TxCheck is a tool for finding transactional bugs in database management systems. It uses SQL-level instrumentation to capture statement-level dependencies and construct transactional oracle to find bugs in transaction supports of DBMSs. We implemented TxCheck on the top of SQLsmith.
The paper based on this tool has been accepted by OSDI 2023.
- MariaDB
- TiDB
We provide a video introducing the tool. The video is available in the artifact stored in Zenodo.
We provide scripts to quickly set up the necessary environments and test specific DBMSs using TxCheck. We recommend you follow the instructions in the scripts to evaluate TxCheck or familiarize yourself with TxCheck.
By following the scripts, TxCheck can find the bugs listed in Found Bugs (given enough time). For quick evaluation, you could use the above MySQL script to set up the testing, where TxCheck might find a transactional bug in MySQL 8.0.28 within 15 minutes.
apt-get install -y g++ build-essential autoconf autoconf-archive libboost-regex-dev
git clone https://github.com/JZuming/TxCheck.git
cd TxCheck
autoreconf -if
make -j
# test MySQL
./transfuzz --mysql-db=testdb --mysql-port=3306 --output-or-affect-num=1
# test MariaDB
./transfuzz --mariadb-db=testdb --mariadb-port=3306 --output-or-affect-num=1
# test TiDB
./transfuzz --tidb-db=testdb --tidb-port=4000 --output-or-affect-num=1
# reproduce a found bug in MySQl and minimize the test case
./transfuzz --mysql-db=testdb --mysql-port=3306 \
--reproduce-sql=final_stmts.sql \
--reproduce-tid=final_tid.txt \
--reproduce-usage=final_stmt_use.txt \
--reproduce-backup=mysql_bk.sql \
The bugs found are stored in the directory found_bugs
. TxCheck only supports testing local database engines now.
Option | Description |
--mysql-db |
Target MySQL database |
--mysql-port |
MySQL server port number |
--mariadb-db |
Target MariaDB database |
--mariadb-port |
Mariadb server port number |
--tidb-db |
Target TiDB database |
--tidb-port |
TiDB server port number |
--output-or-affect-num |
Generated statement should output or affect at least a specific number of rows |
--reproduce-sql |
A SQL file recording the executed statements (needed for reproducing) |
--reproduce-tid |
A file recording the transaction id of each statement (needed for reproducing) |
--reproduce-usage |
A file recording the type of each statement (needed for reproducing) |
--reproduce-backup |
A backup file (needed for reproducing) |
--min |
Minimize the bug-triggering test case |
Both target database and the server port number should be specified (e.g., when testing MySQL or reproducing a bug in MySQL, --mysql-db
and --mysql-port
should be specified).
The options --reproduce-sql
, --reproduce-tid
, --reproduce-usage
, and --reproduce-backup
should be specified when TxCheck is used to reproduce a found bug. The files used are the files stored in the directory found_bugs
. The option --min
can work only when the options --reproduce-sql
, --reproduce-tid
, --reproduce-usage
and --reproduce-backup
are specified.
Source File | Description |
instrumentor.cc (.hh) |
SQL-level instrumentation to extract dependency information |
dependency_analyzer.cc (.hh) |
Build statement dependency graphs, maintain graph-related meta data (e.g. topological sorting on graphs, graph decycling) |
transaction_test.cc (.hh) |
Manage the whole transaction-testing procedure, including transaction test-case generation, blocking scheduling, transaction-oracle checking, e.t.c. |
general_process.cc (.hh) |
Provide general functionality (e.g., hash functions, result-comparison methonds, SQL statement generation) |
dbms_info.cc (.hh) |
Maintain the information of supported DBMSs (e.g., tested db, server port number) |
transfuzz.cc |
Maintain the program entry |
mysql.cc (.hh) |
Provide the functionality related to MySQL |
mariadb.cc (.hh) |
Provide the functionality related to MariaDB |
tidb.cc (.hh) |
Provide the functionality related to TiDB |
Others | Similar to the ones in SQLsmith. We support more SQL features in grammar.cc (.hh) and expr.cc (.hh) |