diff --git a/docs/colormapparams.jl b/docs/colormapparams.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15023698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/colormapparams.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+module ColormapParams
+using Colors
+using Main.PNG16x16
+struct ColormapParamSVG <: Main.SVG
+ buf::IOBuffer
+function ColormapParamSVG(target::Symbol)
+ io = IOBuffer()
+ write(io,
+ """
+ ")
+ ColormapParamSVG(io)
+function write_chart_csb(io, target::Symbol)
+ pp = (0.1, 0.5, 0.9)
+ pc = map(_ -> 0.88, pp)
+ ps = map(_ -> 0.60, pp)
+ pb = map(_ -> 0.75, pp)
+ markers = ("m -5,-5 v 10 h 10 v -10 z",
+ "m 0,-5 l -5,9 h 10 z",
+ "m 0,-4 l -4,4 4,4 4,-4 z")
+ if target === :c
+ col = Colors.JULIA_LOGO_COLORS.purple
+ label = "contrast"
+ pc = pp
+ elseif target === :s
+ col = Colors.JULIA_LOGO_COLORS.red
+ label = "saturation"
+ ps = pp
+ elseif target === :b
+ col = Colors.JULIA_LOGO_COLORS.green
+ label = "brightness"
+ pb = pp
+ end
+ h = round(Int, hue(convert(Luv, col)))
+ n = 16
+ ls = (100/2/n):(100/n):100
+ cs = (175/2/n):(175/n):175
+ mc(l) = Colors.find_maximum_chroma(LCHuv(l, 0.0, h))
+ plane = [LCHuv(100.0 - l, min(c, mc(l)), h) for l in ls, c in cs]
+ write(io,
+ """
+ \n")
+ mc_coords = join(string(round(Int, mc(100 - l)), ",", 2l, " ") for l = 0:2:100)
+ write(io,
+ """
+ C*
+ L*
+ """)
+ write(io, "")
+ for i = 1:3
+ colors= sequential_palette(h, 7, c=pc[i], s=ps[i], b=pb[i], w=0, d=0)
+ write_colormap(io, 25 * i - 20, pp[i], colors, markers[i])
+ end
+ tcolors = (sequential_palette(h, 25, c=pc[i], s=ps[i], b=pb[i], w=0, d=0) for i = 1:3)
+ write_stroke(io, tcolors, markers)
+ write(io,
+ """
+ $target
+ - $label [0,1]
+ """)
+function write_chart_wd(io, target::Symbol)
+ pp = 0.0:0.2:1.0
+ pw = map(_ -> 0.15, pp)
+ pd = map(_ -> 0.0, pp)
+ if target === :w
+ col = Colors.JULIA_LOGO_COLORS.blue
+ cy = 40
+ pw = pp
+ kcol = "#ff0"
+ elseif target === :d
+ col = Colors.JULIA_LOGO_COLORS.green
+ cy = 200
+ pd = pp
+ kcol = "#00f"
+ end
+ h = round(Int, hue(convert(Luv, col)))
+ for i in eachindex(pp)
+ colors = sequential_palette(h, 9, w=pw[i], d=pd[i])
+ write_colormap(io, 30 * i - 10, pp[i], colors)
+ end
+ write(io,
+ """
+ """)
+ write(io,
+ """
+ $target
+ - strength of $(target)color [0,1]
+ $(target)color
+ """)
+function write_colormap(io, x, p, colors, marker="")
+ y = 0
+ write(io,
+ """
+ """)
+ for col in colors
+ write(io,
+ """
+ """)
+ y += 20
+ end
+ if !isempty(marker)
+ y += 10
+ write(io,
+ """
+ """)
+ end
+ y += 20
+ write(io,
+ """
+ $p
+ """)
+ write(io, "")
+function write_stroke(io, tcolors, markers)
+ write(io,
+ """
+ """)
+ coord(c) = string(round(Int, c.c), ",", round(Int, 2 * (100 - c.l)), " ")
+ for (i, colors) in enumerate(tcolors)
+ coords = join(map(coord, LCHuv.(colors)))
+ op = (0.4, 0.6, 1.0)[i]
+ sw = (10, 4, 1)[i]
+ write(io,
+ """
+ """)
+ end
+ for (i, colors) in enumerate(tcolors)
+ mk = markers[i]
+ hx = hex(last(colors))
+ write(io,
+ """
+ """)
+ end
+ write(io, "")
+end # module
diff --git a/docs/crosssectionalcharts.jl b/docs/crosssectionalcharts.jl
index f5334a78..6059454a 100644
--- a/docs/crosssectionalcharts.jl
+++ b/docs/crosssectionalcharts.jl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module CrossSectionalCharts
using Colors
-using Base64
+using Main.PNG16x16
struct CrossSectionalChartSVG <: Main.SVG
@@ -119,10 +119,8 @@ function crosssection(::Type{C}, x::Axis, y::Axis, z::Axis) where C <: Color
- \n")
@@ -164,69 +162,6 @@ function crosssection(::Type{C}, x::Axis, y::Axis, z::Axis) where C <: Color
-function write_png(io::IO, cs::AbstractArray{T}) where T <: Color
- buf = IOBuffer() # to calculate chunk CRCs
- n = 16 # 16 x 16
- u8(x) = write(buf, UInt8(x & 0xFF))
- u16(x) = (u8((x & 0xFFFF)>>8); u8(x))
- u32(x) = (u16((x & 0xFFFFFFFF)>>16); u16(x))
- b(bstr) = write(buf, bstr)
- function palette(c::Color)
- rgb24 = convert(RGB24,c)
- u8(rgb24.color>>16); u8(rgb24.color>>8); u8(rgb24.color)
- end
- crct(x) = (for i = 1:8; x = x & 1==1 ? 0xEDB88320 ⊻ (x>>1) : x>>1 end; x)
- table = UInt32[crct(i) for i = 0x00:0xFF]
- function crc32()
- seekstart(buf)
- crc = 0xFFFFFFFF
- while !eof(buf)
- crc = (crc>>8) ⊻ table[(crc&0xFF) ⊻ read(buf, UInt8) + 1]
- end
- u32(crc ⊻ 0xFFFFFFFF)
- end
- flush() = write(io, take!(seekstart(buf)))
- # The following is a pre-encoded 256-indexed-color PNG with size of 16x16.
- # We only rewrite "pallets".
- b(b"\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A")
- # Image header
- u32(13); flush(); b(b"IHDR"); u32(n); u32(n); u8(8); u8(3); u8(0); u8(0); u8(0); crc32()
- # Palette
- u32(n * n * 3); flush();
- b(b"PLTE")
- for y = 1:n, x = 1:n
- palette(cs[y,x])
- end
- crc32()
- # Image data
- u32(58); flush(); b(b"IDAT")
- b(b"\x78\xDA\x63\x64\x60\x44\x03\x02\xE8\x02\x0A\xE8\x02\x06\xE8\x02")
- b(b"\x0E\xE8\x02\x01\xE8\x02\x09\xE8\x02\x05\xE8\x02\x0D\xE8\x02\x13")
- b(b"\xD0\x05\x16\xA0\x0B\x6C\x40\x17\x38\x80\x2E\x70\x01\x5D\xE0\x01")
- b(b"\xBA\xC0\x07\x34\x3E\x00\x54\x4D\x08\x81"); crc32()
- # Image trailer
- u32(0); flush(); b(b"IEND"); crc32()
- flush()
-# Image data
-using CodecZlib
-raw = IOBuffer()
-for y = 0:15
- write(raw, UInt8(1)) # filter: SUB
- write(raw, UInt8(y*16)) # line head
- write(raw, UInt8[1 for i=1:15]) # left + 1
-cd = ZlibCompressorStream(raw,level=9)
-@show read(cd) # UInt8[0x78, 0xda, 0x63, 0x64, ...
crosssection(::Type{HSV}) = crosssection(HSV, x=(2, "S", 0:1),
y=(3, "V", 0:1),
z=(1, "H", 0:360))
diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index c5deb2e3..c307a475 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ function Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", svg::SVG)
write(io, "