- convert to SDK format
- TargetFrameworks: net5.0-windows, netcoreapp3.1, net45
- add WindowVM.Owner
- add MenuItemVM.Command
- split KsWare.Presentation.Behavior
- split KsWare.Presentation.Behavior.Common
- Use nuget Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf instead the System.Windows.Interactivity
- remove nuget System.Windows.Interactivity.WPF-2.0.20525
- use nuget KsWare.Presentation.Converters
- use nuget KsWare.Presentation.ViewFramework.Common
- change namespace of some converters (KsWare.Presentation.Converters)
- add ViewModelStylesResources
- add UIElementControllerVM
- add ViewModelControllerBehavior
- add FrameControllerVM
- add MenuItemVM
- add MenuItemVMStyle
- add DesigntimeResourceDictionary
- BackingFieldStore extended
- add ObservableDictionary
- Sample application moved
- add SharedResourceDictionary
- add FieldBindings
- remove KsWare.JsonFx
- remove KsWare.Presentation.Compatibility40
- add KsWare.Presentation.Themes to NuGet package
- add KsWare.Presentation.Themes.Aero2Fix to NuGet package
- cleanup old methods
- Remove support for .NET Framework 4.0
- Minimum supported .NET Framework 4.5
- Minimum Visual Studio 2017
- Using C# 7.2
- configure continuous integration for NuGet and GitHub Releases
- moved to GitGub
- license changed to MIT
- change nuget package name and owner "KsWare.Presentation" owner KsWare