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FingerprintIdentifier Document


This document is about an audio fingerprint (Music Fingerprint) algorithm class named FingerprintIdentifier. This algorithm is similar to the well-known Shazam music retrieval principle. The class roughly includes the following steps:

  1. Spectrogram peak detection (Sparse Constellation/Peaks)
  2. Fingerprint generation (Combinatorial Hash / Landmark Hash)
  3. Similarity detection (Offset Histogram / Minimum match threshold)

This class is implemented in Python using librosa and is suitable for small or fragmentary audio matching.

Origin and References

This algorithm is referenced from:

In the paper, the Shazam algorithm architecture can be roughly divided into:

  1. Spectrogram peak detection
  2. Combinatorial hashing (pairing peaks)
  3. Searching & Scoring (finding clues based on offset histogram)



FingerprintIdentifier is used to identify whether two audio segments are the "same audio (music) fragment". The core concept is:

  1. Perform Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) on the audio
  2. Detect 2D spectrogram peaks → form a constellation map
  3. Generate Landmark Hash from peaks → (freqA, freqB, Δt)
  4. Compare offset histogram → get the highest alignment score → if ≥ min_count → considered a match

Applicable scope:

  • Small or fragmentary audio (a few seconds to tens of seconds) matching
  • Higher noise tolerance
  • For large files, it is often used with segmentation/streaming

Initialization Parameters

def __init__(self,


  • sr (int): Default is 16000 Hz, the audio sampling rate (samples/second), assuming the audio is at this sampling rate when performing STFT.
  • n_fft (int): Default is 2048, the FFT window size used for STFT. It affects the frequency resolution; the larger it is, the higher the frequency resolution, but the lower the time resolution.
  • hop_length (int): Default is 512, the hop size for STFT (shift between two frames). It affects the time axis resolution (the smaller, the better the resolution).
  • peak_threshold (float): Default is -30.0, in the dB spectrum, points below this value are not considered peaks. It avoids noise peaks.
  • peak_neighborhood (int): Default is 3, the neighborhood size for 2D peak detection. When detecting local maxima, it searches locally with freq±3 and time±3.
  • fan_value_frames (int): Unit is frames, default is 5, when creating Landmark Hash, each anchor peak looks back at peaks within how many frames to form pairs; corresponding to about 5×hop_length time threshold.
  • min_count (int)*: Default is 8, in the offset histogram, if the maximum value ≥ this → considered a successful match. The larger the number → the lower the false positive rate, but the higher the miss rate.



def detect_peaks_2d(self, S_db):

Description: Detect 2D peaks in the spectrogram, i.e., the dB value of the point is not only higher than peak_threshold, but also needs to be the maximum value in its "neighborhood (freq±N, time±N)".


  • S_db (ndarray): 2D spectrogram in dB, size (frequency, time).

Return value:

  • List[Tuple[int, int, float]]: List of peaks, each peak is in the format (frequency, time, dB value).

General operation principle:

  1. Traverse each point (f, t) in the spectrogram.
  2. Determine the neighborhood range of the point (based on peak_neighborhood).
  3. Check if the point is a local maximum and exceeds peak_threshold.
  4. If it meets the conditions, add the point to the peak list.

Example: [ [25, 30, 20], [22, 35, 28], [18, 22, 30] ] For example, in this matrix, 35 is the local maximum value, its value is higher than the surrounding points.

Code block explanation

freq_len, time_len = S_db.shape
peaks = []
  • S_db.shape: Get the size of the spectrogram, freq_len is the length of the frequency dimension, and time_len is the length of the time dimension.
  • peaks: Used to store all detected peaks.
for t in range(time_len):
    for f in range(freq_len):
        val = S_db[f, t]
        if val < self.peak_threshold:
  • Outer and inner double loops, traverse each spectrogram point (f, t).
  • val = S_db[f, t]: Extract the energy value of the point (in dB).
  • if val < self.peak_threshold: Filter out points below the threshold to speed up the calculation.
fmin = max(0, f - self.peak_neighborhood)
fmax = min(freq_len, f + self.peak_neighborhood + 1)
tmin = max(0, t - self.peak_neighborhood)
tmax = min(time_len, t + self.peak_neighborhood + 1)
local_patch = S_db[fmin:fmax, tmin:tmax]
  • Set the local range to ensure no out-of-bounds in the frequency and time directions.
  • local_patch: Extract the energy value submatrix around (f, t).
if val >= np.max(local_patch):
    peaks.append((f, t, val))
  • Determine if the point is the local maximum in local_patch.
  • If so, add (f, t, val) to the peaks list.


def build_fingerprint(self, peaks):

Description: Generate a fingerprint structure from the detected peaks, which is used for quick matching.


  • peaks (List[Tuple[int, int, float]]): List of peaks detected by detect_peaks_2d.

Return value:

  • defaultdict: Fingerprint structure, the key is (freqA, freqB, dt), and the value is the list of time offsets [timeA1, timeA2, ...].

Operation principle:

  1. Sort the peak list by time to ensure consistent fingerprint generation order.
  2. Use two variables (i and j) to pair each peak with subsequent peaks, with the time difference within the fan_value_frames range.
  3. Generate hashkey for valid pairs and record their time offset timeA.

Code block explanation

peaks_sorted = sorted(peaks, key=lambda x: x[1])
n_peaks = len(peaks_sorted)
hash_dict = defaultdict(list)
  • peaks_sorted: Sort peaks by time to ensure consistent processing order.
  • hash_dict: Use a dictionary to store the fingerprint structure, the key is hashkey, and the value is the list of time offsets.
for i in range(n_peaks):
    freqA, timeA, valA = peaks_sorted[i]
    if j < i+1:
        j = i+1
  • Outer loop traverses each peak (freqA, timeA) as the anchor point.
  • j = i+1: Ensure the inner loop only pairs with subsequent peaks to avoid duplicate pairing.
while j < n_peaks:
    freqB, timeB, valB = peaks_sorted[j]
    dt = timeB - timeA
    if dt > self.fan_value_frames:
    if dt > 0:
        hashkey = (freqA, freqB, dt)
    j += 1
  • Pairing range limit: Only pair if the time difference dt is within the fan_value_frames range, otherwise break the inner loop.
  • Generate fingerprint key: (freqA, freqB, dt) as the unique hashkey.
  • Store offset: Each hashkey is associated with the time offset timeA.


def identify(self, ref_audio, sample_audio):

Description: Compare the reference audio and sample audio to determine if they match by calculating the number of matching offsets.


  • ref_audio (ndarray): Waveform data of the reference audio.
  • sample_audio (ndarray): Waveform data of the sample audio.

Return value:

  • Tuple[bool, int]: Contains the following two parts:
    • is_match (bool): True if matched, otherwise False.
    • best_count (int): The highest number of matches.

Operation principle:

  1. Reference audio processing:

    • Calculate STFT and convert to dB spectrogram.
    • Detect peaks and generate fingerprints.
  2. Sample audio processing:

    • Calculate STFT and convert to dB spectrogram.
    • Detect peaks and generate offset histogram.
  3. Matching calculation:

    • Compare sample peaks with reference fingerprints' hashkey.
    • Determine if they match based on the highest number of matches in the offset histogram.

Code block explanation First step: Process long audio (reference audio)

D_ref = librosa.stft(ref_audio, n_fft=self.n_fft, hop_length=self.hop_length, center=False)
S_ref = np.abs(D_ref)
S_db_ref = librosa.amplitude_to_db(S_ref, ref=np.max)
  1. librosa.stft:
  • Perform Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) on the reference audio to convert the time-domain signal into a spectrogram.
  • Parameters:
    • n_fft: Number of FFT points, affecting frequency resolution.
    • hop_length: Frame shift, affecting time resolution.
    • center=False: Disable padding to prevent data discontinuity caused by centering.
  • Result: D_ref is a complex matrix representing the spectrogram in frequency and time.
  1. np.abs:
  • Calculate the magnitude of the spectrogram (take the modulus), removing phase information.
  • Result: S_ref is the magnitude matrix.
  1. librosa.amplitude_to_db:
  • Convert the magnitude to decibels (dB) to represent signal strength on a logarithmic scale.
  • Result: S_db_ref is the spectrogram in dB.
peaks_ref = self.detect_peaks_2d(S_db_ref)
ref_fp = self.build_fingerprint(peaks_ref)

Second step: Process short audio (sample audio)

D_samp = librosa.stft(sample_audio, n_fft=self.n_fft, hop_length=self.hop_length, center=False)
S_samp = np.abs(D_samp)
S_db_samp = librosa.amplitude_to_db(S_samp, ref=np.max)
  • Same steps as reference audio processing, converting sample audio to dB spectrogram.
peaks_samp = self.detect_peaks_2d(S_db_samp)
  • Detect peaks in the sample audio to get the peak list.
offset_map = defaultdict(int)
  • Initialize the offset histogram to record offsets and their match counts.

Third step: Offset histogram calculation

peaks_samp_sorted = sorted(peaks_samp, key=lambda x: x[1])
n_samp_peaks = len(peaks_samp_sorted)
  • Sort the sample peak list by time to ensure consistent processing order.
for i in range(n_samp_peaks):
    freqA, timeA, valA = peaks_samp_sorted[i]
    if j < i + 1:
        j = i + 1
    while j < n_samp_peaks:
        freqB, timeB, valB = peaks_samp_sorted[j]
        dt = timeB - timeA
        if dt > self.fan_value_frames:
        if dt > 0:
            hashkey = (freqA, freqB, dt)
            sample_offset = timeA
            if hashkey in ref_fp:
                ref_offsets = ref_fp[hashkey]
                for ref_offset in ref_offsets:
                    offset_diff = ref_offset - sample_offset
                    offset_map[offset_diff] += 1
        j += 1
  1. Use two variables (i and j) to pair sample peaks.
  2. Limit the pairing range based on fan_value_frames.
  3. If the sample's hashkey matches the reference fingerprint's hashkey, calculate the offset offset_diff and record it in the histogram.

Fourth step: Determine matching result

if not offset_map:
    return (False, 0)
  • If the offset histogram is empty, it means no match was found, return directly.
best_off, best_count = max(offset_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
is_match = (best_count >= self.min_count)
return (is_match, best_count)
  1. Find the match count corresponding to the maximum peak in the offset histogram best_count.
  2. Determine if best_count exceeds the threshold min_count to confirm if it matches.