The code for the LOL Banner discord bot, a bot that bans anyone for playing League Of Legends. This project was made based off of the meme "anyone playing league for more than 30 mins gets banned", I made the bot and put it up on my YouTube channel: but I will no longer be keeping the bot up and running(Sorry). (Original video : )
You can see the working version of the bot and add it to your server here:
I don't ask for money in exchange for the code, isntead I ask that you subscribe to my channel because it's free.
Bot's Discord server:
As the user of this code, you are allowed to use, copy, and change the code as long as you credit me (M'et) in an obvious place, for example in the Discord bot's about me section, and you agree to not use this code for commercial use. You are not allowed to profit off of this bot or any variation of this bot you make using this code.
The bot.js file is the code that will go in your already made discord.js bot, I reccommend watching a simple tutorial on how to make a discord.js bot then use this as your main file. Make sure to add your bot's token in the spots that say "INSTERT TOKEN HERE". I believe to get this code to work, you will need an older version of discord, simple use the " npm i discord.js@12.5.3 " command in your terminal to get to the last working version of discord.js that will run this bot.