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A cutting plane algorithm for the clique partitioning problem

This repository contains the source code to the paper

Irmai and Andres: A State-of-the-Art Cutting Plane Algorithm for Clique Partitioning. GCPR (2024)





mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build ./


./main path/to/instance.txt



./main ../data/example-from-paper.txt

produces the following output

 Iter EXPND OPNND DEPTH     TIME  LP-TIME    OBJBST    OBJBND    NODBND   %I #Constr              Triangle              OddWheel 
    0     0     0     0        0        0        11        17        17  100       0    0       0        0    0       0        0 
    1     0     0     0        0        0        11        11        11  100       8    1       8        0    0       0        0 
    1     1     0     0        0        0        11        11        11  100       8    1       8        0    0       0        0 
upper bound = 11
best integer feasible objective = 11

The Output to the console includes the following columns:

  • Iter: Number of times the separation callback was called.
  • EXPND: Number of nodes of the branch tree whose LP has been already solved.
  • OPNND: Number of open nodes of the branch tree whose LP has not been solved.
  • DEPTH: Depth of the node of the branch tree whose LP is solved at the moment.
  • TIME: Total elapsed time.
  • LP-TIME: Total time consumed by the LP solver.
  • OBJBST: Objective value of the best integer feasible solution found so far.
  • OBJBND: Upper bound computed by the cutting plane algorithm
  • NODBND: LP bound of the nodes whose LP is solved currently (always smaller than OBJBND).
  • %I: Percentage of integer variables in the current LP solution.
  • #Constr: Total number of inequalities added to all LPs during the branch and cut algorithm.
  • For each separation algorithm that is added to the callback there are three numbers:
    • Total number of times the algorithm has been called.
    • Total number of violated inequalities that were computed by the algorithm.
    • Total time consumed by the algorithm.

Python interface

Building the project also creates a python module that can be imported and used from within python. The usage is demonstrated within the file. The clique_partitioning.bnc method takes the following arguments

  • n: number of nodes.
  • costs: list or of edges costs in a continuous sequence [c_{0,1},c_{0,2},...,c_{0,n-1},c_{1,2},...,c_{1,n-1},...,c_{n-2,n-1}].
  • activate_branching: Flag that indicates whether branching is activated. If False, only the LP relaxation of the root node is solved.
  • max_iter_non_basic: Constraints that have non been basic for more than max_iter_non_basic consecutive iterations are removed from the LP (and may be added again at a later iteration).
  • max_tail_length and max_tail_threshold: If objective value of the LP is greater max_tail_threshold times the previous objective value for more than max_tail_length iterations in a row the cutting plane algorithm terminates because 'tailing off' is triggered.
  • separators: List of triples (separator-name, stage, max_num) where separator-name is the name of the separation algorithm, stage is the stage to which the algorithm should be added, and max_num is the maximum number of inequalities that are added per iteration (0 means no limit). Available separators are listed in the add_separator method of the SeparatorCallback class that is implemented in include/callback.hxx.
  • add_some_triangles: Flag that indicates whether some triangle inequalities are added before the first call to the LP solver.
  • verbosity: The higher the verbosity, the more information is printed to the console during the execution of the algorithm.