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.wc14 import WC14BaseMesh
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.yam10to60 import YAM10to60BaseMesh
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.metadata import (
+ get_author_and_email_from_git,
+ )
+ ...
+ class Mesh(TestCase):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, test_group, mesh_name, remap_topography):
+ ...
+ elif mesh_name.startswith('Kuroshio'):
+ base_mesh_step = KuroshioBaseMesh(self, name=name, subdir=subdir)
+ elif mesh_name in ['WC14', 'WCwISC14']:
+ base_mesh_step = WC14BaseMesh(self, name=name, subdir=subdir)
+ elif mesh_name in ['YAM10to60', 'YAMwISC10to60']:
+ base_mesh_step = YAM10to60BaseMesh(self, name=name, subdir=subdir)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'Unknown mesh name {mesh_name}')
+In compass, we support 2 versions of nearly every mesh, 1 where everything
+south of the Antarctic coast is treated as land and 1 where we include the
+ocean cavities below Antarctic ice shelves (``wISC``, meaning "with ice-shelf
+Next, we add a test case for making this mesh to the ``global_ocean`` test
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ..
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 18-22
+ ...
+ class GlobalOcean(TestGroup):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, mpas_core):
+ ...
+ self._add_tests(mesh_names=['WC14', 'WCwISC14'],
+ DynamicAdjustment=WC14DynamicAdjustment)
+ # Kuroshio meshes without ice-shelf cavities
+ self._add_tests(mesh_names=['Kuroshio12to60', 'Kuroshio8to60'],
+ DynamicAdjustment=KuroshioDynamicAdjustment)
+ for mesh_name in ['YAM10to60', 'YAMwISC10to60']:
+ mesh_test = Mesh(test_group=self, mesh_name=mesh_name,
+ remap_topography=True)
+ self.add_test_case(mesh_test)
+ # A test case for making E3SM support files from an existing mesh
+ self.add_test_case(FilesForE3SM(test_group=self))
+Okay, great! We're ready to test this out!
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_test_mesh:
+Running the mesh test case
+First, let's make sure the mesh exists when we list the available test cases
+in compass:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass list
+You should see something like:
+.. code-block::
+ :emphasize-lines: 7-8
+ ...
+ 250: ocean/global_ocean/Kuroshio8to60/WOA23/init
+ 251: ocean/global_ocean/Kuroshio8to60/WOA23/performance_test
+ 252: ocean/global_ocean/Kuroshio8to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment
+ 253: ocean/global_ocean/Kuroshio8to60/WOA23/files_for_e3sm
+ 254: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh
+ 255: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/mesh
+ 256: ocean/global_ocean/files_for_e3sm
+ 257: ocean/gotm/default
+ ...
+On one of the supported HPC machines, let's try setting up and running the mesh
+step. We will concentrate on the mesh without ice-shelf cavities ``YAM10to60``
+for now because it is a little simpler. Here's an example that should work on
+Chrysalis or Anvil:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 254 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_uniform60km
+The number provided (e.g. ``254``) is the number of the test case in
+``compass list`` above. Since these numbers change frequently, you should
+check each time you check out or rebase the code with something like
+``compass list | grep YAM``
+The directory you point to with ``-p`` is where you build MPAS-Ocean. We don't
+actually need that quite yet but we will soon when we add an initial condition
+on the mesh. The base work directory you point to with ``-w`` should be a
+location in a scratch space where you can set up temporary tests. We recommend
+including a date somewhere in the path just to keep things organized but that
+is up to you.
+For simplicity, it is a good idea to open a new terminal for running the test.
+In the new terminal window:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_uniform60km
+ vim job_script.custom.sh
+ sbatch job_script.custom.sh
+If you prefer, you can get an interactive node and run the same commands as
+in the job script:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ source load_compass_env.sh
+ compass run custom
+Assuming you submitted the job script as above, you can monitor the output
+.. code-block::
+ $ tail -f compass.o*
+ Loading conda environment
+ Done.
+ Loading Spack environment...
+ Done.
+ ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh
+ * step: base_mesh
+ * step: remap_topography
+ * step: cull_mesh
+ test execution: SUCCESS
+ test runtime: 11:31
+ Test Runtimes:
+ 11:31 PASS ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_mesh
+ Total runtime 11:32
+ PASS: All passed successfully!
+If things don't go well, you might see something like:
+.. code-block::
+ Loading conda environment
+ Done.
+ Loading Spack environment...
+ Done.
+ ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh
+ * step: base_mesh
+ Failed
+ test execution: ERROR
+ see: case_outputs/ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_mesh.log
+ test runtime: 00:00
+ Test Runtimes:
+ 00:00 FAIL ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_mesh
+ Total runtime 00:01
+ FAIL: 1 test failed, see above.
+Hopefully, the contents of the log file, in this case
+``case_outputs/ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_mesh.log``, can help you debug
+what went wrong.
+Once the ``base_mesh`` step has completed, you should see:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ ls ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh/base_mesh/
+ base_mesh.nc geom.msh mesh.cfg opts.log
+ base_mesh_vtk graph.info mesh.msh spac.msh
+ cellWidthGlobal.png job_script.sh mesh_triangles.nc step.pickle
+ cellWidthVsLatLon.nc load_compass_env.sh opts.jig
+The main result is the file ``base_mesh.nc``
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh/base_mesh/
+ $ source load_compass_env.sh
+ $ ncdump -h base_mesh.nc
+ netcdf base_mesh {
+ dimensions:
+ Time = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently)
+ nCells = 165049 ;
+ nEdges = 495141 ;
+ nVertices = 330094 ;
+ maxEdges = 8 ;
+ maxEdges2 = 16 ;
+ TWO = 2 ;
+ vertexDegree = 3 ;
+ variables:
+ int edgesOnEdge(nEdges, maxEdges2) ;
+ ...
+You can get take a look at the map of resolution in ``cellWidthGlobal.png``:
+.. image:: images/qu60.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+Not very interesting so far but it will be informative once we start to
+vary the resolution later.
+If you want to view the mesh, you can copy the file
+``base_mesh_vtk/staticFieldsOnCells.vtp`` over to your laptop or desktop and
+open it in ParaView. See
+`ParaView VTK Extractor `_
+for more details on the tool used to extract the mesh VTK file.
+.. image:: images/qu60_base_paraview.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+The ``remap_topography`` step will produce:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd ../remap_topography/
+ $ ls
+ base_mesh.nc src_mesh.nc
+ dst_mesh.nc step.pickle
+ job_script.sh topography.nc
+ load_compass_env.sh topography_ncremap.nc
+ map_0.013x0.013degree_to_YAM10to60_conserve.nc topography_remapped.nc
+ mesh.cfg
+Here, the main result is ``topography_remapped.nc``, the ocean bathymetry and
+Antarctic ice topography remapped to the mesh defined in ``base_mesh.nc``.
+Finally, the ``cull_mesh`` step will remove land cells from the mesh:
+The ``remap_topography`` step will produce:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd ../cull_mesh/
+ $ ls
+ base_mesh.nc job_script.sh
+ critical_blockages.geojson land_mask.nc
+ critical_blockages.nc land_mask_with_land_locked_cells.nc
+ critical_passages.geojson load_compass_env.sh
+ critical_passages_mask_final.nc mesh.cfg
+ critical_passages.nc step.pickle
+ culled_graph.info topography_culled.nc
+ culled_mesh.nc topography.nc
+ culled_mesh_vtk
+Here, the main output is ``culled_mesh.nc``. Similarly to the base mesh, you
+can look at the the culled mesh in ParaVeiw by copying
+``culled_mesh_vtk/staticFieldsOnCells.vtp`` to your laptop or desktop.
+.. image:: images/qu60_culled_paraview.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+Here, we have placed a white sphere inside the mesh so the land regions are
+easier to see. After culling, the land just appears as holes in the mesh.
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_ec_base_mesh:
+Switching to an EC30to60 base resolution
+Returning to the terminal where we are developing the code, let's make the mesh
+more interesting.
+So far, all E3SM ocean and sea-ice RRMs start with the EC30to60 (eddy-closure
+30 to 60 km) mesh as their base resolution. Let's do the same here. Starting
+from the base of your development branch:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/mesh/yam10to60
+ vim __init__.py
+We will replace the constant 60-km mesh resolution with a latitude-dependent
+function from the
+`mesh_definition_tools `_
+module from MPAS-Tools. The default EC mesh has resolutions of 35 km at the
+poles, 60 km at mid-latitudes and 30 km at the equator.
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 1, 17-18
+ import mpas_tools.mesh.creation.mesh_definition_tools as mdt
+ import numpy as np
+ from compass.mesh import QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep
+ class YAM10to60BaseMesh(QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep):
+ ...
+ def build_cell_width_lat_lon(self):
+ ...
+ lat = np.linspace(-90., 90., nlat)
+ cell_width_vs_lat = mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(lat)
+ cell_width = np.outer(cell_width_vs_lat, np.ones([1, lon.size]))
+ return cell_width, lon, lat
+At this point, you can set up and test again like you did in
+:ref:`dev_tutorial_add_rrm_test_mesh`, but this time you will want to use
+a different work directory name, e.g.:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 254 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_ec
+Switch back to your other terminal to submit the job and look at the results.
+The map of resolution in ``base_mesh/cellWidthGlobal.png`` should look like:
+.. image:: images/ec30to60.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+After culling, the mesh in ``culled_mesh/culled_mesh_vtk/staticFieldsOnCells.vtp``
+should look like:
+.. image:: images/ec30to60_culled_paraview.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_add_high_res:
+Adding regions of higher resolution
+Now, let's add some regions of higher resolution to the mesh.
+We typically define these regions using `geojson `_
+files. The easiest way to create them is to go to `geojson.io `_.
+There, you can find your way to the part of the globe you want to refine
+and use the polygon tool to make a shape that will act as the boundary for your
+high resolution region.
+.. image:: images/geojson_io_south_atl.png
+ :width: 800 px
+ :align: center
+In my case, I have defined a region across the south Atlantic ocean with its
+western side centered around the outlet of the Amazon river. My plan is to
+define a region of moderately higher resolution across a fairly broad region
+first, then define a region of higher resolution close to the Amazon delta
+in a subsequent step.
+Let's make an actual ``geojson`` file with this contents. In your terminal for
+editing code, from the root of the branch where we're developing:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/mesh/yam10to60
+ vim northern_south_atlantic.geojson
+Copy the contents of the json code on the right-hand side of the geojson.io
+window and paste it into the file:
+.. code-block:: json
+ {
+ "type": "FeatureCollection",
+ "features": [
+ {
+ "type": "Feature",
+ "properties": {},
+ "geometry": {
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [
+ -42.7022201869903,
+ 28.229943571814303
+ ],
+ [
+ -63.8408547092003,
+ 9.565520467643694
+ ],
+ [
+ -54.35184148160458,
+ -3.0088254981339873
+ ],
+ [
+ -37.52116934686214,
+ -8.341138860925426
+ ],
+ [
+ -12.947354056832182,
+ 10.997433207836309
+ ],
+ [
+ -11.493517385995887,
+ 27.701423680235493
+ ],
+ [
+ -42.7022201869903,
+ 28.229943571814303
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "type": "Polygon"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Then, modify the ``properties`` dictionary similarly to this example:
+.. code-block::
+ :emphasize-lines: 6-11
+ {
+ "type": "FeatureCollection",
+ "features": [
+ {
+ "type": "Feature",
+ "properties": {
+ "name": "Northern South Atlantic",
+ "component": "ocean",
+ "object": "region",
+ "author": "Xylar Asay-Davis"
+ },
+ ...
+These 4 fields are required for compass to be able to use the file. The
+``name`` and ``author`` are entirely up to you and are intended to help
+document the file in some useful way. The ``component`` must be ``"ocean"``
+and the ``object`` must be ``"region"``.
+Next, let's make the shape available in the code so we can use it later to make
+a higher resolution region:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 3, 11-20, 29
+ import mpas_tools.mesh.creation.mesh_definition_tools as mdt
+ import numpy as np
+ from geometric_features import read_feature_collection
+ from compass.mesh import QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep
+ class YAM10to60BaseMesh(QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep):
+ """
+ A step for creating YAM10to60 meshes
+ """
+ def setup(self):
+ """
+ Add some input files
+ """
+ package = 'compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.yam10to60'
+ self.add_input_file(filename='northern_south_atlantic.geojson',
+ package=package)
+ super().setup()
+ def build_cell_width_lat_lon(self):
+ ...
+ cell_width_vs_lat = mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(lat)
+ cell_width = np.outer(cell_width_vs_lat, np.ones([1, lon.size]))
+ # read the shape
+ fc = read_feature_collection('northern_south_atlantic.geojson')
+ return cell_width, lon, lat
+In the ``setup()`` method above, we add the geojson file as an input to the
+step that creates the base mesh. This is how compass finds the geojson file
+when it's setting up the work directory where we will build the base mesh.
+In the ``build_cell_width_lat_lon()`` method, we read in a the geojson file
+into a "feature collection" (``fc``) object that we will use below to define
+the higher resolution region.
+Now, let's make further changes to the same file to use the shape to add a
+higher resolution region:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 4-7, 24-46
+ import mpas_tools.mesh.creation.mesh_definition_tools as mdt
+ import numpy as np
+ from geometric_features import read_feature_collection
+ from mpas_tools.cime.constants import constants
+ from mpas_tools.mesh.creation.signed_distance import (
+ signed_distance_from_geojson,
+ )
+ from compass.mesh import QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep
+ class YAM10to60BaseMesh(QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep):
+ def build_cell_width_lat_lon(self):
+ ...
+ cell_width_vs_lat = mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(lat)
+ cell_width = np.outer(cell_width_vs_lat, np.ones([1, lon.size]))
+ # read the shape
+ fc = read_feature_collection('northern_south_atlantic.geojson')
+ # How wide in meters the smooth transition between the background
+ # resolution and the finer resolution regions should be.
+ # 1200 km is equivalent to about 10 degrees latitude
+ trans_width = 1200e3
+ # The resolution in km of the finer resolution region
+ fine_cell_width = 20.
+ # the radius of the earth defined in E3SM's shared constants
+ earth_radius = constants['SHR_CONST_REARTH']
+ # A field defined on the lat-long grid with the signed distance away
+ # from the boundary of the shape (positive outside and negative inside)
+ atlantic_signed_distance = signed_distance_from_geojson(
+ fc, lon, lat, earth_radius, max_length=0.25)
+ # A field that goes smoothly from zero inside the shape to one outside
+ # the shape over the given transition width.
+ weights = 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh(atlantic_signed_distance / trans_width))
+ # The cell width in km becomes a blend of the background cell width
+ # and the finer cell width using the weights
+ cell_width = fine_cell_width * (1 - weights) + cell_width * weights
+ return cell_width, lon, lat
+The function ``signed_distance_from_geojson()`` creates a functon on the
+lat-lon grid that is the distance from any given point on the globe to the
+boundary of the shape defined by the geojson file. The distance is positive
+outside the shape and negative inside it. For better accuracy in computing the
+distance, we subdivide the shape into segments of ``max_length=0.25`` degrees
+latitude or longitude. We use the ``earth_radius`` defined in E3SM's shared
+Using the signed distance, we create a blending function ``weights`` that goes
+from zero inside the shape smoothly to one outside the shape over a distance of
+``trans_width`` meters. Then, we use the weights to blend from the fine
+resolution inside the shape to the EC30to60 background resolution outside the
+There are also fancier ways to define gradients in resolution, for example
+using the relative distance between the boundaries of 2 shapes. These are not
+covered in the tutorial but you can get in touch with the E3SM Ocean Team to
+discuss ways to define more complex maps of mesh resolution.
+Once, again, let's set up and run the mesh test case like we did in
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 254 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_alt20km
+As before, switch back to your other terminal to submit the job and look at the
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_alt20km
+ sbatch job_script.custom.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+The map of resolution in ``base_mesh/cellWidthGlobal.png`` should look
+.. image:: images/atl20km.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+After culling, the mesh in ``culled_mesh/culled_mesh_vtk/staticFieldsOnCells.vtp``
+should look like:
+.. image:: images/atl20km_culled_paraview.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_add_very_high_res:
+Adding a very high resolution region
+Using the same approach as in the previous section, we can define another
+region where we will increase the resolution to 10 km.
+I used geojson.io to create a region around the Amazon River delta:
+.. image:: images/geojson_io_amazon_delta.png
+ :width: 800 px
+ :align: center
+Then, I copied the code and pasted it into a file:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/mesh/yam10to60
+ vim amazon_delta.geojson
+I added the ``properties`` dictionary like in the previous example.
+.. code-block:: json
+ {
+ "type": "FeatureCollection",
+ "features": [
+ {
+ "type": "Feature",
+ "properties": {
+ "name": "Amazon Delta",
+ "component": "ocean",
+ "object": "region",
+ "author": "Xylar Asay-Davis"
+ },
+ "geometry": {
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [
+ -33.27493467565196,
+ 9.398029362516667
+ ],
+ [
+ -44.499833304073974,
+ 11.7502737267192
+ ],
+ [
+ -54.422618869265236,
+ 8.655607226691274
+ ],
+ [
+ -60.654712683354944,
+ 0.9780614705966428
+ ],
+ [
+ -54.56296235335806,
+ -9.767487562476404
+ ],
+ [
+ -41.34251704331987,
+ -9.500764493003032
+ ],
+ [
+ -36.85005485733731,
+ -3.655530642645047
+ ],
+ [
+ -33.03465151175149,
+ 4.644399816423899
+ ],
+ [
+ -33.27493467565196,
+ 9.398029362516667
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "type": "Polygon"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Using this feature, I added a 10-km region:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 11-12, 27-48
+ ...
+ class YAM10to60BaseMesh(QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep):
+ def setup(self):
+ """
+ Add some input files
+ """
+ package = 'compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.yam10to60'
+ self.add_input_file(filename='northern_south_atlantic.geojson',
+ package=package)
+ self.add_input_file(filename='amazon_delta.geojson',
+ package=package)
+ super().setup()
+ def build_cell_width_lat_lon(self):
+ ...
+ # A field that goes smoothly from zero inside the shape to one outside
+ # the shape over the given transition width.
+ weights = 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh(atlantic_signed_distance / trans_width))
+ # The cell width in km becomes a blend of the background cell width
+ # and the finer cell width using the weights
+ cell_width = fine_cell_width * (1 - weights) + cell_width * weights
+ # read the shape
+ fc = read_feature_collection('amazon_delta.geojson')
+ # 400 km is equivalent to about 3 degrees latitude
+ trans_width = 400e3
+ # The resolution in km of the finer resolution region
+ fine_cell_width = 10.
+ # A field defined on the lat-long grid with the signed distance away
+ # from the boundary of the shape (positive outside and negative inside)
+ amazon_delta_signed_distance = signed_distance_from_geojson(
+ fc, lon, lat, earth_radius, max_length=0.25)
+ # A field that goes smoothly from zero inside the shape to one outside
+ # the shape over the given transition width.
+ weights = 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh(
+ amazon_delta_signed_distance / trans_width))
+ # The cell width in km becomes a blend of the background cell width
+ # and the finer cell width using the weights
+ cell_width = fine_cell_width * (1 - weights) + cell_width * weights
+ return cell_width, lon, lat
+Same procedure as before, set up the test case:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 254 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+Switch back to your other terminal to submit the job and look at the results.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ sbatch job_script.custom.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+The map of resolution in ``base_mesh/cellWidthGlobal.png`` should look
+.. image:: images/yam10to60.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+After culling, the mesh in ``culled_mesh/culled_mesh_vtk/staticFieldsOnCells.vtp``
+should look like:
+.. image:: images/yam10to60_culled_paraview.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_add_init:
+Adding an initial condition and performance test
+We now have a horizontal ocean mesh, but there are several more steps in
+compass before we can start to integrate the new mesh into E3SM.
+First, we need to add an ``init`` test case that will create the vertical
+coordinate and the initial condition. Most of what we need to define for the
+initial condition is set with config options:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/mesh/yam10to60
+ vim yam10to60.cfg
+.. code-block:: ini
+ # Options related to the vertical grid
+ [vertical_grid]
+ # the type of vertical grid
+ grid_type = index_tanh_dz
+ # Number of vertical levels
+ vert_levels = 64
+ # Depth of the bottom of the ocean
+ bottom_depth = 5500.0
+ # The minimum layer thickness
+ min_layer_thickness = 10.0
+ # The maximum layer thickness
+ max_layer_thickness = 250.0
+ # The characteristic number of levels over which the transition between
+ # the min and max occurs
+ transition_levels = 28
+The standard E3SM v3 vertical grid is defined with these parameters. It
+transitions from 10 m resolution at the surface to 250 m resolution at a depth
+of 5500 m over 64 vertical levels. The transition is centered around the 28th
+vertical level. You can modify these parameters or use a different vertical
+coordinate (at your own risk).
+Next, we add a section with some required config options including some
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim yam10to60.cfg
+.. code-block:: ini
+ :emphasize-lines: 8-43
+ ...
+ # The characteristic number of levels over which the transition between
+ # the min and max occurs
+ transition_levels = 28
+ # options for global ocean testcases
+ [global_ocean]
+ # the approximate number of cells in the mesh
+ approx_cell_count = 270000
+ ## metadata related to the mesh
+ # the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
+ prefix = YAM
+ # a description of the mesh and initial condition
+ mesh_description = Yet Another Mesh (YAM) is regionally refined around the Amazon
+ River delta. It is used in E3SM version ${e3sm_version} for
+ studies of blah, blah. It has Enhanced resolution (${min_res} km)
+ around the Amazon delta, 20-km resolution in the northern South
+ Atlantic, 35-km resolution at the poles, 60-km at mid
+ latitudes, and 30-km at the equator. This mesh has <<>>
+ vertical levels.
+ # E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
+ e3sm_version = 3
+ # The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
+ # mesh is revised
+ mesh_revision = 1
+ # the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
+ min_res = 10
+ # the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
+ max_res = 60
+ # The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
+ pull_request = https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/compass/pull/XXX
+ # config options related to initial condition and diagnostics support files
+ # for E3SM
+ [files_for_e3sm]
+ # CMIP6 grid resolution
+ cmip6_grid_res = 180x360
+The ``approx_cell_count`` is something you can only determine after you've
+made the mesh. In your terminal where you've been running tests:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ cd ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh/cull_mesh
+ source load_compass_env.sh
+ ncdump -h culled_mesh.nc | more
+This will tell you the numer of cells (``nCells``). Round this to 2
+significant digits and put this in ``approx_cell_count``. This will be used
+to determine an appropriate number of MPI tasks and nodes needed to perform
+forward runs with this mesh.
+The ``prefix`` should match the beginning fo the mesh name we have been using
+all along, ``YAM`` in this case.
+The ``description`` is used in the metadata of files produced by compass for
+this mesh. It should be a fairly detailed description of how resolution is
+distributed and what the intended purpose of the mesh is.
+The ``e3sm_version`` is what E3SM version the mesh is intended to be used in.
+Presumably, this is 3 for the time being, since no new meshes will be added
+to v2 and we don't know much about v4 yet.
+The ``mesh_revision`` should be 1 to begin with but should be incremented to
+give each version of the mesh a unique number. Typically, it is time to
+increase the revision number if you are altering the mesh and the current
+revision number has already been used in a simulation that might be published
+or put to some other broader scientific or technical use. If you are still at
+the stage of tinkering with the mesh, it may be preferable not to increment the
+revision number with each modification.
+``min_res`` *must* be the minimum resolution of the mesh in km, and ``max_res``
+should be the maximum. (``min_res`` is used to determine the time step for
+forward runs, so that is why it is required to be correct; ``max_res`` is only
+used for metadata and in the mesh name.)
+``pull_request`` points to a pull request (if there is one) where the mesh
+was added to compass. This is a useful piece of metadata so folks know where
+to look for a discussion of the mesh.
+``cmip6_grid_res`` is the CMIP6 (and presumably 7) resolution to which data
+will be remapped for publication. Typically, this is ``180x360`` (i.e. a
+1 degree grid) for RRMs because a lot of space is otherwise wasted on
+coarse-resolution regions.
+We also need to override some default namelist options with values appropriate
+for the mesh. Many of these choices will depend on the details of the mesh
+you are making. However, here are some common ones:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim namelist.split_explicit
+.. code-block::
+ config_time_integrator = 'split_explicit'
+ config_run_duration = '0000_01:00:00'
+ config_use_mom_del2 = .true.
+ config_mom_del2 = 10.0
+ config_use_mom_del4 = .true.
+ config_mom_del4 = 1.5e10
+ config_hmix_scaleWithMesh = .true.
+ config_use_GM = .true.
+ config_GM_closure = 'constant'
+ config_GM_constant_kappa = 600.0
+The ``config_run_duration`` is the length of a performance test run, and should
+only be a few time steps.
+The ``config_mom_del2`` and ``config_mom_del4`` are the eddy viscosity and
+eddy hyperviscosity, and typically scale in proportion to the cell size and
+the cell size cubed, respectively. These are appropriate values for a minimum
+resolution of 10 km as in this example. We scale these coefficients with the
+cell resolution when ``config_hmix_scaleWithMesh = .true.``.
+The GM coefficients can probably be left as they are here for a typical RRM.
+Next, we will add the ``init`` and ``performance_tests`` test cases for the
+new mesh:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ../..
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 16-24
+ ...
+ class GlobalOcean(TestGroup):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, mpas_core):
+ ...
+ for mesh_name in ['YAM10to60', 'YAMwISC10to60']:
+ mesh_test = Mesh(test_group=self, mesh_name=mesh_name,
+ remap_topography=True)
+ self.add_test_case(mesh_test)
+ init_test = Init(test_group=self, mesh=mesh_test,
+ initial_condition='WOA23',
+ with_bgc=False)
+ self.add_test_case(init_test)
+ self.add_test_case(
+ PerformanceTest(
+ test_group=self, mesh=mesh_test, init=init_test,
+ time_integrator='split_explicit'))
+ # A test case for making E3SM support files from an existing mesh
+ self.add_test_case(FilesForE3SM(test_group=self))
+We have indicated that we want an initial condition interpolated from the
+World Ocean Atlas 2023 (WOA23) data set, that we do not want to include
+BGC tracers, and that we want to use the split-explicit time integrator
+(the E3SM default) in our performance test.
+Let's see if the test cases show up:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass list | grep YAM
+You should see something like:
+.. code-block::
+ 254: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh
+ 255: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/init
+ 256: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/performance_test
+ 257: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/mesh
+ 258: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/init
+ 259: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/performance_test
+Okay, everything looks good. Let's set up and run the 2 remaining tests:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 255 256 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+We can save the time of rerunning the ``mesh`` test by setting up in the same
+work directory as our final mesh run with 10-km finest resolution.
+Switch back to your other terminal to alter the job script and submit the job.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ sbatch job_script.custom.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+You should see something a lot like this:
+.. code-block::
+ Loading conda environment
+ Done.
+ Loading Spack environment...
+ Done.
+ ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/init
+ * step: initial_state
+ test execution: SUCCESS
+ test runtime: 01:07
+ ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/performance_test
+ * step: forward
+ test execution: SUCCESS
+ test runtime: 01:35
+ Test Runtimes:
+ 01:07 PASS ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_WOA23_init
+ 01:35 PASS ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_WOA23_performance_test
+ Total runtime 02:42
+ PASS: All passed successfully!
+If these tests aren't successful, you'll probably need some expert help from
+the E3SM Ocean Team, but you can take a look at the log files and see if you
+can diagnose any issues yourself.
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_add_dyn_adj:
+Adding a dynamic adjustment test
+The initial condition we generated in the last section starts with the ocean
+at rest. This state is not consistent with the density profile, so there
+will be a period of a few months of rapid adjustment involving dissipation of
+energetic wave dissipation and acceleration of currents. We call this period
+"dynamic adjustment" because the term "spin up" is reserved in Earth system
+modeling for reaching a quasi-equilibrium over many centuries.
+Dynamic adjustment is something of an art, and requires some trial and error
+in many cases. The basic idea is that we begin with a shorter time step than
+we hope to be able to use in production simulations and also with some fairly
+strong momentum dissipation. We run forward in time, monitoring the CFL
+number and the kinetic energy, which can each tell us if things are going
+awry. After several days of simulation, waves have hopefully dissipated to
+the point that we can increase the time step and/or decrease the level of
+We need to create a new subdirectory and add a new class for the dynamic
+adjustment test case. From the branch root:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/mesh/yam10to60
+ mkdir dynamic_adjustment
+ cd dynamic_adjustment
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.dynamic_adjustment import (
+ DynamicAdjustment,
+ )
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.forward import ForwardStep
+ class YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment(DynamicAdjustment):
+ """
+ A test case performing dynamic adjustment (dissipating fast-moving waves)
+ from an initial condition on the YAM10to60 MPAS-Ocean mesh
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ restart_filenames : list of str
+ A list of restart files from each dynamic-adjustment step
+ """
+ def __init__(self, test_group, mesh, init, time_integrator):
+ """
+ Create the test case
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ test_group : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.GlobalOcean
+ The global ocean test group that this test case belongs to
+ mesh : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh
+ The test case that produces the mesh for this run
+ init : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init
+ The test case that produces the initial condition for this run
+ time_integrator : {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
+ The time integrator to use for the forward run
+ """
+ if time_integrator != 'split_explicit':
+ raise ValueError(f'{mesh.mesh_name} dynamic adjustment not '
+ f'defined for {time_integrator}')
+ restart_times = ['0001-01-03_00:00:00']
+ restart_filenames = [
+ f'restarts/rst.{restart_time.replace(":", ".")}.nc'
+ for restart_time in restart_times]
+ super().__init__(test_group=test_group, mesh=mesh, init=init,
+ time_integrator=time_integrator,
+ restart_filenames=restart_filenames)
+ module = self.__module__
+ shared_options = \
+ {'config_AM_globalStats_enable': '.true.',
+ 'config_AM_globalStats_compute_on_startup': '.true.',
+ 'config_AM_globalStats_write_on_startup': '.true.',
+ 'config_use_activeTracers_surface_restoring': '.true.'}
+ # first step
+ step_name = 'damped_adjustment_1'
+ step = ForwardStep(test_case=self, mesh=mesh, init=init,
+ time_integrator=time_integrator, name=step_name,
+ subdir=step_name, get_dt_from_min_res=False)
+ namelist_options = {
+ 'config_run_duration': "'00-00-02_00:00:00'",
+ 'config_dt': "'00:03:00'",
+ 'config_btr_dt': "'00:00:06'",
+ 'config_implicit_bottom_drag_type': "'constant_and_rayleigh'",
+ 'config_Rayleigh_damping_coeff': '1.0e-4'}
+ namelist_options.update(shared_options)
+ step.add_namelist_options(namelist_options)
+ stream_replacements = {
+ 'output_interval': '00-00-10_00:00:00',
+ 'restart_interval': '00-00-02_00:00:00'}
+ step.add_streams_file(module, 'streams.template',
+ template_replacements=stream_replacements)
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[0]}')
+ self.add_step(step)
+This sets up one step called ``damped_adjustment_1`` that runs for 2 days
+with 3-minute time steps (we hope to run with a 5 or 6 minute time steps once
+we're fully adjusted, given the 10-km minimum resolution), 6-second
+subcycling (barotropic or ``btr``) time step, and a strong Rayleigh damping
+of 1e-4. Since we're running for 2 days, we set the restart interval to 2
+You should be able to pick a time step in proprotion to the highest resolution
+in your mesh. If a 3-minute time steps works well for a 10 km mesh (and that's
+a little on the safe side), the time step for a 1 km mesh would need to be on
+the order of 20 seconds. The barotropic time step needs to be 20-30 times
+shorter than the full time step.
+We have enabled global stats (``config_AM_globalStats_enable = .true.``) so
+we can monitor the progress more easily.
+We have also set up a set of streams for writing out data as we go. The
+``streams.template`` file that we will modify looks something like this:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim streams.template
+.. code-block:: xml
+The ``output_interval`` and ``restart_interval`` will get replaced with
+different values in different steps as we add them.
+We need to add the dynamic adjustment test case to the ``global_ocean`` test
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ../../../
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 6-8, 38-42
+ ...
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.wc14.dynamic_adjustment import (
+ WC14DynamicAdjustment,
+ )
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.yam10to60.dynamic_adjustment import ( # noqa: E501
+ YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment,
+ )
+ from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.monthly_output_test import (
+ MonthlyOutputTest,
+ )
+ ...
+ class GlobalOcean(TestGroup):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, mpas_core):
+ ...
+ for mesh_name in ['YAM10to60', 'YAMwISC10to60']:
+ mesh_test = Mesh(test_group=self, mesh_name=mesh_name,
+ remap_topography=True)
+ self.add_test_case(mesh_test)
+ init_test = Init(test_group=self, mesh=mesh_test,
+ initial_condition='WOA23',
+ with_bgc=False)
+ self.add_test_case(init_test)
+ self.add_test_case(
+ PerformanceTest(
+ test_group=self, mesh=mesh_test, init=init_test,
+ time_integrator='split_explicit'))
+ dynamic_adjustment_test = YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment(
+ test_group=self, mesh=mesh_test, init=init_test,
+ time_integrator='split_explicit')
+ self.add_test_case(dynamic_adjustment_test)
+ # A test case for making E3SM support files from an existing mesh
+ self.add_test_case(FilesForE3SM(test_group=self))
+ ...
+Let's see if the test cases show up:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass list | grep YAM
+You should see something like:
+.. code-block::
+ 254: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh
+ 255: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/init
+ 256: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/performance_test
+ 257: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment
+ 258: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/mesh
+ 259: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/init
+ 260: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/performance_test
+ 261: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment
+Okay, everything looks good. Let's set up and run the ``dynamic_adjustment`` test:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 257 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+Switch back to your other terminal to submit the job.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ sbatch job_script.custom.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+This time, the output should look like:
+.. code-block::
+ Loading conda environment
+ Done.
+ Loading Spack environment...
+ Done.
+ ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment
+ * step: damped_adjustment_1
+ test execution: ERROR
+ see: case_outputs/ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_WOA23_dynamic_adjustment.log
+ test runtime: 06:03
+ Test Runtimes:
+ 06:03 FAIL ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_WOA23_dynamic_adjustment
+ Total runtime 06:03
+ FAIL: 1 test failed, see above.
+This error isn't a big deal. It's related to the fact that we're not done
+implementing the test case and it's expecting a step called ``simulation`` that
+we haven't added yet:
+.. code-block::
+ $ tail -n 20 case_outputs/ocean_global_ocean_YAM10to60_WOA23_dynamic_adjustment.log
+ Running: srun -c 1 -N 6 -n 768 ./ocean_model -n namelist.ocean -s streams.ocean
+ compass calling: compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.yam10to60.dynamic_adjustment.YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment.validate()
+ inherited from: compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.dynamic_adjustment.DynamicAdjustment.validate()
+ in /gpfs/fs1/home/ac.xylar/compass/add-rrm-tutorial/compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/dynamic_adjustment.py
+ Exception raised in the test case's validate() method
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/gpfs/fs1/home/ac.xylar/compass/add-rrm-tutorial/compass/run/serial.py", line 335, in _log_and_run_test
+ test_case.validate()
+ File "/gpfs/fs1/home/ac.xylar/compass/add-rrm-tutorial/compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/dynamic_adjustment.py", line 63, in validate
+ compare_variables(test_case=self, variables=variables,
+ File "/gpfs/fs1/home/ac.xylar/compass/add-rrm-tutorial/compass/validate.py", line 94, in compare_variables
+ raise ValueError('{} does not appear to be an output of any step '
+ ValueError: simulation/output.nc does not appear to be an output of any step in this test case.
+You can also monitor the result by looking at the global statistics:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment/damped_adjustment_1
+ source load_compass_env.sh
+ ncdump -v kineticEnergyCellMax analysis_members/globalStats*.nc
+ ncdump -v CFLNumberGlobal analysis_members/globalStats*.nc
+The kinetic energy should increase gradually (and then likely decrease because
+of the damping) but shouldn't spike up during a damped adjustment step. The
+CFL number ideally shouldn't exceed about 0.1 during damped adjustment, though
+we tend to push it a bit higher during the simulation phase to see how large
+we can make it while maintaining stability.
+You can also monitor the MPAS-Ocean progress (e.g. the time stepping) with:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ tail log.ocean.0000.out
+If the ``damped_adjustment_1`` step is successful, it's time to add more steps
+in which we will ramp down damping and then increase the time step. Let's add a
+second step that runs longer (8 days) with less damping:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 11, 18-43
+ ...
+ class YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment(DynamicAdjustment):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, test_group, mesh, init, time_integrator):
+ ...
+ restart_times = ['0001-01-03_00:00:00', '0001-01-11_00:00:00']
+ ...
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[0]}')
+ self.add_step(step)
+ # second step
+ step_name = 'damped_adjustment_2'
+ step = ForwardStep(test_case=self, mesh=mesh, init=init,
+ time_integrator=time_integrator, name=step_name,
+ subdir=step_name, get_dt_from_min_res=False)
+ namelist_options = {
+ 'config_run_duration': "'00-00-08_00:00:00'",
+ 'config_dt': "'00:03:00'",
+ 'config_btr_dt': "'00:00:05'",
+ 'config_implicit_bottom_drag_type': "'constant_and_rayleigh'",
+ 'config_Rayleigh_damping_coeff': '1.0e-5',
+ 'config_do_restart': '.true.',
+ 'config_start_time': f"'{restart_times[0]}'"}
+ namelist_options.update(shared_options)
+ step.add_namelist_options(namelist_options)
+ stream_replacements = {
+ 'output_interval': '00-00-10_00:00:00',
+ 'restart_interval': '00-00-02_00:00:00'}
+ step.add_streams_file(module, 'streams.template',
+ template_replacements=stream_replacements)
+ step.add_input_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[0]}')
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[1]}')
+ self.add_step(step)
+You can set up again and test the second step. In your coding terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 257 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+Back in your terminal in the work directory:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ cd ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment/damped_adjustment_2
+ sbatch job_script.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+Again, you will get errors about the missing ``simulation/output.nc`` file,
+but don't worry about those.
+If that goes okay, let's add a third step that runs for 10 days with even less
+damping. We can also write out less frequent restarts (every 10 days). In
+the coding terminal, which should still be in the ``dynamic_adjustment``
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 11-12, 19-43
+ ...
+ class YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment(DynamicAdjustment):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, test_group, mesh, init, time_integrator):
+ ...
+ restart_times = ['0001-01-03_00:00:00', '0001-01-11_00:00:00',
+ '0001-01-21_00:00:00']
+ ...
+ step.add_input_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[0]}')
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[1]}')
+ self.add_step(step)
+ # third step
+ step_name = 'damped_adjustment_3'
+ step = ForwardStep(test_case=self, mesh=mesh, init=init,
+ time_integrator=time_integrator, name=step_name,
+ subdir=step_name, get_dt_from_min_res=False)
+ namelist_options = {
+ 'config_run_duration': "'00-00-10_00:00:00'",
+ 'config_dt': "'00:03:00'",
+ 'config_btr_dt': "'00:00:06'",
+ 'config_implicit_bottom_drag_type': "'constant_and_rayleigh'",
+ 'config_Rayleigh_damping_coeff': '1.0e-6',
+ 'config_do_restart': '.true.',
+ 'config_start_time': f"'{restart_times[1]}'"}
+ namelist_options.update(shared_options)
+ step.add_namelist_options(namelist_options)
+ stream_replacements = {
+ 'output_interval': '00-00-10_00:00:00',
+ 'restart_interval': '00-00-10_00:00:00'}
+ step.add_streams_file(module, 'streams.template',
+ template_replacements=stream_replacements)
+ step.add_input_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[1]}')
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[2]}')
+ self.add_step(step)
+Set up again in the coding terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 257 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+And run this step in the work-directory terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ cd ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment/damped_adjustment_3
+ sbatch job_script.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+Now, we add a fourth that runs for 20 days without any damping, back in the
+coding terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 11-12, 19-43
+ ...
+ class YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment(DynamicAdjustment):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, test_group, mesh, init, time_integrator):
+ ...
+ restart_times = ['0001-01-03_00:00:00', '0001-01-11_00:00:00',
+ '0001-01-21_00:00:00', '0001-02-10_00:00:00']
+ ...
+ step.add_input_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[1]}')
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[2]}')
+ self.add_step(step)
+ # fourth step
+ step_name = 'damped_adjustment_4'
+ step = ForwardStep(test_case=self, mesh=mesh, init=init,
+ time_integrator=time_integrator, name=step_name,
+ subdir=step_name, get_dt_from_min_res=False)
+ namelist_options = {
+ 'config_run_duration': "'00-00-20_00:00:00'",
+ 'config_dt': "'00:03:00'",
+ 'config_btr_dt': "'00:00:06'",
+ 'config_do_restart': '.true.',
+ 'config_start_time': f"'{restart_times[2]}'"}
+ namelist_options.update(shared_options)
+ step.add_namelist_options(namelist_options)
+ stream_replacements = {
+ 'output_interval': '00-00-10_00:00:00',
+ 'restart_interval': '00-00-10_00:00:00'}
+ step.add_streams_file(module, 'streams.template',
+ template_replacements=stream_replacements)
+ step.add_input_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[2]}')
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[3]}')
+ self.add_step(step)
+Set up again in the coding terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 257 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+And run this step in the work-directory terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ cd ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment/damped_adjustment_4
+ sbatch job_script.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+Finally, we add one more step where we run for 10 more days with a longer
+time step:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 11-13, 20-45
+ ...
+ class YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment(DynamicAdjustment):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, test_group, mesh, init, time_integrator):
+ ...
+ restart_times = ['0001-01-03_00:00:00', '0001-01-11_00:00:00',
+ '0001-01-21_00:00:00', '0001-02-10_00:00:00',
+ '0001-02-20_00:00:00']
+ ...
+ step.add_input_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[2]}')
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[3]}')
+ self.add_step(step)
+ # final step
+ step_name = 'simulation'
+ step = ForwardStep(test_case=self, mesh=mesh, init=init,
+ time_integrator=time_integrator, name=step_name,
+ subdir=step_name, get_dt_from_min_res=False)
+ namelist_options = {
+ 'config_run_duration': "'00-00-10_00:00:00'",
+ 'config_dt': "'00:08:00'",
+ 'config_btr_dt': "'00:00:15'",
+ 'config_do_restart': '.true.',
+ 'config_start_time': f"'{restart_times[3]}'"}
+ namelist_options.update(shared_options)
+ step.add_namelist_options(namelist_options)
+ stream_replacements = {
+ 'output_interval': '00-00-10_00:00:00',
+ 'restart_interval': '00-00-10_00:00:00'}
+ step.add_streams_file(module, 'streams.template',
+ template_replacements=stream_replacements)
+ step.add_input_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[3]}')
+ step.add_output_file(filename=f'../{restart_filenames[4]}')
+ step.add_output_file(filename='output.nc')
+ self.add_step(step)
+ self.restart_filenames = restart_filenames
+Set up again in the coding terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 257 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+And run this step in the work-directory terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ cd ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment/simulation
+ sbatch job_script.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+The art of this process goes into how you choose to adjust the time step,
+duration of each of these runs, and the amount of damping. You may add more
+steps or remove some if 5 doesn't work well for your mesh. Make sure that
+the restart file that is an output of the previous step is the input to the
+next one.
+It's also a good idea to take a look at a few output fields in ParaVeiw. First,
+.. code-block:: bash
+ paraview_vtk_field_extractor.py -m init.nc \
+ -f output.nc -v normalVelocity,temperature,salinity \
+ -d nVertLevels=0
+Then, transfer the contents of ``vtk_files`` to your laptop or desktop and open
+the file ``fieldsOnCells.pvd`` or ``fieldsOnEdges.pvd`` in ParaView.
+.. image:: images/simulation_sst.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+Note that ``normalVelocity`` is a pretty noisy field because its orientation
+differs by on the order of 60 degrees between adjacent edges. It helps to take
+the absolute value as shown below, in which case it it can indicate where
+strong currents are present.
+.. image:: images/simulation_norm_vel_mag.png
+ :width: 500 px
+ :align: center
+Alternatively, you can add fields like ``kineticEnergyCell`` to the ``output``
+stream in ``streams.ocean`` before running the step, and then you will have
+this field available to visualize.
+.. _dev_tutorial_add_rrm_add_files_for_e3sm:
+Adding a files for E3SM test
+The final test case to add for a new RRM mesh is ``files_for_e3sm``. This test
+case creates a number of important files in the format they are needed for
+E3SM or diagnostic software used to analysis E3SM simulations. No additional
+customization should be needed for this mesh beyond the config options we
+already set up earlier in the tutorial. We just need to add the test case
+itself for this mesh to the ``global_ocean`` test group.
+Starting from the root of our development branch:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean
+ vim __init__.py
+.. code-block:: python
+ :emphasize-lines: 15-16
+ ...
+ class GlobalOcean(TestGroup):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, mpas_core):
+ ...
+ # Kuroshio meshes without ice-shelf cavities
+ self._add_tests(mesh_names=['Kuroshio12to60', 'Kuroshio8to60'],
+ DynamicAdjustment=KuroshioDynamicAdjustment)
+ self._add_tests(mesh_names=['YAM10to60', 'YAMwISC10to60'],
+ DynamicAdjustment=YAM10to60DynamicAdjustment)
+ # A test case for making E3SM support files from an existing mesh
+ self.add_test_case(FilesForE3SM(test_group=self))
+ ...
+We delete the whole ``for`` loop over ``mesh_name`` and instead take advantage
+of the fact that the ``_add_tests()`` method of ``GlobalOcean`` will
+add the 5 test cases we want by default. (We added them manually, one by one
+before so we could test them one or two at a time.)
+Now, when you list the tests, you should see:
+.. code-block::
+ $ compass list | grep YAM
+ 254: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/mesh
+ 255: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/init
+ 256: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/performance_test
+ 257: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment
+ 258: ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/files_for_e3sm
+ 259: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/mesh
+ 260: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/init
+ 261: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/performance_test
+ 262: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/dynamic_adjustment
+ 263: ocean/global_ocean/YAMwISC10to60/WOA23/files_for_e3sm
+Once again, you can take advantage of the test cases you've already run,
+setting up just the new ``files_for_e3sm`` test from the coding terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ compass setup -n 258 \
+ -p E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ \
+ -w /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+And run this test case in the work-directory terminal:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/compass_tests/tests_20230527/yam10to60_final
+ cd ocean/global_ocean/YAM10to60/WOA23/files_for_e3sm
+ sbatch job_script.sh
+ tail -f compass.o*
+If this goes well, you are ready to ask for help from members of the E3SM
+Ocean Team to add support for your mesh to E3SM itself, including uploading
+the files produced by the ``files_for_e3sm`` test case to the E3SM
+``inputdata`` and ``diagnostics`` directories on our data server. This is
+beyond the scope of this tutorial and is not typically something a non-expert
+can take on on their own.
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/atl20km.png b/docs/tutorials/images/atl20km.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2dd11437b
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/atl20km.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/atl20km_culled_paraview.png b/docs/tutorials/images/atl20km_culled_paraview.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e9f96a9bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/atl20km_culled_paraview.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/ec30to60.png b/docs/tutorials/images/ec30to60.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..316c307f55
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/ec30to60.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/ec30to60_culled_paraview.png b/docs/tutorials/images/ec30to60_culled_paraview.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b20150415d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/ec30to60_culled_paraview.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/geojson_io_amazon_delta.png b/docs/tutorials/images/geojson_io_amazon_delta.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..220641cad0
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/geojson_io_amazon_delta.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/geojson_io_south_atl.png b/docs/tutorials/images/geojson_io_south_atl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84150b0cff
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/geojson_io_south_atl.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/qu60.png b/docs/tutorials/images/qu60.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffe85185da
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/qu60.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/qu60_base_paraview.png b/docs/tutorials/images/qu60_base_paraview.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8313e9a26
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/qu60_base_paraview.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/qu60_culled_paraview.png b/docs/tutorials/images/qu60_culled_paraview.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08a4fc6625
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/qu60_culled_paraview.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/simulation_norm_vel_mag.png b/docs/tutorials/images/simulation_norm_vel_mag.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d10f853a9c
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/simulation_norm_vel_mag.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/simulation_sst.png b/docs/tutorials/images/simulation_sst.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e23ed0c93
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/simulation_sst.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/yam10to60.png b/docs/tutorials/images/yam10to60.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f726b4bb78
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/yam10to60.png differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/images/yam10to60_culled_paraview.png b/docs/tutorials/images/yam10to60_culled_paraview.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b63669ca27
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/images/yam10to60_culled_paraview.png differ