A collection of simple bash scripts to do stuff.
I'm falling in love with bash and will probably add new scripts to the collection and improve existing ones.
What each script does:
File name | Description |
deadline | return the number of days until a specific date |
fixdropbox | restart dropbox to fix the broken tray icon |
lamprestart | restart apache and mysql services |
lampstart | start apache and mysql services |
lampstop | stop apache and mysql services |
pomodoro | start a pomodoro session with break afterwards |
showpkg | search packages by name |
watchbattery | monitor battery level and charge/discharge rate |
spaceweight | tells you the weight of each file in a folder |
changetheme | helps you change console theme |
chmodresetfile | resets files permissions |
chmodresetfolder | resets folders permissions |
rmrfnm | removes node_modules recursively |
rmSnaps | removes old Snaps |
thumbnail | create 400px thumbnails from jpgs in a folder |
Feel free to contribute!