it started as my first attempt to create a chat application but now has been evolved to my fist attempt creating my own social network to share with my friends
- Login-Register ( via email-password or google-auth20 )
- Edit Profile ( profile picture url and description )
- Send Friend Request
- Accept Friend Request
- Delete Friend Request
- Create Post ( only text for now )
- Delete Post
- Delete Comment
- Update Post
- Update Comment
- Like Post ( any users post )
- Notifications (like, comment, friend request) in real time using web sockets
- Search Users ( via name )
- Logout
- Live Notifications (DONE!)
- Private Chat
you need to add and configure an .env file as follows
- PORT=< port number >
- MONGO_DB_URL=< any mongodb url you prefer>
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=< your google id privided by google for the application >
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=< your google secret privided by google for the application >
- SECRET=< secret string for the cookie and jwt >
- FRONTEND_URL=< http://localhost:< port > for local or a hosted url with your fronted>
git clone
cd Pepaverse/
npm install
node index.js
- source for ui components: Bootsrap
- source for icons: Font Awesome