ID | C0005 |
Objective(s) | Communication |
Related ATT&CK Techniques | None |
Version | 2.2 |
Created | 14 August 2020 |
Last Modified | 30 April 2024 |
The Windows Internet (WinINet) application programming interface (API) is used by malware to interact with FTP and HTTP protocols to access Internet resources.
The methods below are those of most interest in malware analysis. Details can be found at [1].
Name | ID | Description |
InternetConnect | C0005.001 | Opens an FTP or HTTP session for a given site. |
InternetOpen | C0005.002 | Initializes an application's use of the WinINet functions. |
InternetOpenURL | C0005.003 | Opens a resource specified by a complete FTP or HTTP URL. |
InternetReadFile | C0005.004 | Reads data from an open Internet file (URL data). |
InternetWriteFile | C0005.005 | Writes data to an open Internet file. |
Tool: CAPE | Class | Mapping | APIs |
nemty_network_activity | NemtyNetworkActivity | WinINet (C0005) | InternetOpenA, InternetOpenUrlA |
nemty_network_activity | NemtyNetworkActivity | WinINet::InternetOpen (C0005.002) | InternetOpenA |
nemty_network_activity | NemtyNetworkActivity | WinINet::InternetOpenURL (C0005.003) | InternetOpenUrlA |
powershell_network_connection | PowerShellNetworkConnection | WinINet (C0005) | InternetCrackUrlW, InternetCrackUrlA |
SHA256: 3ac8c22eb7c59d35fe49c20f2a0eca06765543dfb15f455a5557af4428066641 Location: 0x1800010b2call qword ptr [->WININET.DLL::InternetOpenA] ; Open a connection to the Internet and return the handle into rax mov rbp, rax ; store the handle in rbp test rax, rax jz LAB_1800013de mov param_1, 0x17 call thunk_FUN_180004114 mov r10, rax mov rdi, rax xor eax, eax mov param_1, 0x17 stosb.rep rdi mov rdi, r10 mov param_2, rbx nop dword ptr [rax] nop word ptr [rax + rax*0x1] movzx param_1, byte ptr [param_2 + rsi*offset DAT_18001ea00] ; first instruction in loop add param_2, 0x3 ; increase loop variable mov byte ptr [rdi], param_1 lea rdi, [rdi + 0x1] cmp param_2, 0x42 ; test for loop end jl LAB_1800010f0 ; jump to beginning of loop movzx param_3, word ptr [DAT_18001ea44] ; TCP/IP port to connect to. DAT_18001ea44 contains 443, so this connection will occur on the default HTTPS port xor r9d, r9d ; name of user (if FTP connection), or NULL mov qword ptr [rsp + local_390], rbx ; pointer to application context for the returned handle to the internet connection mov param_2, r10 ; pointer to host name for internet server mov dword ptr [rsp + local_398], ebx ; pointer to flags specific for service used mov param_1, rbp ; handle to the internet connection established earlier mov dword ptr [rsp + local_3a0], 0x3 ; service type to access (0x3 indicates use of HTTP) mov qword ptr [rsp + local_3a8], rbx ; password for FTP (if needed) call qword ptr [->WININET.DLL::InternetConnectA] ; Windows API function to initiate an HTTP connection