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Ionic Admin SDK for Node.js


The Ionic Platform allows developers to add high-value security to their application. With no background in cryptography, you can quickly and confidently add data protection and management to your application.

The Ionic Admin SDK enables developers to manage users, groups, data markings and data access policies in their tenant. Currently supports SCIM, Markings and Policies APIs.


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Management APIs

All of the APIs are available from the instance of the IonicApiClient class, which must be instantiated with your Ionic API base URL, your Tenant ID and authentication options:

const { IonicApiClient } = require('ionic-admin-sdk');

const client = new IonicApiClient({
  baseUrl: '',
  tenantId: '<YOUR_TENANT_ID>',
  auth: { }, // see "Authentication" section below


Ionic Management API requires authentication. In order to use API authentication, an Ionic Administrator account must be created. This account must have access to the API, via the scope access:api. Further authorization is required for each operation. For example, if making a request to create a new policy, the user must be assigned to a role that grants permission to create new policies, via the scope policies:create.

There are three supported authentication schemes:

  • Bearer or OAuth 2.0 Authentication
  • MAC Authentication
  • Basic Authentication

In order to use Bearer authentication, an administrator must first create an API Key. Once created, a "Secret Token" is provided and should be copied and stored securely. The "Secret Token" must be securely provided (i.e. via environment variable) as auth.secretToken option to the IonicApiClient constructor along with auth.type option equal to 'bearer':

const { IonicApiClient } = require('ionic-admin-sdk');

const client = new IonicApiClient({
  baseUrl: '',
  tenantId: '<YOUR_TENANT_ID>',
  auth: {
    type: 'bearer',
    secretToken: process.env.IONIC_API_SECRET_TOKEN,

For MAC authentication, an API Key must be created. Once created, an "ID" and "Secret" are provided and should be copied and stored securely. These are provided as auth.apiKeyId and auth.apiKeySecret options to the IonicApiClient constructor along with auth.type option equal to 'mac':

const { IonicApiClient } = require('ionic-admin-sdk');

const client = new IonicApiClient({
  baseUrl: '',
  tenantId: '<YOUR_TENANT_ID>',
  auth: {
    type: 'mac',
    apiKeyId: process.env.IONIC_API_KEY_ID,
    apiKeySecret: process.env.IONIC_API_KEY_SECRET,

To use basic authentication, you must create an API Access Account. You can create an API Access Account in the Ionic Administrator Console. This is done by creating a user with the "API Administrator" role. The username and password must be provided as auth.username and auth.password options to the IonicApiClient constructor along with auth.type option equal to 'basic':

const { IonicApiClient } = require('ionic-admin-sdk');

const client = new IonicApiClient({
  baseUrl: '',
  tenantId: '<YOUR_TENANT_ID>',
  auth: {
    type: 'basic',
    username: process.env.IONIC_USERNAME,
    password: process.env.IONIC_PASSWORD,


The SCIM API enables users to programmatically manage users registered in the Ionic Platform. These are available via scim property of the IonicApiClient instance.

All of the API endpoints, except the Bulk Operations are supported. Each supported endpoint corresponds to a method, e.g. scim.listScopes, with the method name being the endpoint name in camelCase. One exception to that are "Update Group PUT" and "Update Group PATCH" endpoints, which correspond to scim.updateGroup and scim.patchGroup methods respectively.

All of the methods accept and return JSON in the same format as the API endpoints. Methods corresponding to endpoints with the resource ID in the URL (e.g. Fetch User), accept the ID as the first parameter.

If an endpoint accepts query parameters, the corresponding method accepts an object with property names corresponding to query parameter names as the last argument:

const user = await client.scim.fetchUser(userId, { attributes: ['name', 'email', 'groups' ] });

Create User

const user = await client.scim.createUser({
  schemas: [client.scim.Schemas.Core, client.scim.Schemas.Ionic], 
  name: { givenName: 'John', familyName: 'Doe' },
  email: [{ value: '' }],
  [client.scim.Schemas.Ionic]: {
    domainUpn: '',
    sendEmail: false,
    groups: [{ type: 'group', value: groupId }]
console.log(; // e.g. 5890d3baf8ab7b0291acd1fc

List Users

const params = { skip: 1, limit: 10 };
const result = await client.scim.listUsers(params);
console.log(result.Resources.length); // <= 10

Fetch User

const user = await client.scim.fetchUser(userId);

Update User

const updateData = { schemas: [client.scim.Schemas.Core], name: { familyName: 'Anderson' } };
const updatedUser = await client.scim.updateUser(userId, updateData);

Delete User

await client.scim.deleteUser(userId);

Update Device

const disabledDevice = await client.scim.updateDevice(deviceId, {
  schemas: [client.scim.Schemas.Core],
  status: false
console.log(disableDevice.status); // false

List Groups

const groupList = await client.scim.listGroups();
console.log(groupList.totalResults); // e.g. 5

Update Group PATCH

const patchData: GroupPatchData = {
  schemas: [client.scim.Schemas.Core, client.scim.Schemas.Ionic],
  members: [
      value: '777777777777777777',
      operation: 'delete',
      value: '888888888888888888',
  displayName: 'NewDisplayName',

// when "attributes" query parameter is not specified returns nothing
const result = await scim.patchGroup(groupId, patchData);
console.log(result); // undefined

// or
// when "attributes" is specified returns the updated group
const updatedGroup = client.scim.patchGroup(groupId, patchData, { attributes: ['displayName', 'members'] });

Delete Role

await client.scim.deleteRole(roleId);

Data Markings API

Data Markings allow developers to associate attributes to the keys that protect application data. These attributes can be used for both data access policy purposes and for analytics purposes. This API is avalable via dataMarkings property of the IonicApiClient instance.

All of the API endpoints are supported. Each endpoint corresponds to a method on the client.dataMarkings object, e.g. client.dataMarkings.listMarkings, with the method name being the endpoint name in camelCase.

All of the methods accept and return JSON in the same format as the API endpoints. Methods corresponding to endpoints with the resource ID in the URL (e.g. Fetch Data Marking), accept the ID as the first parameter.

If an endpoint accepts query parameters, the corresponding method accepts an object with property names corresponding to query parameter names as the last argument:

const marking = await client.dataMarkings.fetchMarking(markingId, { valueLimit: 10 });
console.log(marking.detail.values.length); // <= 10

Create Data Marking

const dataMarking = await client.dataMarkings.createMarking({ name: 'custom-marking' });
console.log(; // e.g. 533333333333333333333333

List Data Markings

const dataMarkingList = await client.dataMarkings.listMarkings({ valueLimit: 10 });
console.log(dataMarkingList.totalResults); // e.g. 10

Fetch Data Marking

const dataMarkingById = await client.dataMarkings.fetchMarking(markingId);
// or with "valueLimit" query parameter
// const dataMarkingById = await client.dataMarkings.fetchMarking(markingId, { valueLimit: 10 });

Create or Update Multiple Markings

const data = [{ name: 'CreatedName' }, { id:, name: 'UpdatedName' }];
const result = await markings.createOrUpdateMarkings(data);
console.log(result.length); // 2

Create Marking Value

const markingValue = await client.dataMarkings.createValue(markingId, { name: 'custom-value' });
console.log(; // e.g. 555555555555555555555555

List Marking Values

const markingValueList = await client.dataMarkings.listValues(markingId);
console.log(markingValueList.totalResults); // e.g. 100

Data Policies API

Data policies allow developers to create rules for how data can be accessed. The Policies API is used to administer policies for a tenant and is available via dataPolicies property of the IonicApiClient instance. Administrators can perform list, fetch, create, update, and delete actions on policies using these API methods.

All of the API endpoints are supported. Each endpoint corresponds to a method on the client.dataPolicies object, e.g. client.dataPolicies.listPolicies, with the method name being the endpoint name in camelCase. One exception to that is "Create or Update Multiple Policies" endpoint which corresponds to client.dataPolicies.createOrUpdatePolicies method.

All of the methods accept and return JSON in the same format as the API endpoints. Methods corresponding to endpoints with the resource ID in the URL (e.g. Fetch Policy), accept the ID as the first parameter.

If an endpoint accepts query parameters, the corresponding method accepts an object with property names corresponding to query parameter names as the last argument:

const policies = await client.dataPolicies.createOrUpdatePolicies(data, { merge: 'true' });

Create Policy

const policy = await client.dataPolicies.createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy', description: 'All data' });
console.log(; // e.g. 66666666666666666666666

Fetch Policy

const policyById = await client.dataPolicies.fetchPolicy(;
console.log(polucyById.description); // All data

Update Policy

const updatedPolicy = await client.dataPolicies.updatePolicy(, { policyId: 'NewName' });
console.log(updatedPolicy.policyId); // NewName

Create or Update Multiple Policies

const data = [
  { id:, policyId: 'UpdatedPolicyName' },
  { policyId: 'NewPolicyName', description: 'All data' },

const result = await client.dataPolicies.createOrUpdatePolicies(data);
// or with the "merge" query parameter set to "true"
// const result = await client.dataPolicies.createOrUpdatePolicies(data, { merge: 'true' });
console.log(result.length); // 2

List Policies

const policyList = await client.dataPolicies.listPolicies();
console.log(policyList.totalResults); // e.g. 8

Pagination, Search and Filter Paremeters

To all of the list* methods (except for scim.listScopes) parameters may be provided to control the number of results and apply some filtering criteria to the returned list.


The following parameters may be used for pagination: startIndex and count or skip and limit. The limit and count parameters may be used interchangeable. The skip and startIndex parameters have an off-by-one relationship defined by startIndex=skip+1.

const userList = await client.scim.listUsers({ startIndex: 11, count: 10 });
console.log(userList.Resources); // array of Users

const dataPolicyList = await client.dataPolicies.listPolicies({ skip: 10, limit: 10 });
console.log(dataPolicyList.Resources); // array of Data Markings

Output control

In SCIM API methods attributes parameter can be used to specify the fields to include in the response:

const groupList = await client.scim.listGroups({ 
  startIndex: 11, 
  count: 10, 
  attributes: ['name', 'members'] 
console.log(groupList.Resources); // array of Groups

The Data Markings API listMarkings method accept a valueLimit parameter to limit the number of values to include with each marking:

const dataMarkingList = await client.dataMarkings.listMarkings({ skip: 0, limit: 10, valueLimit: 5 });
console.log(dataMarkingList.Resources); // array of Markings

Search and Filter

Filter parameters may be passed into list* methods as the filter option. The list of attributes supported depends on the Endpoint being called and corresponds to the list defined in the appropriate endpoint documentation (e.g. List Users).

To control the way the value is matched, one or more filter operators may be scpecified. As opposed to the API, where the filter operators are appended to the field name, here they must be passed as an object with properties matching the names of suffixes defined in the API documentation:

const userList = await client.scim.listUsers({
  filter: {
    email: '', // no operator, the field will be matched exactly
    domainUpn: { __contains: 'something' }, 
    externalId: { __startswith: 'I.E.' },
    groups: { __any: ['some_group_id'] },
    roles: { __empty: true },
    createdTs: { __gte: ( / 1000) - 600  }, // created in the last 10 minutes

Note: When more than one named parameter is used, they will be combined using an intersection ("and") query strategy.

When multiple filter parameters are provided and or: true, results will include a union of records matching each parameter provided:

const groupList = await client.scim.listGroups({
  filter: {
    name: { __startswith: 'My' },
    description: { __empty: false },
    or: true

The __ne filter operator may be used to return records that have an associated field value that does not match the provided value:

const groupList = await client.scim.listGroups({
  filter: {
    name: { __ne: 'MyGroup' },

This may also be combined with other operators to negate them:

const groupList = await client.scim.listGroups({
  filter: {
    name: { __contains: { __ne: 'Group' } },

Multiple operators for the same field may be specified:

const groupList = await client.scim.listGroups({
  filter: {
    createdTs: { __lte: ( / 1000) - 600, __gte: ( / 1000) - 300 },

Error Handling

When the server returns a response with the status code that falls out of range of 2xx, the Promise returned from the API method is rejected with an error object with the following structure:

  name: 'IonicApiError',
  message: 'Request failed with status code 400', // message explaining what went wrong in general terms
  httpStatus: 400, // HTTP Status Code returned by the server
  data: // Optional details about the error returned by the server 
    status: 400,
    detail: { message: ['The schema is missing'] }, // array of messages describing the actual problem
      method: 'POST',
      url: '/1234567890/scim/Users',
      cid: '94860bab-7355-48d6-53bc-cf2e3ef412b1'
    code: 30001,
    error: 'SCHEMA_MISSING'

Constructing Policy

For constructing policies there is a helper function called createPolicy available under the policies namespace of the library. It accepts a hash with three properties - policyId, enabled and ruleCombiningAlgId and returns a PolicyBuilder object with a fluent interface that allows for further configuration of the policy - setting the Target and Rules. As in the API policyId is the only required field. The description field will depend on the Target and will be generated automatically.

const { policies } = require('ionic-admin-sdk');

const policyBuilder = policies.createPolicy({ 
  policyId: 'MyPolicy',
  ruleCombiningAlgId: 'first-applicable'

To set the Target for the policy, two methods of the PolicyBuilder can be used interchangeably - appliesToAllData, which makes a policy that applies to all requests, and appliesTo which allows to specify a condition under which the policy is applied. Both of these methods return the same instance of PolicyBuilder you can change further method calls to:

Condition syntax will be explored below:

const policyBuilder = policies.createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy' }).appliesToAllData();
// or 
const policyBuilder2 = policies.createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy' }).appliesTo({...});

After the Target is set, you can specify the Rules for the policy. There are four methods on the PolicyBuilder to help with that:

  • alwaysAllow() - Adds a rule with "Permit" effect, "Always allow." as description and no condition
  • alwaysDeny() - Adds a rule with "Deny" effect, "Always deny." as description and no condition
  • allowIf(condition) - Adds a rule with "Permit" effect, description computed from condition and the condition itself
  • denyIf(condition) - Adds a rule with "Deny" effect, description computed from condition and the condition itself
  • allowOtherwise() - Adds a rule with "Permit" effect, "Allow otherwise." as description and no condition
  • denyOtherwise() - Adds a rule with "Deny" effect, "Deny otherwise." as description and no condition

You can see that the first two methods are semantically equivalent to the last two methods. They exist because they make for more readable code and rule descriptions

These methods also return the PolicyBuilder instance:

const policyBuilder = policies.createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy' })

const policyBuilder2 = policies.createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy', ruleCombiningAlgId: 'first-applicable' })
  .allowIf({...}) // condition syntax is explained below

Finally, when the Target and the Rules have been configured, the PolicyBuilder's toJson method can be used to get an object representation of the policy, that can be passed into the API method to create the Policy resource on the server:

const policyData = policies.createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy' })

const policy = await client.dataPolicies.createPolicy(policyData);

Condition construction

The construction of simple or complex conditions using the functions provided by the Ionic Policy Engine applied against the attributes available in a decision request is what makes XACML and the Ionic Policy Engine flexible and powerful.

All Functions (except for the Higher Order Bag functions) and all Key Request Attributes listed in the Ionic XACML Reference are available under the policies namespace of the library.

Attributes are arranged as objects hierarchy with the root Attributes object which has properties for each Category (i.e. resource, subject and environment) which in turn have properties for every ID in the category with the property name equal to camelCase(ID):

console.log(policies.Attributes.resource.createdDateTime); // { "category": "resource", id: "created-dateTime" }

Using custom attributes is not currently supported and will become available in the upcoming releases

The XACML Functions are represented as regular functions under the fns namespace with names in camelCase:

console.log(typeof policies.fns.stingEqual); // function
console.log(typeof policies.fns.stringAtLeastOneMemberOf); // function
console.log(typeof policies.fns.or); // function

The condition parameter passed into appliesTo, allowIf or denyIf methods must be a function with the return type of boolean:

// create policy to ensure that data classified as top secret is only accessed by trusted guys
const myPolicy = createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy', ruleCombiningAlgId: 'first-applicable' })
  .appliesTo(stringEqual(Attributes.resource.classification, 'topsecret'))
  .allowIf(stringEqual(Attributes.subject.groupName, 'trusted_guys'))

// create policy to ensure that data classified as sensitive or very sensitive is only accessed in country XYZ
const myPolicy2 = createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy2', ruleCombiningAlgId: 'first-applicable' })
  .appliesTo(stringAtLeastOneMemberOf(Attributes.resource.classification, ['sensitive', 'very-sensitive']))
  .allowIf(stringEqual(Attributes.environment.locationCountry, 'XYZ'))

// create policy to ensure that marked data is only accessed at least 3 days from data protection date
const myPolicy = createPolicy({ policyId: 'MyPolicy3', ruleCombiningAlgId: 'first-applicable' })
  .appliesTo(integerGreaterThan(stringBagSize(Attributes.resource.classification), 0))
      dateTimeAddDayTimeDuration(Attributes.resource.createdDateTime, 'P3D'),

To Do

  • Ability to specify custom request attributes in Policy targets and rules
  • Bulk Operations in SCIM APIs
  • Higher Order Bag functions for condition construction
  • Prettier autogenerated descriptions for Policies and Rules
  • More tests
  • API Reference Documentation
  • Downloads and Metrics APIs?
  • Publish on NPM
  • etc.


This library is released under the 3-clause BSD License.


If you'd like extra help from our support team, you can contact us at for questions related to account management, restoring or deleting accounts, billing, technical questions about Ionic tech, and feature requests and bug reports.