Anything with access level internal
or higher requires documentation with the exception of declarations made for protocol
conformance or override
s in subclasses. This allows developers to understand the intention and function of the public interface of types, regardless of the module they're currently working in.
- Use Xcode’s auto documentation in most cases (
option + command + /
). - Document
types if you want to add clarity, but it is not required. - The order in which parameters appear in documentation should match the order in which they appear in the corresponding API.
- Should have a single line of documentation at the top.
- Documentation on each case should be in the same format as functions where each associated value is documented as a parameter.
/// Represents all possible product category types.
enum Category {
/// Edible items.
case food
/// Drinkable items.
case beverage
/// Other non-consumable merchandise.
case merchandise
/// An item category that falls outside of the other cases.
/// - Parameter description: A string description of what that category is.
case other(description: String)
Closure Signature Type Aliases
- Use the same documentation format as functions with parameters when documenting
es for closures.
/// Signature for a closure that is called when a button is tapped.
/// - Parameter button: The button that was tapped.
typealias ButtonTapHandler = (_ button: UIButton) -> Void
- When adding an extension to add common functionality to a type, document the extension with a comment about the type of functionality it is adding.
/// A `UIView` extension that adds layer properties as `@IBInspectable` properties of the view itself so that they can be set within Interface Builder.
extension UIView {
/// The receiver’s `layer` corner radius.
/// - SeeAlso:
/// [CALayer.cornerRadius](
@IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat {
get {
return layer.cornerRadius
set {
layer.cornerRadius = newValue
Use comments when trying to explain edge cases where code may require complexity or unfamiliar patterns.
- Focus on making your code as easy to understand as possible with clear variable names.
- Start comments with double slashes followed by a space e.g.
// Here is a comment
// This is intentionally implemented. The default implementation for RawRepresentable, outlined here:, does not use the Swift 4.2 auto synthesis for Hashable, and instead provides its own hashValue, which only uses the rawValue.
var hashValue: Int {
var hasher = Hasher()
self.hash(into: &hasher)
return hasher.finalize()