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2GB limit to sysimage size? #1019

dgleich opened this issue Dec 5, 2024 · 20 comments · May be fixed by JuliaLang/julia#57366

2GB limit to sysimage size? #1019

dgleich opened this issue Dec 5, 2024 · 20 comments · May be fixed by JuliaLang/julia#57366


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dgleich commented Dec 5, 2024

is there a limit of sysimage files to 2GB?

When I compile a number of packages that increases the sysimage size to over 2GB, then it fails when I try to use it with this error message.

Testing sysimage: /Users/dgleich/.julia/sysimages/ of size 2240882280

[56623] signal 11 (1): Segmentation fault: 11
in expression starting at none:0
jfptr___init___118647 at /Users/dgleich/.julia/sysimages/ (unknown line)
jl_apply at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-macmini-x64-4.0/build/default-macmini-x64-4-0/julialang/julia-master/src/./julia.h:2157 [inlined]
jl_module_run_initializer at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-macmini-x64-4.0/build/default-macmini-x64-4-0/julialang/julia-master/src/toplevel.c:76
_finish_julia_init at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-macmini-x64-4.0/build/default-macmini-x64-4-0/julialang/julia-master/src/init.c:902
julia_init at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-macmini-x64-4.0/build/default-macmini-x64-4-0/julialang/julia-master/src/init.c:843
jl_repl_entrypoint at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-macmini-x64-4.0/build/default-macmini-x64-4-0/julialang/julia-master/src/jlapi.c:1053
Allocations: 1 (Pool: 1; Big: 0); GC: 0

System info:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.11.2
Commit 5e9a32e7af2 (2024-12-01 20:02 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official release
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin24.0.0)
  CPU: 16 × Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2140B CPU @ 3.20GHz
  LLVM: libLLVM-16.0.6 (ORCJIT, skylake-avx512)
Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 16 virtual cores)

I'm continuing to look for other sources of where the issue may be, but there seems to be a success/failure threshold at 2GB regardless of what packages I'm adding.

These sysimages were constructed with PackageCompiler.create_sysimage(pkgs; sysimage_path=" (The list of packages is at the bottom, although I don't think this is so relevant... (but it may be!)

Full list of packages that I had to trigger the error.

pkgs = ["MultiFloats",  
       "RDatasets" ]
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dgleich commented Dec 5, 2024

On my system, this will reproduce the issue with a package right at the 2GB boundary.

pkgs = ["MultiFloats",  
       "RDatasets" ]

using Pkg
Pkg.activate(; temp=true)
Pkg.add(pkgs; preserve=Pkg.PRESERVE_ALL_INSTALLED)

sysimage1 = joinpath(dirname(Base.active_project()), "sysimage1", "")
sysimage2 = joinpath(dirname(Base.active_project()), "sysimage2", "")

using PackageCompiler

PackageCompiler.create_sysimage(pkgs; sysimage_path=sysimage1)
PackageCompiler.create_sysimage(pkgs[1:end-1]; sysimage_path=sysimage2)
@show filesize(sysimage1)
@show filesize(sysimage2)

run(`/Applications/ -J$(sysimage1) -e"println(length(Base.loaded_modules))"`)
run(`/Applications/ -J$(sysimage2) -e"println(length(Base.loaded_modules))"`)

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dgleich commented Dec 6, 2024

Okay, so here is what I think is going on in this case.

tl;dr - the maximum displacement for a position independent offset is 31 bits in x86_64/amd64. If the target function exceeds that, the displacement offset is computed incorrectly. This appears to be a clang/Xcode//g++ bug.

When this crashes, here's the line it crashes on:

Process 96024 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x114ddee40)
    frame #0: 0x0000000192e1a282`jfptr___init___122579 + 2`jfptr___init___122579:
->  0x192e1a282 <+2>:  movq   -0x7e03b449(%rip), %rax
    0x192e1a289 <+9>:  movq   -0x7e03b448(%rip), %rdi
    0x192e1a290 <+16>: callq  *%rax
    0x192e1a292 <+18>: movq   %rax, %r13
Target 0: (julia) stopped.
(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x114ddee40)
  * frame #0: 0x0000000192e1a282`jfptr___init___122579 + 2
    frame #1: 0x0000000100b79b6c libjulia-internal.1.11.2.dylib`jl_module_run_initializer [inlined] jl_apply(args=0x00007ff7bfefee10, nargs=1) at julia.h:2157:12 [opt]
    frame #2: 0x0000000100b79b5d libjulia-internal.1.11.2.dylib`jl_module_run_initializer(m=0x00000001bbcb35b0) at toplevel.c:76:9 [opt]
    frame #3: 0x0000000100b643c3 libjulia-internal.1.11.2.dylib`_finish_julia_init(rel=JL_IMAGE_CWD, ptls=<unavailable>, ct=<unavailable>) at init.c:902:13 [opt]
    frame #4: 0x0000000100b63bdb libjulia-internal.1.11.2.dylib`julia_init(rel=JL_IMAGE_CWD) at init.c:843:5 [opt]
    frame #5: 0x0000000100bb096c libjulia-internal.1.11.2.dylib`jl_repl_entrypoint(argc=0, argv=0x00007ff7bfeff578) at jlapi.c:1053:5 [opt]
    frame #6: 0x0000000100003f79 julia`main + 9
    frame #7: 0x00007ff81537c345 dyld`start + 1909

Here's the function from objdump in (the one that doesn't work)

000000000199b280 <_jfptr___init___122579>:
 199b280: 41 55                         pushq   %r13
 199b282: 48 8b 05 b7 4b fc 81          movq    -0x7e03b449(%rip), %rax ## 0xffffffff8395fe40 <_jl_small_typeof+0xfffffffeffffffe0>
 199b289: 48 8b 3d b8 4b fc 81          movq    -0x7e03b448(%rip), %rdi ## 0xffffffff8395fe48 <_jl_small_typeof+0xfffffffeffffffe8>
 199b290: ff d0                         callq   *%rax
 199b292: 49 89 c5                      movq    %rax, %r13
 199b295: e8 16 8d 72 fe                callq   0xc3fb0 <_julia___init___122578>
 199b29a: 48 8b 05 1f c0 aa 02          movq    0x2aac01f(%rip), %rax   ## 0x44472c0 <_sigsetjmp+0x44472c0>
 199b2a1: 48 8b 00                      movq    (%rax), %rax
 199b2a4: 41 5d                         popq    %r13
 199b2a6: c3                            retq
 199b2a7: 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00    nopw    (%rax,%rax)

Looking around at other jfptr_init functions in (the one that does work!) there are a lot of functions that look very similar...

0000000000036af0 <_jfptr_init_regex_233950>:
   36af0: 41 55                         pushq   %r13
   36af2: 48 8b 05 47 24 0a 7e          movq    0x7e0a2447(%rip), %rax  ## 0x7e0d8f40 <_jl_pgcstack_func_slot>
   36af9: 48 8b 3d 48 24 0a 7e          movq    0x7e0a2448(%rip), %rdi  ## 0x7e0d8f48 <_jl_pgcstack_key_slot>
   36b00: ff d0                         callq   *%rax
   36b02: 49 89 c5                      movq    %rax, %r13
   36b05: e8 16 49 6a 03                callq   0x36db420 <_julia_init_regex_233949>
   36b0a: 41 5d                         popq    %r13
   36b0c: c3                            retq
   36b0d: 0f 1f 00                      nopl    (%rax)

So the lines (which is where the segfault occurs)

 199b282: 48 8b 05 b7 4b fc 81          movq    -0x7e03b449(%rip), %rax ## 0xffffffff8395fe40 <_jl_small_typeof+0xfffffffeffffffe0>
 199b289: 48 8b 3d b8 4b fc 81          movq    -0x7e03b448(%rip), %rdi ## 0xffffffff8395fe48 <_jl_small_typeof+0xfffffffeffffffe8>

should be loading up the address of _jl_pgcstack_func_slot/key_slot.

Back to

% nm /var/folders/yd/vb_8j2ns7c763wxf9q184bk80000gn/T/jl_9xTNej/sysimage1/ | grep _jl_pgcstack_
000000008395fe40 s _jl_pgcstack_func_slot
000000008395fe48 s _jl_pgcstack_key_slot

So if we take:

0x199b289 (inst. pointer for next address) and need to get to 0x8395fe40 we need a displacement of 0x81fc4bbe (which is bigger than 31 bits...)

Of course, since something is computing this probably with overflow, let's see what happens:

x = 0x8395fe40 - 0x199b289
UInt32(-reinterpret(Int32,x)) # compute the negative offset as a pos. val. 

which gives 0x7e03b449 vs. the code which has -0x7e03b449.

So it seems like this is a bit of a stumbling block for using larger than 2GB sysimages.

Okay, so where does this error come from:

The object file shows this:

% objdump -dr /var/folders/yd/vb_8j2ns7c763wxf9q184bk80000gn/T/jl_SLOP2XY90L-o.a
00000000000da0d0 <_jfptr___init___122579>:
   da0d0: 41 55                         pushq   %r13
   da0d2: 48 8b 05 00 00 00 00          movq    (%rip), %rax            ## 0xda0d9 <_jfptr___init___122579+0x9>
                00000000000da0d5:  X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED  _jl_pgcstack_func_slot
   da0d9: 48 8b 3d 00 00 00 00          movq    (%rip), %rdi            ## 0xda0e0 <_jfptr___init___122579+0x10>
                00000000000da0dc:  X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED  _jl_pgcstack_key_slot
   da0e0: ff d0                         callq   *%rax
   da0e2: 49 89 c5                      movq    %rax, %r13
   da0e5: e8 00 00 00 00                callq   0xda0ea <_jfptr___init___122579+0x1a>
                00000000000da0e6:  X86_64_RELOC_BRANCH  _julia___init___122578
   da0ea: 48 8b 05 00 00 00 00          movq    (%rip), %rax            ## 0xda0f1 <_jfptr___init___122579+0x21>
                00000000000da0ed:  X86_64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD        _jl_nothing@GOTPCREL
   da0f1: 48 8b 00                      movq    (%rax), %rax
   da0f4: 41 5d                         popq    %r13
   da0f6: c3                            retq
   da0f7: 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00    nopw    (%rax,%rax)

So it's g++ that doesn't compute the offset correct or throw an error that it can't handle integrating everything into a shared library.

I'm looking into if there is an option that would flag this error.

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dgleich commented Dec 8, 2024

Curiously, this does work with a 3.2GB sysimage under linux, so it seems it's something macOS specific.

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Zentrik commented Dec 8, 2024

I suspect this is because the small code model is used when on Mac os but not Linux, see and a previous issue with the same cause #500 (comment).

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dgleich commented Dec 8, 2024

I was looking at that :).

Time to recompile Julia to see if that fixes it.

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dgleich commented Dec 10, 2024

I tried editing aotcompile.cpp to use the medium code model on the Mac.

This runs into a linker error when building the base Julia sysimage... (sys-o.a)

clang++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.14 -march=native -mtune=native -integrated-as -m64  -shared -fPIC -L/Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib/julia -L/Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib -L/Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib -o /Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys.dylib -Xlinker -all_load /Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys-o.a  -ljulia-internal -ljulia $([ Darwin = WINNT ] && echo '' -lopenlibm -lssp --disable-auto-import --disable-runtime-pseudo-reloc)

ld: illegal text-relocation in '_jfptr_YY.handle_matchNOT.YY.521_46438'+0xC (/Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys-o.a[2](text#0.o)) to '_jl_pgcstack_func_slot'

I'll often get errors on different functions (I think it's just erroring on the first one), e.g. I tried something else and got:

ld: illegal text-relocation in '_julia_Dict_44375'+0x43 (/Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys-o.a[2](text#0.o)) to '_SUM.CoreDOT.GenericMemoryYY.26010'

This is using a recent clang++

% clang++ --version
Apple clang version 16.0.0 (clang-1600.0.26.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin23.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/

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dgleich commented Dec 10, 2024

Here's the commit where this was changed for linux...


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Yeah, every platform supports a different set of relocations (ELF vs. COFF vs. Mach-O) and LLVM is not always good about complaining up front when you ask it to use a code model that is not fully implemented for a given platform / binary format.

You might try using the Large code model instead of Medium to see if that succeeds on macOS.

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dgleich commented Dec 11, 2024

Large also fails :(. All the entries in sys-a.o that Julia compiles are generated with pcrel=false; i.e they aren't position independent.

I was doing these tests on a compile of 1.11.2 to keep changes minimal. But it seems like LLVM 16 just doesn't support CodeModel medium on macOS with PIC, or there is some black magic I haven't determined yet.

On the other hand, moving to Julia master (1.12-dev, LLVM 18) shows that CodeModel medium does work on macOS now. I'm checking if that'll compile the multiGB sysimage.

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topolarity commented Dec 11, 2024

cc @gbaraldi sounds like we can potentially turn this on for more platforms, which would be great news

It would be nice to find what change upstream fixed this too

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dgleich commented Dec 12, 2024

Agree on finding out what changed in llvm to fix it :) I never like solutions where there's a link in the chain I don't understand.

In my current test of a large sysimage on 1.12-dev, I ran into a new issue at the linking stage.

g++ -m64 -march=x86-64 -shared -L/Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib -L/Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib -o /var/folders/yd/vb_8j2ns7c763wxf9q184bk80000gn/T/jl_OZv5Qu/sysimage1/ -Wl,-all_load /var/folders/yd/vb_8j2ns7c763wxf9q184bk80000gn/T/jl_MNSFELqhQ3-o.a -ljulia -ljulia-internal -fPIC -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/julia
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_jl_fptr_sparam", referenced from:
      _tojlinvoke552860 in jl_MNSFELqhQ3-o.a[3](text#1.o)
      _tojlinvoke559005 in jl_MNSFELqhQ3-o.a[7](text#5.o)
      _tojlinvoke552862 in jl_MNSFELqhQ3-o.a[7](text#5.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
000000000089fb40 <_tojlinvoke552860>:
  89fb40: 50                            pushq   %rax
  89fb41: 48 8b 0d 00 00 00 00          movq    (%rip), %rcx            ## 0x89fb48 <_tojlinvoke552860+0x8>
                000000000089fb44:  X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED  _jl_globalYY.552861
  89fb48: e8 00 00 00 00                callq   0x89fb4d <_tojlinvoke552860+0xd>
                000000000089fb49:  X86_64_RELOC_BRANCH  _jl_fptr_sparam
  89fb4d: 59                            popq    %rcx
  89fb4e: c3                            retq
  89fb4f: 90                            nop

That function is definitely in libjulia-internal.dylib:

% nm /Volumes/Videos/julia-compile/julia/usr/lib/libjulia-internal.dylib | grep sparam
00000000003cd998 S _jl_builtin__compute_sparams
0000000000030720 T _jl_f__compute_sparams
0000000000388ba8 D _jl_f__compute_sparams_addr
000000000001a070 t _jl_fptr_sparam
0000000000371680 S _jl_fptr_sparam_addr

But it looks like it isn't exported (little t vs. big T)?

There seem to be a number of checks for this function, so I'm guessing it shouldn't be called in the shared object?

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dgleich commented Dec 14, 2024

I'm guessing JuliaLang/julia#56817 fixed the _jl_fptr_sparam issues as I don't see them anymore.

Still checking on what happens with a 2GB+ sysimage (some of the packages seem to break at precompilation for 1.12-dev, so my initial set doesn't quite work there.)

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dgleich commented Dec 17, 2024

short answer is 2GB+ sysimages still fail on macOS even with codemodel medium. Same symptoms as before, they are encoding offsets incorrectly.

This appears to be correct behavior -- code model medium should require all code offsets to be <= 2GB -- -- although having the linker throw a relocation error would have been appreciated...

Come to think of it, I don't understand why this works on linux :) the medium code model would indicate the contract is all code has offsets within 2GB. But that isn't the case. So maybe I just haven't exercised enough code to find an offset that find the pointers?

Some questions:

  • How does the aotcompile.cpp and jit differ? It seems like the JIT uses the large code model. (found in jitlayers.cpp -- line 1400 or so?) But it's clear Julia works fine with more than 2GB of precompiled code loaded :) So this must be using large enough offsets that it isn't a problem. yet when it's written to a sysimage it must be recompiling the code with some type of different assumption?

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dgleich commented Jan 10, 2025

On Julia 1.11.2, 2GB+ sysimages don't work on Apple M2 either.

This throws an error

[15005] signal 11 (2): Segmentation fault: 11
in expression starting at none:0
jl_update_all_gvars at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-honeycrisp-XG3Q6T6R70.0/build/default-honeycrisp-XG3Q6T6R70-0/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-11/src/staticdata.c:2250 [inlined]
jl_restore_system_image_from_stream_ at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-honeycrisp-XG3Q6T6R70.0/build/default-honeycrisp-XG3Q6T6R70-0/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-11/src/staticdata.c:3247
jl_restore_system_image_from_stream at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-honeycrisp-XG3Q6T6R70.0/build/default-honeycrisp-XG3Q6T6R70-0/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-11/src/staticdata.c:3694 [inlined]

the relevant code is:

 uintptr_t *gv = sysimg_gvars(image->gvars_base, image->gvars_offsets, i);
        *gv = v; // 2250 

so it's segfaulting on a pointer deference.

which might make sense in a 2GB+ file since:

static inline uintptr_t *sysimg_gvars(const char *base, const int32_t *offsets, size_t idx)
    return (uintptr_t*)(base + offsets[idx]);

so there's an implied int32_t in these offsets.

They are computed here:

    if (!gvars.empty()) {
        auto offsets = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * gvars.size());
        res.gvars_base = (const char*)pointers->header;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < gvars.size(); i++) {
            assert(gvars[i] && "Missing global variable pointer!");
            offsets[i] = gvars[i] - res.gvars_base;
        res.gvars_offsets = offsets;
        res.ngvars = gvars.size();

again, it seems like it's very weird what works and what fails with 2GB+ sysimages.

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bjarthur commented Feb 10, 2025

what's the latest with this issue? i'm getting a similar error on an M2 with Sequoia 15.3, Xcode 16.2, and a 2.87GB sys.dylib. [EDIT-- and PackageCompiler 2.2.0, and julia 1.11.3]

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dgleich commented Feb 10, 2025

I gave up and needed to move on to other stuff. :). For the arm
Case, There is a 32 bit int hardcoded somewhere in the sysimage loader, which will result in a bad offset calc form one step. So even though the arm instruction set supports it for all code models,the Julia implementation won't.

Not every compile will trip it but a large set of packages seems to.

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@vtjnash @timholy you two were the most recent to touch the relevant lines in processor.cpp and staticdata.c referenced above that uses 32-bit pointers. is it planned anytime soon to refactor to use 64 bits so that sysimages larger than 2GB can be built?

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using julia v1.10 my sys.dylib is only 1.73 GB (down from 2.84 GB with v1.11) for the same Project.toml. unfortunately, i get an OOM when running it, but @dgleich you might try downgrading for a possible workaround.

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bjarthur commented Feb 11, 2025

same Project.toml on Ubuntu 22.04 has a of only 823 MB. why is it so much larger (1.73 GB) for macOS?

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Not sure, that feels excessive.

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