From dac61e86d3dfe29b84412b8fced95e910721003f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lovsan Date: Tue, 15 May 2018 20:45:47 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Update Ruutu+ Lataaja v2 .vbs --- Ruutu+ Lataaja v2 .vbs | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/Ruutu+ Lataaja v2 .vbs b/Ruutu+ Lataaja v2 .vbs index f562055..e8ce43c 100644 --- a/Ruutu+ Lataaja v2 .vbs +++ b/Ruutu+ Lataaja v2 .vbs @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ ' Ruutu + lataaja. made by lovsan ' version 0.2 -' updated @ 15.5 19.54 GMT +2 ' Choose folder to download the files into, or stream the video with VLC player. working perfectly ' TODO - choose folder via promt[DONE], ' TODO get mediainfo of downloaded file and write an NFO. @@ -16,7 +15,8 @@ gatlingurl = "" & xmlid ' - example 3223089 fullurl = gatlingurl xmltag = "CastMediaFile" -vlcPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe " ' TODO - says file not found? path should be correct??? +' folder = "downloads" TODO +' vlcPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe " ' TODO, says file not found? path should be correct??? ' ffmpegPath "" TODO If xmlid = "" then wscript.Quit 1' if no ID typed, quit program @@ -35,12 +35,10 @@ For Each Elem In xmlCol 'wscript.Echo(Elem.firstChild.nodeValue) sFilePath = Elem.firstChild.nodeValue Next - -if sFilePath = Empty then -wscript.Echo "This video cant be downloaded or streamed - DRM active" -wscript.Quit 1 -end if - + if sFilePath = Empty then + wscript.Echo "This video cant be downloaded or streamed - DRM active" + wscript.Quit 1 + end if dim vlcd vlcd=inputbox("type > stream = Open with vlc player, type > download = Download the file", "Ruutu+ Lataaja", "download") If vlcd = "" then wscript.echo "Input Empty. Closing program" 'wscript.Quit 1' if no ID typed, quit program @@ -65,20 +63,22 @@ sTempFilePath=inputbox("Choose filename.", "Ruutu + lataaja") oFolder = BrowseForFolder() & "\" FilePath = oFolder & sTempFilePath & filext +'if (sFilePath Is Nothing) then wscript.Echo ("This video cant be downloaded or streamed - DRM active"), 1 + WScript.Echo "Saving To file ->" & FilePath + sCommand = "ffmpeg -y -i """ + sFilePath + """ -c:v copy -c:a copy """ + FilePath + """" if FilePath = "" then wscript.Quit 1 Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") oShell.Run sCommand, 1, True -wscript.Echo "file download complete - " & FilePath -wscript.Echo "Thank you for using Ruutu+ lataaja!" - +wscript.Echo "file download complete - " & FilePath' , "Ruutu + Lataaja" +'msgbox "file download complete - " & FilePath , "Ruutu+ Lataaja" ', 1 'Stream file with vlc player case "stream" set vlc = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") -'vlcCommand = "" + vlcPath + "" + sFilePath + """" ' todo, work in progress -vlcCommand = "vlc.exe """ + sFilePath + """" -wscript.Echo vlcCommand +'vlcCommand = "" + vlcPath + "" + sFilePath + """" ' not working yet +vlcCommand = "vlc.exe """ + sFilePath +"""" +'wscript.Echo vlcCommand 'wscript.Echo "Opening playlist - " & sFilePath vlc.Run vlcCommand, 1, True End Select