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Get Textures for CAD from Images


conda create -n getex python=3.9
pip install -r requirements.txt

Tested under torch==2.1.2, nvdiffrast==0.3.1, trimesh==4.1.3.

If you need to annotate foreground masks by SAM, please install "segment-anything": pip install git+


Bake the texture of a single object from a single image

python -h
#  --mesh_path str       path to the object mesh (default: assets/objects/opened_pepsi_can/textured.dae)
#  --ref_image_path str  path to the reference image (default: assets/ref_images/
#  --model_matrix ndarray
#                        model matrix, [4, 4] (default: [[ 9.9999994e-01 -5.6162389e-06 4.1270844e-04 -3.8991699e-01] [ 4.1270826e-04 -2.5391579e-05 -9.9999988e-01 2.0712100e-01] [ 5.6267454e-06 1.0000000e+00 -2.5391579e-05 9.5182002e-01] [ 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00
#                        0.0000000e+00 1.0000000e+00]])
#  --view_matrix ndarray
#                        view matrix, [4, 4] (default: [[ 0.093 0.996 -0. -0.242] [-0.704 0.066 0.707 -0.785] [ 0.704 -0.066 0.707 -1.043] [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]])
#  --fov_x ndarray       field of view in radians (default: 1.2363)
#  --ref_mask_path str   path to the reference mask. If specified but not found, an interactive annotation will be performed. (default: assets/ref_masks/mask_pepsi_can.png)
#  --output_path str     output path for the baked mesh (default: None)

The user should have obtained a roughly correct geometry with reasonable UV maps (mesh_path) before using the script. The camera instrinsic parameters (fov_x) should also be known.

The user needs to first manually align the object with the reference image (ref_image_path) to obtain model_matrix given a known view_matrix. Note that the only thing we care about is model_view_matrix instead of individual ones, and thus you can fix view_matrix and tune model_matrix. If a foreground mask of the object in the reference image (ref_mask_path) is provided, we will first refine the model_matrix by matching the silhouette via differentiable rendering. Next, we will optimize the texture by matching the rendered RGB image and renference image via differentiable rendering.

We use simple-parsing to define program arguments by dataclass, and also support reading from a config file (json or yaml) via --config_path={CONFIG_FILE}.

reference image foreground mask of pepsi can optimized rendering result animation for partially baked mesh

From left to right: reference image, foreground mask, rendered image of optimized texture, animation for partially baked mesh.

Complete the texture from a partially baked mesh

The previous step can only generate a partially baked mesh. We will use Zero123++ to hallucinate multi-view images. First, you need to install extra dependencies: pip install -r requirements-extra.txt.

python -h
#  --mesh_path str       path to the object mesh (partially baked) (default: assets/objects/opened_pepsi_can/textured.baked.glb)
#  --delta_R ndarray     extra rotation to rotate the object to a canonical pose, [3, 3]. Require manually tuning. (default: [[1. 0. 0.] [0. 1. 0.] [0. 0. 1.]])
#  --model_rotation ndarray
#                        model matrix to render the object (at the canonical pose) as the image condition for Zero123++, [4, 4] (default: [[ 0.8575973 0.5 0.12052744] [-0.49513403 0.8660254 -0.06958655] [-0.1391731 0. 0.99026807]])
#  --seed int            random seed for Zero123++. Require manually tuning. (default: 25)
#  --output_path str     output path for the baked mesh (default: None)
#  --force_generate bool, --noforce_generate bool
#                        force to re-generate zero123++ outputs (default: False)

partially baked texture zero123++ output completed texture animation of completed mesh

From left to right: partially baked texture, zero123++ output, completed texture, animation for completed mesh.