Romain Vuillemot, LIRIS, École Centrale de Lyon/Département Math-Info,, @romsson.
Contact or questions:
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web by Scott Murray |
Other books
- Visualization Analysis and Design by Tamara Munzner
- Design for Information by Isabel Meirelles
- Making Data Visual: A Practical Guide to Using Visualization for Insight by Danyel Fisher & Miriah Meyer
More details/resources check out MOS 5.5 Interactive Data Visualization
- Mini-project
All homeworks/assignements/reports should be submitted using this document.
Monday 9 sept. 2019 morning
- Overview: Class organization (slides)
- Basics of Data Visualization: Perception, cognition, Visual mapping, Standard charts (slides)
- Authoring visualizations: Libraries, Tools, Tableau Software (slides)
- Standard chart + Time/Geo charts (slides)
Monday 9 sept. 2019 morning
Tableau Tutorial
- The goal is to have a first experience with Tableau and build standard charts using a simple dataset.
- Download and install Tableau Public (Free) on your machine
- (Simple) alternative to Tableau: Polestar
Iris flowers visualization
- Download the
and load it in Tableau; convert data types (if needed) - Plot a scatterplot with X:sepal_length, Y:sepal_width, color:species and a trend line
- Save as a tab and save the workbook
Elections map
- Download the
and load it in Tableau; convert data types (if needed) - Plot a grid plot with
as columns,State
as rows andState Winner
as color/marks. - Save as a tab
- Plot a geo-map with colors winning party in 2012
Latitude (generated)
etLongitude (generated)
, withState
as shapes and colorATTR([State Winner])
- Save as a tab and save the workbook
🏆 Extra
Stock markets visualizations
- Download the
and load it in Tableau; convert data types (if needed) - Plot a multiple line chart over time, for all stocks in a different color, grouped by company
- Plot a grouped bar chart (companies as categories, grouped by year or by companies)
- Your own chart!
- Save as a tab and save the workbook
Global Superstore Dataset
- Download the
and load it in Tableau; join datasets (if needed) - Find an interesting story / selection with this dataset
- Create a Dashboard and explain your story/finding
- BONUS: Add storytelling (Tableau Feature)
- BONUS: Join other datasets (e.g. People, ..)
📖 Readings
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web Chapter 1. Introduction , Chapter 2. Introducing D3 and Chapter 3. Technology Fundamentals
Get familiar with JavaScript
Solution for Super Store example (example)
Monday 9 sept. 2019 morning/afternoon
- Advanced data visualization concepts: Animation, Interaction, Multiple Views (slides)
- D3.js: Principles, Codes, Web Development (slides)
Monday 9 sept. 2019 afternoon
- Cheatsheet for D3
- Let's build a bar chart using SVG only (without D3)
- Let's build a bar chart with D3 without data binding
- Let's build a bar chart with D3 using data binding
- Let's build an interactive bar chart using a dataset
- Let's build an interactive line chart using a dataset
- Result from class
🏆 Extra
Extend the line chart using the
where each line is a different symbol (and a different color) -
BONUS: add a vertical axis
BONUS: rank chart and a toggle button
BONNUS: multiple scatterplot
Reading: Chapter 4. Setup, Chapter 5. Data, Chapter 6. Drawing with Data, Chapter 7. Scales.
📅 For next class (10/09): pick a dataset
- Pick an interesting problem (e.g. what is the student progression in class over time? how climate changes over years? which soccer teams performs the best in Ligue 1?)
- Find the corresponding dataset (or build it yourself) but should remain fairly small (~50 rows and 3 to 4 columns) with at least a few quantitative values
- Find related questions to this problem that can be answered by visualizing your dataset
- Add it to this document
Tuesday 10 september 2019 morning
Temporal data and d3.nest
Stock market dataset
Stock line chart (another one using d3.nest)
Advanced D3.js: gouped bar chart (slides)
Discussion on datasets and questions
Sketching, Rapid Prototyping, Development cycles (slides)
Advanced layouts (slides)
Case studies (slides)
The Five Design Sheet methodology
Read principles of the Five design sheets methodology
Apply it to your project (paper and pen!) by sketching the organization of the page and the visualizations.
NOTE: you may need to perform a data analysis process of your project dataset (or expected dataset) using D3 or Tableau: load data from an external file (CSV, JSON), create a first chart characterising the distribution of the dataset (e.g. time series, bar chart, ), scatterplot. Add the link to your analysis in the class document.
Wednesday 17 september 2019 morning
- Complete building your visualization project
- Add it in this document.
- Feedback and presentation
- 🎉
🏆 Extra
- Grouped bar chart chart using the
dataset andd3.nest
BONUS: Stacked bar chart
BONUS: Transition between stacked and grouped (see D3 show reel)
Reading: Chapter 8. Axes, Chapter 9. Updates, Transitions, and Motion , Chapter 10. Interactivity, Chapter 11. Layouts.
Solution stock grouped bar chart and stacked bar chart) see slides
Introduction to data cleaning tools and methods
Modern web development tools: local server, package managers (slides)
Tutorial: build a geo-map
Graphs, Networks and Tree visualizations (slides)
Node link diagram based on force layout (see documentation and parameters playground)
BONUS: multiple foci and solution
- Gallery of examples
- Code examples and references for the course "D3.js in Motion"
- Relearning D3.js
- D3 in depth
- Awesome D3
- Changes in D3 4.0
- D3 V4 - What's new?
- Wide vs. Long Data in D3
- D3 Cheatsheet
- Git and GitHub (e.g. Try GitHub)
- Mozilla Developers Network's Javascript reference
- Learn JavaScript (e.g. JS learnxinyminutes, learnjsdata)
- JSON (e.g. JS learnxinyminutes)
- Eloquent JavaScript
- (Notes on Douglas Crockford's Javascript the Good Parts 🚀 )[]
Data Visualization Classes
- Visual Analytics Ecole Centrale Paris
- Dataviz resources