% Encoding: US-ASCII @InProceedings{Accardo08Samplingproblemsusing, author = {L. Accardo and M. Fioretto and G. Giannini and P. Marino}, title = {Sampling problems using Mixed Random Modulation Techniques (MRMT) for the reduction of magnetic noise in traction motors}, booktitle = {Proc. Automation and Motion 2008 Int. Symp. Power Electronics, Electrical Drives}, year = {2008}, date = {2017-06-22}, month = jun, pages = {1199--1204}, doi = {10.1109/SPEEDHAM.2008.4581270}, __markedentry = {[sotterson:6]}, file = {:tmp\\Accardo08Samplingproblemsusing.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {induction motors, interference suppression, sampling methods, traction motors, AnsaldoBreda tram Sirio, SVM pulse position, SVM switching frequency, asynchronous traction motors, magnetic-acoustic noise reduction, mixed random modulation techniques, propulsion system, sampling problems, space vector modulation techniques, Inverters, Modulation, Support vector machines, Switches, Switching frequency, Traction motors, Vehicles, Acoustic noise, DFT sampling, mixed random modulation techniques, sampling problems, space vector modulation}, owner = {sotterson}, timestamp = {2017.06.22}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:biblatex;} @Comment{jabref-meta: fileDirectory:C:\\Users\\scott\\OneDrive\\scotto\\tmp;}