- This is a super useful article about how to use commands
- Update favorites page to display 'No User Id' if none provided
- Update track table and track table view to update table to say 'Loading' every laod, not just first load
- Create a text input component that has the active/inactive borders and stuff
- Add queue methods in player
- Just need next and prev for now
- Update the main view names to page
- Update the tracks table to save the column titles to dynamically get the info from the tracks
- Write a system to add the track Id to the filename when downloading and then only deleting all of the temp files on quit
- Also check to see if we have the track file before playing to skip downloading again
- Update to use the full endpoint
- Has more sorting/filtering options and things
- Also can update the favorites page to sort by latest added instead of whatever its doing now
- Update control scheme when more pages are added
- Need an intuitive set of keymaps that is easy to use
- Need to also update the help text to update contextually
- More mouse interactions when the UI is nailed down
- Work on sending messages out for tracking plays and stuff
- Collection View
- User Favorited Playlists
- Collection Search
- Queue View and more robust and managable queue system
- Shuffle
- App resizing
- User Login & Writes
- Favoriting Tracks
- User Profile View
- User Search