diff --git a/src/extras.jl b/src/extras.jl
index f536f06f..2afcef38 100644
--- a/src/extras.jl
+++ b/src/extras.jl
@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ function fill_refs!(refs::AbstractArray, X::AbstractArray,
     @inbounds for i in eachindex(X)
         x = X[i]
-        if ismissing(x)
+        if x isa Number && isnan(x)
+            throw(ArgumentError("NaN values are not allowed in input vector"))
+        elseif ismissing(x)
             refs[i] = 0
-        elseif x == upper
+        elseif isequal(x, upper)
             refs[i] = n-1
-        elseif extend !== true && !(lower <= x <= upper)
+        elseif extend !== true &&
+            !((isless(lower, x) || isequal(x, lower)) && isless(x, upper))
             extend === missing ||
                 throw(ArgumentError("value $x (at index $i) does not fall inside the breaks: " *
                                     "adapt them manually, or pass extend=true or extend=missing"))
@@ -55,10 +58,10 @@ also accept them.
   the intervals; or a function `f(from, to, i; leftclosed, rightclosed)` that generates
   the labels from the left and right interval boundaries and the group index. Defaults to
   `"[from, to)"` (or `"[from, to]"` for the rightmost interval if `extend == true`).
-* `allowempty::Bool=false`: when `false`, an error is raised if some breaks appear
-  multiple times, generating empty intervals; when `true`, duplicate breaks are allowed
-  and the intervals they generate are kept as unused levels
-  (but duplicate labels are not allowed).
+* `allowempty::Bool=false`: when `false`, an error is raised if some breaks other than
+  the last one appear multiple times, generating empty intervals; when `true`,
+  duplicate breaks are allowed and the intervals they generate are kept as
+  unused levels (but duplicate labels are not allowed).
 # Examples
@@ -132,14 +135,19 @@ function _cut(x::AbstractArray{T, N}, breaks::AbstractVector,
               extend::Union{Bool, Missing},
               allowempty::Bool=false) where {T, N}
-    if !allowempty && !allunique(breaks)
-        throw(ArgumentError("all breaks must be unique unless `allowempty=true`"))
-    end
     if !issorted(breaks)
         breaks = sort(breaks)
+    if any(x -> x isa Number && isnan(x), breaks)
+        throw(ArgumentError("NaN values are not allowed in breaks"))
+    end
+    if !allowempty && !allunique(@view breaks[1:end-1])
+        throw(ArgumentError("all breaks other than the last one must be unique " *
+                            "unless `allowempty=true`"))
+    end
     if extend === true
         xnm = T >: Missing ? skipmissing(x) : x
         length(breaks) >= 1 || throw(ArgumentError("at least one break must be provided"))
@@ -158,11 +166,11 @@ function _cut(x::AbstractArray{T, N}, breaks::AbstractVector,
-        if !ismissing(min_x) && breaks[1] > min_x
+        if !ismissing(min_x) && isless(min_x, breaks[1])
             # this type annotation is needed on Julia<1.7 for stable inference
             breaks = [min_x::nonmissingtype(eltype(x)); breaks]
-        if !ismissing(max_x) && breaks[end] < max_x
+        if !ismissing(max_x) && isless(breaks[end], max_x)
             breaks = [breaks; max_x::nonmissingtype(eltype(x))]
         length(breaks) > 1 ||
@@ -189,16 +197,15 @@ function _cut(x::AbstractArray{T, N}, breaks::AbstractVector,
         from = breaks[1:n-1]
         to = breaks[2:n]
         firstlevel = labels(from[1], to[1], 1,
-                            leftclosed=breaks[1] != breaks[2], rightclosed=false)
+                            leftclosed=!isequal(breaks[1], breaks[2]), rightclosed=false)
         levs = Vector{typeof(firstlevel)}(undef, n-1)
         levs[1] = firstlevel
         for i in 2:n-2
             levs[i] = labels(from[i], to[i], i,
-                             leftclosed=breaks[i] != breaks[i+1], rightclosed=false)
+                             leftclosed=!isequal(breaks[i], breaks[i+1]), rightclosed=false)
         levs[end] = labels(from[end], to[end], n-1,
-                           leftclosed=breaks[end-1] != breaks[end],
-                           rightclosed=true)
+                           leftclosed=true, rightclosed=true)
         length(labels) == n-1 ||
             throw(ArgumentError("labels must be of length $(n-1), but got length $(length(labels))"))
@@ -243,21 +250,28 @@ quantiles.
   the labels from the left and right interval boundaries and the group index. Defaults to
   `"Qi: [from, to)"` (or `"Qi: [from, to]"` for the rightmost interval).
 * `allowempty::Bool=false`: when `false`, an error is raised if some quantiles breakpoints
-  are equal, generating empty intervals; when `true`, duplicate breaks are allowed
-  and the intervals they generate are kept as unused levels
-  (but duplicate labels are not allowed).
+  other than the last one are equal, generating empty intervals;
+  when `true`, duplicate breaks are allowed and the intervals they generate are kept as
+  unused levels (but duplicate labels are not allowed).
 function cut(x::AbstractArray, ngroups::Integer;
+    ngroups >= 1 || throw(ArgumentError("ngroups must be strictly positive (got $ngroups)"))
     xnm = eltype(x) >: Missing ? skipmissing(x) : x
-    breaks = Statistics.quantile(xnm, (1:ngroups-1)/ngroups)
-    if !allowempty && !allunique(breaks)
-        n = length(unique(breaks)) - 1
-        throw(ArgumentError("cannot compute $ngroups quantiles: `quantile` " *
-                            "returned only $n groups due to duplicated values in `x`." *
+    # Computing extrema is faster than taking 0 and 1 quantiles
+    min_x, max_x = extrema(xnm)
+    if (min_x isa Number && isnan(min_x)) ||
+        (max_x isa Number && isnan(max_x))
+        throw(ArgumentError("NaN values are not allowed in input vector"))
+    end
+    breaks = quantile(xnm, (1:ngroups-1)/ngroups)
+    breaks = [min_x; breaks; max_x]
+    if !allowempty && !allunique(@view breaks[1:end-1])
+        throw(ArgumentError("cannot compute $ngroups quantiles due to " *
+                            "too many duplicated values in `x`. " *
                             "Pass `allowempty=true` to allow empty quantiles or " *
                             "choose a lower value for `ngroups`."))
-    cut(x, breaks; extend=true, labels=labels, allowempty=allowempty)
+    cut(x, breaks; labels=labels, allowempty=allowempty)
diff --git a/test/15_extras.jl b/test/15_extras.jl
index 14fb4352..1aaf8dc7 100644
--- a/test/15_extras.jl
+++ b/test/15_extras.jl
@@ -111,9 +111,6 @@ const ≅ = isequal
     @test isa(x, CategoricalVector{Union{Int, String, T}})
     @test isordered(x)
     @test levels(x) == [0, "2", 4, "6", 8]
-    @test_throws ArgumentError cut([-0.0, 0.0], 2)
-    @test_throws ArgumentError cut([-0.0, 0.0], 2, labels=[-0.0, 0.0])
 @testset "cut with missing values in input" begin
@@ -144,6 +141,11 @@ end
     @test levels(x) == ["Q1: [2.0, 3.5)", "Q2: [3.5, 5.0]"]
+@testset "cut(x, n) with invalid n" begin
+    @test_throws ArgumentError cut(1:10, 0)
+    @test_throws ArgumentError cut(1:10, -1)
 @testset "cut with formatter function" begin
     my_formatter(from, to, i; leftclosed, rightclosed) = "$i: $from -- $to"
@@ -185,11 +187,20 @@ end
     x = [zeros(10); ones(10)]
     @test_throws ArgumentError cut(x, [0, 0.1, 0.1, 10])
     @test_throws ArgumentError cut(x, 10)
+    y = cut(x, [0, 0.1, 10, 10])
+    @test y == [fill("[0.0, 0.1)", 10); fill("[0.1, 10.0)", 10)]
+    @test levels(y) == ["[0.0, 0.1)", "[0.1, 10.0)", "[10.0, 10.0]"]
     @test_throws ArgumentError cut(1:10, [1, 5, 5, 11])
     y = cut(1:10, [1, 5, 5, 11], allowempty=true)
     @test y == cut(1:10, [1, 5, 11])
     @test levels(y) == ["[1, 5)", "(5, 5)", "[5, 11]"]
+    y = cut(1:10, [1, 5, 11, 11])
+    @test y == [fill("[1, 5)", 4); fill("[5, 11)", 6)]
+    @test levels(y) == ["[1, 5)", "[5, 11)", "[11, 11]"]
+    y = cut(1:10, [1, 5, 10, 10])
+    @test y == [fill("[1, 5)", 4); fill("[5, 10)", 5); "[10, 10]"]
+    @test levels(y) == ["[1, 5)", "[5, 10)", "[10, 10]"]
     @test_throws ArgumentError cut(1:10, [1, 5, 5, 5, 11])
     @test_throws ArgumentError cut(1:10, [1, 5, 5, 11],
@@ -242,6 +253,49 @@ end
     fmt = (from, to, i; leftclosed, rightclosed) -> (i % 2 == 0 ? to : 0.0)
     @test_throws ArgumentError cut(1:8, 0:2:10, labels=fmt)
+    @test_throws ArgumentError cut([fill(1, 10); 4], 2)
+    @test_throws ArgumentError cut([fill(1, 10); 4], 3)
+    x = cut([fill(1, 10); 4], 2, allowempty=true)
+    @test unique(x) == ["Q2: [1.0, 4.0]"]
+    x = cut([fill(1, 10); 4], 3, allowempty=true)
+    @test unique(x) == ["Q3: [1.0, 4.0]"]
+    @test levels(x) == ["Q1: (1.0, 1.0)", "Q2: (1.0, 1.0)", "Q3: [1.0, 4.0]"]
+    x = cut([fill(1, 5); fill(4, 5)], 2)
+    @test x == [fill("Q1: [1.0, 2.5)", 5); fill("Q2: [2.5, 4.0]", 5)]
+    @test levels(x) == ["Q1: [1.0, 2.5)", "Q2: [2.5, 4.0]"]
+    @test_throws ArgumentError  cut([fill(1, 5); fill(4, 5)], 3)
+    x = cut([fill(1, 5); fill(4, 5)], 3, allowempty=true)
+    @test x == [fill("Q2: [1.0, 4.0)", 5); fill("Q3: [4.0, 4.0]", 5)]
+    @test levels(x) == ["Q1: (1.0, 1.0)", "Q2: [1.0, 4.0)", "Q3: [4.0, 4.0]"]
+@testset "cut with -0.0" begin
+    x = cut([-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], 2)
+    @test x == ["Q1: [-0.0, 0.0)", "Q2: [0.0, 0.0]", "Q2: [0.0, 0.0]", "Q1: [-0.0, 0.0)"]
+    @test levels(x) == ["Q1: [-0.0, 0.0)", "Q2: [0.0, 0.0]"]
+    x = cut([-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], [-0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+    @test x == ["[-0.0, 0.0)", "[0.0, 0.0]", "[0.0, 0.0]", "[-0.0, 0.0)"]
+    @test levels(x) == ["[-0.0, 0.0)", "[0.0, 0.0]"]
+    x = cut([-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], [-0.0, 0.0])
+    @test x == fill("[-0.0, 0.0]", 4)
+    @test levels(x) == ["[-0.0, 0.0]"]
+    x = cut([-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], [0.0], extend=true)
+    @test x == fill("[-0.0, 0.0]", 4)
+    @test levels(x) == ["[-0.0, 0.0]"]
+    x = cut([-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], [-0.0], extend=true)
+    @test x == fill("[-0.0, 0.0]", 4)
+    @test levels(x) == ["[-0.0, 0.0]"]
+    x = cut([-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], 2, labels=[-0.0, 0.0])
+    @test x == [-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0]
+    @test_throws ArgumentError cut([-0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], [-0.0, -0.0, 0.0])
 @testset "cut with extend=true" begin
@@ -276,4 +330,35 @@ end
     @test x == ["[-1.0, 0.0)", "[-1.0, 0.0)", "[0.0, 1.0]", "[0.0, 1.0]", "[0.0, 1.0]"]
+@testset "cut with NaN and Inf" begin
+    @test_throws ArgumentError("NaN values are not allowed in input vector") cut([1, NaN, 2, 3], [1, 10])
+    @test_throws ArgumentError("NaN values are not allowed in input vector") cut([1, NaN, 2, 3], [1], extend=true)
+    @test_throws ArgumentError("NaN values are not allowed in input vector") cut([1, NaN, 2, 3], 2)
+    @test_throws ArgumentError("NaN values are not allowed in breaks") cut([1, 2], [1, NaN])
+    x = cut([1, Inf], [1], extend=true)
+    @test x ≅ ["[1.0, Inf]", "[1.0, Inf]"]
+    @test levels(x) == ["[1.0, Inf]"]
+    x = cut([1, -Inf], [1], extend=true)
+    @test x ≅ ["[-Inf, 1.0]", "[-Inf, 1.0]"]
+    @test levels(x) == ["[-Inf, 1.0]"]
+    x = cut([1:5; Inf], [1, 2, Inf])
+    @test x ≅ ["[1.0, 2.0)"; fill("[2.0, Inf]", 5)]
+    @test levels(x) == ["[1.0, 2.0)", "[2.0, Inf]"]
+    x = cut([1:5; -Inf], [-Inf, 2, 5])
+    @test x ≅ ["[-Inf, 2.0)"; fill("[2.0, 5.0]", 4); "[-Inf, 2.0)"]
+    @test levels(x) == ["[-Inf, 2.0)", "[2.0, 5.0]"]
+    x = cut([1:5; Inf], 2)
+    @test x ≅ [fill("Q1: [1.0, 3.5)", 3); fill("Q2: [3.5, Inf]", 3)]
+    @test levels(x) == ["Q1: [1.0, 3.5)", "Q2: [3.5, Inf]"]
+    x = cut([1:5; -Inf], 2)
+    @test x ≅ [fill("Q1: [-Inf, 2.5)", 2); fill("Q2: [2.5, 5.0]", 3); "Q1: [-Inf, 2.5)"]
+    @test levels(x) == ["Q1: [-Inf, 2.5)", "Q2: [2.5, 5.0]"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index 142bd15f..e59180e7 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ module TestCategoricalArrays
     using Test
     using CategoricalArrays
+    const ≊ = isequal
     tests = [