- Added translator: Double-click messages in a Case window to see them translated
- Added New Case Alert - Specify path to your sound file in Settings
- Changed "syscorr" callout to "sys [casenumber] [correct system]"
- Replaced IRC menu item with an IRC toggle button
- Other quality of life changes:
- You can delete cases from the list by middle-clicking on them
- Cases, that have been closed more than 1 hour ago, will be deleted from the list automatically
- Improved Clear button: It now unchecks the Case number, if all other boxes were unchecked
- Fixed a bug that prevented the log file from being opened on some systems
- Fixed a typo in the Case window
- Fixed the copy system name to clipboard function to also work when an Odyssey case comes in
- Added column "Rats" to Case list
- Updated detection of RATSIGNALs to comply with November 24 Release of SwiftSqueak
- Updated how information is gathered from RATSIGNALs
- Added support for Elite Dangerous Odyssey
- Added detection for whether a client is using Odyssey or not
- Added "!odyssey" button to Case windows
- Replaced "!wing" facts with "!team"
- Replaced "wr" callouts with "tm"
- Added debug log functionality
- Added -auto suffix to supported facts in Case windows
- Fixed information parsing from !go command
- Added detection for client nick changes
- Improved parsing of information from messages to also work with ZNC's insertion of timestamps
- Added IRC connection status indicator to main window
- Fixed all messages being displayed twice after re-connection
- Fixed detection of rat un-assignment
- Updated explanation in Settings how messages are associated to cases
- Improved performance
- Slightly improved parsing of information from RATSIGNALs
- Added IRC client functionality
- Received messages from the IRC server are processed and associated to cases
- Messages are now sent directly via the integrated IRC client
- Added Case list window where all cases that were created during runtime are listed
- Added Case windows where details and filtered chats are displayed
- There are also some useful buttons and functions for dispatchers
- Added option to automatically copy the system name to clipboard when a PC_SIGNAL is received
- Added distance unit "Mls"
- Reordered menu bar items
- Renamed Preferences window to Settings
- Improved layout
- Improved readability
- Improved startup locations of windows
- Improved performance
- Fixed a bug when clearing the Syscorr and Navcheck textboxes
- Fixed a typo in the changelog
- Added "Reset to default" buttons in Settings -> Behaviour
- Imporoved some messages (for example "#0 in open" now outputs "#0 client in open")
- Focusing the Case number textbox will no longer clear it
- Improved reading of configuration files
- Focusing windows now uses window titles instead of process names
- Fixed a bug when sending an empty message
- Improved usability
- If a message could not be sent, the message is preserved
- Updated Copyright claims
- Improved usability
- Clear button will focus the Case number textbox
- Fixed a bug in the clipboard backup functionality
- Improved the copy-paste message insertion mode so it no longer overwrites your clipboard
- Improved process drop-down fields in Settings -> Behaviour
- Improved usability
- Return key in the Case number textbox will focus the Jump callout textbox
- Return key in any other textbox will send the message
- Numpad-plus or -minus keys in the Distance textbox will increase or decrease the unit
- Fixed typos
- Added colorization of already sent messages
- Added the option to choose between two message insertion methods:
- Write out the message key by key (Default)
- Copy and paste the message with the clipboard
- Added drop-down field to select distance unit
- Improved layout
- Improved performance
- Added option to clear drop-down fields in Settings -> Behaviour
- Fixed settings not being retained after update
- Added drop-down fields to select processes in Settings -> Behaviour
- Added Settings window
- Added support for other IRC clients other than HexChat
- Fixed a crash when trying to get a non-existing value from the configuration file
- Improved reading and writing of configuration files
- Added silent automatic update-check on startup
- Added new-update notification
- Added way to manually check for updates
- Added Changelog window
- Improved performance
- Added Clear button
- Updated information in About window
- Added information to About window
- Fixed configuration error in installer
- Added graphical user interface
- Added functionality to graphical user interface
- Added applcation icon
- Created installer