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EigenLayer Sidecar

The EigenLayer Sidecar is an open source, permissionless, verified indexer enabling anyone (AVS, operator, etc) to access EigenLayer’s protocol rewards in real-time.

A core responsibility of the Sidecar is facilitating the calculations of rewards distributed to stakers and operators by AVSs.

Current versions

Helpful Links

Runtime dependencies

  • MacOS or Linux (arm64 or amd64)
  • PostgreSQL >= 15.x
  • Access to an Ethereum archive node (execution client)



  • Go 1.22
  • PostgreSQL >= 15.x
  • Homebrew (if on MacOS)

Supported build environments

  • MacOS
  • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)

Environment setup

If you have basic build tools like make already installed, you can run:

make deps

If you are starting from a fresh linux install with nothing, run:


make deps


First run:

make build

This will build everything you need, including the sqlite extensions if they have not yet been built.

Entire suite

make test

One off tests is a convenience script that sets up all relevant environment variables and runs the tests.

./scripts/ -v ./internal/types/numbers -v -p 1 -run '^Test_Numbers$' 

Long-running Rewards tests

The rewards tests are time and resource intensive and are not enabled to run by default.

Download the test data

./scripts/ testnet-reduced

Run the rewards tests

REWARDS_TEST_CONTEXT=testnet-reduced TEST_REWARDS=true ./scripts/ -timeout 0 ./pkg/rewards -v -p 1 -run '^Test_Rewards$'


  • REWARDS_TEST_CONTEXT determines which test data to use.
  • TEST_REWARDS enables the rewards tests.


This will build the go binary and the associated sqlite3 extensions:

make deps

make build



Use go run main.go --help to get help

Available Commands:
  completion                   Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create-snapshot              Create a snapshot of the database
  help                         Help about any command
  restore-snapshot             Restore database from a snapshot file
  run                          Run the sidecar

run options

Run the sidecar

  sidecar run [flags]

  -h, --help   help for run

Global Flags:
  -c, --chain string                              The chain to use (mainnet, holesky, preprod (default "mainnet")
      --database.db_name string                   PostgreSQL database name (default "sidecar") string                      PostgreSQL host (default "localhost")
      --database.password string                  PostgreSQL password
      --database.port int                         PostgreSQL port (default 5432)
      --database.schema_name string               PostgreSQL schema name (default "public")
      --database.user string                      PostgreSQL username (default "sidecar")
      --datadog.statsd.enabled                    e.g. "true" or "false"
      --datadog.statsd.url string                 e.g. "localhost:8125"
      --debug                                     "true" or "false"
      --ethereum.chunked_batch_call_size int      The number of calls to make in parallel when using the chunked batch call method (default 10)
      --ethereum.contract_call_batch_size int     The number of contract calls to batch together when fetching data from the Ethereum node (default 25)
      --ethereum.native_batch_call_size int       The number of calls to batch together when using the native eth_call method (default 500)
      --ethereum.rpc-url string                   e.g. "http://<hostname>:8545"
      --ethereum.use_native_batch_call            Use the native eth_call method for batch calls (default true)
      --prometheus.enabled                        e.g. "true" or "false"
      --prometheus.port int                       The port to run the prometheus server on (default 2112)
      --rewards.generate_staker_operators_table   Generate staker operators table while indexing
      --rewards.validate_rewards_root             Validate rewards roots while indexing (default true)
      --rpc.grpc-port int                         gRPC port (default 7100)
      --rpc.http-port int                         http rpc port (default 7101)

Bring Your Own PostgreSQL database

See PostgreSQL Setup for instructions on setting up a PostgreSQL database.

Directly using Go

Assumes you have PosgresSQL running locally already

make build
./bin/sidecar run \
    --ethereum.rpc-url="http://<hostname>:8545" \
    --chain="holesky" \
    --statsd.url="localhost:8125" \"localhost" \
    --database.port="5432" \
    --database.user="sidecar" \
    --database.password="..." \

# OR with go run
go run main.go run \
    --ethereum.rpc-url="http://<hostname>:8545" \
    --chain="holesky" \
    --statsd.url="localhost:8125" \"localhost" \
    --database.port="5432" \
    --database.user="sidecar" \
    --database.password="..." \

Using the public Docker container

Assumes you have PosgresSQL running locally already

docker run -it --rm \
  -e SIDECAR_DEBUG=false \
  -e SIDECAR_ETHEREUM_RPC_URL="http://<hostname>:8545" \
  -e SIDECAR_CHAIN="holesky" \
  -e SIDECAR_STATSD_URL="localhost:8125" \
  -e SIDECAR_DATABASE_HOST="localhost" \
  -e SIDECAR_DATABASE_USER="sidecar" \
  -p 7100:7100 \
  --tty -i \ run

Build and run a container locally

Assumes you have PosgresSQL running locally already

make docker-buildx-self

docker run \
  -e "SIDECAR_DEBUG=false" \
  -e "SIDECAR_ETHEREUM_RPC_URL=http://<hostname>:8545" \
  -e "SIDECAR_CHAIN=holesky" \
  -e "SIDECAR_STATSD_URL=localhost:8125" \
  -e SIDECAR_DATABASE_HOST="localhost" \
  -e SIDECAR_DATABASE_USER="sidecar" \
  --tty -i \
  go-sidecar:latest run

Running with docker-compose

By default, this will build the sidecar locally with Docker and run it.

If you wish to use the pre-built image, uncomment the image property in the sidecar service in docker-compose.yml and remove the build section

    image: run
    #  context: .
    #  dockerfile: Dockerfile
POSTGRES_DATA_PATH=<path to store postgres data> docker-compose up


Snapshots are a quicker way to sync to tip and get started.

See Snapshots Docs for instructions on creating and restoring snapshots

Snapshot Sources

  • Mainnet Ethereum (not yet available)
  • Testnet Holesky (2024-11-22)

Example boot from testnet snapshot (default schema)

curl -LO

tar -xvf sidecar-testnet-2024-11-22.tar.gz

./bin/sidecar restore-snapshot \
  --input_file=sidecar-testnet-2024-11-22.dump \ \
  --database.user=sidecar \
  --database.password=... \
  --database.port=5432 \
  --database.db_name=sidecar \

RPC Routes

Get current block height

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{}'  localhost:7100 eigenlayer.sidecar.api.v1.Rpc/GetBlockHeight

Get the stateroot at a block height

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{ "blockNumber": 1140438 }'  localhost:7100 eigenlayer.sidecar.api.v1.Rpc/GetStateRoot