Implementing a ride sharing application backend with a in memory data structures
The application allows users to share rides on a route.
Users can either offer a shared ride (Driver) or consume a shared ride (Passenger).
Users can search and select one from multiple available rides on a route with the same source and destination.
Application should allow user onboarding.
Add basic user details
Add the user’s vehicle(s) details
User should be able to offer a shared ride on a route with details.
Ride will have details like vehicle, origin, destination, available seats. (A ride will have no intermediate stops.)
Users can select a ride from multiple offered rides using a selection strategy. (A user can only request a ride (only for 1 or 2 people))
select_ride(source, destination, seats, selection_strategy)
Prefered Vehicle (Activa/Polo/XUV)
Most Vacant.
System should be able to end the ride. User can only offer a ride for a given vehicle, once there are no active offered rides for that vehicle.
Find total rides offered/taken by all users.
The application would be tested by using jshell. The command for the same is
jshell> /env --class-path out/production/parivahan-chalak
The commands to run in jshell are listed below
import com.parivahan.dao.db.ParivahanDao;
import com.parivahan.service.ParivahanService;
ParivahanDao parivahanDaoInMemory = new ParivahanDao();
ParivahanService parivahanService = new ParivahanService(parivahanDaoInMemory);
parivahanService.addUser("Rohan", "M", 36);
parivahanService.addUser("Shashank", "M", 29);
parivahanService.addUser("Nandini", "F", 29);
parivahanService.addUser("Shipra", "F", 27);
parivahanService.addUser("Gaurav", "M", 29);
parivahanService.addUser("Rahul", "M", 35);
parivahanService.addVehicle("Rohan", "Swift", "KA-01-12345");
parivahanService.addVehicle("Shipra", "Activa", "KA-12-12332");
parivahanService.addVehicle("Shipra", "Polo", "KA-05-41491");
parivahanService.addVehicle("Rahul", "XUV", "KA-05-1234");
parivahanService.addVehicle("Shashank", "Baleno", "TS-05-62395");
parivahanService.offerRide("Rohan", "Hyderabad", 1, "Swift", "KA-01-12345", "Bangalore");
parivahanService.offerRide("Shipra", "Bangalore", 1, "Activa", "KA-12-12332", "Mysore");
parivahanService.offerRide("Shipra", "Bangalore", 2, "Polo", "KA-05-41491", "Mysore");
parivahanService.offerRide("Shashank", "Hyderabad", 2, "Baleno", "TS-05-62395", "Bangalore");
parivahanService.offerRide("Rahul", "Hyderabad", 5, "XUV", "KA-05-1234", "Bangalore");
parivahanService.offerRide("Shashank", "Hyderabad", 2, "Baleno", "TS-05-62395", "Bangalore");
parivahanService.offerRide("Rohan", "Bangalore", 1, "Swift", "KA-01-12345", "Pune");
parivahanService.selectRide("Nandini", "Bangalore", "Mysore", 1, "Most Vacant");
parivahanService.selectRide("Gaurav", "Bangalore", "Mysore", 1, "Activa");
parivahanService.selectRide("Shashank", "Mumbai", "Bangalore", 1, "Most Vacant");
parivahanService.selectRide("Rohan", "Hyderabad", "Bangalore", 1, "Baleno");