From 3531eb02340681d1aed41b8c36ce94b9ed883719 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: brightmt <> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 20:24:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Code samples (#149) * Update Added code sample with some proposed formatting incl. annotations explaining broad behavior patterns * Update Added brief clarification to note * Update Made requested changes to format * Update Added code snippet from PoisonIvy RAT * Update Added code with example of PEB access * Update Added new method based on code snippet * Update Added snippet for registry key query * Update Added example of Mersenne Twister algorithm * Update Add Dark Comet keylogging code sample * Update Added code sample from darkcomet * Update Added DarkComet code snippet * Update Provided DarkComet sample * Update Added DarkComet snippet * Update Added DarkComet sample * Update Added Hupigon snippet * Update Added Hupigon sample * Update Added Hupigon snippet * Update Added Hupigon snippet. * Update Added Hupigon snippet * Update Added Hupigon snippet * Update Added Hupigon snippet * Update Added SmokeLoader sample * Update Added SmokeLoader snippet * Update Added snippet from SmokeLoader * Update Added Industroyer sample * Update Added CobaltStrike sample * Update Added Cobalt Strike snippet * Update Added cobalt strike snippet * Update Added emotet snippet * Update Added emotet snippet * Update Added emotet sampler * Update Fixed typo * Update Added Emotet snippet * Update Added emotet snippet * Update Added emotet snippet * Update Added EnvyScout snippet * Update Added EnvyScout snippet * Update Added Envyscout snippet * Update Added Envyscout sample * Update Added explosive snippet * Update Added explosive code snippet (note: the malware is called "explosive") * Update Added explosive sample * Update Added explosive snippet * Update Added explosive sample * Update Added Finfisher snippet * Update Added ECCENTRICBANDWAGON snippet --- .../ | 10 +++++ .../ | 11 ++++++ collection/ | 14 +++++++ collection/ | 22 +++++++++++ .../ | 30 ++++++++++++++ discovery/ | 15 +++++++ discovery/ | 17 +++++++- discovery/ | 13 +++++++ .../ | 10 +++++ execution/ | 25 ++++++++++++ impact/ | 38 ++++++++++++++++++ .../communication/ | 11 ++++++ .../communication/ | 15 +++++++ .../ | 18 +++++++++ .../communication/ | 12 ++++++ micro-behaviors/communication/ | 39 +++++++++++++++++++ .../ | 37 ++++++++++++++++++ micro-behaviors/data/ | 10 +++++ micro-behaviors/data/ | 24 ++++++++++++ .../file-system/ | 12 ++++++ .../file-system/ | 11 ++++++ micro-behaviors/file-system/ | 14 +++++++ .../file-system/ | 19 +++++++++ micro-behaviors/file-system/ | 14 +++++++ micro-behaviors/file-system/ | 15 +++++++ .../file-system/ | 12 ++++++ micro-behaviors/file-system/ | 15 +++++++ micro-behaviors/memory/ | 14 +++++++ .../memory/ | 17 ++++++++ micro-behaviors/operating-system/ | 18 +++++++++ micro-behaviors/operating-system/ | 15 +++++++ .../process/ | 10 +++++ micro-behaviors/process/ | 15 +++++++ micro-behaviors/process/ | 13 +++++++ micro-behaviors/process/ | 24 ++++++++++++ micro-behaviors/process/ | 20 ++++++++++ micro-behaviors/process/ | 15 +++++++ micro-behaviors/process/ | 15 +++++++ .../process/ | 12 ++++++ micro-behaviors/process/ | 11 ++++++ micro-behaviors/process/ | 12 ++++++ .../ | 31 +++++++++++++++ 42 files changed, 724 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/anti-behavioral-analysis/ b/anti-behavioral-analysis/ index 11aadff1..6304bc0c 100644 --- a/anti-behavioral-analysis/ +++ b/anti-behavioral-analysis/ @@ -145,6 +145,16 @@ Details on detecting debuggers can be found in the references. |[antidebug_ntsetinformationthread](|Debugger Detection::NtSetInformationThread (B0001.014)|NtSetInformationThread| |[antidebug_debugactiveprocess](|Debugger Detection (B0001)|DebugActiveProcess| +### B0001.019 Snippet +
+ Anti-Behavioral Analysis::Debugger Detection::Process Environment Block +SHA256: e33a713b96b45e2b2e0da350c0fdaaf865139607066aadff3b67b0ced82ca8bc +Location: 0x1800270A2 +
+mov     rax, qword ptr GS:[0x60]        ; GS:[0x60] contains a pointer to the Windows Process Environment Block on 64-bit versions of Windows.  This command is copying that pointer into the rax register.
+ ## References [1] S. Yosef,"RASPBERRY ROBIN: ANTI-EVASION HOW-TO & EXPLOIT ANALYSIS,", 18 Apr 2023. [Online]. Available: diff --git a/anti-behavioral-analysis/ b/anti-behavioral-analysis/ index 9974e6e4..bbd0d42c 100644 --- a/anti-behavioral-analysis/ +++ b/anti-behavioral-analysis/ @@ -85,6 +85,17 @@ The related **Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion ([T1497]( |[stealth_timeout](|Dynamic Analysis Evasion::Delayed Execution (B0003.003)|NtWaitForSingleObject, NtQuerySystemTime, NtTerminateProcess, GetLocalTime, NtDelayExecution, GetSystemTime, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime| |[antisandbox_unhook](|Dynamic Analysis Evasion (B0003)|--| +### B0003.003 Snippet +
+ Anti-Behavioral Analysis::Dynamic Analysis Evasion::Delayed Execution +SHA256: 21c1fdd6cfd8ec3ffe3e922f944424b543643dbdab99fa731556f8805b0d5561 +Location: 0x40103B +
+push    0x36ee80        ; sleep duration: 3600000 milliseconds (1 hour)
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::Sleep]       ; Windows API call instructing thread to sleep for the time period specified above
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/collection/ b/collection/ index 15a99fd9..049b8929 100644 --- a/collection/ +++ b/collection/ @@ -70,6 +70,20 @@ See ATT&CK: **Input Capture: Keylogging ([T1056.001]( |[infostealer_keylog](|Keylogging::Application Hook (F0002.001)|SetWindowsHookExA, GetAsyncKeyState, SetWindowsHookExW| |[browser_scanbox](|Keylogging (F0002)|JsEval, COleScript_ParseScriptText, COleScript_Compile| +### F0002.002 Snippet +
+ Collection::Keylogging::Polling +SHA256: 000b535ab2a4fec86e2d8254f8ed65c6ebd37309ed68692c929f8f93a99233f6 + +Location: 0x438af1 +
+push    0x11    ; provide argument for function call.  In this case, 0x11 is the Windows keyboard code for indicating the 'CTRL' key
+call    USER32.DLL::GetKeyState ; call function to get the state of the control key
+test    ax, 0x8000      ; test to see what the previous function returned.  In this case, we are seeing if the return value's high-order bit is a 1, which would mean the ctrl key is pressed
+setnz   al      ; if the previous condition is not met (the zero flag is 1), a 1 is stored in byte al
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/collection/ b/collection/ index 12e05bdb..0c9d7190 100644 --- a/collection/ +++ b/collection/ @@ -62,6 +62,28 @@ See ATT&CK: **Screen Capture ([T1113]( |[poullight_files](|Screen Capture (E1113)|--| |[captures_screenshot](|Screen Capture (E1113)|LdrGetProcedureAddress, NtCreateFile| +### E1113.m01 Snippet +
+ Collection::Screen Capture::WinAPI +SHA256: c6930e298bba86c01d0fe2c8262c46b4fce97c6c5037a193904cfc634246fbec +Location: 0x4036de +
+push    0xcc0020        ; Raster operation code to copy the source rectangle directly onto the destination rectangle
+push    0x0     ; y-coordinate of upper left corner of source rectangle
+push    0x0     ; x-coordinate of upper left corner of source rectangle
+push    dword ptr [esi] ; handle to source device
+push    eax     ; height of source/destination rectangles
+mov     eax, dword ptr [esi + 0xc]
+sub     eax, param_2
+sub     param_2, ebx
+push    eax     ; width of source/destination rectangles
+push    param_1 ; y-coordinate of upper left corner of destination rectangle
+push    param_2 ; x-coordinate of upper left corner of destination rectangle
+push    dword ptr [ebp + local_28]      ; handle to destingation device
+call    dword ptr [->GDI32.DLL::BitBlt] ; Windows API function to transfer a rectangle of pixels from one device to another
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/defense-evasion/ b/defense-evasion/ index d664b06c..b5c80d3c 100644 --- a/defense-evasion/ +++ b/defense-evasion/ @@ -124,6 +124,36 @@ Instead of being listed alphabetically, methods have been grouped to better faci |[cmdline_obfuscation](|Obfuscated Files or Information (E1027)|--| |[dotnet_code_compile](|Obfuscated Files or Information (E1027)|NtWriteFile, CreateProcessInternalA, NtCreateUserProcess, CreateProcessInternalW| +### E1027.m02 Snippet +
+ Obfuscated Files or Information::Encoding-Standard Algorithm +SHA256: 5fb7f3fac0a9b9ab243ee642a0775500c524166ef075035c9510ccbab76ad633 +Location: 0x10001060 +
+mov     eax, dword ptr [esi + 0x38]
+xor     dword ptr [esi + 0xd0], eax
+mov     eax, dword ptr [esi + 0xf0]
+add     eax, 0xfff5b6c8
+add     eax, ecx
+mov     ecx, dword ptr [esi + 0x8c]
+add     dword ptr [esi + 0xc0], eax
+mov     eax, dword ptr [esi + 0x54]
+xor     dword ptr [ecx + edx*0x1], eax ; perform encryption operation
+add     edx, 0x4        ; adjust edx to next location to encrypt
+mov     eax, dword ptr [esi + 0x90]
+add     dword ptr [esi + 0x54], eax
+mov     ecx, dword ptr [esi + 0xe8]
+mov     eax, ecx
+xor     eax, 0xa4937
+add     dword ptr [esi + 0x68], eax
+mov     eax, dword ptr [esi + 0xa4]
+xor     eax, 0x4
+sub     dword ptr [esi + 0x60], eax
+cmp     edx, 0x36c8     ; perform comparison to check if all data encrypted
+jl      lab_10001060    ; jump to first line of sample
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/discovery/ b/discovery/ index f91038ad..88523384 100644 --- a/discovery/ +++ b/discovery/ @@ -57,6 +57,21 @@ Malware may attempt to gain information about the operating system and applicati |---|---|---| |[browser_needed](|Application Window Discovery (E1010)|FindWindowW, FindWindowExA, FindWindowExW, FindWindowA| +### E1010 Snippet +
+ Discovery::Application Window Discovery +SHA256: 465d3aac3ca4daa9ad4de04fcb999f358396efd7abceed9701c9c28c23c126db +Location: 0x455A5D +
+push    0x100   ; Maximum number of characters to get from window title, including trailing string terminator (in this case, 256).
+lea     param_1, [esp + 0x4]
+push    param_1 ; Buffer for receiving text from window
+mov     param_1, dword ptr [ebx + 0x30]
+push    param_1 ; Handle to window containing text
+call    USER32.DLL::GetWindowTextA      ; Function call to fetch specified window title
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/discovery/ b/discovery/ index 38111ce0..179b49fa 100644 --- a/discovery/ +++ b/discovery/ @@ -98,6 +98,21 @@ Malware may enumerate files and directories or may search for specific files or |[antisandbox_sunbelt_files](|File and Directory Discovery (E1083)|--| |[antianalysis_detectfile](|File and Directory Discovery (E1083)|--| +### E1083 Snippet +
+ Discovery::File and Directory Discovery +SHA256: 000b535ab2a4fec86e2d8254f8ed65c6ebd37309ed68692c929f8f93a99233f6 +Location: 0x409A62 +
+push    eax     ; argument to function containing file path to search
+call    KERNEL32.DLL::GetFileAttributesA        ; Function to retrieve file attributes for file path indicated by eax
+cmp     eax, -0x1       ; Test if function returned an error
+jz      lab_00409a71    ; If the function failed (the file's attributes were not retrieved and the return value is -1), jump to the specified address to continue execution
+test    al, 0x10        ; Test the lower 8 bits of the return value to check if the file is a directory
+jnz     lab_00409a75    ; If the returned result is not a directory, jump to the specified address to continue execution
+ ## References [1] @@ -112,4 +127,4 @@ Malware may enumerate files and directories or may search for specific files or [6] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 -[7] \ No newline at end of file +[7] diff --git a/discovery/ b/discovery/ index f32be5c1..e7056965 100644 --- a/discovery/ +++ b/discovery/ @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ See ATT&CK: **System Information Discovery ([T1082]( |Name|ID|Description| |---|---|---| |**Generate Windows Exception**|E1082.m01|Malware may trigger an exception as a way of gathering system details.| +|**Enumerate Environment Variables**|E1082.m02|Malware may query environmental variables as a way of gathering system details.| ## Use in Malware @@ -101,6 +102,18 @@ See ATT&CK: **System Information Discovery ([T1082]( |[browser_scanbox](|System Information Discovery (E1082)|JsEval, COleScript_ParseScriptText, COleScript_Compile| |[recon_fingerprint](|System Information Discovery (E1082)|--| +### E1082.m02 Snippet +
+ System Information Discovery +SHA256: e4b36a1d4e70d988efa2ec27e5a639be5eb0880474f746851c13e56f007a8377 +Location: 0x004017e9 +
+push    eax     ; push register to store return value onto the stack
+push    u_ALLUSERSPROFILE_0041a9a4      ; push argument to function (name of the sought environment variable - in this case, ALLUSERSPROFILE)
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GetEnvironmentVariableW]     ; call function to get environment variable value
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/execution/ b/execution/ index 0569d42e..f143084a 100644 --- a/execution/ +++ b/execution/ @@ -113,6 +113,16 @@ See ATT&CK: **Command and Scripting Interpreter ([T1059](https://attack.mitre.or |[script_network_activity](|Command and Scripting Interpreter (E1059)|URLDownloadToFileW, HttpOpenRequestW, send, WSAConnect, InternetCrackUrlW, InternetCrackUrlA, SslEncryptPacket, InternetReadFile| |[suspicious_js_script](|Command and Scripting Interpreter (E1059)|JsEval, COleScript_ParseScriptText| +### E1059 Snippet +
+ Execution::Command and Scripting Interpreter +SHA256: 905b9db8cf5a3001318b28ee5dc674f8f65ca1e4306aab9e331b3bba24e7b8a8 +Location: 0x41B7A6 +
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GetCommandLineW]
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/execution/ b/execution/ index 70be472d..d21a232e 100644 --- a/execution/ +++ b/execution/ @@ -70,6 +70,31 @@ Some aspects of this Conditional Execution behavior are related to the [Executio |---|---|---| |[run as service](|Conditional Execution::Runs as Service (B0025.007)|RegisterServiceCtrlHandler, RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx, StartServiceCtrlDispatcher, System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase::Run| +### B0025.007 Snippet +
+ Execution::Conditional Execution::Runs as Service +SHA256: 465d3aac3ca4daa9ad4de04fcb999f358396efd7abceed9701c9c28c23c126db +Location: 0x4596BC +
+push    0x0     ; Optional password to account running the service.  Not needed for services running as LocalService
+push    0x0     ; Name of account under which to run the service.  If null, use the LocalService account
+push    0x0     ; Optional list of dependencies required for the service to run
+push    0x0     ; Optional variable for tag depending on value of next parameter.  If null, accept the value provided by that parameter.
+push    0x0     ; Optional load order group for the service.  This service does not belong to a group
+mov     param_1, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]
+call    FUN_00404dfc    ; Get path of binary for service to run and any arguments
+push    param_1 ; Push to stack
+push    0x0     ; What to do if there is an error -- in this case, ignore it
+push    0x2     ; How to start service -- in this case, during system startup
+push    0x110   ; Service type -- in this case, service is its own process and is capable of interacting with desktop
+push    0xf01ff ; Desired access rights for service -- in this case, all rights
+push    edi     ; Display name for service
+push    esi     ; Name of service to install
+push    ebx     ; Handle to service control manager database
+call    ADVAPI32.DLL::CreateServiceA    ; Create service
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/impact/ b/impact/ index 7e544982..f16ba82e 100644 --- a/impact/ +++ b/impact/ @@ -56,6 +56,44 @@ After E1510 was defined, T1510 was replaced by T1641.001, and Clipboard Data ( + Impact::Clipboard Modification +SHA256: 0b8e662e7e595ef56396a298c367b74721d66591d856e8a8241fcdd60d08373c +Location: 0x402C0F +
+push    0x0     ; associate clipboard with current task
+call    dword ptr [->USER32.DLL::OpenClipboard] ; call function to open clipboard
+test    eax, eax        ; test if the clipboard open returned 0
+jz      LAB_00402c70    ; if the clipboard open operation returned 0 (failed), jump to another instruction and execute from that point
+call    dword ptr [->USER32.DLL::EmptyClipboard]        ; call function to empty the clipboard
+lea     eax, [esi * 0x2 + 0x2]
+push    eax     ; Number of bytes of heap memory to allocate
+push    0x2042  ; Memory allocation attributes.  Notably, 0x2000 is deprecated and only intended for use with 16-bit Windows and will be ignored, so the actual argument is 0x0042, which allocates moveable memory and initializes the contents to zero
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GlobalAlloc] ; Allocates heap memory
+mov     esi, eax        ; store pointer to allocated memory in esi
+test    esi, esi        ; test to see if NULL (0) returned, indicating an error with allocation
+jz      LAB_00402c6a    ; if error occurred, jump to memory address and begin execution there
+push    esi     ; pass newly-allocated memory to lock function
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GlobalLock]  ; lock the allocated heap memory
+test    eax, eax        ; test to see if lock returned NULL (0), indicating an error occurred
+jz      LAB_00402c6a    ; if an error occurred, jump to memory address and begin execution there
+push    dword ptr [esp + local_26c]     ; number of characters that can be stored in the provided buffer
+push    eax     ; buffer that will hold converted string
+push    -0x1    ; size of the string to process.  -1 indicates that the input ends with a null-terminating character, so to process up through that point
+push    edi     ; pointer to string to convert
+push    0x0     ; conversion type flags (must be 0 for UTF-8)
+push    0xfde9  ; code to use for conversion.  In this case, 65001 indicates UTF-8
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::MultiByteToWideChar] ; call function to map string from UTF-8 to UTF-16
+push    esi     ; pointer to heap memory to unlock
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GlobalUnlock]        ; call function to unlock heap memory
+push    esi     ; handle to heap memory that will be written to clipboard
+push    0xd     ; type of data to write (0xd indicates unicode)
+call    dword ptr [->USER32.DLL::SetClipboardData]      ; call function to write data to clipboard
+call    dword ptr [->USER32.DLL::CloseClipboard]        ; close the clipboard
+ + ## References
[1] diff --git a/micro-behaviors/communication/ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ index d7077f9f..b7d6ddc2 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/communication/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ @@ -65,6 +65,17 @@ The DNS Communication micro-behavior focuses on DNS communication. |[network_dns_doh_tls](|DNS Communication (C0011)|--| |[network_dga](|DNS Communication (C0011)|--| +### C0011.001 Snippet +
+ Communication::DNS Communication::Resolve +SHA256: 000b535ab2a4fec86e2d8254f8ed65c6ebd37309ed68692c929f8f93a99233f6 +Location: 0x472CD3 +
+push    ebx     ; hostname to perform DNS lookup for
+call    WSOCK32.DLL::gethostbyname      ; Windows function which will retrieve an object representing the specified host
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/communication/ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ index 0d9dabf9..20994cb2 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/communication/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ @@ -120,6 +120,21 @@ Instead of being listed alphabetically, methods have been grouped to better faci |[downloads_from_filehosting](|HTTP Communication (C0002)|WinHttpOpenRequest, InternetOpenUrlA| |[purplewave_network_activity](|HTTP Communication (C0002)|InternetOpenW, HttpOpenRequestW, HttpSendRequestW, HttpAddRequestHeadersA| +### C0002.017 Snippet +
+ Communication::HTTP Communication::Get Response +SHA256: 3ac8c22eb7c59d35fe49c20f2a0eca06765543dfb15f455a5557af4428066641 +Location: 0x180001380 +
+mov     param_2, ebx
+lea     r9, [rsp + 0x44]        ; where to store the number of bytes read
+add     param_2, r14    ; pointer to buffer to receive HTTP data
+mov     param_3, 0x400  ; number of bytes to read (1024)
+mov     param_1, rsi    ; handle to previously opened HTTP request
+call    qword ptr [->WININET::InternetReadFile] ; Windows API for reading data from HTTP or FTP connections
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/communication/ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ index a680e4d4..e4193392 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/communication/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ @@ -64,6 +64,24 @@ The Interprocess Communication micro-behavior focuses on interprocess communicat |[ipc_namedpipe](|Interprocess Communication (C0003)|NtReadFile, NtCreateNamedPipeFile, NtWriteFile| |[ipc_namedpipe](|Interprocess Communication::Create Pipe (C0003.001)|NtReadFile, NtCreateNamedPipeFile, NtWriteFile| +### C0003.002 Snippet +
+ Communication::Interprocess Communication::Connect Pipe +SHA256: e5897829835f3e9fbab71674ca06f48ff127ec014d1629817f0566203c93b732 +Location: 0x40167C +
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::CreateNamedPipeA]    ; stores return value in rax
+mov     r12, rax        ; r12 now contains a handle to the named pipe
+lea     rax, [rax + -0x1]
+cmp     rax, -0x3
+ja      LAB_004016dc
+xor     param_2, param_2        ; set value to zeroes.  param_2 is edx, which is sometimes used to hold the second argument to a function
+mov     param_1, r12    ; param_1 is rcx, which is sometimes used to hold the first argument to a function.  r12 contains the return value from KERNEL32.DLL::CreateNamedPipeA (see earlier mov instruction)
+lea     rdi, [rsp + 0x4c]
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::ConnectNamedPipe] ; takes param_1 and param_2 as arguments.  Return value stored in rax.
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/communication/ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ index d442bfab..97a20a99 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/communication/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ @@ -90,6 +90,18 @@ Instead of being listed alphabetically, methods have been grouped to better faci |[obliquerat_network_activity](|Socket Communication (C0001)|send| |[network_bind](|Socket Communication (C0001)|listen, bind| +### C0001.009 Snippet +
+ Communication::Socket Communication::Initialize Winsock Library +SHA256: 000b535ab2a4fec86e2d8254f8ed65c6ebd37309ed68692c929f8f93a99233f6 +Location: 0x472C92 +
+push    eax     ; pointer to WSADATA structure that the call to start Winsock will populate with the Windows socket data
+push    0x101   ; highest version of Winsock permitted for use in this application -- in this case, version 1.1 (major version in lowest-order byte, minor version in highest-order byte)
+call    WSOCK.DLL::WSAStartup   ; Initiate the Winsock DLL
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/micro-behaviors/communication/ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ index d1f61812..c1a2c715 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/communication/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/communication/ @@ -48,6 +48,45 @@ The methods below are those of most interest in malware analysis. Details can be |---|---|---| |[nemty_network_activity](|WinINet (C0005)|InternetOpenA, InternetOpenUrlA| +### C0005.001 Snippet +
+ Communication::WinINet::InternetConnect +SHA256: 3ac8c22eb7c59d35fe49c20f2a0eca06765543dfb15f455a5557af4428066641 +Location: 0x1800010b2 +
+call    qword ptr [->WININET.DLL::InternetOpenA]        ; Open a connection to the Internet and return the handle into rax
+mov     rbp, rax        ; store the handle in rbp
+test    rax, rax
+jz      LAB_1800013de
+mov     param_1, 0x17
+call    thunk_FUN_180004114
+mov     r10, rax
+mov     rdi, rax
+xor     eax, eax
+mov     param_1, 0x17
+stosb.rep       rdi
+mov     rdi, r10
+mov     param_2, rbx
+nop     dword ptr [rax]
+nop     word ptr [rax + rax*0x1]
+movzx   param_1, byte ptr [param_2 + rsi*offset DAT_18001ea00]       ; first instruction in loop
+add     param_2, 0x3    ; increase loop variable
+mov     byte ptr [rdi], param_1
+lea     rdi, [rdi + 0x1]
+cmp     param_2, 0x42   ; test for loop end
+jl      LAB_1800010f0   ; jump to beginning of loop
+movzx   param_3, word ptr [DAT_18001ea44]       ; TCP/IP port to connect to.  DAT_18001ea44 contains 443, so this connection will occur on the default HTTPS port
+xor     r9d, r9d        ; name of user (if FTP connection), or NULL
+mov     qword ptr [rsp + local_390], rbx        ; pointer to application context for the returned handle to the internet connection
+mov     param_2, r10    ; pointer to host name for internet server
+mov     dword ptr [rsp + local_398], ebx        ; pointer to flags specific for service used
+mov     param_1, rbp    ; handle to the internet connection established earlier
+mov     dword ptr [rsp + local_3a0], 0x3        ; service type to access (0x3 indicates use of HTTP)
+mov     qword ptr [rsp + local_3a8], rbx        ; password for FTP (if needed)
+call    qword ptr [->WININET.DLL::InternetConnectA]     ; Windows API function to initiate an HTTP connection
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/micro-behaviors/cryptography/ b/micro-behaviors/cryptography/ index 925ee27a..16e7441e 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/cryptography/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/cryptography/ @@ -55,6 +55,43 @@ The Generate Pseudo-random Sequence micro-behavior can be used for a number of p |[generate random numbers via RtlGenRandom](|Generate Pseudo-random Sequence::Use API (C0021.003)|SystemFunction036| |[generate random numbers using a Mersenne Twister](|Generate Pseudo-random Sequence (C0021)|--| +### C0021 Snippet +
+ Cryptography::Generate Pseudo-random Sequence +SHA256: 192cdcbdec8bdebb7cae89037d6004b4aff2b8264c35a3875fa2d6db104437ca +Location: 0x40B120 +
+mov     eax, [DAT_00423174]     ; set up the array of values used for the twister
+mov     ecx, dword ptr [eax*0x4 + DAT_004227b0]
+mov     dword ptr [EBP + local_8], ecx
+mov     edx, dword ptr [DAT_00423174]
+add     edx, 0x1
+mov     dword ptr [DAT_OO423174], edx
+mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; set up by taking x (value in series to start the transform, stored at the memory address [ebp + local_8] in this case
+shr     eax, 0xb        ; shift x right by 11
+xor     eax, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; xor the result of the previous operation with the old value of x.  The eax register now contains intermediate value y
+mov     dword ptr [ebp + local_8], eax  ; store the value of y
+mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; ecx now contains y
+shl     ecx, 0x7        ; shift y left by 7
+and     ecx, 0x9d2c5680 ; perform a bitwise and against a known constant bitmask (this value is specified in the transform equation)
+xor     ecx, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; xor the output of the previous two instructions with the old value of y to produce y1 (still an intermediate value)
+mov     dword ptr [ebp + local_8], ecx  ; store y1
+mov     edx, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; load  y1 into edx to start the third part of the transform
+shl     edx, 0xf        ; shift y1 left by 15
+and     edx, 0xefc60000 ; take y1 and perform a bitwise and operation with another constant
+xor     edx, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; xor the output from the previous two instructions with the value of y1 stored earlier
+mov     dword ptr [ebp + local_8], edx  ; save this new intermediate y-value (y2)
+mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; load y2 into eax to start the final portion of the transform and produce the output
+shr     eax, 0x12       ; shift y2 right by 18
+xor     eax, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; xor the output from the previous instruction with the value of y2 stored earlier
+mov     dword ptr [ebp + local_8], eax  ; store the z-value (final output)
+mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]  ; load the z-value into eax to return it
+mov     esp, ebp        ; move the stack pointer to the frame pointer
+pop     ebp     ; pop the current frame off the stack
+ret     ; return from the function
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/data/ b/micro-behaviors/data/ index cd2e9373..d07b4de2 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/data/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/data/ @@ -35,3 +35,13 @@ Malware calculates a modulo value. |Tool: capa|Mapping|APIs| |---|---|---| |[calculate modulo 256 via x86 assembly](|Modulo (C0058)|--| + +### C0058 Snippet +
+ Data::Modulo +SHA256: 465d3aac3ca4daa9ad4de04fcb999f358396efd7abceed9701c9c28c23c126db +Location: 0x403135 +
+and     param_3, 0xff   ; Taking the bitwise AND of any number x with a number equivalent to (2^n - 1) where n is a whole number is congruent to taking x % 2^n.  In this case, x = param_3 and 0xff = 255 which satisfies (2^n - 1) for n = 8.
diff --git a/micro-behaviors/data/ b/micro-behaviors/data/ index a8915886..29c935d8 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/data/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/data/ @@ -48,3 +48,27 @@ Malware may use a non-cryptographic hash. |[hash data using murmur3](|Non-Cryptographic Hash::MurmurHash (C0030.001)|--| |[hash data using fnv](|Non-Cryptographic Hash::FNV (C0030.005)|_allmul| |[hash data using djb2](|Non-Cryptographic Hash::djb2 (C0030.006)|--| + + +### C0030.005 Snippet +
+ Data::Non-Cryptographic Hash::FNV +SHA256: 0b8e662e7e595ef56396a298c367b74721d66591d856e8a8241fcdd60d08373c +Location: 0x403454 +
+mov     esi, dword ptr [ebp + param_2]  ; set number of bytes to hash
+mov     edx, 0x811c9dc5 ; store FNV offset constant.  The constants used in this snippet are the constants used for a 32-bit/4 byte message.
+push    edi     ; save the value of edi on the stack
+mov     edi, dword ptr [ebp + param_1]  ; first byte to hash
+mov     ecx, 0x0        ; initialize counter
+sub     esi, edi        ; obtain the offset between first and last bytes to hash
+jz      LAB_00403481    ; if the first and last bytes of the hash are the same, execute elsewhere and don't perform the hashing operation.
+nop     dword ptr [eax]
+movzx   eax, byte ptr [ecx + edi*0x1]   ; move the byte to hash into the accumulator
+inc     ecx     ; increment the counter
+xor     eax, edx        ; xor the new value in the accumulator with the rest of the hash (for first xor, this will be the offset constant set earlier) and store the result in the accumulator.  The xor occurring before the multiplication indicates that this is the FNV-1a variant of the algorithm
+imul    edx, eax, 0x1000193     ; multiply the accumulator by the prime constant and store in edx for xor operation in next iteration
+cmp     ecx, esi        ; check if counter has reached offset (hashed last byte)
+jc      LAB_00403470    ; if the counter has not yet reached the offset, jump back to the movzx instruction above
diff --git a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ index 1da7ace8..35d1c960 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ @@ -52,6 +52,18 @@ Malware creates a directory. |---|---|---| |[arkei_files](|Create Directory (C0046)|--| +### C0046 Snippet +
+ File System::Create Directory +SHA256: 27253651170386863b148afb2a0fdda7780ae65cbc31405acbd99fa06b44b79f +Location: 0x1400036d4 +
+xor     param_2, param_2        ; use default security attributes (param_2 is NULL)
+mov     param_1, rbp    ; use contents of rbp as directory name
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::CreateDirectoryA]  ; call Windows API to create directory
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ index dfdf3ff0..8344dead 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ @@ -44,6 +44,17 @@ Malware deletes a directory. |---|---|---| |[delete directory](|Delete Directory (C0048)|RemoveDirectory, RemoveDirectoryTransacted, _rmdir, _wrmdir, System.IO.DirectoryInfo::Delete, System.IO.Directory::Delete| +### C0048 Snippet +
+ File System::Delete Directory +SHA256: 27253651170386863b148afb2a0fdda7780ae65cbc31405acbd99fa06b44b79f +Location: 0x140002204 +
+mov     param_1, rdi    ; store name of directory to remove
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::RemoveDirectoryA]   ; call Windows API function to remove directory
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ index 8aff2e32..30a01287 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ @@ -63,6 +63,20 @@ Malware deletes a file. |[anomalous_deletefile](|Delete File (C0047)|NtDeleteFile, DeleteFileW, DeleteFileA| |[deletes_self](|Delete File (C0047)|NtDeleteFile, DeleteFileW, DeleteFileA, MoveFileWithProgressW, MoveFileWithProgressTransactedW| +### C0047 Snippet +
+ File System::Delete File +SHA256: 000b535ab2a4fec86e2d8254f8ed65c6ebd37309ed68692c929f8f93a99233f6 +Location: 0x409BB1 +
+call    FUN_00404E80    ; generate file name to delete and store in eax
+push    eax     ; use the name generated by the previous function as an argument to the next function call
+call    KERNEL32.DLL::DeleteFileA       ; delete the file
+cmp     eax, 0x1        ; if the file was successfully deleted, the previous function call will return a 1 into eax
+sbb     eax, eax        ; isolate the carry flag from the previous comparison.  This will only be 1 if the previous command failed, otherwise it will be 0.
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ index 3b0ea50b..0f20289e 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ @@ -47,6 +47,25 @@ Malware gets file attributes. |---|---|---| |[get file attributes](|Get File Attributes (C0049)|kernel32.GetFileAttributes, ZwQueryDirectoryFile, ZwQueryInformationFile, NtQueryDirectoryFile, NtQueryInformationFile, System.IO.File::GetAttributes, System.IO.File::GetCreationTime, System.IO.File::GetCreationTimeUtc, System.IO.File::GetLastAccessTime, System.IO.File::GetLastAccessTimeUtc, System.IO.File::GetLastWriteTime, System.IO.File::GetLastWriteTimeUtc| +### C0049 Snippet +
+ File System::Get File Attributes +SHA256: 465d3aac3ca4daa9ad4de04fcb999f358396efd7abceed9701c9c28c23c126db +Location: 0x4094B0 +
+push    ebx     ; Name of file to get attributes for
+mov     ebx, param_1
+mov     param_1, ebx
+call    FUN_00404DFC
+push    param_1 ; Return value for function call
+call    KERNEL32.DLL::GetFileAttributesA        ; Call Windows API for file deletion
+cmp     param_1, -0x1   ; Test if the return value indicates an error
+jz      LAB_004094C9    ; If the function returned an error, go to this address to continue execution
+test    param_1, 0x10   ; Test to see if the file queried is a directory
+jnz     LAB_004094CD    ; If the file is not a directory, continue execution from this address
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ index 15062203..82fb9cd6 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ @@ -51,6 +51,20 @@ Malware moves a file. |---|---|---| |[move_file_on_reboot](|Move File (C0063)|MoveFileWithProgressTransactedA, MoveFileWithProgressTransactedW| +### C0063 Snippet +
+ File System::Move File +SHA256: bb8c0e477512adab1db26eb77fe10dadbc5dcbf8e94569061c7199ca4626a420 +Location: 0x41a61d +
+push    0x4     ; option to delay move until the next reboot
+push    edi     ; new name for the moved file
+lea     eax, [ebp + 0xffffefc4]
+push    eax     ; name of the file to be moved
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::MoveFileExW] ; Windows API function to move the file from one name to another
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ index bf1c3414..2289c0e5 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ @@ -67,6 +67,21 @@ Malware reads a file. |[infostealer_browser](|Read File (C0051)|NtReadFile, CopyFileA, CopyFileExW, CopyFileW| |[antianalysis_detectfile](|Read File (C0051)|--| +### C0051 Snippet +
+ File System::Read File +SHA256: e5897829835f3e9fbab71674ca06f48ff127ec014d1629817f0566203c93b732 +Location: 0x401762 +
+mov     r9, rdi         ; variable that will hold number of bytes actually read from file
+mov     r8d, ebx        ; number of bytes to read
+mov     param_2, rsi    ; pointer to buffer that will hold content read from file
+mov     param_1, r12    ; handle to the device/file to read from
+mov     qword ptr [rsp + local_58], 0x0 ; optional pointer to OVERLAPPED structure (in this case, it is NULL)
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::ReadFile] ; API call to read file specified in param_1
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ index 91201645..2b1c405a 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ @@ -48,6 +48,18 @@ Malware sets file attributes. |[change file permission on Linux](|Set File Attributes (C0050)|chown, fchown, lchown, fchownat| |[set file attributes](|Set File Attributes (C0050)|kernel32.SetFileAttributes, ZwSetInformationFile, NtSetInformationFile, System.IO.File::SetAttributes, System.IO.File::SetCreationTime, System.IO.File::SetCreationTimeUtc, System.IO.File::SetLastAccessTime, System.IO.File::SetLastAccessTimeUtc, System.IO.File::SetLastWriteTime, System.IO.File::SetLastWriteTimeUtc| +### C0050 Snippet +
+ File System::Set File Attributes +SHA256: 27253651170386863b148afb2a0fdda7780ae65cbc31405acbd99fa06b44b79f +Location: 0x140006a6d +
+mov     edx, 0x2        ; pass the value indicating for the 'hidden' attribute to be set on the file
+lea     rcx, [rsp + 0x40]       ; name of the file for which attributes should be changed
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::SetFileAttributesA]  ; call Windows API for changing file attributes
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ index d492b041..1c42caba 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/file-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/file-system/ @@ -67,6 +67,21 @@ Malware writes to a file. |[echelon_files](|Writes File (C0052)|--| |[upatre_files](|Writes File (C0052)|--| +### C0052 Snippet +
+ File System::Writes File +SHA256: e5897829835f3e9fbab71674ca06f48ff127ec014d1629817f0566203c93b732 +Location: 0x4016A7 +
+mov     r9, rdi         ; variable that will hold number of bytes actually written
+mov     r8d, ebx        ; number of bytes to write
+mov     param_2, rsi    ; pointer to buffer containing data that will be written to the file
+mov     param_1, r12    ; handle to the device/file to write to
+mov     qword ptr [rsp + local_58], 0x0 ; optional pointer to OVERLAPPED structure (in this case, it is NULL)
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::WriteFile] ; API call to write to file specified in param_1
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/memory/ b/micro-behaviors/memory/ index 6dfb1adf..58c34ca1 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/memory/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/memory/ @@ -57,6 +57,20 @@ Malware allocates memory, often to unpack itself. |---|---|---| |[Unpacker](|Allocate Memory (C0007)|VirtualProtectEx, NtAllocateVirtualMemory, NtProtectVirtualMemory| +### C0007 Snippet +
+ Memory::Allocate Memory +SHA256: 000b535ab2a4fec86e2d8254f8ed65c6ebd37309ed68692c929f8f93a99233f6 +Location: 0x422BDC +
+push    0x40    ; Memory protections to apply to pages in allocated memory region (in this case, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, which allows execute, read-only, or read/write access to the allocated memory)
+push    0x1000  ; The type of allocation to perform (in this case, MEM_COMMIT which allocates empty virtual memory to begin with and only allocates physical pages when needed).
+push    0x1000  ; Size of region to allocate in bytes
+push    0x0     ; Starting address for region where memory should be allocated (not provided in this example)
+call    KERNEL32.DLL::VirtualAlloc      ; call function to allocate virtual memory
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/memory/ b/micro-behaviors/memory/ index 4c8a8f16..3168d50f 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/memory/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/memory/ @@ -50,6 +50,23 @@ Malware may change memory protection. For example, read-write memory may be chan |---|---|---| |[antidebug_guardpages](|Change Memory Protection (C0008)|VirtualProtectEx, NtAllocateVirtualMemory, NtProtectVirtualMemory| +### C0008 Snippet +
+ Memory::Change Memory Protection +SHA256: 905b9db8cf5a3001318b28ee5dc674f8f65ca1e4306aab9e331b3bba24e7b8a8 +Location: 0x41AB74 +
+push    ecx     ; pointer to return value
+push    0x40    ; new memory protection option to apply -- in this case, read, write, and execute permissions will be applied to the pages
+mov     [DAT_01f56ff0], eax
+mov     eax, [DAT_00492fc4]
+push    edx     ; size of region to change access protection attributes (in bytes)
+push    eax     ; Address of first page in region where access protection attributes are to be changed
+; instructions from 0x41ab83 to 0x41abb4 omitted
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::VirtualProtect]      ; call function to change memory protection attributes
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/micro-behaviors/operating-system/ b/micro-behaviors/operating-system/ index 1967b735..dc603479 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/operating-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/operating-system/ @@ -40,3 +40,21 @@ Malware modifies the console. |Tool: CAPE|Mapping|APIs| |---|---|---| |[bcdedit_command](|Console (C0033)|ShellExecuteExW, NtCreateUserProcess, CreateProcessInternalW| + +### C0033 Snippet +
+ Operating System::Console +SHA256: 905b9db8cf5a3001318b28ee5dc674f8f65ca1e4306aab9e331b3bba24e7b8a8 +Location: 0x41B4CD +
+lea     eax, [esp + 0x50]       ; load an address into eax
+push    eax     ; where to store number of characters read
+push    ecx     ; coordinates of console cell on screen where reading text should begin
+push    ecx     ; number of screen buffer character cells to read
+lea     edx, [esp + 0x2cc]      ; load address into edx
+push    edx     ; address of buffer into which characters should be read
+push    ecx     ; handle to the console read buffer
+mov     dword ptr [esp + 0x68], ecx
+call    KERNEL32.DLL::ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA       ; call function to read characters from the console
diff --git a/micro-behaviors/operating-system/ b/micro-behaviors/operating-system/ index 4ec41c31..3c39bca6 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/operating-system/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/operating-system/ @@ -220,6 +220,21 @@ Malware modifies the registry. |[bypass_firewall](|Registry::Set Registry Value (C0036.001)|--| |[remcos_regkeys](|Registry (C0036)|--| +### C0036.005 Snippet +
+ Registry::Query Registry Key +SHA256: 1e0215f67fb7b02bc44f33bf6a5b884c3061cbeb38e0150b559635458951fa53 +Location: 0x408723 +
+push    eax     ; phkResult: stores pointer to handle containing open registry key
+push    0x1     ; samDesired: Desired access rights for opened key.  0x1 is KEY_QUERY_VALUE, which is required to query the value of the sought registry key
+push    0x0     ; ulOptions: Optional key set to 0, so no options passed to registry key
+push    ecx     ; lpSubKey: Optional parameter indicating a subkey to read from
+push    edx     ; handle to open registry key or name of registry key to open
+call    dword ptr [->ADVAPI32.DLL::RegOpenKeyExA] ; Windows API call which opens registry key for the query
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index 1c982a2f..56fb7b44 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -43,6 +43,16 @@ Malware allocates thread local storage. |---|---|---| |[allocate thread local storage](|Allocate Thread Local Storage (C0040)|kernel32.TlsAlloc| +### C0040 Snippet +
+ Process::Allocate Thread Local Storage +SHA256: 0b8e662e7e595ef56396a298c367b74721d66591d856e8a8241fcdd60d08373c +Location: 0x4142CB +
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::TlsAlloc]    ; call Windows API function to allocate thread local storage
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index 6a08675f..70844be7 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -51,6 +51,21 @@ Malware checks a mutex. |[antivm_vmware_mutexes](|Check Mutex (C0043)|--| |[purplewave_mutexes](|Check Mutex (C0043)|--| +### C0043 Snippet +
+ Process::Check Mutex +SHA256: 0b8e662e7e595ef56396a298c367b74721d66591d856e8a8241fcdd60d08373c +Location: 0x40294C +
+  push    eax     ; name of mutex to be opened
+push    0x0     ; whether to allow processes created by the process which owns the mutex to inherit it (false)
+push    0x1f0001        ; mutex access rights (MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS)
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::OpenMutexW]  ; call function to open mutex
+test    eax, eax        ; test to see if previous function call returned 0
+jz      LAB_00402976    ; if it returned zero (error), jump to new memory location and execute from that point
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index e94d0a7b..921ca3da 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -102,6 +102,19 @@ Malware creates a mutex. |[medusalocker_mutexes](|Create Mutex (C0042)|--| |[remcos_mutexes](|Create Mutex (C0042)|--| +### C0042 Snippet +
+ Process::Create Mutex +SHA256: 0b8e662e7e595ef56396a298c367b74721d66591d856e8a8241fcdd60d08373c +Location: 0x402A1E +
+push    eax     ; name of mutex
+push    0x0     ; if the thread that creates the mutex owns it (false, in this case)
+push    0x0     ; optional security descriptor set to NULL, so default security descriptor will be used
+call    dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::CreateMutexW]        ; call function to create mutex
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index 1cacab4e..423fec78 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -75,6 +75,30 @@ Malware creates a process. |[wmi_create_process](|Create Process::Create Process via WMI (C0017.002)|NtCreateUserProcess, CreateProcessInternalW| |[script_created_process](|Create Process (C0017)|NtCreateUserProcess, CreateProcessInternalW| +### C0049 Snippet +
+ Process::Create Process +SHA256: 465d3aac3ca4daa9ad4de04fcb999f358396efd7abceed9701c9c28c23c126db +Location: 0x458C26 +
+lea     param_1, [ebp + 0xfffffeb0]
+push    param_1 ; pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION struct to hold information about the new process
+lea     param_1, [ebp + 0xfffffec0]
+push    param_1 ; pointer to STARTUPINFO struct
+push    0x0     ; path to directory for new process -- if null, use same directory as calling process
+push    0x0     ; environment block for new process -- if null, use the calling process's environment block
+push    0x4     ; process creation flags (CREATE_SUSPENDED in this case)
+push    0x0     ; if heritable handles in the calling process should be inherited by the new process.  If false, inheritance will not occur.
+push    0x0     ; security attributes for new process.  If null, child processes cannot inherit thread running new process
+push    0x0     ; security attributes for new process.  If null, child processes cannot inherit handle for new process
+mov     param_1, dword ptr [ebp + local_8]
+call    FUN_00404dfc
+push    param_1 ; command line for new process to execute
+push    0x0     ; application name to be executed.  If null, use command line provided in another argument
+call    KERNEL32.DLL::CreateProcessA    ; Call Windows API function to create new process
+ ## References [1] diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index d9fa7de1..b8d25cdc 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -54,6 +54,26 @@ Malware creates a thread. |[antidebug_ntcreatethreadex](|Create Thread (C0038)|NtCreateThreadEx| |[antidebug_ntsetinformationthread](|Create Thread (C0038)|NtSetInformationThread| +### C0038 Snippet +
+ Process::Create Thread +SHA256: 465d3aac3ca4daa9ad4de04fcb999f358396efd7abceed9701c9c28c23c126db +Location: 0x404915 +
+mov     param_2, dword ptr [ebp + param_4]
+push    param_2 ; Pointer to location where thread handler will be returned
+mov     param_2, dword ptr [ebp + param_5]
+push    param_2 ; Flags controlling thread creation
+push    param_1 ; Pointer to variable to be passed to thread
+mov     param_1, FUN_004048b8
+push    param_1 ; Pointer to function where thread will begin execution
+push    esi     ; Size of stack for new thread
+push    ebx     ; Pointer to security attributes for thread.  If null, the handle to the thread cannot be inherited
+call    KERNEL32.DLL::CreateThread ; Call to thread creation API
+ + ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index 33e0ffc7..2694924e 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -35,3 +35,18 @@ Malware enumerates threads. |Tool: capa|Mapping|APIs| |---|---|---| |[enumerate threads](|Enumerate Threads (C0064)|kernel32.Thread32First, kernel32.Thread32Next, kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot| + +### C0064 Snippet +
+ Process::Enumerate Threads +SHA256: 3ac8c22eb7c59d35fe49c20f2a0eca06765543dfb15f455a5557af4428066641 +Location: 0x180003675 +
+lea     rdx, [rsp + 0x48]       ; pointer to THREAD32ENTRY struct
+mov     rcx, r15        ; handle to snapshot of system processes
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::Thread32First]      ; Windows API call to retrieve information about the first thread in a snapshot
+lea     rdx, [rsp + 0x48]
+mov     rcx, r15
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::Thread32Next]       ; takes the same arguments as Thread32First and gets the next thread from the snapshot
diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index d76bb007..6259449c 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -43,6 +43,21 @@ Malware resumes a thread. |---|---|---| |[resume thread](|Resume Thread (C0054)|kernel32.ResumeThread, ntdll.NtResumeThread, ntdll.ZwResumeThread, System.Threading.Thread::Resume| +### C0054 Snippet +
+ Process::Resume Thread +SHA256: 465d3aac3ca4daa9ad4de04fcb999f358396efd7abceed9701c9c28c23c126db +Location: 0x41B345 +
+push    esi     ; Where to store return value
+mov     ebx, param_1
+mov     param_1, dword ptr [ebx + 0x4]
+push    param_1 ; Handle to thread to resume
+call    KERNEL32.DLL::ResumeThread      ; API call to resume thread
+ + ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index 0b669b5b..f069155c 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -47,6 +47,18 @@ Malware allocates thread local storage. |---|---|---| |[set thread local storage value](|Set Thread Local Storage Value (C0041)|kernel32.TlsSetValue| +### C0041 Snippet +
+ Process::Set Thread Local Storage Value +SHA256: 3ac8c22eb7c59d35fe49c20f2a0eca06765543dfb15f455a5557af4428066641 +Location: 0x180005B08 +
+mov     param_2, rbx    ; Value to be stored in TLS index
+mov     param_1, edi    ; TLS index
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::TlsSetValue] ; Call Windows API function to store value in thread's thread local storage (TLS) at the specified index
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index ef09a51a..72925ac6 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -56,6 +56,17 @@ Malware terminates a process. |---|---|---| |[terminates_remote_process](|Terminate Process (C0018)|NtTerminateProcess| +### C0018 Snippet +
+ Process::Terminate Process +SHA256: 27253651170386863b148afb2a0fdda7780ae65cbc31405acbd99fa06b44b79f +Location: 0x1400083c7 +
+mov     ecx, eax        ; use the value stored in eax as the exit status for the exited process
+call    qword ptr [->MSVCRT.DLL::exit]  ; call the Windows API function to terminate the process
+ ## References [1] capa v4.0, analyzed at MITRE on 10/12/2022 diff --git a/micro-behaviors/process/ b/micro-behaviors/process/ index 692cd6e3..cbd50276 100644 --- a/micro-behaviors/process/ +++ b/micro-behaviors/process/ @@ -35,3 +35,15 @@ Malware terminates a thread. |Tool: capa|Mapping|APIs| |---|---|---| |[terminate thread](|Terminate Thread (C0039)|kernel32.TerminateThread, PsTerminateSystemThread, System.Threading.Thread.Abort| + +### C0039 Snippet +
+ Process::Terminate Thread +SHA256: 27253651170386863b148afb2a0fdda7780ae65cbc31405acbd99fa06b44b79f +Location: 0x14000395B +
+mov     param_1, qword ptr [DAT_14000ca58]      ; thread to terminate
+xor     param_2, param_2        ; set the thread's exit status to 0
+call    qword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::TerminateThread]     ; call the Windows API function to terminate the thread
diff --git a/persistence/ b/persistence/ index eaa89350..140f5599 100644 --- a/persistence/ +++ b/persistence/ @@ -68,6 +68,37 @@ See ATT&CK: **Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Fol |[geodo_banking_trojan](|Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder (F0012)|--| |[persistence_autorun](|Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder (F0012)|NtSetValueKey, RegSetValueExA, RegSetValueExW, CreateServiceW, CreateServiceA| +### F0012 Snippet +
+ Persistence::Registry Run Keys/Startup Folder +SHA256: 0b8e662e7e595ef56396a298c367b74721d66591d856e8a8241fcdd60d08373c +Location: 0x402994 +
+push    eax     ; where to store handle to created/opened registry key
+push    u_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curre_00429bb8     ; subkey to create -- in this case SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current\Version\Run
+push    0x80000001      ; predefined registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER
+call    dword ptr [->ADVAPI32.DLL::RegCreateKeyW]       ; call to Windows API function to create the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current\Version\Run
+lea     ecx, [esp + 0x70]
+lea     edx, [ecx + 0x2]
+nop     dword ptr [eax]
+mov     ax, word ptr [ecx]
+add     ecx, 0x2
+test    ax, ax
+jnz     lab_004029b0
+sub     ecx, edx
+sar     ecx, 1
+lea     eax, [ecx * 0x2 + 0x2]
+push    eax     ; size of data to write to registry key
+lea     eax, [esp + 0x74]
+push    eax     ; data to write to registry key
+push    0x1     ; indicates that the type of value to be written to registry key is a string
+push    0x0     ; reserved parameter, must be NULL
+push    u_WinHoster_00429c14    ; name of the value to add to the key -- in this case, WinHoster
+push    dword ptr [esp + local_264]     ; handle to open registry key
+call    dword ptr [->ADVAPI32.DLL::RegSetValueExW]      ; API call to set registry value
+ ## References [1]