This document is aimed at helping maintainers/developers of project understand the complexity.
uses PVC to share resources between tasks. PVC volume is mounted
on path /pvc
by PipelineRun.
If a resource in a task is declared as output then the
controller adds a step to copy each output resource to the directory path/pvc/task_name/resource_name
. -
If an input resource includes
condition then theTaskRun
controller adds a step to copy from PVC to directory path/pvc/previous_task/resource_name
Another alternatives is to use a GCS storage bucket to share the artifacts. This
can be configured using a ConfigMap with the name config-artifact-bucket
the following attributes:
- location: the address of the bucket (for example gs://mybucket)
- the name of the secret that will contain the credentials for the service account with access to the bucket
- bucket.service.account.secret.key: the key in the secret with the required service account json. The bucket is recommended to be configured with a retention policy after which files will be deleted.
Both options provide the same functionality to the pipeline. The choice is based on the infrastructure used, for example in some Kubernetes platforms, the creation of a persistent volume could be slower than uploading/downloading files to a bucket, or if the the cluster is running in multiple zones, the access to the persistent volume can fail.
Input resources, like source code (git) or artifacts, are dumped at path
. Resource definition in task can have custom
target directory. If targetPath
is mentioned in task input then the
controllers are responsible for adding container definitions to create
directories and also to fetch the versioned artifacts into that directory.
Output resources, like source code (git) or artifacts (storage resource), are
expected in directory path /workspace/output/resource_name
If resource has an output "action" like upload to blob storage, then the container step is added for this action.
If there is PVC volume present (TaskRun holds owner reference to PipelineRun) then copy step is added as well.
If the resource is declared only in output but not in input for task then the copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path
like the following example.kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage
If the resource is declared both in input and output for task the then copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path
if input resource has custom target directory (random-space
) declared like the following example.kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: inputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage targetPath: random-space outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage
- If resource is declared both in input and output for task without custom
target directory then copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to
like the following example.
kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: inputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage
- If resource is declared both in input and output for task without custom
target directory then copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to
is injected into the Task
Container(s), wraps the Task
to manage the execution order of the containers. The entrypoint
binary has
the following arguments:
- If specified, file to wait forpost_file
- If specified, file to write upon completionentrypoint
- The command to run in the image being wrapped
As part of the PodSpec created by TaskRun
the entrypoint for each Task
is changed to the entrypoint binary with the mentioned arguments and a volume
with the binary and file(s) is mounted.