# Developer docs This document is aimed at helping maintainers/developers of project understand the complexity. ## How are resources shared between tasks `PipelineRun` uses PVC to share resources between tasks. PVC volume is mounted on path `/pvc` by PipelineRun. - If a resource in a task is declared as output then the `TaskRun` controller adds a step to copy each output resource to the directory path `/pvc/task_name/resource_name`. - If an input resource includes `from` condition then the `TaskRun` controller adds a step to copy from PVC directory path: `/pvc/previous_task/resource_name`. Another alternatives is to use a GCS storage or S3 bucket to share the artifacts. This can be configured using a ConfigMap with the name `config-artifact-bucket`. See [here](../install.md#how-are-resources-shared-between-tasks) for configuration details. Both options provide the same functionality to the pipeline. The choice is based on the infrastructure used, for example in some Kubernetes platforms, the creation of a persistent volume could be slower than uploading/downloading files to a bucket, or if the the cluster is running in multiple zones, the access to the persistent volume can fail. ## How are inputs handled Input resources, like source code (git) or artifacts, are dumped at path `/workspace/task_resource_name`. Resource definition in task can have custom target directory. If `targetPath` is mentioned in task input then the controllers are responsible for adding container definitions to create directories and also to fetch the versioned artifacts into that directory. ## How are outputs handled Output resources, like source code (git) or artifacts (storage resource), are expected in directory path `/workspace/output/resource_name`. - If resource has an output "action" like upload to blob storage, then the container step is added for this action. - If there is PVC volume present (TaskRun holds owner reference to PipelineRun) then copy step is added as well. - If the resource is declared only in output but not in input for task then the copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path `/pvc/task_name/resource_name` from `/workspace/output/resource_name` like the following example. ```yaml kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage ``` - If the resource is declared only in output but not in input for task and the resource defined with `TargetPath` then the copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path `/pvc/task_name/resource_name` from `/workspace/outputstuff` like the following example. ```yaml kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage targetPath: /workspace/outputstuff ``` - If the resource is declared both in input and output for task the then copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path `/pvc/task_name/resource_name` from `/workspace/random-space/` if input resource has custom target directory (`random-space`) declared like the following example. ```yaml kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: inputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage targetPath: random-space outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage ``` - If resource is declared both in input and output for task without custom target directory then copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path `/pvc/task_name/resource_name` from `/workspace/resource_name/` like the following example. ```yaml kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: inputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage ``` ## Entrypoint rewriting and step ordering `Entrypoint` is injected into the `Task` Container(s), wraps the `Task` step to manage the execution order of the containers. The `entrypoint` binary has the following arguments: - `wait_file` - If specified, file to wait for - `wait_file_content` - If specified, wait until the file has non-zero size - `post_file` - If specified, file to write upon completion - `entrypoint` - The command to run in the image being wrapped As part of the PodSpec created by `TaskRun` the entrypoint for each `Task` step is changed to the entrypoint binary with the mentioned arguments and a volume with the binary and file(s) is mounted. If the image is a private registry, the service account should include an [ImagePullSecret](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#add-imagepullsecrets-to-a-service-account) ## Builder namespace on containers The `/tekton/` namespace is reserved on containers for various system tools, such as the following: - The environment variable HOME is set to `/tekton/home`, used by the builder tools and injected on into all of the step containers ## Handling of injected sidecars Tekton has to take some special steps to support sidecars that are injected into TaskRun Pods. Without intervention sidecars will typically run for the entire lifetime of a Pod but in Tekton's case it's desirable for the sidecars to run only as long as Steps take to complete. There's also a need for Tekton to schedule the sidecars to start before a Task's Steps begin, just in case the Steps rely on a sidecars behaviour, for example to join an Istio service mesh. To handle all of this, Tekton Pipelines implements the following lifecycle for sidecar containers: First, the [Downward API](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information/#the-downward-api) is used to project an annotation on the TaskRun's Pod into the `entrypoint` container as a file. The annotation starts as an empty string, so the file projected by the downward API has zero length. The entrypointer spins, waiting for that file to have non-zero size. The sidecar containers start up. Once they're all in a ready state, the annotation is populated with string "READY", which in turn populates the Downward API projected file. The entrypoint binary recognizes that the projected file has a non-zero size and allows the Task's steps to begin. On completion of all steps in a Task the TaskRun reconciler stops any sidecar containers. The `Image` field of any sidecar containers is swapped to the nop image. Kubernetes observes the change and relaunches the container with updated container image. The nop container image exits immediately *because it does not provide the command that the sidecar is configured to run*. The container is considered `Terminated` by Kubernetes and the TaskRun's Pod stops. There are known issues with the existing implementation of sidecars: - When the `nop` image does provide the sidecar's command, the sidecar will continue to run even after `nop` has been swapped into the sidecar container's image field. See https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/issues/1347 for the issue tracking this bug. Until this issue is resolved the best way to avoid it is to avoid overriding the `nop` image when deploying the tekton controller, or ensuring that the overridden `nop` image contains as few commands as possible. - `kubectl get pods` will show a Completed pod when a sidecar exits successfully but an Error when the sidecar exits with an error. This is only apparent when using `kubectl` to get the pods of a TaskRun, not when describing the Pod using `kubectl describe pod ...` nor when looking at the TaskRun, but can be quite confusing.