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Jim Thorson edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 11 revisions


Welcome to the wiki for the Vector Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal (VAST) model.

I post most materials regarding VAST on the wiki of its main dependency, package SpatialDeltaGLMM, and please see materials here. However, I will add materials to the VAST wiki that apply only to VAST.

Features specific to VAST

  1. Simulator: VAST includes a feature to simulate new data sets, see here

  2. Species interactions: VAST also includes options to estimate species interactions (the impact of population density for species X on per-capita productivity for species Y), see instructions here

Steering committee

Updates to VAST will be planned with input from a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will include Jim Thorson and three rotating members, where each rotating member will serve as long as they have time and interest, and new members will be identified as needed by existing committee members. Member duties will be:

  • some occasional discussion (<1 per month) regarding any externally suggested modifications (i.e., through the issue tracker), to prioritize which are important vs. could be postponed or ignored.
  • availability and effort to help brainstorm changes, perhaps 1-3 times per year.

Current members are:

  • Jim Thorson
  • Christine Stawitz
  • Jim Ianelli
  • Eric Ward
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