This document is aimed at helping maintainers/developers of project understand the complexity.
Pipelineruns uses PVC to share resources between tasks. PVC volume is mounted on
path /pvc
by Pipelinerun.
If resource in a task is declared as output then taskun controllers add step to copy each output resource to directory path
. -
If input resource includes
condition then container definition to copy from PVC to directory from/pvc/previous_task/resource_name
Input resources like source code(git) or artifacts are dumped at path
. Resource definition in task can have custom target directory. If
is mentioned then controllers have to be responsible for adding
container definition to create directories and pulling down the versioned
artifacts into that directory.
Output resources like source code(git) or artifacts(storage resource) are
expected in directory path /workspace/output/resource_name
If resource has output "action" like upload to blob storage, then container step is added for this action.
If there is PVC volume present(taskrun holds owner reference to pipelinerun) then copy step is added as well.
- Copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path
if resource is not declared in input resource like below example.
kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage
- Copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path
if resource is declared in input resource like below example.
kind: Task metadata: name: get-gcs-task namespace: default spec: inputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage targetPath: random-space outputs: resources: - name: gcs-workspace type: storage
- Copy step includes resource being copied to PVC to path