- What are Collateralized Debt Positions?
- How does a CDP work?
- Who can open a CDP?
- Does a CDP incur any fees?
- What is the Collateralization Ratio?
- What risks are associated with owning a CDP?
- What are Common Practices to limit risk?
- What are some benefits of owning a CDP?
- Why would I want to open a CDP?
- Are there reasons to avoid opening a CDP?
- What kind of collateral can I stake?
- Is it possible to pay down Dai from an exchange wallet?
- How much can I over-collateralize?
- What happens to airdrops when I have locked up my Ether in a CDP?
- What happens if I want to stake my collateral with another project and also want to open a CDP with it?
- Do I have to pay back Dai if my collateral goes up in value?
- Can I use the same CDP after it has been liquidated?
- How can I verify the solvency of the CDP ecosystem?
- What is the Stability Fee?
- When do I have to pay the Stability Fee?
- Do I have to pay the new fees on old debt?
- What is the purpose of the Stability Fee?
- Why does the Stability Fee Change?
- How is the Stability Fee calculated?
- What does the system do with the collected fees?
- Where can I see my currently accrued Stability Fee?
- How does the fee alter supply and demand?
- How do I calculate the impact of variable Stability Fees?
- How can I learn more about the Risk Teams and communicate with the Foundation about current or future changes to the system?
- Is there a limit to the range of the Stability Fee changes?
- How can CDP owners mitigate fee change risk?
- What happens if a fee change vote is rejected?
- How often will the Stability Fee change?
- What is Liquidation?
- Why does Liquidation exist?
- What is the Liquidation Ratio?
- What is the Liquidation Price?
- What is the Liquidation Penalty?
- What happens during a Liquidation?
- How much collateral is left after a liquidation?
- How do I calculate my Liquidation Price?
- How do I calculate my Collateralization Ratio?
- How do I lower my Liquidation Price?
- Typical Practices to avoid getting liquidated
- How does the smart contract sell collateral?
- Can I purchase seized PETH?
- How would a "flash crash" affect the liquidation of CDP's?
- Where can I view live information about Liquidations?
- What is Dai?
- Why would I want to use Dai?
- Is one Dai always worth exactly one USD?
- Where does Dai come from?
- Does anyone else have a claim on my Dai tokens?
- How is the price of Dai kept stable?
- How can I make Dai?
- Where can I buy Dai?
- Where can I see the amount of collateral that is backing DAI?
- What organizations are using DAI?
- What is Governance?
- How do MKR holders manage the Dai Credit System?
- How can I vote?
- How Do I know my vote was placed?
- If the vote has already started can I still participate?
- Can I change my vote once I have placed it?
- How is the voting calculated?
- Is there more than one type of vote?
- What do people vote on?
- Does the Foundation ever vote?
- When do Governance Polls Happen?
- How Long is the Voting Period of a Governance Poll?
- When do Executive Votes Happen?
- What is Continuous Approval Voting?
- Why is the Continuous Approval Voting System necessary?
- How Long is the Voting Period of an Executive Vote?
- How does the Voting Dashboard work?
- What does setting up a voting proxy do for me?
- What is a proxy contract?
- Why do I need to set up a proxy contract?
- What am I granting permissions for, to whom, and why?
- Does it cost gas every time I vote?
- How much gas will I need, and where does it come from; the hot wallet or the cold wallet?
- How many transactions do I have to sign?
- What exactly does the link between hot and cold wallets control?
- Who controls my MKR when it is locked?
- How do I know my MKR is locked up?
- How do I retrieve my MKR?
- How does a withdrawal affect my previous votes?
- Do I need to unlock immediately after voting?
- Can I send my MKR from my cold wallet to another address while it is locked? What happens if I do that?
- What happens if I send more MKR to my cold wallet after I link it?
- Can I break the link between my hot and cold wallet?
- Can I combine more than one address holding MKR to vote?