From faa76234615dc209412ce9e678773dd3cac1f04e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oliver Beckstein <>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 20:27:26 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] fix installation instructions and recommend mamba instead of
 conda (#370)

* fix #361
  * recommend mamba over conda
  * include standard mamba installation instructions
  * See @mikemhenry comment
* fix #368
  * fix install instructions
* recommend Python 3.12 and recommend to remove unsupported opt packages


Co-authored-by: IAlibay <>
 doc/source/contributing_code.rst | 183 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/source/contributing_code.rst b/doc/source/contributing_code.rst
index 65bc8c98..eca7b9bc 100644
--- a/doc/source/contributing_code.rst
+++ b/doc/source/contributing_code.rst
@@ -69,24 +69,29 @@ You can do this either with :ref:`conda <dev-with-conda>` or :ref:`pip <dev-with
 .. _dev-with-conda:
-With conda
+With conda-forge packages
+We will use pre-compiled packages from the `conda-forge <>`_ repository.
+The program to manage these packages is called :program:`conda` although for the following we recommend using the faster one called :program:`mamba`. We will use ``mamba`` for the examples but you can equally use ``conda`` instead.
-Install either `Anaconda <>`_
-or `miniconda <>`_.
-Make sure your conda is up to date:
+* For ``mamba``, follow the `mamba installation instructions <>`_ or the `miniforge installation instructions <>`_.
+* For ``conda`` install either the  `Anaconda <>`_ distribution or `miniconda <>`_.
+Make sure your :program:`mamba` (or :program:`conda`) is up to date:
     .. code-block:: bash
-        conda update conda
+        mamba update mamba
-Create a new environment with ``conda create``. This will allow you to change code in
+Create a new environment with ``mamba create``. This will allow you to change code in
 an isolated environment without touching your base Python installation, and without
 touching existing environments that may have stable versions of MDAnalysis. :
     .. code-block:: bash
-        conda create --name mdanalysis-dev "python>=3.9"
+        mamba create --name mdanalysis-dev "python>=3.12"
 Use a recent version of Python that is supported by MDAnalysis for this environment.
@@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ Activate the environment to build MDAnalysis into it:
     .. code-block:: bash
-        conda activate mdanalysis-dev
+        mamba activate mdanalysis-dev
 .. warning::
     Make sure the :code:`mdanalysis-dev` environment is active when developing MDAnalysis.
@@ -103,19 +108,19 @@ To view your environments:
     .. code-block:: bash
-        conda info -e
+        mamba info -e
 To list the packages installed in your current environment:
     .. code-block:: bash
-        conda list
+        mamba list
 .. note::
     When you finish developing MDAnalysis you can deactivate the environment with
-    :code:`conda deactivate`, in order to return to your root environment.
+    :code:`mamba deactivate`, in order to return to your root environment.
-See the full `conda documentation <>`__ for more details.
+See the full `mamba documentation <>`_ or the full `conda documentation <>`_ for more details.
 .. _dev-with-pip:
@@ -204,49 +209,77 @@ This sets the number of files to 4096. However, this command only applies to you
 Building MDAnalysis
-With conda
+With mamba/conda
 .. note::
     Make sure that you have :ref:`cloned the repository <forking-code-repo>`
-    and activated your virtual environment with :code:`conda activate mdanalysis-dev`.
+    and activated your virtual environment with :code:`mamba activate mdanalysis-dev`.
-First we need to install dependencies. You'll need a mix of conda and pip installations:
+First we need to install the dependencies. To install the base MDAnalysis
+dependencies, do the following:
     .. code-block:: bash
-        conda install -c conda-forge \
-          'Cython>=0.28' \
-          'numpy>=1.21.0' \
-          'biopython>=1.80' \
-          'networkx>=2.0' \
-          'GridDataFormats>=0.4.0' \
+        mamba install -c conda-forge \
+          'cython>=0.28' \
+          'fasteners' \
+          'griddataformats>=0.4.0' \
+          'hypothesis' \
+          'matplotlib-base>=1.5.1' \
+          'mdahole2-base' \
+          'mda-xdrlib' \
           'mmtf-python>=1.0.0' \
-          'joblib>=0.12' \
+          'numpy>=1.23.2' \
+          'packaging' \
+          'pathsimanalysis' \
+          'pytest' \
           'scipy>=1.5.0' \
-          'matplotlib>=1.5.1' \
+          'threadpoolctl' \
           'tqdm>=4.43.0' \
-          'threadpoolctl'\
-          'packaging' \
-          'fasteners' \
-          'netCDF4>=1.0' \
-          'h5py>=2.10' \
+          'waterdynamics'
+You can also install the following optional dependencies, although please note
+that they many not all be available for your machine type. Specifically,
+*hole2*, and *distopia* are only available on Linux + x86_64 machines, and *openmm*
+is not available for Windows. Simply remove any optional package that
+is not available for your operating system/architecture from your list.
+    .. code-block:: bash
+        mamba install -c conda-forge \
+          'biopython>=1.80' \
           'chemfiles>=0.10' \
-          'pyedr>=0.7.0' \
-          'pytng>=0.2.3' \
+          'clustalw=2.1' \
+          'distopia>=0.2.0' \
+          'duecredit' \
           'gsd>3.0.0' \
-          'rdkit>=2020.03.1' \
+          'h5py>=2.1.0' \
+          'hole2' \
+          'joblib>=0.12' \
+          'netcdf4' \
+          'networkx' \
+          'openmm' \
           'parmed' \
-          'seaborn' \
+          'pyedr>0.7.0' \
+          'pytest-xdist' \
+          'pytest-cov' \
+          'pytest-timeout' \
+          'pytng>=0.2.3' \
+          'rdkit>=2020.03.1' \
           'scikit-learn' \
-          'tidynamics>=1.0.0' \
-          'mda-xdrlib'
+          'seaborn>=0.7.0' \
+          'tidynamics>1.0.0'
         # documentation dependencies
-        conda install -c conda-forge 'mdanalysis-sphinx-theme>=1.3.0' docutils sphinx-sitemap sphinxcontrib-bibtex pybtex pybtex-docutils
-        python -m pip install docutils sphinx-sitemap sphinxcontrib-bibtex pybtex pybtex-docutils
+        mamba install -c conda-forge \
+          'mdanalysis-sphinx-theme>=1.3.0' \
+          docutils \
+          sphinxcontrib-bibtex \
+          sphinx-sitemap
-Ensure that you have a working C/C++ compiler (e.g. gcc or clang). You will also need Python ≥ 3.9. We will now install MDAnalysis.
+Ensure that you have a working C/C++ compiler (e.g. :program:`gcc` or :program:`clang`). You will also need Python ≥ 3.10 (which you already installed in your virtual environment). We will now install MDAnalysis.
     .. code-block:: bash
@@ -268,7 +301,7 @@ At this point you should be able to import MDAnalysis from your locally built ve
         $ python  # start an interpreter
         >>> import MDAnalysis as mda
         >>> mda.__version__
-        '2.6.0-dev0'
+        '2.8.0-dev0'
 With pip and virtualenv
@@ -279,45 +312,65 @@ With pip and virtualenv
     and activated your virtual environment with :code:`source myproject-env/bin/activate`
     (or :code:`workon my-project` if you used the `virtualenvwrapper package <>`_)
-Install the dependencies:
+First we need to install the dependencies. To install the base MDAnalysis
+dependencies, do the following:
     .. code-block:: bash
         python -m pip install \
-          'Cython>=0.28' \
-          'numpy>=1.21.0' \
-          'biopython>=1.80' \
-          'networkx>=2.0' \
-          'GridDataFormats>=0.4.0' \
+          'cython>=0.28' \
+          'fasteners' \
+          'griddataformats>=0.4.0' \
+          'hypothesis' \
+          'matplotlib>=1.5.1' \
+          'mdahole2' \
+          'mda-xdrlib' \
           'mmtf-python>=1.0.0' \
-          'joblib>=0.12' \
+          'numpy>=1.23.2' \
+          'packaging' \
+          'pathsimanalysis' \
+          'pytest' \
           'scipy>=1.5.0' \
-          'matplotlib>=1.5.1' \
+          'threadpoolctl' \
           'tqdm>=4.43.0' \
-          'threadpoolctl'\
-          'packaging' \
-          'fasteners' \
-          'netCDF4>=1.0' \
-          'h5py>=2.10' \
+          'waterdynamics'
+You can also install the following optional dependencies (note that
+you will not be able to install all the optional dependencies as
+many not available via `pip`, e.g. `clustalw`):
+    .. code-block:: bash
+        python -m pip install \
+          'biopython>=1.80' \
           'chemfiles>=0.10' \
-          'pyedr>=0.7.0' \
-          'pytng>=0.2.3' \
+          'distopia>=0.2.0' \
+          'duecredit' \
           'gsd>3.0.0' \
-          'rdkit>=2020.03.1' \
+          'h5py>=2.1.0' \
+          'joblib>=0.12' \
+          'netcdf4' \
+          'networkx' \
           'parmed' \
-          'seaborn' \
+          'pyedr>0.7.0' \
+          'pytest-xdist' \
+          'pytest-cov' \
+          'pytest-timeout' \
+          'pytng>=0.2.3' \
+          'rdkit>=2020.03.1' \
           'scikit-learn' \
-          'tidynamics>=1.0.0' \
-          'mda-xdrlib'
+          'seaborn>=0.7.0' \
+          'tidynamics>1.0.0'
-        # for building documentation
+        # documentation dependencies
         python -m pip install \
-          sphinx 'mdanalysis-sphinx-theme>=1.3.0' sphinx-sitemap \
-          pybtex docutils pybtex-docutils sphinxcontrib-bibtex
+          'mdanalysis-sphinx-theme>=1.3.0' \
+          docutils \
+          sphinxcontrib-bibtex \
+          sphinx-sitemap
-Some packages, such as ``clustalw``, are not available via pip.
-Ensure that you have a working C/C++ compiler (e.g. gcc or clang). You will also need Python ≥ 3.9. We will now install MDAnalysis.
+Ensure that you have a working C/C++ compiler (e.g. gcc or clang). You will also need Python ≥ 3.10. We will now install MDAnalysis.
     .. code-block:: bash
@@ -339,7 +392,7 @@ At this point you should be able to import MDAnalysis from your locally built ve
         $ python  # start an interpreter
         >>> import MDAnalysis as mda
         >>> mda.__version__
-        '2.7.0-dev0'
+        '2.8.0-dev0'
 .. _branches-in-mdanalysis: