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Add efficient SparseVector method for some metrics #235

merged 12 commits into from
Dec 2, 2021
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
name = "Distances"
uuid = "b4f34e82-e78d-54a5-968a-f98e89d6e8f7"
version = "0.10.6"
version = "0.10.7"

LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StatsAPI = "82ae8749-77ed-4fe6-ae5f-f523153014b0"

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Distances.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Distances

using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using SparseArrays: SparseVectorUnion, nonzeroinds, nonzeros, nnz
import StatsAPI: pairwise, pairwise!

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28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions src/bhattacharyya.jl
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return sqab, asum, bsum

@inline function _bhattacharyya_coeff(a::SparseVectorUnion{<:Number}, b::SparseVectorUnion{<:Number})
anzind = nonzeroinds(a)
bnzind = nonzeroinds(b)
anzval = nonzeros(a)
bnzval = nonzeros(b)
ma = nnz(a)
mb = nnz(b)

ia = 1; ib = 1
eval_op = (a, b) -> sqrt(a * b)
s = zero(eval_op(zero(eltype(a)), zero(eltype(b))))
@inbounds while ia <= ma && ib <= mb
ja = anzind[ia]
jb = bnzind[ib]
if ja == jb
v = eval_op(anzval[ia], bnzval[ib])
s = v + s
ia += 1; ib += 1
elseif ja < jb
ia += 1
ib += 1
# efficient method for sum for SparseVectorView is missing
return s, sum(anzval), sum(bnzval)

# Faster pair- and column-wise versions TBD...

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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions src/metrics.jl
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Expand Up @@ -308,6 +308,53 @@ Base.@propagate_inbounds function _evaluate(d::UnionMetrics, a::AbstractArray, b

eval_op_a(d, ai, b) = eval_op(d, ai, zero(eltype(b)))
eval_op_b(d, bi, a) = eval_op(d, zero(eltype(a)), bi)

Base.@propagate_inbounds function _evaluate(d::UnionMetrics, a::SparseVectorUnion, b::SparseVectorUnion, ::Nothing)
@boundscheck if length(a) != length(b)
throw(DimensionMismatch("first array has length $(length(a)) which does not match the length of the second, $(length(b))."))
if length(a) == 0
return zero(result_type(d, a, b))
anzind = nonzeroinds(a)
bnzind = nonzeroinds(b)
anzval = nonzeros(a)
bnzval = nonzeros(b)
ma = nnz(a)
mb = nnz(b)
ia = 1; ib = 1
s = eval_start(d, a, b)
@inbounds while ia <= ma && ib <= mb
ja = anzind[ia]
jb = bnzind[ib]
if ja == jb
v = eval_op(d, anzval[ia], bnzval[ib])
ia += 1; ib += 1
elseif ja < jb
v = eval_op_a(d, anzval[ia], b)
ia += 1
v = eval_op_b(d, bnzval[ib], a)
ib += 1
s = eval_reduce(d, s, v)
@inbounds while ia <= ma
v = eval_op_a(d, anzval[ia], b)
s = eval_reduce(d, s, v)
ia += 1
@inbounds while ib <= mb
v = eval_op_b(d, bnzval[ib], a)
s = eval_reduce(d, s, v)
ib += 1
return eval_end(d, s)

_evaluate(dist::UnionMetrics, a::Number, b::Number, ::Nothing) = eval_end(dist, eval_op(dist, a, b))
function _evaluate(dist::UnionMetrics, a::Number, b::Number, p)
length(p) != 1 && throw(DimensionMismatch("inputs are scalars but parameters have length $(length(p))."))
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87 changes: 51 additions & 36 deletions test/test_dists.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Unit tests for Distances

using SparseArrays: sparsevec, sprand

struct FooDist <: PreMetric end # Julia 1.0 Compat: struct definition must be put in global scope

@testset "result_type" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ end
for (_x, _y) in (([4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0], [3.0, 9.0, 8.0, 1.0]),
([4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0], [3. 8.; 9. 1.0]))
x, y = T.(_x), T.(_y)
for (x, y) in ((x, y),
for (x, y) in ((x, y), (sparsevec(x), sparsevec(y)),
(convert(Array{Union{Missing, T}}, x), convert(Array{Union{Missing, T}}, y)),
((Iterators.take(x, 4), Iterators.take(y, 4))), # iterator
(((x[i] for i in 1:length(x)), (y[i] for i in 1:length(y)))), # generator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,41 +500,43 @@ end

@testset "bhattacharyya / hellinger" begin
for T in (Int, Float64, F64)
x, y = T.([4, 5, 6, 7]), T.([3, 9, 8, 1])
a = T.([1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1])
b = T.([1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0])
p = T == Int ? rand(0:10, 12) : rand(T, 12)
p[p .< median(p)] .= 0
q = T == Int ? rand(0:10, 12) : rand(T, 12)

# Bhattacharyya and Hellinger distances are defined for discrete
# probability distributions so to calculate the expected values
# we need to normalize vectors.
px = x ./ sum(x)
py = y ./ sum(y)
expected_bc_x_y = sum(sqrt.(px .* py))
for (x, y) in ((x, y), (Iterators.take(x, 12), Iterators.take(y, 12)))
@test Distances.bhattacharyya_coeff(x, y) ≈ expected_bc_x_y
@test bhattacharyya(x, y) ≈ (-log(expected_bc_x_y))
@test hellinger(x, y) ≈ sqrt(1 - expected_bc_x_y)
_x, _y = T.([4, 5, 6, 7]), T.([3, 9, 8, 1])
_a = T.([1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1])
_b = T.([1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0])
_p = T == Int ? rand(0:10, 12) : rand(T, 12)
_p[_p .< median(_p)] .= 0
_q = T == Int ? rand(0:10, 12) : rand(T, 12)

for (x, y, a, b, p, q) in ((_x, _y, _a, _b, _p, _q), sparsevec.((_x, _y, _a, _b, _p, _q)))
# Bhattacharyya and Hellinger distances are defined for discrete
# probability distributions so to calculate the expected values
# we need to normalize vectors.
px = x ./ sum(x)
py = y ./ sum(y)
expected_bc_x_y = sum(sqrt.(px .* py))
for (x, y) in ((x, y), (Iterators.take(x, 12), Iterators.take(y, 12)))
@test Distances.bhattacharyya_coeff(x, y) ≈ expected_bc_x_y
@test bhattacharyya(x, y) ≈ (-log(expected_bc_x_y))
@test hellinger(x, y) ≈ sqrt(1 - expected_bc_x_y)

pa = a ./ sum(a)
pb = b ./ sum(b)
expected_bc_a_b = sum(sqrt.(pa .* pb))
@test Distances.bhattacharyya_coeff(a, b) ≈ expected_bc_a_b
@test bhattacharyya(a, b) ≈ (-log(expected_bc_a_b))
@test hellinger(a, b) ≈ sqrt(1 - expected_bc_a_b)

pp = p ./ sum(p)
pq = q ./ sum(q)
expected_bc_p_q = sum(sqrt.(pp .* pq))
@test Distances.bhattacharyya_coeff(p, q) ≈ expected_bc_p_q
@test bhattacharyya(p, q) ≈ (-log(expected_bc_p_q))
@test hellinger(p, q) ≈ sqrt(1 - expected_bc_p_q)

# Ensure it is semimetric
@test bhattacharyya(x, y) ≈ bhattacharyya(y, x)
pa = a ./ sum(a)
pb = b ./ sum(b)
expected_bc_a_b = sum(sqrt.(pa .* pb))
@test Distances.bhattacharyya_coeff(a, b) ≈ expected_bc_a_b
@test bhattacharyya(a, b) ≈ (-log(expected_bc_a_b))
@test hellinger(a, b) ≈ sqrt(1 - expected_bc_a_b)

pp = p ./ sum(p)
pq = q ./ sum(q)
expected_bc_p_q = sum(sqrt.(pp .* pq))
@test Distances.bhattacharyya_coeff(p, q) ≈ expected_bc_p_q
@test bhattacharyya(p, q) ≈ (-log(expected_bc_p_q))
@test hellinger(p, q) ≈ sqrt(1 - expected_bc_p_q)

# Ensure it is semimetric
@test bhattacharyya(x, y) ≈ bhattacharyya(y, x)
end #testset

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -763,7 +767,7 @@ end

X = rand(ComplexF64, m, nx)
Y = rand(ComplexF64, m, ny)

test_pairwise(SqEuclidean(), X, Y, Float64)
test_pairwise(Euclidean(), X, Y, Float64)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -940,6 +944,17 @@ end
@test pairwise(PeriodicEuclidean(p), X, Y, dims=2)[1,2] == 0m

@testset "SparseVector, nnz(a) != nnz(b)" begin
for (n, densa, densb) in ((100, .1, .8), (200, .8, .1))
a = sprand(n, densa)
b = sprand(n, densb)
for d in (bhattacharyya, euclidean, sqeuclidean, jaccard, cityblock, totalvariation,
chebyshev, braycurtis, hamming)
@test d(a, b) ≈ d(Vector(a), Vector(b))

@testset "zero allocation colwise!" begin
d = Euclidean()
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