layout hero features home name text tagline image actions Unison.js Framework React but more reactive Ease the complexity of reactivity in React src alt /logo-with-shadow.png Unison theme text link brand Get started /guide/runtime/vue/ theme text link alt Why this library ? /guide/ icon title details ⚙️ Runtime first Designed to run without compilation icon title details <svg xmlns="" width="30" viewBox="-11.5 -10.23174 23 20.46348"> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2.05" fill="#61dafb"/> <g stroke="#61dafb" stroke-width="1" fill="none"> <ellipse rx="11" ry="4.2"/> <ellipse rx="11" ry="4.2" transform="rotate(60)"/> <ellipse rx="11" ry="4.2" transform="rotate(120)"/> </g> </svg> Compatible React eco-system Full compatibility with React, its eco-system and existing React codebase icon title details <svg xmlns="" width="30" viewBox="0 0 256 220.8"><path fill="#41B883" d="M204.8 0H256L128 220.8 0 0h97.92L128 51.2 157.44 0h47.36Z"/><path fill="#41B883" d="m0 0 128 220.8L256 0h-51.2L128 132.48 50.56 0H0Z"/><path fill="#35495E" d="M50.56 0 128 133.12 204.8 0h-47.36L128 51.2 97.92 0H50.56Z"/></svg> Vue Composition API Leverage the Vue Composition API in your React project icon title details 🌐️ Compatible Vue eco-system Works with Vue libraries and composables icon title details ⬇️ Low level API (Core) Provide API to control scheduling and side-effect icon title details 🛠️ Optional compilation Provide a compiler to optimize applications and improve the DX