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Tulpar Laundry Bot


The Tulpar Laundry Bot is a Telegram Bot used to track realtime Laundry machine usage in CAPT's Tulpar House.


The following python version is used:

  • Python 3.7+ (Recommended Python 3.12)

The following Python packages are used:

  • python-telegram-bot[job-queue]: Handling bot requests and integration with Telegram API
  • firebase-admin: Integration of the bot with Firebase Realtime Database
  • python-dotenv: Use of environment variables from .env file
  • flask[Only for Serverless]: Creating REST API endpoints for webhook


The following cloud services are used:

  • Firebase Realtime Database: Cloud database used to persist bot data
  • Google Cloud Compute Engine: Cloud service used to run bot's backend service in a VM server
  • Telegram BotFather: Telegram's bot management bot used to create and set up bot

Bot Commands


Starts the bot.


Check the usage status of each Washer and Dryer machine.


Use a Washer or Dryer machine.


Notify the user of a Washer or Dryer that their cycle has completed.


Indicate that you have already removed your clothes after the machine is done.


Clear your use of any machine in case of errors.


Provides refund procedures.


Help function

Running on Server

Run Using Nohup

  1. Activate venv using source venv/bin/activate
  2. Run nohup python3 & to run the bot in the background.

Run Using Tmux

  1. Run tmux
  2. Activate venv using source venv/bin/activate
  3. Run python
  4. To detach session and run app in background, press ctrl + b then d
  5. To reattach session to read logs, run tmux attach

Hosting on Serverless