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CSV Validator - Strict and automated line-by-line CSV checking tool based on customizable Yaml schemas


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JBZoo / Csv-Blueprint

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composer require jbzoo/csv-blueprint


Schema file examples

Click to see: YAML format (with comment)
# It's a full example of the CSV schema file in YAML format.

csv: # Here are default values. You can skip this section if you don't need to override the default values
  header: true                          # If the first row is a header. If true, name of each column is required
  delimiter: ,                          # Delimiter character in CSV file
  quote_char: \                         # Quote character in CSV file
  enclosure: "\""                       # Enclosure for each field in CSV file
  encoding: utf-8                       # Only utf-8, utf-16, utf-32 (Experimental)
  bom: false                            # If the file has a BOM (Byte Order Mark) at the beginning (Experimental)

  - name: "csv_header_name"             # Any custom name of the column in the CSV file (first row). Required if "csv_structure.header" is true.
    description: "Lorem ipsum"          # Optional. Description of the column. Not used in the validation process.
      # You can use the rules in any combination. Or not use any of them.
      # They are grouped below simply for ease of navigation and reading.
      # If you see the value for the rule is "true" - that's just an enable flag.
      # In other cases, these are rule parameters.

      # General rules
      not_empty: true                   # Value is not empty string. Ignore spaces.
      exact_value: Some string          # Case-sensitive. Exact value for string in the column
      allow_values: [ y, n, "" ]        # Strict set of values that are allowed. Case-sensitive.

      # Strings only
      regex: /^[\d]{2}$/                # Any valid regex pattern. See
      min_length: 1                     # Integer only. Min length of the string with spaces
      max_length: 10                    # Integer only. Max length of the string with spaces
      only_trimed: true                 # Only trimed strings. Example: "Hello World" (not " Hello World ")
      only_lowercase: true              # String is only lower-case. Example: "hello world"
      only_uppercase: true              # String is only upper-case. Example: "HELLO WORLD"
      only_capitalize: true             # String is only capitalized. Example: "Hello World"

      # Deciaml and integer numbers
      min: 10                           # Can be integer or float, negative and positive
      max: 100.50                       # Can be integer or float, negative and positive
      precision: 2                      # Strict(!) number of digits after the decimal point

      # Dates
      date_format: Y-m-d                # See:
      min_date: "2000-01-02"            # See examples
      max_date: "+1 day"                # See examples

      # Specific formats
      is_bool: true                     # Allow only boolean values "true" and "false", case-insensitive
      is_int: true                      # Check format only. Can be negative and positive. Without any separators
      is_float: true                    # Check format only. Can be negative and positive. Dot as decimal separator
      is_ip: true                       # Only IPv4. Example: ""
      is_url: true                      # Only URL format. Example: ""
      is_email: true                    # Only email format. Example: ""
      is_domain: true                   # Only domain name. Example: ""
      is_uuid4: true                    # Only UUID4 format. Example: "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
      is_latitude: true                 # Can be integer or float. Example: 50.123456
      is_longitude: true                # Can be integer or float. Example: -89.123456
      cardinal_direction: true          # Valid cardinal direction. Examples: "N", "S", "NE", "SE", "none", ""
      usa_market_name: true             # Check if the value is a valid USA market name. Example: "New York, NY"
Click to see: JSON Format
    "csv"     : {
        "header"     : true,
        "delimiter"  : ",",
        "quote_char" : "\\",
        "enclosure"  : "\"",
        "encoding"   : "utf-8",
        "bom"        : false
    "columns" : [
            "name"        : "csv_header_name",
            "description" : "Lorem ipsum",
            "rules"       : {
                "not_empty"          : true,
                "exact_value"        : "Some string",
                "allow_values"       : ["y", "n", ""],
                "regex"              : "\/^[\\d]{2}$\/",
                "min_length"         : 1,
                "max_length"         : 10,
                "only_trimed"        : true,
                "only_lowercase"     : true,
                "only_uppercase"     : true,
                "only_capitalize"    : true,
                "min"                : 10,
                "max"                : 100.5,
                "precision"          : 2,
                "date_format"        : "Y-m-d",
                "min_date"           : "2000-01-02",
                "max_date"           : "+1 day",
                "is_bool"            : true,
                "is_int"             : true,
                "is_float"           : true,
                "is_ip"              : true,
                "is_url"             : true,
                "is_email"           : true,
                "is_domain"          : true,
                "is_uuid4"           : true,
                "is_latitude"        : true,
                "is_longitude"       : true,
                "cardinal_direction" : true,
                "usa_market_name"    : true
Click to see: PHP Array as file

return [
    'csv'     => [
        'header'     => true,
        'delimiter'  => ',',
        'quote_char' => '\\',
        'enclosure'  => '"',
        'encoding'   => 'utf-8',
        'bom'        => false,
    'columns' => [
            'name'        => 'csv_header_name',
            'description' => 'Lorem ipsum',
            'rules'       => [
                'not_empty'          => true,
                'exact_value'        => 'Some string',
                'allow_values'       => ['y', 'n', ''],
                'regex'              => '/^[\\d]{2}$/',
                'min_length'         => 1,
                'max_length'         => 10,
                'only_trimed'        => true,
                'only_lowercase'     => true,
                'only_uppercase'     => true,
                'only_capitalize'    => true,
                'min'                => 10,
                'max'                => 100.5,
                'precision'          => 2,
                'date_format'        => 'Y-m-d',
                'min_date'           => '2000-01-02',
                'max_date'           => '+1 day',
                'is_bool'            => true,
                'is_int'             => true,
                'is_float'           => true,
                'is_ip'              => true,
                'is_url'             => true,
                'is_email'           => true,
                'is_domain'          => true,
                'is_uuid4'           => true,
                'is_latitude'        => true,
                'is_longitude'       => true,
                'cardinal_direction' => true,
                'usa_market_name'    => true,

Unit tests and check code style

make update
make test-all
