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Author: Kary Främling, 23 May 2023.

You might be reading the file generated by “knitr” from the EXTRAAMAS_2023.Rmd R Markdown Notebook. If you open the Rmd file in RStudio, you can execute code chunks by clicking the Run button within the chunk or by placing your cursor inside it and pressing Cmd+Shift+Enter.

Counterfactual, Contrastive and Hierarchical Explanations with Contextual Importance and Utility

This R notebook produces the results shown in the paper “Counterfactual, Contrastive and Hierarchical Explanations with Contextual Importance and Utility” by Kary Främling, (to be) published in the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on EXplainable and TRAnsparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS 2023).

Basic definitions

Contextual Importance (CI) expresses to what extent modifying the value of one or more feature(s) x{i} can affect the output value yj (or rather the output utility uj(yj)).

Contextual Utility (CU) expresses to what extent the current value(s) of given feature(s) contribute to obtaining a high output utility uj.

Contextual influence expresses how much feature(s) influence the output value (utility) relative to a reference value or baseline.

According to these definitions, methods such as Shapley value and LIME produce influence values (not importance values).


The code here works with the CIU implementation at, since the code push on 23 May 2023. Installation instructions are found there. An official package release to CRAN with the newest functionality will be made later.

Once the CIU package has been installed, some preliminary setup:


# Common text sizes everywhere by own theme.
own_theme = theme(
  plot.title = element_text(size = 18),
  axis.title.x = element_text(size = 18),
  axis.text = element_text(size = 16),
  axis.title.y = element_text(size = 16),
  strip.text = element_text(size=16)

# Function for having only two decimals max in plots.
scaleFUN <- function(x) as.character(round(x, digits = 2))

Counterfactual explanations and visualisation

We begin with some “counterfactual” explanations using CIU. The used dataset is Titanic. We train a Random Forest model (with message output suppressed here).

# We use the existing data set from the DALEX package and do some small pre-processing on it. 
titanic_data <- titanic[,c("class", "gender", "age", "sibsp", "parch", "fare", "embarked", "survived")]
titanic_data$survived <- factor(titanic_data$survived)
titanic_data$gender <- factor(titanic_data$gender)
titanic_data$embarked <- factor(titanic_data$embarked)
titanic_data <- na.omit(titanic_data)

# Train Random Forest model. 
set.seed(42) # We want to be sure to always get same model
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=titanic_data$survived, p=0.75, list=FALSE) # 75% to train set
titanic.train <- titanic_data[inTrain,]
titanic.validate <- titanic_data[-inTrain,]
kfoldcv <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10)
if ( !exists("titanic_rf") ) {
  titanic_rf <- caret::train(survived ~ ., titanic.train, method="rf", trControl=kfoldcv)
predictions <- predict(titanic_rf, newdata=titanic.validate)

Show confusion Matrix and performance metrics

caret::confusionMatrix(predictions, titanic.validate$survived) 
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction  no yes
##        no  340  76
##        yes  27 101
##                Accuracy : 0.8107          
##                  95% CI : (0.7752, 0.8427)
##     No Information Rate : 0.6746          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 9.149e-13       
##                   Kappa : 0.5354          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 2.250e-06       
##             Sensitivity : 0.9264          
##             Specificity : 0.5706          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8173          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.7891          
##              Prevalence : 0.6746          
##          Detection Rate : 0.6250          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.7647          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.7485          
##        'Positive' Class : no              

We use the instance “Johnny D” from

new_passenger <- data.frame(
  class = factor("1st", levels = c("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "deck crew", "engineering crew", "restaurant staff", "victualling crew")),
  gender = factor("male", levels = c("female", "male")),
  age = 8,
  sibsp = 0,
  parch = 0,
  fare = 72,
  embarked = factor("Cherbourg", levels = c("Belfast", "Cherbourg", "Queenstown", "Southampton")),
  survived = factor("yes", levels = c("no", "yes"))

Then get CIU barplot explanation, first with CU value illustrated with colour. CI value is shown by the bar length: <- "yes"
survival_probability <- predict(titanic_rf, new_passenger, type="prob")$yes
titanic_ciu <-, survived~., titanic.train)
titanic_ciu.meta <- titanic_ciu$meta.explain(new_passenger[,-ncol(titanic.train)])
p <- titanic_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger[,-ncol(titanic.train)], output.names =, ciu.meta=titanic_ciu.meta) +
  labs(title="", x ="", y="CI", fill="CU") + own_theme

We see that “age” is the most important feature and the value “8” is good for the probability of survival, illustrated by the green color. “Gender” is the second-most important feature and being “male” reduces the probability of survival.

A more recent CIU visualization is more precise and “counterfactual” (answering a “what-if” question):

p <- titanic_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger[,-ncol(titanic.train)], output.names =, ciu.meta=titanic_ciu.meta, plot.mode = "overlap") +
  labs(title="", x ="", y="CI", fill="CU") + own_theme

This visualization is more precise than the colour-coded one. The length of the transparent bar corresponds to the CI value. The solid bar corresponds to the CU value, so that when CU=1 the solid bar cover the transparent bar entirely, thereby showing that the current value of the instance for that feature is the best possible one.

Here, we can see that the number of accompanying siblings (feature “sibsp”) and parents (feature “parch”) are both quite important. For the case of “Johnny D”, not having any siblings is favorable for the probability of survival, whereas traveling without parents (“parch=0”) reduces the probability of survival. This kind of insight would be useful for situations when there is a possibility to actually change the values somehow in order to increase the output probability, as in the case of being accepted to a school, getting an employment or getting a bank loan.

This plot can also be combined with colors for CU:

p <- titanic_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger[,-ncol(titanic.train)], output.names =, ciu.meta=titanic_ciu.meta, plot.mode = "overlap", cu.colours=NULL) +
  labs(title="", x ="", y="CI", fill="CU") + own_theme

How to best visualize explanations is a science of its own. CIU can also give the same CIU explanation as text, as here (bold/italic etc effects require using the “crayon” package):

cat(titanic_ciu$textual(new_passenger[,-ncol(titanic.train)], ciu.meta=titanic_ciu.meta, ind.output = 2, use.text.effects = TRUE))
## The value of output 'yes' for instance '1' is 0.636, which is good (CU=0.636).
## Feature 'age' is very important (CI=0.642) and value '8' is very good (CU=0.897).
## Feature 'gender' is slightly important (CI=0.334) and value 'male' is very bad (CU=0).
## Feature 'sibsp' is slightly important (CI=0.256) and value '0' is very good (CU=0.992).
## Feature 'fare' is slightly important (CI=0.256) and value '72' is bad (CU=0.281).
## Feature 'parch' is slightly important (CI=0.244) and value '0' is very bad (CU=0).
## Feature 'class' is slightly important (CI=0.212) and value '1st' is good (CU=0.698).
## Feature 'embarked' is not important (CI=0.074) and value 'Cherbourg' is very good (CU=1).

The counterfactual explanations shown above are possible due to CIU’s separation of (Contextual) Importance and Utility. It is also possible to produce Contextual influence explanations, which is what Shapley values, LIME and similar methods produce. Influence values are always relative to a reference value or baseline, which is here called “neutral.CU”. “neutral.CU” can be anything in the interval [0,1] and the choice depends on what CU value considered a reference value for the application at hand (which is not possible e.g. with Shapley value). In order to simplify comparison with Shapley value, we here set “neutral.CU” to the utility value of the average output probability of survival (sorry for complicated phrase) and create the corresponding bar plot, using the usual colors used in LIME implementations:

# Get average probability of survival, use as normal.CU
neutral.CU <- sum(titanic_data$
p2 <- titanic_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger[,-ncol(titanic.train)], output.names =, ciu.meta=titanic_ciu.meta, use.influence=TRUE, neutral.CU=neutral.CU, low.color = "firebrick", high.color = "steelblue")
p2 <- p2 + labs(title="", x ="", y = expression(phi)) + own_theme +

It is possible to “explain” CI , CU and Contextual influence values visually for one (or two if 3D) feature at a time. The following plot shows how the probability of survival of “Johnny D” would evolve if modifying the value of the feature “age” and the values used for obtaining the CIU results:

# Input-output plot for "age"
print(titanic_ciu$ggplot.ciu(new_passenger, ind.input = 3, ind.output = 2, neutral.CU = neutral.CU, illustrate.CIU=TRUE))

The red dot shows the current value for “age” and the current probability of survival. In this case, CI=(ymax-ymin)/(MAX-MIN) so “age” is clearly important. CU=(y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin) and it has a high value, which corresponds to that the red dot is situated in the higher part of the [ymin,ymax] range.

The contextual influence is quite high and positive, which can be seen from the position of the red dot compared to the “y(u(0))” line in orange.

Global importance/influence/utility and Beeswarm visualisation

Beeswarms give an overview of an entire data set by showing CI/CU/influence values of every feature for every instance in the training set (or any other set of instances). As in, we use the Boston data set and a Gradient Boosting model. We train a GBM model but the code has been omitted from the knitr output because the (very long) output during training couldn’t be removed (however, you find all the code in the EXTRAAMAS_2023.Rmd file).

Then we show CI values. The dot color represents the feature value. This takes a little while (maybe something like 30 seconds):

ciu <-, medv~., Boston)
df <-
p <- ciu.plots.beeswarm(df)

The CI beeswarm reveals for example that the higher the value of “lstat” (%lower status of the population), the higher is the CI (contextual/instance-specific importance) of “lstat”.

Next, we produce the corresponding beeswarm for Contextual influence values:

mean.utility <- (mean(Boston$medv)-min(Boston$medv))/(max(Boston$medv)-min(Boston$medv))
df <-, neutral.CU=mean.utility)
p1 <- ciu.plots.beeswarm(df, c("Feature","Influence","Norm.Value"))

The influence plot reveals that a high “lstat” value lowers the predicted home price. We use normal.CU = 0.390, which corresponds to the average price so the reference value is the same as for the Shapley value and this plot is indeed almost identical to the one shown at (By now, it should also be clear that “importance” is not the same thing as “influence”). We plot importance and influence plots side by side to emphasize this:

grid.arrange(p, p1, nrow = 1)

We can also display a CU beeswarm:

p <- ciu.plots.beeswarm(df, c("Feature","CU","Norm.Value"))

The CU plot shows how feature values are mapped to utility values. For instance, we can see that a high “crim” value gives a low CU value, so high criminality is obviously not good for the estate value.

Intermediate Concepts

Ames housing is a data set with 2930 houses described by 81 features. A gradient boosting model was trained to predict the sale price based on the 80 other features. With 80 features a “classical” bar plot explanation becomes unreadable. We first train a GBM model but the code chunk is hidden because it seemed impossible to hide the very long output from the training (see .Rmd file for the actual code).

After training, the GBM model is stored in the variable “Ames.gbm.caret”. Then we produce a “raw” CIU explanation with all the 80 input features:

inst.ind <- 433
instance <- subset(ames[inst.ind,], select=-Sale_Price)
plot.mode = "overlap"
ciu.gbm <-, Sale_Price~., trainData)
Ames_ciu.meta <- ciu.gbm$meta.explain(instance)
p <- p <- ciu.gbm$ggplot.col.ciu(instance, ciu.meta=Ames_ciu.meta, plot.mode = plot.mode) + 

It is not possible to understand much from that “explanation”. Furthermore, many features are strongly correlated or dependent, which causes misleading explanations because individual features have a small importance, whereas the joint importance of feature coalitions can be significant. Intermediate Concepts solve these challenges. We define a vocabulary based on feature labels and common-sense knowledge about houses. Then we produce a top-level explanation:

# Define vocabulary
Ames.voc <- list(
  "House type"=c(1,15,16,21),
  "House aesthetics"=c(22,23,24,25,26),
  "House condition"=c(17,18,19,20,27,28),
  "First floor surface"=c(43),
  "Above ground living area"=which(names(ames)=="Gr_Liv_Area"))

Ames.voc_ciu.gbm <-, Sale_Price~., trainData, vocabulary = Ames.voc)
Ames.voc_ciu.meta <- Ames.voc_ciu.gbm$meta.explain(instance)

# Need to use meta.explain here in order to guarantee same CIU values for
# intermediate concepts when moving from one level to the other. <- Ames.voc_ciu.gbm$meta.explain(instance,, n.samples = 1000)
p <- Ames.voc_ciu.gbm$ggplot.col.ciu(instance,,
                                     plot.mode = plot.mode); print(p)

We can then ask for an explanation about what “House condition” is, as well as why it’s important and has a good value:

p <- Ames.voc_ciu.gbm$ggplot.col.ciu(instance, ind.inputs = Ames.voc$`House condition`, target.concept = "House condition", plot.mode = plot.mode)

Intermediate concepts can also be used with Contextual influence, textual explanations etc.

Contrastive Explanations

Contrastive explanations answer questions such as “Why alternative A rather than B” or “Why not alternative B rather than A”. In classification tasks, these questions might rather be of the kind “Why is this a cat and not a dog?”.

CIU can provide answers to such questions becasue any value in the range [0,1] can be used for neutral.CU, including CU values of an instance to compare with that then provide the “reference value” to compare against. We next produce a contrastive explanation for why Ames instance #433 ($477919, previous Figures) is predicted to be more expensive than instance #1638 ($439581). Contrastive values are in the range [−1, 1] by definition, so the differences between these two Ames instances are rather small. The two instances have been selected to be quite similar because contrastive questions/explanations are often asked as “why did you buy that car, isn’t that one just as good or better?”. The code (not very cleaned-up):

contrastive_theme = theme(
  plot.title = element_text(size = 12),
  axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12),
  axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
  axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12),
  strip.text = element_text(size=12)

inst.ind1 <- inst.ind
inst1 <- instance
inst.ind2 <- 1638
inst2 <- subset(ames[inst.ind2,], select=-Sale_Price)
meta.top1 <- Ames.voc_ciu.gbm$meta.explain(inst1,, n.samples = 1000)
meta.top2 <- Ames.voc_ciu.gbm$meta.explain(inst2,, n.samples = 1000)
ciuvals.inst1 <-$ciuvals)
ciuvals.inst2 <-$ciuvals)
contrastive <- ciu.contrastive(ciuvals.inst1, ciuvals.inst2)
p <- ciu.ggplot.contrastive(meta.top1, contrastive,
                            c(paste("House", inst.ind1), paste("House", inst.ind1)),
                            question = "Why?", negative.color = "firebrick", positive.color = "steelblue")
p <- p +
  labs(title = paste0("Why is ", inst.ind1, " more expensive than ", inst.ind2, "?")) +

It might be easier to make the comparison if plotting the contrastive explanation together with the counterfactual explanations of both instances:

# Facet plot with contrastive and individual explanations
p1 <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
p2 <- Ames.voc_ciu.gbm$ggplot.col.ciu(inst1,,
                                  plot.mode = "overlap") + contrastive_theme
p3 <- Ames.voc_ciu.gbm$ggplot.col.ciu(inst2,,
                                  plot.mode = "overlap") + contrastive_theme
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, nrow = 3)


Some key take-aways:

  • Counterfactual “what-if” explanations are the default assumption with CIU (and can not be produced by “influence-only” methods such as Shapley value, LIME, …).

  • For “influence explanations”, Contextual influence is more flexible (reference value) and typically has much lower variance than Shapley value and LIME.

  • CIU’s Intermediate Concepts take feature dependencies into account (which Shapley value, LIME, … do not).

  • CIU’s contrastive explanations are “truly contrastive” (not just showing explanations for two instances side-by-side).