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[Evaluation & Validation](@id clu_validate)

Clustering.jl package provides a number of methods to compare different clusterings, evaluate clustering quality or validate its correctness.

Clustering comparison

Methods to compare two clusterings and measure their similarity.

Cross tabulation

Cross tabulation, or contingency matrix, is a basis for many clustering quality measures. It shows how similar are the two clusterings on a cluster level.

Clustering.jl extends StatsBase.counts() with methods that accept ClusteringResult arguments:

counts(::ClusteringResult, ::ClusteringResult)

Confusion matrix

Confusion matrix for the two clusterings is a 2×2 contingency table that counts how frequently the pair of data points are in the same or different clusters.


Rand index

Rand index is a measure of the similarity between the two data clusterings. From a mathematical standpoint, Rand index is related to the prediction accuracy, but is applicable even when the original class labels are not used.


Variation of Information

Variation of information (also known as shared information distance) is a measure of the distance between the two clusterings. It is devised from the mutual information, but it is a true metric, i.e. it is symmetric and satisfies the triangle inequality.



V-measure can be used to compare the clustering results with the existing class labels of data points or with the alternative clustering. It is defined as the harmonic mean of homogeneity (h) and completeness (c) of the clustering:

$$V_{\beta} = (1+\beta)\frac{h \cdot c}{\beta \cdot h + c}.$$

Both h and c can be expressed in terms of the mutual information and entropy measures from the information theory. Homogeneity (h) is maximized when each cluster contains elements of as few different classes as possible. Completeness (c) aims to put all elements of each class in single clusters. The \beta parameter (\beta > 0) could used to control the weights of h and c in the final measure. If \beta > 1, completeness has more weight, and when \beta < 1 it's homogeneity.


Mutual information

Mutual information quantifies the "amount of information" obtained about one random variable through observing the other random variable. It is used in determining the similarity of two different clusterings of a dataset.


Clustering quality indices

[clustering_quality()](@ref clustering_quality) methods allow computing intrinsic clustering quality indices, i.e. the metrics that depend only on the clustering itself and do not use the external knowledge. These metrics can be used to compare different clustering algorithms or choose the optimal number of clusters.

quality index quality_index option clustering type better quality cluster centers
[Calinski-Harabasz](@ref calinsky_harabasz) :calinsky_harabasz hard/fuzzy higher values required
[Xie-Beni](@ref xie_beni) :xie_beni hard/fuzzy lower values required
[Davis-Bouldin](@ref davis_bouldin) :davis_bouldin hard lower values required
[Dunn](@ref dunn) :dunn hard higher values not required
[silhouettes](@ref silhouettes_index) :silhouettes hard higher values not required

The clustering quality index definitions use the following notation:

  • x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n: data points,
  • C_1, C_2, \ldots, C_k: clusters,
  • c_j and c: cluster centers and global dataset center,
  • d: a similarity (distance) function,
  • w_{ij}: weights measuring membership of a point x_i to a cluster C_j,
  • \alpha: a fuzziness parameter.

[Calinski-Harabasz index](@id calinsky_harabasz)

Calinski-Harabasz index (option :calinski_harabasz) measures corrected ratio between global inertia of the cluster centers and the summed internal inertias of clusters:

$$\frac{n-k}{k-1}\frac{\sum_{C_j}|C_j|d(c_j,c)}{\sum\limits_{C_j}\sum\limits_{x_i\in C_j} d(x_i,c_j)} \quad \text{and}\quad \frac{n-k}{k-1} \frac{\sum\limits_{C_j}\left(\sum\limits_{x_i}w_{ij}^\alpha\right) d(c_j,c)}{\sum_{C_j} \sum_{x_i} w_{ij}^\alpha d(x_i,c_j)}$$

for hard and fuzzy (soft) clusterings, respectively. Higher values indicate better quality.

[Xie-Beni index](@id xie_beni)

Xie-Beni index (option :xie_beni) measures ratio between summed inertia of clusters and the minimum distance between cluster centres:

$$\frac{\sum_{C_j}\sum_{x_i\in C_j}d(x_i,c_j)}{n\min\limits_{c_{j_1}\neq c_{j_2}} d(c_{j_1},c_{j_2}) } \quad \text{and}\quad \frac{\sum_{C_j}\sum_{x_i} w_{ij}^\alpha d(x_i,c_j)}{n\min\limits_{c_{j_1}\neq c_{j_2}} d(c_{j_1},c_{j_2}) }$$

for hard and fuzzy (soft) clusterings, respectively. Lower values indicate better quality.

[Davis-Bouldin index](@id davis_bouldin)

Davis-Bouldin index (option :davis_bouldin) measures average cohesion based on the cluster diameters and distances between cluster centers:

$$\frac{1}{k}\sum_{C_{j_1}}\max_{c_{j_2}\neq c_{j_1}}\frac{S(C_{j_1})+S(C_{j_2})}{d(c_{j_1},c_{j_2})}$$


$$S(C_j) = \frac{1}{|C_j|}\sum_{x_i\in C_j}d(x_i,c_j).$$

Lower values indicate better quality.

[Dunn index](@id dunn)

Dunn index (option :dunn) measures the ratio between the nearest neighbour distance divided by the maximum cluster diameter:

$$\frac{\min\limits_{ C_{j_1}\neq C_{j_2}} \mathrm{dist}(C_{j_1},C_{j_2})}{\max\limits_{C_j}\mathrm{diam}(C_j)}$$


$$\mathrm{dist}(C_{j_1},C_{j_2}) = \min\limits_{x_{i_1}\in C_{j_1},x_{i_2}\in C_{j_2}} d(x_{i_1},x_{i_2}),\quad \mathrm{diam}(C_j) = \max\limits_{x_{i_1},x_{i_2}\in C_j} d(x_{i_1},x_{i_2}).$$

It is more computationally demanding quality index, which can be used when the centres are not known. Higher values indicate better quality.

[Silhouettes](@id silhouettes_index)

Silhouettes metric quantifies the correctness of point-to-cluster asssignment by comparing the distance of the point to its cluster and to the other clusters.

The Silhouette value for the i-th data point is:

$$s_i = \frac{b_i - a_i}{\max(a_i, b_i)}, \ \text{where}$$
  • a_i is the average distance from the i-th point to the other points in the same cluster z_i,
  • b_i ≝ \min_{k \ne z_i} b_{ik}, where b_{ik} is the average distance from the i-th point to the points in the k-th cluster.

Note that s_i \le 1, and that s_i is close to 1 when the i-th point lies well within its own cluster. This property allows using average silhouette value mean(silhouettes(assignments, counts, X)) as a measure of clustering quality; it is also available using [clustering_quality(...; quality_index = :silhouettes)](@ref clustering_quality) method. Higher values indicate better separation of clusters w.r.t. point distances.


[clustering_quality(..., quality_index=:silhouettes)](@ref clustering_quality) provides mean silhouette metric for the datapoints. Higher values indicate better quality.


Olatz Arbelaitz et al. (2013). An extensive comparative study of cluster validity indices. Pattern Recognition. 46 1: 243-256. doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2012.07.021

Aybükë Oztürk, Stéphane Lallich, Jérôme Darmont. (2018). A Visual Quality Index for Fuzzy C-Means. 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2018). 546-555. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-92007-8_46.


Exemplary data with 3 real clusters.

using Plots, Plots.PlotMeasures, Clustering
X_clusters = [(center = [4., 5.], std = 0.4, n = 10),
              (center = [9., -5.], std = 0.4, n = 5),
              (center = [-4., -9.], std = 1, n = 5)]
X = mapreduce(hcat, X_clusters) do (center, std, n)
    center .+ std .* randn(length(center), n)
X_assignments = mapreduce(vcat, enumerate(X_clusters)) do (i, (_, _, n))
    fill(i, n)

scatter(view(X, 1, :), view(X, 2, :),
    markercolor = X_assignments,
    plot_title = "Data", label = nothing,
    xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y",
    legend = :outerright,
    size = (600, 500)
savefig("clu_quality_data.svg"); nothing # hide

Hard clustering quality for K-means method with 2 to 5 clusters:

hard_nclusters = 2:5
clusterings = kmeans.(Ref(X), hard_nclusters)

         clustering_quality.(Ref(X), clusterings, quality_index = qidx),
         marker = :circle,
         title = ":$qidx", label = nothing,
    ) for qidx in [:silhouettes, :calinski_harabasz, :xie_beni, :davies_bouldin, :dunn])...,
    layout = (2, 3),
    xaxis = "N clusters", yaxis = "Quality",
    plot_title = "\"Hard\" clustering quality indices",
    size = (1000, 600), left_margin = 10pt
savefig("clu_quality_hard.svg"); nothing # hide

Fuzzy clustering quality for fuzzy C-means method with 2 to 5 clusters:

fuzziness = [1.3 2 3]
fuzzy_nclusters = 2:5
fuzzy_clusterings = fuzzy_cmeans.(Ref(X), fuzzy_nclusters, fuzziness)

         [clustering_quality.(Ref(X), fuzz_clusterings,
                              fuzziness = fuzz, quality_index = qidx)
          for (fuzz, fuzz_clusterings) in zip(fuzziness, eachcol(fuzzy_clusterings))],
         marker = :circle,
         title = ":$qidx", label = ["Fuzziness $fuzz" for fuzz in fuzziness],
    ) for qidx in [:calinski_harabasz, :xie_beni])...,
    layout = (1, 2), legend = :left,
    xaxis = "N clusters", yaxis = "Quality",
    plot_title = "\"Soft\" clustering quality indices",
    size = (700, 350), left_margin = 10pt
savefig("clu_quality_soft.svg"); nothing # hide

Other packages

  • ClusteringBenchmarks.jl provides benchmark datasets and implements additional methods for evaluating clustering performance.