diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 511cbb9..dfd0632 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,129 +1,18 @@
-# S3SignerAWS
+# S3
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+Register S3Client as a service
-Generates V4 authorization headers and pre-signed URLs for authenticating AWS S3 REST API calls
-Check out [VaporS3Signer](https://github.com/JustinM1/VaporS3Signer.git) if your using `Vapor`.
-### Features
-- [x] Pure Swift
-- [x] All required headers generated automatically
-- [x] V4 Authorization header
-- [x] V4 pre-signed URL
-- [x] Single chunk uploads
-- [ ] Multiple chunk uploads
-## Table of Contents
- - [Integration](#integration)
- - [Usage](#usage)
- - [V4 Authorization Header](#v4-authorization-header)
- - [V4 Pre-Signed URL](#v4-pre-signed-url)
-## Integration
-**Swift Package Manager**
-To install with swift package manager, add the package to your `Package.swift` file:
-Import PackageDescription
- let package = Package(
- name: "Your_Project_Name",
- targets: [],
- dependencies: [
- .Package(url: "https://github.com/JustinM1/S3SignerAWS.git", majorVersion: 3)
- ]
- )
- ```
-## Usage
-Requests can either have a signed payload or an unsigned payload.
-* _S3SignerAWS is built using `Vapor Server` framework `Crypto` and uses `Bytes` as the payload data type. `Bytes` is a typealias of `[UInt8]`_
-For example, to convert a data object to bytes you do the following:
-let bytes = try someDataObject.makeBytes()
+try services.register(s3 config: S3Signer.Config(...), defaultBucket: "my-bucket")
-* If you know the request will not have a payload, set the Payload property to none. This tells s3 that the signature was created with no payload intended
-* If you are not sure what the exact payload will be, set payload property to unsigned. This tells s3 when you made the signature, there was a possibility of a payload but you weren't sure what specific object will be uploaded.
-* `Payload` enum:
- ```ruby
- public enum Payload {
- case bytes(Bytes)
- case none
- case unsigned
- }
- ```
-To begin working with the S3SignerAWS class, initialize an instance similar to example shown below:
-let s3Signer = S3SignerAWS(accessKey: "YOUR_AWS_PUBLIC_KEY", secretKey: "YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY", region: .usStandard_usEast1)
-**NOTE -** Hardcoding Secret Keys on client is _not_ recommended for security reasons.
-### V4 Authorization Header
-For both V4 Authorization Header and Pre-Signed URL, you can add additional headers as needed for your specific use case.
-do {
- guard let url = URL(string: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucketName/testUploadImage.png") else { throw someError }
- let headers = try s3Signer.authHeaderV4(httpMethod: .get, urlString: url.absoluteString, headers: [:], payload: .none)
- var request = URLRequest(url: url)
- request.httpMethod = HTTPMethod.get.rawValue
- headers.forEach { request.setValue($0.key, forHTTPHeaderField: $0.value) }
- // make network request
- } catch {
- //handle error
- }
- }
- ```
-do {
- let bytesObject = try someDataObject.makeBytes()
- guard let url = URL(string: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucketName/testUploadImage.png") else { throw someError }
- let headers = try s3Signer.authHeadersV4(httpMethod: .put, urlString: url.absoluteString, headers: [:], payload: .bytes(bytesObject))
- var request = URLRequest(url: url)
- request.httpMethod = HTTPMethod.put.rawValue
- request.httpBody = Data(bytes: bytesObject)
- headers.forEach { request.setValue($0.key, forHTTPHeaderField: $0.value) }
- // make network request
- } catch {
- //handle error
- }
- }
- ```
-do {
- guard let url = URL(string: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucketName/testUploadImage.png") else { throw someError }
- let headers = try s3Signer.authHeadersV4(httpMethod: .delete, urlString: url.absoluteString, headers: [:], payload: .none)
- var request = URLRequest(url: url)
- request.httpMethod = HTTPMethod.delete.rawValue
- headers.forEach { request.setValue($0.key, forHTTPHeaderField: $0.value) }
- // make network request
- } catch {
- //handle error
- }
- }
+use S3Client
-### V4 Pre-Signed URL
+import S3
-Similar to the ease of generating authentication headers, to generate a pre-signed url:
-let presignedURL = signer.presignedURLV4(httpMethod: HTTPMethod, urlString: String, expiration: TimeFromNow, headers: [String: String]) -> String
- ```
+let s3 = try req.makeS3Client()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Sources/S3/Extensions/Service+S3.swift b/Sources/S3/Extensions/Service+S3.swift
index f580d56..6d75f53 100644
--- a/Sources/S3/Extensions/Service+S3.swift
+++ b/Sources/S3/Extensions/Service+S3.swift
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import Service
extension Services {
/// Convenience method to register both S3Signer and S3Client
public mutating func register(s3 config: S3Signer.Config, defaultBucket: String) throws {
try S3.init(defaultBucket: defaultBucket, config: config, services: &self)
diff --git a/Sources/S3/S3.swift b/Sources/S3/S3.swift
index ebe23db..50a94bf 100755
--- a/Sources/S3/S3.swift
+++ b/Sources/S3/S3.swift
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
import Foundation
import Vapor
-@_exported import S3Signer
import HTTP
+@_exported import S3Signer
/// Main S3 class
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ public class S3: S3Client {
case bucketOwnerFullControl = "bucket-owner-full-control"
public struct File {
/// File to be uploaded (PUT)
@@ -164,8 +163,6 @@ public class S3: S3Client {
/// Retrieve file data from S3
public func get(file: File.Location, headers: [String: String] = [:], on req: Request) throws -> Future {
guard let url = try buildUrl(file: file, on: req) else {
@@ -192,7 +189,6 @@ public class S3: S3Client {
/// Delete file from S3
public func delete(file: File.Location, headers: [String: String] = [:], on req: Request) throws -> Future {
guard let url = try buildUrl(file: file, on: req) else {