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238 lines (185 loc) · 9.7 KB

File metadata and controls

238 lines (185 loc) · 9.7 KB
                                             _           _______
                                            /.\\        /  ___  \_________  _
         _   __   ___      _                \_/ \       | /   \     ____  \/ |   _____   
        | | /  | |   \    | |                 \  \      | | O |  _________/\_|  /  | o\  
        | |/  /  |  _ |   | |                  \--\     | \___/ /             _/  _/  /  
        |    /   | | ||   | |                  | o |     \      \       /\   /.\ / | |   
        |    \   | |_| \  | |___               /--/       \  \\  \      \/\  \_//  | |   
        |  _  \  |  __  | |     |             /  /         \  \\  \      \ \      /  |   
        |_| \__\ |_|  \_| |_____|           _/  /           \   _  \      \-\     |  o\_ 
                                           / \ /            |  /.\  |     |o|     /_____\
                 for Vim                  | o |_      _____/   \_/  |     /-/     |     |
               by Knosowski                \_/__|__  |____   ______/     / /      |_____|
                                           |___ ___\ |    \_____   |    /  |
                                            |  \__ |  \___________/     | o \__
                                            |______|  |           |     \______\
        industrial robot programming                  |           |      |     |
                                                      |___________|      |_____|


READ FAQ FIRST if you want more than just syntax highlight and automatic indenting. It is a quick overview over the most important options and mappings provided by KRL for Vim. For more details see the help file.


KRL for Vim (7.4 or later) is a collection of Vim scripts to help programming KUKA industrial robots.

It provides

  • syntax highlighting,
  • indenting,
  • folding,
  • support for commentary vimscript #3695, matchit vimscript #39, matchup vimscript #5624 and endwise vimscript #2386,
  • mappings and settings to navigate through code in a backup folder structure,
  • text objects for functions, comments and folds,
  • optimized folding and concealing for viewing VRKC,
  • completion of words from known or custom global files like $config.dat,
  • mappings to insert a body of a new DEF, DEFFCT or DEFDAT based on user defined templates or hopefully sane defaults.

Note: Keep your files to edit in one folder or in a regular robot backup folder structure. KRL for Vim modifies 'path' accordingly.
Since version 2.0.0 KRC1 backups are supported too.
Note to Linux users: Keep your files to edit on a FAT file system. Some features need the case insensitive file system to work properly.


Installation with vim-plug: ~

Put this in your .vimrc: >

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
  Plug 'KnoP-01/krl-for-vim'
call plug#end()
syntax off                 " undo what plug#begin() did to syntax
filetype plugin indent off " undo what plug#begin() did to filetype
syntax on                  " syntax and filetype on in that order
filetype plugin indent on  " syntax and filetype on in that order

For the first installation run: >


Update every once in a while with: >


Manual installation: ~

Extract the most recent release and copy the folders /doc, /ftdetect, /ftplugin, /indent and /syntax into your ~/.vim/ or %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles\ directory. Overwrite krl.* files from older installation.

Put the following in your .vimrc: >

syntax on                  " syntax and filetype on in that order
filetype plugin indent on  " syntax and filetype on in that order

You may have to run >

:helptags ~/.vim/doc/

or >

:helptags ~/vimfiles/doc/

to use the help within Vim after installation. >

:help krl


Q: How do I disable an annoying feature of krl-for-vim?
A: Disable feature in your vimrc, see krl-options for details: >

let g:krlShortenQFPath    = 0 " don't shorten paths in quickfix
let g:krlAutoComment      = 0 " don't continue comments with o, O or Enter
let g:krlFormatComments   = 0 " don't break comment lines automatically
let g:krlCommentIndent    = 1 " indent comments starting in 1st column too
let g:krlIndentBetweenDef = 0 " don't indent between DEF(fct|dat)?
let g:krlSpaceIndent      = 0 " don't change 'sts', 'sw', 'et' and 'sr'
"let g:krlFoldLevel       = 0 " close no folds on startup
"let g:krlFoldLevel       = 1 " close movement folds on startup (default)
let g:krlFoldLevel        = 2 " close all folds on startup
let g:krlKeyWord          = 0 " don't treat $, # and & as word char

Q: Which keys get mapped to what? Will that override my own mappings?
A: krl-for-vim will not override existing mappings unless the corresponding option is explicitly set. To use different key bindings see :help krl-key-mappings for <Plug> mappings.
Otherwise krl-for-vim create the following mappings: >

<F2> Open all folds
<F3> Open none movement folds
<F4> Close all folds
        Override existing mapping with
    let g:krlFoldingKeyMap = 1

gd Go to or show definition of variable or def/deffct.
        Does work on fold lines for SPSMAKRO, UP, bin, binin and Marker.
        Does override Vim's default. Make Vim's default available with 
    nnoremap gd gd
        Override existing mapping with
    let g:krlGoDefinitionKeyMap = 1

<leader>u List all significant references of word under cursor.
        Override existing mapping with
    let g:krlListUsageKeyMap = 1

<leader>f List all def/deffct of the current file.
        Override existing mapping with
    let g:krlListDefKeyMap = 1

[[ Move around functions. Takes a count.
]] Move around functions. Takes a count.
[] Move around functions. Takes a count.
][ Move around functions. Takes a count.
[; Move around comments. Takes a count.
]; Move around comments. Takes a count.
        Does override existing mappings and Vim's default.
        Disable override existing mappings and Vim's default with
    let g:krlMoveAroundKeyMap = 0

if Inner function text object.
af Around function text object.
aF Around function text object including preceding comments.
        Depends on g:krlMoveAroundKeyMap not existing or =1.
        Override existing mapping with
    let g:krlFunctionTextObject = 1

io Inner fold text object. Takes a count for nested folds.
ao Around fold text object. Takes a count for nested folds.
        Depends on matchit/matchup.
        Override existing mapping with
    let g:krlFoldTextObject = 1

ic Inner comment text object.
ac Around comment text object.
        Depends on g:krlMoveAroundKeyMap not existing or =1.
        Override existing mapping with
    let g:krlCommentTextObject = 1

<leader>n Inserts a new def/deffct.
        Override existing mapping with
    let g:krlAutoFormKeyMap = 1

Q: Does krl-for-vim provide a mapping for indenting the whole file?
A: No, but you may put the following in your .vimrc or ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/krl.vim: >

nnoremap ANYKEY gg=G``zz

Q: Does krl-for-vim provide a mapping to quickly switch between the corresponding dat- and src-file?
A: No, but you may put the following in your .vimrc or ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/krl.vim: >

nnoremap ANYKEY :if expand('%')=~'\.dat$' <bar> e %:s?\.dat$?.src? <bar> else <bar> e %:s?\.src$?.dat? <bar> endif<CR>

Q: I did set g:krlFoldLevel=1 or 2 but folds are open after loading a .src file?!
A: Unfortunately the order matters: >

syntax on                   " before filetype plugin on
filetype plugin indent on   " after syntax on

Q: Folds are still open although I have syntax on and filetype on in the right order?!
A: Some plugin manager mess with those commands, so with vim-plug I had to redo this after plug#end(): >

call plug#end()
syntax off                  " undo what plug#begin() did to syntax
filetype plugin indent off  " undo what plugin#begin() did to filetype
syntax on                   " before filetype plugin on
filetype plugin indent on   " after syntax on

Q: Scrolling feels sluggish. What can I do?
A: Switch error highlighting off and/or folding to marker: >

let g:krlFoldMethodSyntax = 0 " better performance, but case sensitive
let g:krlShowError        = 0 " better performance

Q: Still sluggish!
A: Switch syntax off or jump instead of scroll!

Q: Where are the nice and informative messages?
A: :let g:knopVerbose=1 any time.

Self promotion

If you like this plugin please rate it on If you don't but you think it could be useful if this or that would be different, don't hesitate to email me or even better open an issue. With a little luck and good timing you may find me on ircs:// as KnoP in case you have any questions.