diff --git a/Source/ROUtils/FastFloatCurve.cs b/Source/ROUtils/FastFloatCurve.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94220e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/ROUtils/FastFloatCurve.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace ROUtils
+ ///
+ /// A collection of keys mapping times to values, interpolated between keys by a cubic hermite spline.
+ /// The implementation produce identical results as a UnityEngine.AnimationCurve, but calling Evaluate() is at least twice faster.
+ /// However, it doesn't support keys in/out weights, and behavior is always identical to WrapMode.ClampForever.
+ ///
+ public class FastFloatCurve : IConfigNode, IEnumerable
+ {
+ ///
+ /// A key defining a point on a FastFloatCurve
+ ///
+ public struct Key : IComparable
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The time of the key.
+ ///
+ public float time;
+ ///
+ /// The value of the curve at the key time.
+ ///
+ public float value;
+ ///
+ /// The incoming tangent affects the slope of the curve from the previous key to this key.
+ ///
+ public float inTangent;
+ ///
+ /// The outgoing tangent affects the slope of the curve from this key to the next key.
+ ///
+ public float outTangent;
+ public Key(float time, float value, float inTangent, float outTangent)
+ {
+ this.time = time;
+ this.value = value;
+ this.inTangent = inTangent;
+ this.outTangent = outTangent;
+ }
+ public Key(float time, float value)
+ {
+ this.time = time;
+ this.value = value;
+ inTangent = 0f;
+ outTangent = 0f;
+ }
+ public int CompareTo(Key other) => time.CompareTo(other.time);
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ if (inTangent == 0f && outTangent == 0f)
+ return $"{time} | {value}";
+ return $"{time} | {value} | {inTangent} | {outTangent}";
+ }
+ }
+ private struct Range
+ {
+ public double a, b, c, d;
+ public float minTime;
+ }
+ private bool isCompiled;
+ private List keys;
+ private int rangeCount;
+ private int lastRangeIdx;
+ private Range[] ranges;
+ private float firstTime;
+ private float lastTime;
+ private float firstValue;
+ private float lastValue;
+ /// Create a new empty curve.
+ public FastFloatCurve()
+ {
+ keys = new List();
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ /// Create a new curve from the provided keys.
+ /// The keys to add to the curve.
+ public FastFloatCurve(params Key[] keys)
+ {
+ this.keys = new List(keys);
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ /// Create a new curve with the same keys as an UnityEngine.AnimationCurve.
+ /// The unity AnimationCurve to copy keys from.
+ public FastFloatCurve(AnimationCurve animationCurve)
+ {
+ Keyframe[] unityKeys = animationCurve.keys;
+ keys = new List(unityKeys.Length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < unityKeys.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Keyframe unityKey = unityKeys[i];
+ keys.Add(new Key(unityKey.time, unityKey.value, unityKey.inTangent, unityKey.outTangent));
+ }
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ /// Create a new curve with the same keys as a KSP FloatCurve.
+ /// The FloatCurve to copy keys from.
+ public FastFloatCurve(FloatCurve kspFloatCurve) : this(kspFloatCurve.fCurve) { }
+ /// Create a copy of this curve instance.
+ /// A newly instantiated clone of this curve.
+ public FastFloatCurve Clone()
+ {
+ FastFloatCurve clone = new FastFloatCurve();
+ clone.keys.AddRange(keys);
+ if (isCompiled && rangeCount > 0)
+ {
+ clone.isCompiled = true;
+ clone.rangeCount = rangeCount;
+ clone.ranges = new Range[rangeCount];
+ Array.Copy(ranges, clone.ranges, rangeCount);
+ clone.lastRangeIdx = lastRangeIdx;
+ clone.firstTime = firstTime;
+ clone.firstValue = firstValue;
+ clone.lastTime = lastTime;
+ clone.lastValue = lastValue;
+ }
+ return clone;
+ }
+ /// Set all keys in this curve to the keys of another curve.
+ /// The other curve to copy the key from
+ public void CopyFrom(FastFloatCurve other)
+ {
+ keys.Clear();
+ keys.AddRange(other.keys);
+ if (other.isCompiled && other.rangeCount > 0)
+ {
+ isCompiled = true;
+ rangeCount = other.rangeCount;
+ ranges = new Range[rangeCount];
+ Array.Copy(other.ranges, ranges, rangeCount);
+ lastRangeIdx = other.lastRangeIdx;
+ firstTime = other.firstTime;
+ firstValue = other.firstValue;
+ lastTime = other.lastTime;
+ lastValue = other.lastValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /// The amount of keys in the curve.
+ public int KeyCount => keys.Count;
+ /// The time of the first key.
+ public float FirstTime
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (!isCompiled)
+ CompileRanges();
+ switch (keys.Count)
+ {
+ case 0: return 0f;
+ case 1: return keys[0].time;
+ default: return firstTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// The time of the last key.
+ public float LastTime
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (!isCompiled)
+ CompileRanges();
+ switch (keys.Count)
+ {
+ case 0: return 0f;
+ case 1: return keys[0].time;
+ default: return lastTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// The value of the first key
+ public float FirstValue
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (!isCompiled)
+ CompileRanges();
+ switch (keys.Count)
+ {
+ case 0: return 0f;
+ case 1: return keys[0].value;
+ default: return firstValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// The value of the last key
+ public float LastValue
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (!isCompiled)
+ CompileRanges();
+ switch (keys.Count)
+ {
+ case 0: return 0f;
+ case 1: return keys[0].value;
+ default: return lastValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get or set a key at the specified index
+ /// The zero-based index of the key
+ /// The key at the specified index.
+ public Key this[int keyIndex]
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return keys[keyIndex];
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ keys[keyIndex] = value;
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Add a new key to the curve.
+ /// The key to add to the curve.
+ public void AddKey(Key key)
+ {
+ keys.Add(key);
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ /// Add a new key to the curve.
+ /// The time of the key.
+ /// The value of the curve at the key time.
+ public void AddKey(float time, float value)
+ {
+ keys.Add(new Key(time, value));
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ /// Add a new key to the curve.
+ /// The time of the key.
+ /// The value of the curve at the key time.
+ /// The incoming tangent affects the slope of the curve from the previous key to this key.
+ /// The outgoing tangent affects the slope of the curve from this key to the next key.
+ public void AddKey(float time, float value, float inTangent, float outTangent)
+ {
+ keys.Add(new Key(time, value, inTangent, outTangent));
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ /// Remove a key from the curve
+ /// The index of key to remove
+ public void RemoveKey(int keyIndex)
+ {
+ keys.RemoveAt(keyIndex);
+ isCompiled = false;
+ }
+ /// Returns an enumerator that iterates through curve keys.
+ public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() => keys.GetEnumerator();
+ IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => keys.GetEnumerator();
+ /// Evaluate the curve at the specified time.
+ /// The time within the curve you want to evaluate (the horizontal axis in the curve graph).
+ /// The value of the curve, at the point in time specified.
+ public unsafe float Evaluate(float time)
+ {
+ if (!isCompiled)
+ CompileRanges();
+ if (time <= firstTime)
+ return firstValue;
+ if (time >= lastTime)
+ return lastValue;
+ int i = rangeCount;
+ fixed (Range* lastRangePtr = &ranges[lastRangeIdx]) // avoid struct copying and array bounds checks
+ {
+ Range* rangePtr = lastRangePtr;
+ while (i > 0)
+ {
+ if (time > rangePtr->minTime)
+ return (float)(rangePtr->a * time * time * time + rangePtr->b * time * time + rangePtr->c * time + rangePtr->d);
+ rangePtr--;
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0f;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Find the minimum and maximum values on the curve, and the corresponding times.
+ ///
+ /// The time for the minimum value.
+ /// The minimum value.
+ /// The time for the maximum value.
+ /// The maximum value.
+ public unsafe void FindMinMax(out float minTime, out float minValue, out float maxTime, out float maxValue)
+ {
+ int keyCount = keys.Count;
+ if (keyCount == 0)
+ {
+ minTime = 0f;
+ minValue = 0f;
+ maxTime = 0f;
+ maxValue = 0f;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (keyCount == 1)
+ {
+ Key key = keys[0];
+ minTime = key.time;
+ minValue = key.value;
+ maxTime = key.time;
+ maxValue = key.value;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!isCompiled)
+ keys.Sort();
+ minTime = float.MaxValue;
+ minValue = float.MaxValue;
+ maxTime = float.MinValue;
+ maxValue = float.MinValue;
+ float* times = stackalloc float[4];
+ float* values = stackalloc float[4];
+ for (int i = keyCount - 1; i-- > 0;)
+ {
+ Key k1 = keys[i];
+ Key k2 = keys[i + 1];
+ times[0] = k1.time;
+ times[1] = k2.time;
+ values[0] = k1.value;
+ values[1] = k2.value;
+ int valuesToCheck = 2;
+ double p0 = k1.value;
+ double p1 = k2.value;
+ double m0 = k1.outTangent;
+ double m1 = k2.inTangent;
+ double t0 = k1.time;
+ double t1 = k2.time;
+ double tI = t1 - t0;
+ if (tI > 0.0 && !double.IsInfinity(m0) && !double.IsInfinity(m1))
+ {
+ // The time of the 2 potential extremums are of the form :
+ // r0 = (a + √b) / c
+ // r1 = (a - √b) / c
+ // Which are given by solving h'(t) = 0 for t where h'(t) is the
+ // derivative of the hermit function, see FindTangentBetweenKeysAtTime();
+ double tI2 = tI * tI;
+ double tI3 = tI2 * tI;
+ double tI4 = tI2 * tI2;
+ double sqrt = Math.Sqrt(
+ 9.0 * p0 * p0 * tI2
+ + 6.0 * p0 * m0 * tI3
+ - 18.0 * p0 * p1 * tI2
+ + 6.0 * p0 * m1 * tI3
+ + m0 * m0 * tI4
+ - 6.0 * m0 * p1 * tI3
+ + m0 * m1 * tI4
+ + 9.0 * p1 * p1 * tI2
+ - 6.0 * p1 * m1 * tI3
+ + m1 * m1 * tI4);
+ double factor =
+ 6.0 * p0 * t0
+ + 3.0 * p0 * tI
+ + 3.0 * m0 * t0 * tI
+ + 2.0 * m0 * tI2
+ - 6.0 * p1 * t0
+ - 3.0 * p1 * tI
+ + 3.0 * m1 * t0 * tI
+ + m1 * tI2;
+ double divisor = 3.0 * (2.0 * p0 + m0 * tI - 2.0 * p1 + m1 * tI);
+ float time1 = (float)((factor + sqrt) / divisor);
+ if (!double.IsNaN(time1) && time1 > t0 && time1 < t1)
+ {
+ times[valuesToCheck] = time1;
+ values[valuesToCheck] = Evaluate(time1);
+ valuesToCheck++;
+ }
+ float time2 = (float)((factor - sqrt) / divisor);
+ if (!double.IsNaN(time2) && time2 > t0 && time2 < t1)
+ {
+ times[valuesToCheck] = time2;
+ values[valuesToCheck] = Evaluate(time2);
+ valuesToCheck++;
+ }
+ }
+ while (valuesToCheck-- > 0)
+ {
+ float value = values[valuesToCheck];
+ if (value < minValue)
+ {
+ minValue = value;
+ minTime = times[valuesToCheck];
+ }
+ if (value > maxValue)
+ {
+ maxValue = value;
+ maxTime = times[valuesToCheck];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Find the slope of the tangent (the derivative) to the curve at the given time.
+ /// The time to evaluate, must be within the min and max time defined by the curve.
+ /// The slope of the tangent (the derivative) at the given time
+ public float FindTangent(float time)
+ {
+ int i = keys.Count;
+ if (i < 2)
+ return 0f;
+ if (!isCompiled)
+ keys.Sort();
+ if (time < keys[0].time)
+ return 0f;
+ if (time > keys[--i].time)
+ return 0f;
+ while (i-- > 0)
+ {
+ if (time < keys[i].time)
+ continue;
+ return FindTangentBetweenKeysAtTime(time, keys[i], keys[i + 1]);
+ }
+ return 0f;
+ }
+ /// Find the slope of the tangent (the derivative) to a curve segment at the given time.
+ /// The time to evaluate, must be within the time range defined by the keys.
+ /// The first key defining the curve segment.
+ /// The second key defining the curve segment.
+ /// The slope of the tangent (the derivative) at the given time
+ public static float FindTangentBetweenKeysAtTime(float time, Key k0, Key k1)
+ {
+ // Derivatives of the Hermite base functions :
+ // h00'(t) = 2t² - 6t
+ // h10'(t) = 3t² - 4t + 1
+ // h01'(t) = -6t² + 6t
+ // h11'(t) = 3t² - 2t
+ // Derivative at time t on an arbitrary interval [t0, t1], for the values p0, p1 and tangents m0, m1 :
+ // 1 1 (t - t0)
+ // h'(t) = h00'(tI)·---------·p0 + h10'(tI)·m0 + h01'(tI)·---------·p1 + h11'(tI)·m1 with tI = ---------
+ // (t1 - t0) (t1 - t0) (t1 - t0)
+ double i = (double)k1.time - k0.time;
+ double tI = (time - k0.time) / i;
+ double tI2 = tI * tI;
+ double h00 = 6.0 * tI2 - 6.0 * tI;
+ double h10 = 3.0 * tI2 - 4.0 * tI + 1;
+ double h01 = -6.0 * tI2 + 6.0 * tI;
+ double h11 = 3.0 * tI2 - 2.0 * tI;
+ double iD = 1.0 / i;
+ return (float)(h00 * iD * k0.value + h10 * k0.outTangent + h01 * iD * k1.value + h11 * k1.inTangent);
+ }
+ /// Set the keys of this curve from a serialized list of keys. Any existing keys will be overriden.
+ /// A ConfigNode with a list of keys formatted as "key = time value inTangent outTangent". The tangent parameters are optional.
+ public void Load(ConfigNode node)
+ {
+ isCompiled = false;
+ keys = new List(node.values.Count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++)
+ {
+ ConfigNode.Value nodeValue = node.values[i];
+ if (nodeValue.name != "key")
+ continue;
+ string[] keyValues = nodeValue.value.Split(FloatCurve.delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
+ if (keyValues.Length < 2)
+ {
+ Debug.LogError($"Invalid FloatCurve key : \"{nodeValue.value}\"");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (keyValues.Length == 4)
+ keys.Add(new Key(float.Parse(keyValues[0]), float.Parse(keyValues[1]), float.Parse(keyValues[2]), float.Parse(keyValues[3])));
+ else
+ keys.Add(new Key(float.Parse(keyValues[0]), float.Parse(keyValues[1])));
+ }
+ }
+ /// Serialize this curve keys as values in the ConfigNode.
+ /// The ConfigNode to add keys to.
+ public void Save(ConfigNode node)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
+ {
+ Key key = keys[i];
+ node.AddValue("key", $"{key.time} {key.value} {key.inTangent} {key.outTangent}");
+ }
+ }
+ public override string ToString() => $"{keys.Count} keys, range = [{FirstTime}, {LastTime}], values = [{FirstValue}, {LastValue}]";
+ /// Sort the keys by time, and cache the polynomial form of the hermit curve for every key pair.
+ private void CompileRanges()
+ {
+ isCompiled = true;
+ int keyCount = keys.Count;
+ if (keyCount < 2)
+ {
+ firstTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
+ firstValue = keyCount == 1 ? keys[0].value : 0f;
+ return;
+ }
+ keys.Sort();
+ rangeCount = keyCount - 1;
+ lastRangeIdx = rangeCount - 1;
+ ranges = new Range[rangeCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++)
+ ranges[i] = ComputeRangePolynomial(keys[i], keys[i + 1]);
+ Key firstKey = keys[0];
+ firstValue = firstKey.value;
+ firstTime = firstKey.time;
+ Key lastKey = keys[rangeCount];
+ lastValue = lastKey.value;
+ lastTime = lastKey.time;
+ }
+ /// Compute the factors of the polynomial form of the hermit curve equation for the range between two keys.
+ /// The resulting factors are the expression of the hermit spline in the form ax³ + bx² + bx + d.
+ private static Range ComputeRangePolynomial(Key p1, Key p2)
+ {
+ double p1x = p1.time;
+ double p1y = p1.value;
+ double tp1 = p1.outTangent;
+ double p2x = p2.time;
+ double p2y = p2.value;
+ double tp2 = p2.inTangent;
+ double a, b, c, d;
+ if (double.IsInfinity(tp1) || double.IsInfinity(tp2))
+ {
+ a = 0.0;
+ b = 0.0;
+ c = 0.0;
+ if (tp1 == double.NegativeInfinity && tp2 == double.NegativeInfinity
+ || tp1 == double.NegativeInfinity && !double.IsInfinity(tp2)
+ || tp2 == double.NegativeInfinity && !double.IsInfinity(tp1))
+ {
+ d = p2.value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d = p1.value;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double divisor = (p1x * p1x * p1x) - (p2x * p2x * p2x) + (3.0 * p1x * p2x * (p2x - p1x));
+ a = ((tp1 + tp2) * (p1x - p2x) + (p2y - p1y) * 2.0) / divisor;
+ b = (2.0 * (p2x * p2x * tp1 - p1x * p1x * tp2) - p1x * p1x * tp1 + p2x * p2x * tp2 + p1x * p2x * (tp2 - tp1) + 3.0 * (p1x + p2x) * (p1y - p2y)) / divisor;
+ c = (p1x * p1x * p1x * tp2 - p2x * p2x * p2x * tp1 + p1x * p2x * (p1x * (2.0 * tp1 + tp2) - p2x * (tp1 + 2.0 * tp2)) + 6.0 * p1x * p2x * (p2y - p1y)) / divisor;
+ d = ((p1x * p2x * p2x - p1x * p1x * p2x) * (p2x * tp1 + p1x * tp2) - p1y * p2x * p2x * p2x + p1x * p1x * p1x * p2y + 3.0 * p1x * p2x * (p2x * p1y - p1x * p2y)) / divisor;
+ }
+ return new Range() { a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d, minTime = p1.time };
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Source/ROUtils/ROUtils.csproj b/Source/ROUtils/ROUtils.csproj
index c916fd8..c85f825 100644
--- a/Source/ROUtils/ROUtils.csproj
+++ b/Source/ROUtils/ROUtils.csproj
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@