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Jon P Smith edited this page Aug 7, 2021 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the AuthPermissions.AspNetCore (referred to as AuthP) library documentation.

If you are new to the AuthP then make sure to have had a look at the Readme file which gives an overview of what the library, and the ReleaseNotes for any limitations.

The AuthP library is fairly complex and to help you the the documentation is broken up in to the following topics as shown in the sidebar.

  • Concepts: which explains the various parts of the AuthP library.
  • Setup: which shows how to set up the AuthP in your application.
  • Usage: which explains how to use the AuthP features to enhance your application.
  • Admin: which covers the services used to manage Roles, AuthUsers, and Tenants.

The AuthPermissions.AspNetCore repo contains the following example of using AuthP with ASP.NET Core applications listed below. All of them can be run and show a HOME page describes what the application does (apart from the WebAPI example, which shows the Swagger display).

And don't forget there are links to various articles that explain one part of the AuthP library in a step-by-step fashion.

Articles / Videos






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