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+# Recording consent form
+Thank you for participating in our usability research on Space Telescope Science Institute public notebooks.
+We will be recording your session to allow Space Telescope Science Institute and external grant team members who are unable to be here today to observe your session and benefit from your comments. Please read the statement below and sign where indicated.
+- I understand that my usability test session will be recorded.
+- I understand that my usability test session recording will be stored on private Space Telescope Science Institute drives.
+- I understand that anonymized summaries of information learned from my session may be publicly shared on the grant repository.
+- I grant Space Telescope Science Institute permission to use this recording for internal use only, for the purpose of improving the designs being tested.
+Print name:
+## Notes
+Adapted from [Steve Krug's Recording consent form](https://sensible.com/download-files/).
+This document was further adapted by the institutions handling all paperwork for participants to meet their own needs. This example is here as a reference for how we collaborated with other teams.
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+# User testing outreach email templates
+Subject line: Paid Notebook Accessibility Feedback Session
+## Version 2
+Hi {{name}},
+I’m {{sender}}, and I’m reaching out on behalf of the Space Telescope Science Institute and the Project Jupyter community. We’d like to invite you to join us as a paid participant in our upcoming user tests to learn more about Jupyter notebooks and their accessibility needs in {{month}}. We got your contact information from {{referral}}.
+Our team has been working on improving the inclusivity of our large collection of notebooks and the notebooks Space Telescope scientists will be making in the future. One of our main goals is to evaluate how easy it is to navigate and understand our public non-editable notebooks, and we want your feedback. During the one-hour feedback sessions we’d be asking you to complete some tasks while navigating a preset notebook. We can offer $100 per hour-long session. If you are interested, let me know and I will follow up with scheduling information.
+Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions. If you are interested in joining us and can’t make that timeline, please let me know. We are planning multiple rounds of user testing and may be able to schedule one that works for you.
+## Version 2
+Hi {{name}},
+This is {{sender}} from {{affiliation}}. It’s been awhile since we’ve spoken, I hope you’re doing well!
+Are you interested in being a paid participant in upcoming user tests about Jupyter notebooks and their accessibility. We can offer $100 per hour-long session. We are aiming to schedule the first round of tests roughly between {{date 1}} and {{date 2}}.
+If you are interested, please pick a time using this calendy link:
+If you have trouble with calendy, here’s a link to some accessibility help:
+or feel free to respond and tell us what date/times work best for you and we can schedule that way.
+Please email me with any other questions. If you are interested in joining us and can’t make that timeline, let me know—we are planning multiple rounds of user testing and may be able to schedule one that works for you.
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+# Possible test notebooks
+A list of existing notebooks that could be used during our rounds of user tests. They may also provide inspiration to custom test notebooks we may make.
+| Notebook or collection name | Test candidate? | Used in test? (date) |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| [JupyterLab examples test.ipynb](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/blob/master/examples/notebook/test.ipynb) | | |
+| [nbconvert examples](https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert-examples) | | |
+| [Lorenz notebook](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-demo/blob/master/notebooks/Lorenz.ipynb) | Yes | |
+| [JupyterLab benchmarks test noteboks](https://github.com/jupyterlab/benchmarks/tree/master/examples/from-benchmarks) | | |
+| [Cosmic Origins Spectograph notebooks](https://www.stsci.edu/hst/instrumentation/cos/documentation/notebooks) | | |
+| [STScI notebook style guide template](https://github.com/spacetelescope/style-guides/blob/master/templates/example_notebook.ipynb) | | Yes (Test 1, August 2022) |
+| [STScI notebook style guide](https://github.com/spacetelescope/style-guides/blob/master/guides/jupyter-notebooks.md) | Yes | |
+| [STScI JDAT notebooks](https://github.com/spacetelescope/jdat_notebooks/tree/main/notebooks) [(Rendered here)](https://spacetelescope.github.io/jdat_notebooks/intro.html) | | |
+| [STScI JWebbinar notebooks](https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwebbinar_prep) | Maybe (needs content review) | |
+The following are axes we considered choosing notebooks based on. If they end up being a deciding factor we take note of, then they will be added to the above table.
+- length (in cells)
+- has MD cells
+- has code cells
+- has text-only outputs
+- has non-text outputs
+- notes about outputs
+- uses STScI data
+- follows STScI notebook guidelines
+- renders successfully (in viewer tool)
+- Test hosts can explain it
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+# User testing resources for notebooks
+Astronomy Notebooks for All - STScI
+## General user testing resources
+[Steve Krug usability testing guides](https://sensible.com/download-files/)
+- Usability test script
+- Recording consent form
+- Usability Testing Checklists
+- “Things a therapist would say”
+[Remote Usability Testing: Study Guide - Nielsen Norman Group](https://www.nngroup.com/articles/remote-usability-testing-study-guide/)
+[How you can perform cheap unmoderated usability testing using Zoom - UX Collective](https://uxdesign.cc/how-you-can-perform-cheap-unmoderated-usability-testing-using-zoom-9dbef023570e)
+## Test-specific resources
+- [jupyter/nbformat](https://github.com/jupyter/nbformat)
+- [jupyter/nbconvert](https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert)
+- [jupyter/nbviewer](https://github.com/jupyter/nbviewer)
+ - What is the STScI equivalent for this?
+- [jupyter/nbconvert-examples](https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert-examples)
+- [JupyterLab UI overview - Adobe Experience League](https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/data-science-workspace/jupyterlab/overview.html?lang=en#code-cells)
+- [Some jupyterlab/jupyterlab user stories](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/tree/master/design)
+- [The Lorenz Notebook](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-demo/blob/master/notebooks/Lorenz.ipynb)
+## Accessibility
+- [Browsing with assistive technology videos](https://tetralogical.com/blog/2021/12/24/browsing-with-assistive-technology-videos/)
+- [Remotely Co-Designing Features for Communication Applications using Automatic Captioning with Deaf and Hearing Pairs](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3491102.3501843)
+- [CAIR Lab - RIT](http://cair.rit.edu/projects.html)
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+# Results: Structure & Navigation in Rendered Notebooks
+These results are from user interviews conducted in August 2022 with [the navigation test script](test-script.md) on [the STScI tutorial sample notebook](stsci_example_notebook.ipynb).
+## What we tested
+**Operating systems:** Mac OS Monterey, Windows 10
+**Browsers:** Chrome, Firefox, Safari
+**Assistive tech:** JAWS (screen reader), NVDA (screen reader), VoiceOver (screen reader), Mantis (braille reader), Mac OS Zoom (built-in screen magnifier), built-in browser zoom controls, built-in large cursor and pointer settings
+**Interface:** Browser and [notebook](stsci_example_notebook.ipynb) in HTML form via nbconvert(hosted via GitHub pages)
+**Sample size:** 6 participants
+**Method:** Combination of qualitative usability testing and user interviews
+## How users navigated
+The following sections describe the ways participants chose to navigate through a single notebook (one browser page). These methods are likely not notebook-specific, but they have only been noted in that context. They are not listed in any particular order.
+### By headings
+This navigation method appeared exclusively with participants using screen readers.
+1. Have a screen reader active.
+2. Using that [screen reader's Headings shortcut](https://dequeuniversity.com/screenreaders/), open the Headings list. This moves focus outside the notebook and browser.
+3. Review and select heading to jump to.
+4. Keyboard focus and page scroll jumps to that heading.
+Because nbconvert for notebook to HTML properly captures Markdown cell headings as HTML headings, heading organization is technically available regardless of assistive tech or other settings. At the time of writing, though, there is no way for someone not using a screen reader to interact with the headings in the same way.
+Non-screen reader using participants frequently requested a table of contents to jump to major content areas in the same way that we saw screen reader using participants do. Only one screen reader using participants made the request for a table of contents, and even then it was mentioned as a personal preference over headings and not as a blocking issue. No screen reader using participants expressed trouble jumping between content areas, and they all used heading navigation at some point.
+### By preset keys
+This navigation method is not reliant on any assitive tech or setting. Because keys are configurable, keyboard language/region can be configured, and physical keyboards can be different, there is a lot of variation on how users might have preset keys to navigate. During our sessions, we saw
+1. Have a keyboard with `end of page` and/or `top of page` keys configured.
+2. When participants knew or expected the goal would be near one end of a page, or simply closer to shorten navigation, they would use the relevant key to jump to a different area.
+3. Keyboard focus and page scroll jumps to that area.
+3. If needed, participants navigate the rest of the way to goal using an additional navigation method.
+Navigating by preset page navigation keys rarely took users exactly where they wanted to go on its own; it was used in combination with another method in any case where the goal was not singularly "go to the bottom of the document" (as in Task 4) or "go to the top of the document" (as in Task 5).
+This was used by participants who used browser zoom, or in one case a screen reader. Participants expect this to work at a browser level, so it is not tied specifically to the notebook.
+### By zooming and skimming
+This navigation method appeared exclusively with participants using browser zoom/magnification. They are similar, but have been broken into different steps to preserve the nuances of each.
+For a magnifier:
+1. Magnify the left side of the notebook. Amount needed may vary per participant, but the magnification stays at a consistent amount at first. Content does not reflow.
+2. Scroll along the left side of the notebook. What is visible depends on participants' magnifier settings; it could be that only a section of the browser window is visible on screen, that a single rectangular area is magnified while the rest of the window remains visible at 100% in the background, or things in between.
+3. Find an area that appears to be realted to the goal. Stop scrolling and adjust magnification as desired.
+4. Read the content while moving magnifier to the right to complete a line.
+5. At the end of each line, participants would move back to the left to start the next line unless they either found their goal or decided they would not complete their goal in the area.
+6. When they need to navigate again, participants would start at step one again.
+For browser zoom:
+1. Zoom browser to about 150–250%. Content should reflow.
+2. Scroll along the left side of the notebook. Only the start and far right of each cell and output are visible in the window.
+3. Find an area that appears to be realted to the goal. Stop scrolling with it roughly centered on the page.
+4. Increase browser zoom to 300–500%. Rescroll to desired point if necessary; the notebook did not hold scroll poisitons in the center so it was necessary for our tests, but participants noted this was not always their expectation.
+5. Read the content scrolling to the right to complete a line.
+6. At the end of each line, participants would scroll back to the left to start the next line unless they either found their goal or decided they would not complete their goal in the area.
+7. When they need to navigate again, participants would lower browser zoom to start at step one again.
+When navigating with this method, participants emphasized how important the far left content was to them, whether zooming in a way that caused the content to reflow or not. Working with notebooks in English means that we did not have the opportunity to test where participants would go to skim content in a right-to-left language or in non-document formatting, but it is safe to conclude that skimming and reading content in full are two different modes for people who navigate this way.
+Participants using this method also frequently brought up the utility of table of contents to hasten their navigation and lower the physical demands of reading as a result.
+### With `find` controls
+This navigation method appeared exclusively with participants using screen readers. It only came up once throughout sessions and test hosts were only able to get limited information on it. it may not be entirely accurate. Reference this section with that in mind.
+1. From anywhere on the page or in the browser, open the screen reader's built in `find` type of controls.
+2. Input filtering criteria, review and select an option.
+3. Keyboard focus and page scroll jump directly to the selected option.
+This can be done with features like [NVDA's Search for a word or a phrase](https://dequeuniversity.com/screenreaders/nvda-keyboard-shortcuts) or [VoiceOver's rotor](https://dequeuniversity.com/screenreaders/voiceover-keyboard-shortcuts#vo-mac-the-rotor). It is similar to a browser's `find` features in that it filters the application content and allows users to navigate based on that.
+This method was used by participants most frequently when other navigation and skimming methods failed to help them complete a task. For example, it was common for participants to use several navigation methods when completing Task 2 since many expressed the author's name was not where they expected it to be (it was at the bottom of the document rather than the top).
+There was one instance where a screen reader participant used this navigation method right away, and that was because they had found the content needed to complete the task when skimming in a prior task and did not remember what heading it was under. They noted this was feasible because they remembered the content and knew what to filter for.
+### By tabbing through interactive areas
+This navigation method is not reliant on any assitive tech or setting. While this technique is possible to anyone regardless of OS, browser, or assistive tech, the only participants we saw using this were screen reader users.
+1. Use the `tab` key. The next interactive element in the focus order (ie. a link, a button, so on) will have keyboard focus.
+2. Use the `tab` key repeatedly until reaching the desired area. Focus order does loop, so one may jump from the bottom of the notebook to the top of the browser, for example.
+This navigation method was used infrequently, and it was used in combination with other navigation methods. Most frequently, tabbing was used as a fine-grain navigation once participants were in the general region they wanted to be. For example, a participant used a screen reader to jump to a content heading and then skip through cells via tabbing to skim for an area they were searching for.
+## Common feedback
+This is a list of the feedback that was most frequently or emphatically given. It is in no paritcular order.
+- Requests for a table of contents. This was particularly important to participants not using screen readers.
+- Notebooks need to be edited too, not just read. Participants that gave this feedback were aware of the scope of these tests and they wanted to emphasize that accessibility fixes also needed to happen for editable states.
+- Notebook cells were of varying importance. How people want to understand and navigate the notebooks seemed to depend most on their expectations. Some participants talked in terms of cells or noted that they couldn't find non-visual cell sections (this was more common of participants who author notebooks, but not exclusive to them). Some participants talked in terms of content headings from the notebook cells. Some didn't mention either. This test did not allow us time to dive into why different participants had different mental models, but it was worth noting.
+## Issues
+Bugs, issues, and other specific feedback or discussions from this round of tests can be found throughout the repository in issues. Listed below, they are
+- [Explore landmark options in rendered notebook](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/5)
+- [Automatically add link to rendered notebook source](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/8)
+- [Add a table of contents to rendered notebooks](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/9)
+- [Page title and notebook title do not match](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/10)
+- ["Top of Page" link in template footer bug](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/11)
+- [Explore options for minimizing content on left side of rendered notebook](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/12)
+- [Review/explore keyboard shortcuts in rendered notebooks](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/13)
+- [Explore ARIA options in rendered notebook](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/14)
+- [Code cells cut off content at high zoom in rendered notebook](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/15)
+- [Vertical scroll jumping when adjusting browser zoom in rendered notebooks](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/17)
+- [Table Reading with screenreaders](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/18)
+- [Navigate to cells using keyboard commands](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/19)
+- [Share Cell Content with screenreaders](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/20)
+- [Move Metadata to the top](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/21)
+- [Notebook Tutorial Link](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/22)
+- [Markdown should be used only as intended](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/23)
+- [Best Practice for Documenting Table Headers](https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/issues/24)
+## Questions for future tests
+At the end of each session, we noted questions we wanted to further explore. This is the cumulative list.
+- For a screen reader reading a code block in a Markdown cell, it read the content line by line instead of as a whole block. This was different than inline code styling or a code cell. Some participants expressed confuison. This would be good to text for mixed content types in a single cell, or even in the same line, perhaps.
+- How easy is it to navigate in/out, and between certain content types (ie. tables were mentioned as “if you’re in a table its a pain to jump to another part of the page and then back to the same part of the table”)?
+- Should we explore UX for a table of contents? It is helpful for keeping context, but should be collapsible because of the space it can take up.
+- Consider zooming in on content types as a task for future content-type tests.
+- Should we let participants read the whole notebook first? Let them give first impressions and see how they decide to read the whole notebook.
+## What we would do differently next time
+Reflecting on these sessions as hosts, for future tests we would like to
+- Have a non-template notebook to work with. Multiple participants spent some of the tasks getting caught up figuring out why the notebook content switched topics often, expressed confusion that the notebook did not follow the narrative it expected when searching for information in multiple tasks, or found it difficult to summarize then notebook when asked in Task 5.
+- Considering comparing some solutions side by side. As the first test, it is important to have a sense of the current state of nbconverted HTML notebooks but it doesn't always give us clarity on desired UX.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/user-tests/1-navigation/stsci_example_notebook.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "slide"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "\n",
+ "# Tutorial Title"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "skip"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "***"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Learning Goals\n",
+ "Write three to five learning goals. A learning goal should describe what a reader should know or be able to do by the end of the tutorial that they didn't know or couldn't do before.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "By the end of this tutorial, you will:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- Understand how to use aperture photometry to turn a series of two-dimensional\n",
+ " images into a one-dimensional time series.\n",
+ "- Be able to determine the most useful aperture for photometry on a *Kepler/K2*\n",
+ " target.\n",
+ "- Create your own light curve for a single quarter/campaign of *Kepler/K2* data.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "slide"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "## Introduction\n",
+ "Write a short introduction explaining the purpose of the tutorial. Define any terms or common acronyms that your audience may not know. If you're using some kind of domain-specific astronomical symbol or unusual mathematical concept, make sure you define it (for example, in its mathematical form) and link to any definitions (from literature, Wikipedia, etc.).\n",
+ "\n",
+ "If there are background materials or resources that may be useful to the reader to provide additional context, you may link to it here. If your tutorial is a continuation from another tutorial, or there are other tutorials that would be useful for the reader to read before or after your tutorial, mention that here as well."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "slide"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "## Imports\n",
+ "Describe the libraries we're using here. If there's something unusual, explain what the library is, and why we need it.\n",
+ "- *numpy* to handle array functions\n",
+ "- *astropy.io fits* for accessing FITS files\n",
+ "- *astropy.table Table* for creating tidy tables of the data\n",
+ "- *matplotlib.pyplot* for plotting data"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "%matplotlib inline\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "from astropy.io import fits\n",
+ "from astropy.table import Table\n",
+ "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
+ "from astroquery.mast import Mast\n",
+ "from astroquery.mast import Observations"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "***"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Main Content\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The main content of your tutorial should be subdivided into numbered sections with useful, descriptive headings that make sense based on the content. Break sections up with standard Markdown syntax headings:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "## Section 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Intro to Section 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "### Subsection 1a\n",
+ "\n",
+ "More detailed info about Section 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ "## Section 2\n",
+ "\n",
+ "A complete thought that's as important as Section 1 but doesn't need subsections.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "slide"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "### Loading Data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Loading data and file information should appear within your main content, at the same time the data is going to be used, if possible. These elements of your tutorial can be their own sections within the main content, but avoid generic or vague headings like “Loading Data” and instead use descriptive headings pertinent to the content of the tutorial and the actual data being downloaded or files being used.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "If the user needs to download data to run the tutorial properly, where possible, use [Astroquery](https://astroquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) (or similar) to retrieve files. If this is not possible, see the [data guide](https://github.com/spacetelescope/style-guides/blob/master/guides/where-to-put-your-data.md) for other options."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "slide"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "For example, if we wanted to query for data from MAST for Kepler we might do something like:"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "fragment"
+ }
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "keplerObs = Observations.query_criteria(target_name='kplr008957091', obs_collection='Kepler')\n",
+ "keplerProds = Observations.get_product_list(keplerObs[0])\n",
+ "yourProd = Observations.filter_products(keplerProds,extension='kplr008957091-2012277125453_lpd-targ.fits.gz',\n",
+ " mrp_only=False)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### File Information\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Explain pertinent details about the file you've just downloaded. For example, if working with Kepler light curves, explain what's in the different file extensions:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "- No. 0 (Primary): This HDU contains metadata related to the entire file.\n",
+ "- No. 1 (Light curve): This HDU contains a binary table that holds data like\n",
+ " flux measurements and times. We will extract information from here when we\n",
+ " define the parameters for the light curve plot.\n",
+ "- No. 2 (Aperture): This HDU contains the image extension with data collected\n",
+ " from the aperture. We will also use this to display a bitmask plot that\n",
+ " visually represents the optimal aperture used to create the SAP_FLUX column in\n",
+ " HDU1.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Where possible (if the code supports it), use code examples that visually display the data in the tutorial. For example, if you are showing an object such as a Table, display a preview of the table:"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "Table masked=True length=5\n",
+ "
+ "obsID | obs_collection | dataproduct_type | obs_id | description | type | dataURI | productType | productGroupDescription | productSubGroupDescription | productDocumentationURL | project | prvversion | proposal_id | productFilename | size | parent_obsid |
+ "str10 | str6 | str10 | str36 | str59 | str1 | str110 | str7 | str28 | str1 | str1 | str6 | str1 | str7 | str44 | int64 | str10 |
+ "9000159893 | Kepler | timeseries | kplr008957091_lc_Q000000000011111111 | Preview-Full | C | mast:Kepler/url/missions/kepler/previews/0089/008957091/kplr008957091-2013098041711_llc_bw_large.png | PREVIEW | -- | -- | -- | Kepler | -- | GO30032 | kplr008957091-2013098041711_llc_bw_large.png | 29653 | 9000159893 |
+ "9000159893 | Kepler | timeseries | kplr008957091_lc_Q000000000011111111 | Lightcurve Long Cadence (CLC) - Q10 | C | mast:Kepler/url/missions/kepler/lightcurves/0089/008957091/kplr008957091-2011271113734_llc.fits | SCIENCE | -- | -- | -- | Kepler | -- | GO30032 | kplr008957091-2011271113734_llc.fits | 486720 | 9000159893 |
+ "9000159893 | Kepler | timeseries | kplr008957091_lc_Q000000000011111111 | Lightcurve Long Cadence (CLC) - Q11 | C | mast:Kepler/url/missions/kepler/lightcurves/0089/008957091/kplr008957091-2012004120508_llc.fits | SCIENCE | -- | -- | -- | Kepler | -- | GO30032 | kplr008957091-2012004120508_llc.fits | 506880 | 9000159893 |
+ "9000159893 | Kepler | timeseries | kplr008957091_lc_Q000000000011111111 | Lightcurve Long Cadence (CLC) - Q12 | C | mast:Kepler/url/missions/kepler/lightcurves/0089/008957091/kplr008957091-2012088054726_llc.fits | SCIENCE | -- | -- | -- | Kepler | -- | GO30032 | kplr008957091-2012088054726_llc.fits | 434880 | 9000159893 |
+ "9000159893 | Kepler | timeseries | kplr008957091_lc_Q000000000011111111 | Lightcurve Long Cadence (CLC) - Q13 | C | mast:Kepler/url/missions/kepler/lightcurves/0089/008957091/kplr008957091-2012179063303_llc.fits | SCIENCE | -- | -- | -- | Kepler | -- | GO30032 | kplr008957091-2012179063303_llc.fits | 472320 | 9000159893 |
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ "\n",
+ " obsID obs_collection dataproduct_type ... size parent_obsid\n",
+ " str10 str6 str10 ... int64 str10 \n",
+ "---------- -------------- ---------------- ... ------ ------------\n",
+ "9000159893 Kepler timeseries ... 29653 9000159893\n",
+ "9000159893 Kepler timeseries ... 486720 9000159893\n",
+ "9000159893 Kepler timeseries ... 506880 9000159893\n",
+ "9000159893 Kepler timeseries ... 434880 9000159893\n",
+ "9000159893 Kepler timeseries ... 472320 9000159893"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "yourProd[0:5]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# Download the products\n",
+ "Observations.download_products(yourProd, mrp_only=False, cache=False)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Exercises\n",
+ "Exercises are optional, but encouraged. Exercises can be woven into the main content of your tutorial, or appear in their own section toward the end of the tutorial. Final exercises can be more challenging, similar to homework problems. They can be minimal or take as long as 30 minutes to an hour to complete. If you do have one or more exercises in your tutorial, be sure to leave a blank code cell underneath each to show the reader that they're meant to try out their new skill right there. You may also want to include a \"solutions\" notebook next to your main notebook for the reader to check their work after they have finished their attempt."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Additional Resources\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This section is optional. Try to weave resource links into the main content of your tutorial so that they are falling in line with the context of your writing. For resources that do not fit cleanly into your narrative, you may include an additional resources section at the end of your tutorial. Usually a list of links using Markdown bullet list plus link format is appropriate:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- [MAST API](https://mast.stsci.edu/api/v0/index.html)\n",
+ "- [Kepler Archive Page (MAST)](https://archive.stsci.edu/kepler/)\n",
+ "- [Kepler Archive Manual](https://archive.stsci.edu/kepler/manuals/archive_manual.pdf)\n",
+ "- [Exo.MAST website](https://exo.mast.stsci.edu/)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "slideshow": {
+ "slide_type": "slide"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "## About this Notebook\n",
+ "Let the world know who the author of this great tutorial is! If possible and appropriate, include a contact email address for users who might need support (for example, `archive@stsci.edu`). You can also optionally include keywords, your funding source, or a last update date in this section.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "**Author:** Jessie Blogs, Archive Scientist. \n",
+ "**Updated On:** YYYY-MM-DD"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Citations\n",
+ "Provide your reader with guidelines on how to cite open source software and other resources in their own published work.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "If you use `astropy` or `lightkurve` for published research, please cite the\n",
+ "authors. Follow these links for more information about citing `astropy` and\n",
+ "`lightkurve`:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "* [Citing `astropy`](https://www.astropy.org/acknowledging.html)\n",
+ "* [Citing `lightkurve`](http://docs.lightkurve.org/about/citing.html)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```"
+ ]
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+ {
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+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "***"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "[Top of Page](#top)\n",
+ "
+ ]
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa434eea
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+# Structure & Navigation in Rendered Notebooks
+## Introduction
+Hi, I’m ________ I‘ll be running this meeting today. This is ________, they are here to take notes.
+Thank you for taking the time to participate in this study. Before we begin, I’ll give you a brief overview of how this will work. Throughout the hour, I will be reading from a script.
+This is completely voluntary. Please let me know at any point if you wish to stop participating.
+There’s a few things I want to remind you about before we start.
+- This session will be recorded, and we will be taking notes
+- Recordings and notes will be saved online in a private folder that only our team members can access. Your private info is only available to the people working directly on this project
+- Some anonymous information will be publicly available on our GitHub repo. https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all
+During this study, we will be exploring a read only webpage that has been exported from a notebook. You can’t edit it like a traditional notebook. I will be giving you a broad task to complete. I will set context for each task such as why you might be doing it and what you hope to achieve. Then I will ask some follow up questions.
+As you work through the task, please think out loud. Speak your thoughts as often as you can. Please tell us if something unexpected happens, if something works well, if you think something that could be improved, or if you’re confused. We do not expect all the tasks to be easy to complete with assistive tech and we invite you to complain!
+It’s important to know that we are not testing you, we are testing how Jupyter Notebooks behave with assistive tech. There are no correct or incorrect answers. You cannot do anything wrong. We are expecting them to break.
+If at any point you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Before we start, do you have any questions?
+## Participant Introduction
+First, I want to ask a few things about you and your prior experience with Jupyter notebooks.
+- What is the best way to send you links during this discussion? (in chat, spoken, email?)
+- Would us sending messages in the chat to timestamp certain sections be disruptive for you? (Perhaps if you’re using a screen reader)
+- What operating system and browser are you using today? (We use this info to reproduce errors and support you if needed.)
+- What assistive tech are you using during this session?
+- How have you interacted with notebooks in the past? Tell me about the most common way you interact with a notebook?
+## Notebook Tasks
+Now that we know a little bit about you, I’m going to ask you to complete some tasks using an uneditable form of a Jupyter notebook hosted by Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). Once again, we are asking for honest feedback on the software—please complain.
+First, can you please share your screen. When sharing, can you set it so that you either share the sound or share the text with a “speech viewer” ex: In NVDA you can set it to hold the NVDA button (insert or caps) and hit N and then you get options, go down to tools, and select speech viewer.
+### Task 1
+Today we want to explore a platform that provides STScI notebooks in a non-editable form with all cell outputs shown. That means all the code has been run, we’re just exploring the document without it changing, like reading a book.
+Now I’d like you to open the style guide template notebook. I’ll tell you how to do this part.
+1. Open your web browser of choice
+2. Paste this link: https://eteq.github.io/notebooks-for-all/14jun22_stsci_example_notebook.html
+**Can you tell me what the title of this notebook is?**
+- Tutorial Title [Y][N]
+**How easy or difficult was it for you to open the notebook?**
+**If you were to magically make opening this notebook easier, what would you change?**
+### Task 2
+When you first open a notebook, there’s some information to help you orient yourself.
+**Can you tell me who the author of this notebook is?**
+- Jessie Blogs, Archive Scientist [Y][N]
+**What other [descriptive] information would help you orient yourself in the notebook?**
+**Are you satisfied with the organization of this information?**
+**Do you feel that you are missing any information?**
+- **What kinds of feedback do you search for to feel confident that you have all the information?**
+### Task 3
+Next, we’re going to explore the File Information Section.
+**Show me how you would navigate to File Information.**
+1. Were they able to navigate to File Information [Y][N]
+2. Notes on how they did it:
+**There is a table in this section. Can you tell me the headers of the first two columns on the table?**
+1. obsID [Y][N]
+2. Obs_collection [Y][N]
+**How easy or difficult was it for you to navigate to and through the table?**
+**If you were able to magically make accessing this section easier, what would be the same? What would be different?**
+### Task 4
+There’s more information at the bottom of the notebook, so let’s go there next.
+**I’d like you to navigate to the final cell of the notebook.**
+1. Were they able to navigate to the footer and/or citations? [Y][N]
+2. Notes on how they did it:
+**Can you tell me what information the footer (the section at the very bottom) includes?**
+- Citations [Y][N]
+- Link to top of the page and stsci logo [Y][N]
+**How easy or difficult was it for you to navigate and read the footer section?**
+**As a reader, what information do you expect to find in the notebook footer?**
+### Task 5
+Now that you’ve explored the notebook, I’d like you to return to the top of the page
+**Please return to the top cell.**
+1. Were they able to navigate back to the top? [Y][N]
+2. Notes on how they did it:
+**Please summarize the general topics this notebook covers for me as if I hadn’t read it.**
+**Do you feel that you are able to access all the information in this notebook? What makes you feel that way?**
+## Follow Up Questions
+Now that you’ve explored the notebook, I’d like to ask you to reflect on how that experience went and any other feedback you might have.
+**Please complain – what was frustrating about navigating the Jupyter notebook with your assistive tech?**
+**Did the notebook provide enough (or the correct) information to help you know what to do and what decisions to make?**
+**Did the the notebook give you enough feedback to feel confident that you were completing the tasks successfully?**
+**Are you satisfied with the work-flow of moving through the notebook? (Navigation, number of steps, etc.) If so, what worked well? If not, what do you wish it did instead?**
+**Is there any information, options, or capability that is missing?**
+**Can you see yourself using Jupyter Notebooks in a non-editable form? (Y) (N) Why or why not?**
+**Do you have any other impressions or feedback that you would like to share?**
+**Do you have any questions for me?**
+Thank you so much for participating!
+## Interview Debrief
+After each ethnographic interview you complete, take a few minutes to perform an interview
+debrief while the session is fresh in your mind. This ensures that key learnings and observations are not lost in the scramble of many interviews or long timelines.
+**What are our action items based on this feedback?**
+**Any more details on issues we already discovered?**
+**Are there any new questions I should explore in a further script?**
+**What are some key quotes that I heard?**
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+understandings, or agreements concerning use of licensed material. For
+the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph does not form part of the public
+Creative Commons may be contacted at creativecommons.org.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b67d532a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user-tests/README.md
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+# User testing information
+User testing on this project was led by [Jenn Kotler](https://github.com/Jenneh) and [Isabela Presedo-Floyd](https://github.com/isabela-pf). Resources in this directory were created collaboratively.
+Because this directory holds mostly non-code content, it is licensed under a [CC-BY 4.0 license](LICENSE).
+## Test support
+Resources not tied to any single test round.
+- [Generic recording consent example](0-support/generic-recording-consent.md)
+- [Outreach and recruitment email template](0-support/outreach-email-template.md)
+- [Possible test notebooks](0-support/possible-test-notebooks.md)
+- [User testing resources](0-support/user-testing-resources.md)
+## Test 1: Navigation
+August 2022. How do users navigate and access different levels of structure within HTML outputs of Jupyter notebooks?
+- [Test 1 script](1-navigation/test-script.md)
+- [Test 1 notebook](1-navigation/stsci_example_notebook.ipynb). Originally sourced from the [STScI notebook style guide template](https://github.com/spacetelescope/style-guides/blob/master/templates/example_notebook.ipynb). This is a template notebook for creating STScI tutorials with a mix of instruction and example.
+- [Test 1 results](1-navigation/results.md)
+## Test 2: Content types
+Work in progress. 2022.
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