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Timeline Collection

quartzjer edited this page Dec 27, 2011 · 3 revisions

This collection will merge and dedup social stream, it collects all things shared socially by you or TO you by someone else.

This table is the current support status, the D means cross-posts between the services are de-duplicated: when someone shares the same item across the two services, it will be merged into one item within this collection, including any responses like comments, likes, retweets, etc.

Service Facebook Twitter Foursquare Instagram
Facebook comments, likes D D D
Twitter D replies, RTs D D
Foursquare D D (need synclet work to get comments)
Instagram D D comments, hearts

Additional services that are planned to be supported, in order of priority (feel free to add to the list):

  1. Tumblr
  2. Google+ (waiting for their API to support things shared to you)
  3. Path (waiting for an API at all)
  4. Disqus (need connector work, could gather all replies to relevant posts in your feed)

Other possibilities:

  • pinterest (is there much social sharing or cross-posting?)
  • flickr (how many people follow others or use the social features, or cross-post from here?)
  • wordpress (is the social following popular here?)
  • youtube (the feeds from channels you subscribe to?)
  • hackernews (what level of filtering? do the various twitter bots do good enough job here already?)
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