Namespace: Assorted.Utils.Crypto
Assembly: Assorted.Utils (Assorted.Utils.dll) version
Inheritance: object→
Extends objects of type System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
public static class CertExtenstions
Method | Description |
Decrypt(this X509Certificate2, Byte[]) | Decrypts the ciphered data using the private key of the certificate and System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA1 padding mode. |
Decrypt(this X509Certificate2, Byte[], RSAEncryptionPadding) | Decrypts the ciphered data using the private key of the certificate and a specified padding mode. |
Encrypt(this X509Certificate2, Byte[]) | Encrypts the specified byte array using the public key of the certificate and System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA1 padding mode. |
Encrypt(this X509Certificate2, Byte[], RSAEncryptionPadding) | Encrypts the specified byte array using the public key of the certificate and a specified padding mode. |
Sign(this X509Certificate2, Byte[]) | Computes the hash value of the specified byte array using SHA-256 algorithm and PSS padding mode, and signs the resulting hash value. |
Sign(this X509Certificate2, Byte[], HashAlgorithmName, RSASignaturePadding) | Computes the hash value of the specified byte array using the specified hash algorithm and padding mode, and signs the resulting hash value. |
Sign(this X509Certificate2, Stream) | Computes the hash value of the specified stream using SHA-256 hash algorithm and PSS padding mode, and signs the resulting hash value. |
Sign(this X509Certificate2, Stream, HashAlgorithmName, RSASignaturePadding) | Computes the hash value of the specified stream using the specified hash algorithm and padding mode, and signs the resulting hash value. |
Sign(this X509Certificate2, string) | Computes the hash value of the specified string using SHA-256 hash algorithm and PSS padding mode, and signs the resulting hash value. |
Sign(this X509Certificate2, string, HashAlgorithmName, RSASignaturePadding) | Computes the hash value of the specified string using the specified hash algorithm and padding mode, and signs the resulting hash value. |
VerifySignature(this X509Certificate2, Byte[], Byte[]) | Verifies that a digital signature is valid by calculating the hash value of the specified data using SHA-256 hash algorithm and PSS padding mode, and comparing it to the provided signature. |
VerifySignature(this X509Certificate2, Byte[], Byte[], HashAlgorithmName, RSASignaturePadding) | Verifies that a digital signature is valid by calculating the hash value of the specified data using the specified hash algorithm and padding mode, and comparing it to the provided signature. |
VerifySignature(this X509Certificate2, Stream, Byte[]) | Verifies that a digital signature is valid by calculating the hash value of the specified stream using SHA-256 hash algorithm and PSS padding mode, and comparing it to the provided signature. |
VerifySignature(this X509Certificate2, Stream, Byte[], HashAlgorithmName, RSASignaturePadding) | Verifies that a digital signature is valid by calculating the hash value of the specified stream using the specified hash algorithm and padding mode, and comparing it to the provided signature. |
VerifySignature(this X509Certificate2, string, Byte[]) | Verifies that a digital signature is valid by calculating the hash value of the specified string using SHA-256 hash algorithm and PSS padding mode, and comparing it to the provided signature. |
VerifySignature(this X509Certificate2, string, Byte[], HashAlgorithmName, RSASignaturePadding) | Verifies that a digital signature is valid by calculating the hash value of the specified string using the specified hash algorithm and padding mode, and comparing it to the provided signature. |
Any public static member of this type is thread-safe, but instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.
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