diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/Registry.xml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/Registry.xml
index a1ddaf744018..686736c5a7c6 100644
--- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/Registry.xml
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/Registry.xml
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@
description="Selection of the method for bedrock uplift calculation."
possible_values="'none', 'data', 'sealevelmodel'"
\brief Perform various checks on the SLM coupling interval setting
+!> \author Matt Hoffman
+!> \date Feb 2024
+!> \details
+!> This routine checks that the SLM coupling interval is an even multiple
+!> of the adaptive timestep force inverval and divides evenly into the
+!> restart interval. It also checks that the coupling interval in the MALI
+!> matches the value in the SLM namelist.
+ subroutine check_SLM_coupling_interval(slm_dt1, meshPool, err)
+ use mpas_timekeeping
+ use mpas_stream_manager
+ use mpas_derived_types, only : MPAS_STREAM_PROPERTY_RECORD_INTV
+ integer, intent (in) :: slm_dt1
+ type (mpas_pool_type), intent(in) :: meshPool !< mesh information
+ integer, intent(out) :: err
+ ! local variables
+ integer, pointer :: config_slm_coupling_interval
+ logical, pointer :: config_adaptive_timestep
+ character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval, config_dt
+ type (MPAS_TimeInterval_Type) :: coupling_interval, force_interval, dt_interval, zero_interval
+ type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: start_time
+ character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: simulationStartTime
+ integer :: YYYY, MM, DD, H, M, S ! time components
+ integer (kind=I8KIND) :: n_intervals
+ type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: remainder
+ integer :: err_tmp
+ err = 0
+ err_tmp = 0
+ call mpas_log_write("")
+ call mpas_log_write("-- Checking consistency of config_slm_coupling_interval and other settings --")
+ ! First, check consistency in coupling interval set up in MALI and SLM
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, "config_slm_coupling_interval", config_slm_coupling_interval)
+ if (config_slm_coupling_interval == slm_dt1) then
+ call mpas_log_write("The coupling interval in MALI ($i yr) and SLM ($i yr) are consistent - check passes", &
+ intArgs=(/config_slm_coupling_interval, slm_dt1/))
+ else
+ call mpas_log_write("The coupling interval in MALI ($i yr) and SLM ($i yr) are inconsistent", MPAS_LOG_ERR, &
+ intArgs=(/config_slm_coupling_interval, slm_dt1/))
+ err = ior(err, 1)
+ endif
+ ! define zero interval for comparing against below
+ call mpas_set_timeInterval(zero_interval, dt = 0.0_RKIND)
+ ! get start time as a reference time
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'simulationStartTime', simulationStartTime)
+ call mpas_set_time(start_time, dateTimeString=simulationStartTime)
+ ! define SLM coupling interval as a timeInterval type
+ call mpas_set_timeInterval(coupling_interval, YY=config_slm_coupling_interval, MM=0, DD=0, H=0, M=0, S=0, ierr=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, "config_adaptive_timestep", config_adaptive_timestep)
+ if (config_adaptive_timestep) then
+ ! for adaptive dt, check that config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval divides evenly into config_slm_coupling_interval
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, "config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval", config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval)
+ call mpas_set_timeInterval(force_interval, timeString=config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval, ierr=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_interval_division(start_time, coupling_interval, force_interval, n_intervals, remainder)
+ if (remainder .EQ. zero_interval) then
+ call mpas_log_write("config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval divides into config_slm_coupling_interval $i times " // &
+ "with no remainder - check passes", intArgs=(/int(n_intervals)/))
+ else
+ call mpas_log_write("config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval divides into config_slm_coupling_interval $i times " // &
+ "with nonzero remainder", MPAS_LOG_ERR, intArgs=(/int(n_intervals)/))
+ err = ior(err, 1)
+ endif
+ else
+ ! For fixed dt, check that dt divides evenly into config_slm_coupling_interval
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, "config_dt", config_dt)
+ call mpas_set_timeInterval(dt_interval, timeString=config_dt, ierr=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_interval_division(start_time, coupling_interval, dt_interval, n_intervals, remainder)
+ if (remainder .EQ. zero_interval) then
+ call mpas_log_write("config_dt divides into config_slm_coupling_interval $i times " // &
+ "with no remainder - check passes", intArgs=(/int(n_intervals)/))
+ else
+ call mpas_log_write("config_dt divides into config_slm_coupling_interval $i times " // &
+ "with nonzero remainder", MPAS_LOG_ERR, intArgs=(/int(n_intervals)/))
+ err = ior(err, 1)
+ endif
+ endif
+ ! No need to compare restart interval and coupling interval because restarts with SLM are supported for
+ ! any restart interval now
+ call mpas_log_write("")
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ end subroutine check_SLM_coupling_interval
+! routine find_slm_restart_timestep
+!> \brief Perform various checks on the SLM coupling interval setting
+!> \author Matt Hoffman
+!> \date Feb 2024
+!> \details
+!> This routine checks that the SLM coupling interval is an even multiple
+!> of the adaptive timestep force inverval and divides evenly into the
+!> restart interval. It also checks that the coupling interval in the MALI
+!> matches the value in the SLM namelist.
+ subroutine find_slm_restart_timestep(meshPool, slmTimeStep, err)
+ use mpas_timekeeping
+ type (mpas_pool_type), intent(in) :: meshPool !< mesh information
+ integer, intent(out) :: slmTimeStep
+ integer, intent(out) :: err
+ ! local vars
+ integer, pointer :: config_slm_coupling_interval
+ character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: xtime, simulationStartTime
+ type (MPAS_TimeInterval_Type) :: coupling_interval
+ type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: start_time, curr_time
+ integer (kind=I8KIND) :: n_intervals
+ type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: remainder
+ character (len=StrKIND) :: remainder_string
+ integer :: err_tmp
+ err = 0
+ err_tmp = 0
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, "config_slm_coupling_interval", config_slm_coupling_interval)
+ ! define SLM coupling interval as a timeInterval type
+ call mpas_set_timeInterval(coupling_interval, YY=config_slm_coupling_interval, MM=0, DD=0, H=0, M=0, S=0, ierr=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'simulationStartTime', simulationStartTime)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'xtime', xtime)
+ call mpas_set_time(start_time, dateTimeString=simulationStartTime, ierr=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_set_time(curr_time, dateTimeString=xtime, ierr=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_interval_division(start_time, curr_time - start_time, coupling_interval, n_intervals, remainder)
+ slmTimeStep = int(n_intervals)
+ call mpas_get_timeInterval(remainder, start_time, timeString=remainder_string, ierr=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_log_write("SLM Restart: Using SLM time level $i because config_slm_coupling_interval divides into " // &
+ "elapsed time that many times ", intArgs=(/int(slmTimeStep)/))
+ call mpas_log_write(" That calculation implies it has been " // trim(remainder_string) // " since last SLM coupling. " // &
+ "If that interval seems wrong, there may be an error in your configuration.")
+ call mpas_log_write("")
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ end subroutine find_slm_restart_timestep
end module li_bedtopo
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F
index ac09a637de48..0e6ff08df22d 100644
--- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F
@@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ function li_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(err)
! ===
call li_velocity_external_write_albany_mesh(domain)
- call mpas_dmpar_max_int(domain % dminfo, err, globalErr) ! Find out if any blocks got an error
- if (globalErr > 0) then
+ call mpas_dmpar_max_int(domain % dminfo, abs(err), globalErr) ! Find out if any blocks got an error
+ if (globalErr /= 0) then
call mpas_log_write("An error has occurred in li_core_init. Aborting...", MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
@@ -1109,13 +1109,12 @@ subroutine li_simulation_clock_init(core_clock, configs, ierr)
type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: startTime, stopTime, alarmStartTime
type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: runDuration, timeStep, alarmTimeStep
type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: adaptDtForceInterval
- type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: slm_coupling_interval
character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_start_time, config_run_duration, config_stop_time, &
config_output_interval, config_restart_interval ! MPAS standard configs
character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_dt ! MPAS LI-specific config option
character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval ! MPAS LI-specific config option
character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_restart_timestamp_name
- character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_uplift_method, config_slm_coupling_interval
+ integer, pointer :: config_slm_coupling_interval
character (len=StrKIND) :: restartTimeStamp !< string to be read from file
integer, pointer :: config_year_digits
integer :: err_tmp
@@ -1134,7 +1133,6 @@ subroutine li_simulation_clock_init(core_clock, configs, ierr)
call mpas_pool_get_config(configs, 'config_stop_time', config_stop_time)
call mpas_pool_get_config(configs, 'config_restart_timestamp_name', config_restart_timestamp_name)
call mpas_pool_get_config(configs, 'config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval', config_adaptive_timestep_force_interval)
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs, 'config_uplift_method', config_uplift_method)
call mpas_pool_get_config(configs, 'config_slm_coupling_interval', config_slm_coupling_interval)
@@ -1199,22 +1197,8 @@ subroutine li_simulation_clock_init(core_clock, configs, ierr)
ierr = ior(ierr, err_tmp)
- ! Set up the coupling time interval if MALI is coupled to sea-level model
- if (trim(config_uplift_method) == "sealevelmodel") then
- call mpas_set_timeInterval(slm_coupling_interval, timeString=config_slm_coupling_interval, ierr=err_tmp)
- ierr = ior(ierr,err_tmp)
- call mpas_add_clock_alarm(core_clock, 'slmCouplingInterval', alarmTime=startTime, &
- alarmTimeInterval=slm_coupling_interval, ierr=err_tmp)
- ierr = ior(ierr,err_tmp)
- if (mpas_is_alarm_ringing(core_clock, 'slmCouplingInterval', ierr=err_tmp)) then
- ierr = ior(ierr, err_tmp)
- call mpas_reset_clock_alarm(core_clock, 'slmCouplingInterval', ierr=err_tmp)
- ierr = ior(ierr, err_tmp)
- endif
- endif
! === error check
- if (ierr > 0) then
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
call mpas_log_write("An error has occurred in li_simulation_clock_init.", MPAS_LOG_ERR)