From 387278cbded06b071bb9da67e6d0b5fc57ec77fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea K
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:49:26 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] refactor: moves Isabel
content/en/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
content/fr/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
content/ja/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
content/pt-br/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/en/about/board/ b/content/en/about/board/
index 4ea408d5e1..4c059e4b06 100644
--- a/content/en/about/board/
+++ b/content/en/about/board/
@@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ aliases:
-{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" title="Chair" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
-Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.
-{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar" title="President" image="/images/about/Daniel_Izquierdo.jpeg" style="bg-light" >}}
Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar is a researcher and one of the founders of Bitergia, a company that provides software analytics for open source ecosystems. Currently the chief data officer at Bitergia, he is focused on the quality of the data, research of new metrics, analysis, and studies of interest for Bitergia customers via data mining and processing. Daniel holds a PhD in free software engineering from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, where he focused on the analysis of buggy developers activity patterns in the Mozilla Community. Daniel serves on the board and is a Member of the InnerSource Commons.
{{< /board-member >}}
@@ -104,6 +100,10 @@ Maximilian Capraro is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Open Source Res
Danese Cooper is the founder of InnerSource Commons. She is a long term open source advocate, having previously served as the of head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and she’s advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
+Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Jacob Green" image="/images/about/Jacob_Green.jpg" >}}
Jacob Green, the founder of, is an open source artist, strategist & systems builder working to expand the impact and application of Open Source in society globally. Hailing from Baltimore, passionate about open source in cities & universities, and working to connect institutions via open source. Prior to, Jacob was Director of Strategic Initiatives at LTNGlobal, building a unique global video transport network from the ground up and from first principles.
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/fr/about/board/ b/content/fr/about/board/
index 10464924da..4a8a6776c7 100644
--- a/content/fr/about/board/
+++ b/content/fr/about/board/
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ aliases:
Le Conseil d'Administration actuel :
-{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" title="Chair" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
-Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.
-{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar" title="President" image="/images/about/Daniel_Izquierdo.jpeg" style="bg-light" >}}
Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar is a researcher and one of the founders of Bitergia, a company that provides software analytics for open source ecosystems. Currently the chief data officer at Bitergia, he is focused on the quality of the data, research of new metrics, analysis, and studies of interest for Bitergia customers via data mining and processing. Daniel holds a PhD in free software engineering from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, where he focused on the analysis of buggy developers activity patterns in the Mozilla Community. Daniel serves on the board and is a Member of the InnerSource Commons.
{{< /board-member >}}
@@ -99,6 +95,10 @@ Maximilian Capraro is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Open Source Res
Danese Cooper is the founder of InnerSource Commons. She is a long term open source advocate, having previously served as the of head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and she’s advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
+Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Jacob Green" image="/images/about/Jacob_Green.jpg" >}}
Jacob Green, the founder of, is an open source artist, strategist & systems builder working to expand the impact and application of Open Source in society globally. Hailing from Baltimore, passionate about open source in cities & universities, and working to connect institutions via open source. Prior to, Jacob was Director of Strategic Initiatives at LTNGlobal, building a unique global video transport network from the ground up and from first principles.
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/ja/about/board/ b/content/ja/about/board/
index 34af857b3f..cd68710e3c 100644
--- a/content/ja/about/board/
+++ b/content/ja/about/board/
@@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ aliases:
-{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" title="Chair" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
-Isabel Drost-Frommは、ドイツのEuropace AGでオープンソースストラテジストを務めています。彼女はApache Software Foundationのメンバーであり、Apache Mahoutの共同設立者であり、いくつかのインキュベーションプロジェクトのメンターを務めました。IsabelはFOSS、検索、テキストマイニングに関するあらゆることに興味を持ち、優れた機械学習のバックグラウンドを持っています。ベルリンに住む人々の性格に忠実に、彼女は友達が短い訪問のために飛んでくるのが好きです。その結果、彼女はベルリンのBuzzwordsというテックカンファレンスの創設メンバーであり、創造的なメンバーの一人です。Buzzwordsは、検索、スケール、ストレージに関するすべてのテクノロジーに関するカンファレンスです。
-{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar" title="President" image="/images/about/Daniel_Izquierdo.jpeg" style="bg-light" >}}
Daniel Izquierdo Cortazarは、オープンソースエコシステムのためのソフトウェア分析を提供するBitergiaの創設者の一人であり、現在は同社のチーフデータオフィサーとして、データの品質、新しいメトリクスの研究、データマイニングと処理を通じたBitergiaの顧客の関心事や研究に焦点を当てています。Danielは、マドリードのレイフアン・フアン・カルロス大学でのフリーソフトウェアエンジニアリングの博士号を持ち、Mozillaコミュニティのバグのある開発者の活動パターンの分析に焦点を当てました。Danielは、InnerSource Commonsの理事会のメンバーであり、メンバーでもあります。
{{< /board-member >}}
@@ -98,6 +94,10 @@ Danese Cooperは、InnerSource Commonsの創設者です。彼女は長期にわ
ました。彼女は健全なオープンソースコミュニティの形成に注力し、Drupal Association、Open Source Initiative、Open Source Hardware Associationの役員を務め、MozillaやApache Software Foundationにアドバイスを提供しています。Daneseは成功したオープンソースのコンサルティング業務も運営しており、ビル&メリンダゲイツ財団、SETI Institute、Harris、Numentaなどをクライアントとして数えることができます。彼女は会議中に編み物をすることでも知られています。
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
+Isabel Drost-Frommは、ドイツのEuropace AGでオープンソースストラテジストを務めています。彼女はApache Software Foundationのメンバーであり、Apache Mahoutの共同設立者であり、いくつかのインキュベーションプロジェクトのメンターを務めました。IsabelはFOSS、検索、テキストマイニングに関するあらゆることに興味を持ち、優れた機械学習のバックグラウンドを持っています。ベルリンに住む人々の性格に忠実に、彼女は友達が短い訪問のために飛んでくるのが好きです。その結果、彼女はベルリンのBuzzwordsというテックカンファレンスの創設メンバーであり、創造的なメンバーの一人です。Buzzwordsは、検索、スケール、ストレージに関するすべてのテクノロジーに関するカンファレンスです。
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Jacob Green" image="/images/about/Jacob_Green.jpg" >}}
Jacob GreenはMosslabs.ioの創設者であり、オープンソースのアーティスト、戦略家、システムビルダーとして、オープンソースの影響力と応用範囲を世界的に拡大するために活動しています。彼はボルチモア出身であり、都市と大学でのオープンソースに情熱を持ち、オープンソースを通じて機関をつなぐ取り組みを行っています。Mosslabs.ioの前に、JacobはLTNGlobalで戦略的イニシアチブのディレクターを務め、グローバルなビデオトランスポートネットワークを最初の原則から立ち上げました。
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/pt-br/about/board/ b/content/pt-br/about/board/
index 76f632014d..ac529ccc2a 100644
--- a/content/pt-br/about/board/
+++ b/content/pt-br/about/board/
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ aliases:
O Conselho atual:
-{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" title="Presidente" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
-Isabel Drost-Fromm é Estrategista de Open Source na Europace AG, na Alemanha. Ela é membro da Apache Software Foundation, co-fundadora do Apache Mahout e orientou vários projetos em fase de incubação. Isabel se interessa por tudo relacionado a FOSS, busca e mineração de texto, com um bom conhecimento em aprendizado de máquina. Seguindo a natureza das pessoas que vivem em Berlim, ela adora receber amigos para uma breve visita. Como resultado, ela co-fundou e ainda é uma das mentes criativas por trás do Berlin Buzzwords, uma conferência de tecnologia sobre busca, escalabilidade e armazenamento.
-{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar" title="Presidente" image="/images/about/Daniel_Izquierdo.jpeg" style="bg-light" >}}
Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar é pesquisador e um dos fundadores da Bitergia, uma empresa que oferece análises de software para ecossistemas Open Source. Atualmente, é diretor de dados da Bitergia e concentra-se na qualidade dos dados, pesquisa de novas métricas, análises e estudos de interesse para os clientes da Bitergia por meio de mineração e processamento de dados. Daniel possui um doutorado em engenharia de open source software pela Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, em Madrid, onde se concentrou na análise de padrões de atividade de desenvolvedores com erros na comunidade Mozilla. Daniel faz parte do conselho e é membro da InnerSource Commons.
{{< /board-member >}}
@@ -83,6 +79,10 @@ Maximilian Capraro é pesquisador e candidato a doutorado no Open Source Researc
Danese Cooper é a fundadora da InnerSource Commons. Ela é uma Open Source advocate de longa data, tendo atuado anteriormente como Head de open source software do PayPal, CTO da Wikimedia Foundation, evangelista-chefe de open surce da Sun e diretora sênior de estratégias de open source da Intel. Danese também foi a primeira presidente da Node.js Foundation. Ela se concentra em criar comunidades open source saudáveis e já integrou os conselhos da Drupal Association, da Open Source Initiative e da Open Source Hardware Association. Ela também é consultora da Mozilla e da Apache Software Foundation. Danese também dirige uma bem-sucedida consultoria de open source que conta com clientes como a Fundação Bill & Melinda Gates, o SETI Institute, a Harris e a Numenta. Ela é conhecida por tricotar durante as reuniões.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
+Isabel Drost-Fromm é Estrategista de Open Source na Europace AG, na Alemanha. Ela é membro da Apache Software Foundation, co-fundadora do Apache Mahout e orientou vários projetos em fase de incubação. Isabel se interessa por tudo relacionado a FOSS, busca e mineração de texto, com um bom conhecimento em aprendizado de máquina. Seguindo a natureza das pessoas que vivem em Berlim, ela adora receber amigos para uma breve visita. Como resultado, ela co-fundou e ainda é uma das mentes criativas por trás do Berlin Buzzwords, uma conferência de tecnologia sobre busca, escalabilidade e armazenamento.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Johannes Tigges" image="/images/about/Johannes_Tigges.png" >}}
Johannes é co-criador do InnerSource Commons Learning Path e trabalhou na introdução do InnerSource na HERE Technologies, uma empresa líder em mapas digitais e localização. Atualmente, ele oferece coaching e consultoria em Produtividade de Engenharia, Estratégia de Open Source e InnerSource e tópicos de OSPO, além de arquitetura de soluções em nuvem. Ele também atua como palestrante e oferece treinamentos técnicos sobre os temas mencionados acima. Ele apresenta seu trabalho e pensamentos em conferências do setor, como o FOSDEM ou a InnerSource Commons Summit, e é ativo em comunidades open source há muito tempo. Com formação em ciência da computação e sociologia das organizações, ele possui uma perspectiva única sobre organizações de engenharia de software. Em funções anteriores, ele também trabalhou na introdução de Integração e Entrega Contínua em grandes instituições de pesquisa, em funções de DevOps para plataformas baseadas em nuvem de grande porte e desenvolveu software no domínio de telecomunicações.
{{< /board-member >}}
From 22677730f38c4cac39cc098c685d33f0e048523e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea K
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:51:04 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] refactor: moves Russell
content/en/about/board/ | 16 ++++++++--------
content/fr/about/board/ | 16 ++++++++--------
content/ja/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
content/pt-br/about/board/ | 12 ++++++------
4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/en/about/board/ b/content/en/about/board/
index 4c059e4b06..4570d82343 100644
--- a/content/en/about/board/
+++ b/content/en/about/board/
@@ -70,14 +70,6 @@ Dmitry is an experienced engineering manager in the retail industry, known for h
-{{< board-member name="Russell Rutledge" title="Executive Director" image="/images/about/Russell_Rutledge.jpg" >}}
-Russ Rutledge is the Senior Director of InnerSource and Collaboration at WellSky.
-WellSky is a leading technology company offering a range of software solutions that help organizations across the healthcare continuum.
-In this role, Russ is leading a transformational change in the company towards broad and pervasive InnerSource as the normal way that work gets done.
-Previously, Russ founded and led the Developer Collaboration effort at Nike.
-Russ's drive and passion is to enable all software engineers to achieve incredible technical and business throughput via quality tooling and streamlined work process.
-{{< /board-member >}}
Past Directors and Officers:
@@ -112,6 +104,14 @@ Jacob Green, the founder of, is an open source artist, strategist &
Klaas-Jan Stol is a lecturer with University College Cork, Ireland, a Funded Investigator with Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, and a Scientific Advisor with SINTEF, Norway. As an academic, he conducts research on contemporary software development approaches, as well as human and organizational aspects. He has long had an interest in InnerSource, and has published several papers on the topic. Klaas holds a PhD from the University of Limerick.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Russell Rutledge" image="/images/about/Russell_Rutledge.jpg" >}}
+Russ Rutledge is the Senior Director of InnerSource and Collaboration at WellSky.
+WellSky is a leading technology company offering a range of software solutions that help organizations across the healthcare continuum.
+In this role, Russ is leading a transformational change in the company towards broad and pervasive InnerSource as the normal way that work gets done.
+Previously, Russ founded and led the Developer Collaboration effort at Nike.
+Russ's drive and passion is to enable all software engineers to achieve incredible technical and business throughput via quality tooling and streamlined work process.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Johannes Tigges" image="/images/about/Johannes_Tigges.png" >}}
Johannes is a co-creator of the InnerSource Commons Learning Path and has worked on introducing InnerSource to HERE Technologies, a leading digital map and location company. Currently he offers coaching and consulting on Engineering Productivity, Open Source and InnerSource Strategy and OSPO topics as well as cloud solution architecture. He also works as a lecturer and delivers technical training on the topics mentioned above. He presents his work and thoughts at industry conferences like the FOSDEM or the InnerSource Commons Summit and has been active in Open Source communities for a long time. With a background in both computer science and sociology of organizations he has a unique perspective on software engineering organizations. In past roles, he has also worked on introducing Continuous Integration and Delivery to large research institutions, in DevOps roles for very large cloud based platforms and developed software within the Telco domain.
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/fr/about/board/ b/content/fr/about/board/
index 4a8a6776c7..091a4c0730 100644
--- a/content/fr/about/board/
+++ b/content/fr/about/board/
@@ -65,14 +65,6 @@ Dmitry is an experienced engineering manager in the retail industry, known for h
-{{< board-member name="Russell Rutledge" title="Executive Director" image="/images/about/Russell_Rutledge.jpg" >}}
-Russ Rutledge is the Senior Director of InnerSource and Collaboration at WellSky.
-WellSky is a leading technology company offering a range of software solutions that help organizations across the healthcare continuum.
-In this role, Russ is leading a transformational change in the company towards broad and pervasive InnerSource as the normal way that work gets done.
-Previously, Russ founded and led the Developer Collaboration effort at Nike.
-Russ's drive and passion is to enable all software engineers to achieve incredible technical and business throughput via quality tooling and streamlined work process.
-{{< /board-member >}}
Anciens membres et officiers :
@@ -107,6 +99,14 @@ Jacob Green, the founder of, is an open source artist, strategist &
Klaas-Jan Stol is a lecturer with University College Cork, Ireland, a Funded Investigator with Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, and a Scientific Advisor with SINTEF, Norway. As an academic, he conducts research on contemporary software development approaches, as well as human and organizational aspects. He has long had an interest in InnerSource, and has published several papers on the topic. Klaas holds a PhD from the University of Limerick.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Russell Rutledge" image="/images/about/Russell_Rutledge.jpg" >}}
+Russ Rutledge is the Senior Director of InnerSource and Collaboration at WellSky.
+WellSky is a leading technology company offering a range of software solutions that help organizations across the healthcare continuum.
+In this role, Russ is leading a transformational change in the company towards broad and pervasive InnerSource as the normal way that work gets done.
+Previously, Russ founded and led the Developer Collaboration effort at Nike.
+Russ's drive and passion is to enable all software engineers to achieve incredible technical and business throughput via quality tooling and streamlined work process.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Johannes Tigges" image="/images/about/Johannes_Tigges.png" >}}
Johannes is a co-creator of the InnerSource Commons Learning Path and has worked on introducing InnerSource to HERE Technologies, a leading digital map and location company. Currently he offers coaching and consulting on Engineering Productivity, Open Source and InnerSource Strategy and OSPO topics as well as cloud solution architecture. He also works as a lecturer and delivers technical training on the topics mentioned above. He presents his work and thoughts at industry conferences like the FOSDEM or the InnerSource Commons Summit and has been active in Open Source communities for a long time. With a background in both computer science and sociology of organizations he has a unique perspective on software engineering organizations. In past roles, he has also worked on introducing Continuous Integration and Delivery to large research institutions, in DevOps roles for very large cloud based platforms and developed software within the Telco domain.
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/ja/about/board/ b/content/ja/about/board/
index cd68710e3c..1fa1a696ca 100644
--- a/content/ja/about/board/
+++ b/content/ja/about/board/
@@ -66,10 +66,6 @@ Dmitrii Sugrobovは、小売業界の経験豊富なエンジニアリングマ
-{{< board-member name="Russell Rutledge" title="Executive Director" image="/images/about/Russell_Rutledge.jpg" >}}
-Russ Rutledgeは、WellSkyのInnerSourceおよびコラボレーションのシニアディレクターです。WellSkyは、ヘルスケア連続体全体の組織を支援するさまざまなソフトウェアソリューションを提供する主要なテクノロジー企業です。彼の役割では、RussはInnerSourceを一般的な作業方法とするために会社全体での変革をリードしています。以前は、RussはNikeで開発者コラボレーションの取り組みを立ち上げてリードしました。Russの情熱と熱意は、品質のツールと効率的な作業プロセスを通じて、すべてのソフトウェアエンジニアが驚くべき技術的な成果とビジネスの生産性を達成できるようにすることです。
-{{< /board-member >}}
@@ -106,6 +102,10 @@ Jacob GreenはMosslabs.ioの創設者であり、オープンソースのアー
Klaas-Jan Stolは、アイルランドのコーク大学カレッジの講師であり、ソフトウェアのためのアイルランド研究財団であるLeroの研究員、およびノルウェーのSINTEFの科学顧問です。彼は学術的な研究者として、現代のソフトウェア開発手法や人間と組織の側面についての研究を行っています。彼は長い間インナーソースに興味を持っており、このテーマに関するいくつかの論文を発表しています。Klaasはリムリック大学で博士号を取得しています。
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Russell Rutledge" image="/images/about/Russell_Rutledge.jpg" >}}
+Russ Rutledgeは、WellSkyのInnerSourceおよびコラボレーションのシニアディレクターです。WellSkyは、ヘルスケア連続体全体の組織を支援するさまざまなソフトウェアソリューションを提供する主要なテクノロジー企業です。彼の役割では、RussはInnerSourceを一般的な作業方法とするために会社全体での変革をリードしています。以前は、RussはNikeで開発者コラボレーションの取り組みを立ち上げてリードしました。Russの情熱と熱意は、品質のツールと効率的な作業プロセスを通じて、すべてのソフトウェアエンジニアが驚くべき技術的な成果とビジネスの生産性を達成できるようにすることです。
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Johannes Tigges" image="/images/about/Johannes_Tigges.png" >}}
Johannes Tiggesは、InnerSource Commons Learning Pathの共同作成者であり、InnerSourceを導入したHERE Technologies(リーディングのデジタルマップおよび
diff --git a/content/pt-br/about/board/ b/content/pt-br/about/board/
index ac529ccc2a..0c6c533181 100644
--- a/content/pt-br/about/board/
+++ b/content/pt-br/about/board/
@@ -22,12 +22,6 @@ aliases:
Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar é pesquisador e um dos fundadores da Bitergia, uma empresa que oferece análises de software para ecossistemas Open Source. Atualmente, é diretor de dados da Bitergia e concentra-se na qualidade dos dados, pesquisa de novas métricas, análises e estudos de interesse para os clientes da Bitergia por meio de mineração e processamento de dados. Daniel possui um doutorado em engenharia de open source software pela Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, em Madrid, onde se concentrou na análise de padrões de atividade de desenvolvedores com erros na comunidade Mozilla. Daniel faz parte do conselho e é membro da InnerSource Commons.
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Russell Rutledge" title="Vice-Presidente" image="/images/about/Russell_Rutledge.jpg" >}}
-Russ Rutledge é Diretor Sênior de InnerSource e Colaboração na WellSky. A WellSky é uma empresa líder em tecnologia que oferece uma variedade de sol
-uções de software para organizações em todo o setor de saúde. Nessa função, Russ está liderando uma mudança transformacional na empresa em direção a um InnerSource amplo e abrangente como forma normal de realizar o trabalho. Anteriormente, Russ fundou e liderou o esforço de Colaboração de Desenvolvedores na Nike. A motivação e paixão de Russ é permitir que todos os engenheiros de software alcancem uma incrível produtividade técnica e empresarial por meio de ferramentas de qualidade e processos de trabalho simplificados.
-{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Tom Sadler" title="Tesoureira" image="/images/about/Tom_Sadler.jpg" style="bg-light" >}}
Tom Sadler é líder de equipe de engenharia de software para BBC iPlayer & Sounds, trabalhando no espaço de TV conectada e focando na colaboração entre equipes, incluindo o InnerSource. Tom está envolvido com a InnerSource Commons desde 2019, palestrando em diversos eventos da comunidade, é um Trusted Committer no projeto InnerSource Learning Path e liderou a publicação do Learning Path em
{{< /board-member >}}
@@ -97,6 +91,12 @@ Jacob Green, fundador da, é um artista de open source, estrategista
Klaas-Jan Stol é professor na University College Cork, Irlanda, pesquisador financiado pelo Lero, o Centro de Pesquisa de Software da Science Foundation Ireland, e consultor científico do SINTEF, Noruega. Como acadêmico, ele realiza pesquisas sobre abordagens contemporâneas de desenvolvimento de software, bem como aspectos humanos e organizacionais. Ele sempre teve interesse no InnerSource e publicou diversos artigos sobre o tema. Klaas possui um doutorado pela University of Limerick.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Russell Rutledge" image="/images/about/Russell_Rutledge.jpg" >}}
+Russ Rutledge é Diretor Sênior de InnerSource e Colaboração na WellSky. A WellSky é uma empresa líder em tecnologia que oferece uma variedade de sol
+uções de software para organizações em todo o setor de saúde. Nessa função, Russ está liderando uma mudança transformacional na empresa em direção a um InnerSource amplo e abrangente como forma normal de realizar o trabalho. Anteriormente, Russ fundou e liderou o esforço de Colaboração de Desenvolvedores na Nike. A motivação e paixão de Russ é permitir que todos os engenheiros de software alcancem uma incrível produtividade técnica e empresarial por meio de ferramentas de qualidade e processos de trabalho simplificados.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Cedric Williams" image="/images/about/Cedric_Williams.jpg" >}}
Todo o trabalho pessoal e profissional de Cedric foi guiado pelo desejo de melhorar a vida das pessoas, principalmente por meio da tecnologia. As possibilidades que podem ser desbloqueadas com sistemas de software e hardware são literalmente ilimitadas. Cada um de seus projetos tem lhe proporcionado a oportunidade de trabalhar nisso de maneiras novas, algumas mais voltadas para a tecnologia e outras mais voltadas diretamente para os clientes. Todos eles lhe deram uma profunda apreciação pela responsabilidade dos tecnólogos de sempre garantir que o que construímos melhore as coisas para todos os envolvidos.
{{< /board-member >}}
From d18c5544d96ed964b294e2f29ac915a453cc6e90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea K
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:53:35 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] refactor: moves Dmitrii
content/en/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
content/fr/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
content/ja/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
content/pt-br/about/board/ | 8 ++++----
4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/en/about/board/ b/content/en/about/board/
index 4570d82343..966c56097c 100644
--- a/content/en/about/board/
+++ b/content/en/about/board/
@@ -56,10 +56,6 @@ Yuki is a distinguished technology expert currently serving as an Architect at G
Yuki’s area of specialization is InnerSource transformation, and he has notably established a thriving community in Japan that has engaged with prominent industry figures and thought leaders. As a passionate advocate of InnerSource, Yuki has translated a vast array of materials and has organized numerous workshops and video presentations to disseminate awareness and understanding of the subject. He takes immense pride in serving as an exemplar for other regions and remains wholeheartedly committed to employing his expertise and knowledge to benefit others within the community.
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Dmitrii Sugrobov" image="/images/about/Dmitrii_Sugrobov.jpg" >}}
-Dmitry is an experienced engineering manager in the retail industry, known for his proficiency in leveraging technology to drive innovation and efficiency. Dmitry strongly advocates for InnerSource as the industrial standard of software development, and has led the number of teams in using this approach to continuously improve their practices.
-{{< /board-member >}}
Elected Officers:
@@ -112,6 +108,10 @@ Previously, Russ founded and led the Developer Collaboration effort at Nike.
Russ's drive and passion is to enable all software engineers to achieve incredible technical and business throughput via quality tooling and streamlined work process.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Dmitrii Sugrobov" image="/images/about/Dmitrii_Sugrobov.jpg" >}}
+Dmitry is an experienced engineering manager in the retail industry, known for his proficiency in leveraging technology to drive innovation and efficiency. Dmitry strongly advocates for InnerSource as the industrial standard of software development, and has led the number of teams in using this approach to continuously improve their practices.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Johannes Tigges" image="/images/about/Johannes_Tigges.png" >}}
Johannes is a co-creator of the InnerSource Commons Learning Path and has worked on introducing InnerSource to HERE Technologies, a leading digital map and location company. Currently he offers coaching and consulting on Engineering Productivity, Open Source and InnerSource Strategy and OSPO topics as well as cloud solution architecture. He also works as a lecturer and delivers technical training on the topics mentioned above. He presents his work and thoughts at industry conferences like the FOSDEM or the InnerSource Commons Summit and has been active in Open Source communities for a long time. With a background in both computer science and sociology of organizations he has a unique perspective on software engineering organizations. In past roles, he has also worked on introducing Continuous Integration and Delivery to large research institutions, in DevOps roles for very large cloud based platforms and developed software within the Telco domain.
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/fr/about/board/ b/content/fr/about/board/
index 091a4c0730..535b0b6a03 100644
--- a/content/fr/about/board/
+++ b/content/fr/about/board/
@@ -51,10 +51,6 @@ Yuki is a distinguished technology expert currently serving as an Architect at G
Yuki’s area of specialization is InnerSource transformation, and he has notably established a thriving community in Japan that has engaged with prominent industry figures and thought leaders. As a passionate advocate of InnerSource, Yuki has translated a vast array of materials and has organized numerous workshops and video presentations to disseminate awareness and understanding of the subject. He takes immense pride in serving as an exemplar for other regions and remains wholeheartedly committed to employing his expertise and knowledge to benefit others within the community.
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Dmitrii Sugrobov" image="/images/about/Dmitrii_Sugrobov.jpg" >}}
-Dmitry is an experienced engineering manager in the retail industry, known for his proficiency in leveraging technology to drive innovation and efficiency. Dmitry strongly advocates for InnerSource as the industrial standard of software development, and has led the number of teams in using this approach to continuously improve their practices.
-{{< /board-member >}}
Officiers élus :
@@ -107,6 +103,10 @@ Previously, Russ founded and led the Developer Collaboration effort at Nike.
Russ's drive and passion is to enable all software engineers to achieve incredible technical and business throughput via quality tooling and streamlined work process.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Dmitrii Sugrobov" image="/images/about/Dmitrii_Sugrobov.jpg" >}}
+Dmitry is an experienced engineering manager in the retail industry, known for his proficiency in leveraging technology to drive innovation and efficiency. Dmitry strongly advocates for InnerSource as the industrial standard of software development, and has led the number of teams in using this approach to continuously improve their practices.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Johannes Tigges" image="/images/about/Johannes_Tigges.png" >}}
Johannes is a co-creator of the InnerSource Commons Learning Path and has worked on introducing InnerSource to HERE Technologies, a leading digital map and location company. Currently he offers coaching and consulting on Engineering Productivity, Open Source and InnerSource Strategy and OSPO topics as well as cloud solution architecture. He also works as a lecturer and delivers technical training on the topics mentioned above. He presents his work and thoughts at industry conferences like the FOSDEM or the InnerSource Commons Summit and has been active in Open Source communities for a long time. With a background in both computer science and sociology of organizations he has a unique perspective on software engineering organizations. In past roles, he has also worked on introducing Continuous Integration and Delivery to large research institutions, in DevOps roles for very large cloud based platforms and developed software within the Telco domain.
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/ja/about/board/ b/content/ja/about/board/
index 1fa1a696ca..8e30930626 100644
--- a/content/ja/about/board/
+++ b/content/ja/about/board/
@@ -52,10 +52,6 @@ Georg Grütterは、Bosch.IOのソーシャルコーディングエバンジェ
Yuki Hattoriは、GitHubのアーキテクトとして現在活動している傑出した技術エキスパートであり、クラウド技術とDevOpsの方法論に幅広い経験を持っています。彼のキャリアを通じて、彼は多くのエンタープライズクライアントに貴重なガイダンスと専門知識を提供し、システムとプロセスを洗練させる支援をしてきました。 Yukiの専門分野はインナーソースの変革であり、日本で顕著な業界の関係者や思想リーダーと関わる活発なコミュニティを確立しました。インナーソースの情報を広めるために、彼はさまざまな資料を翻訳し、ワークショップやビデオプレゼンテーションを数多く開催しました。彼は他の地域の模範としての役割に誇りを持ち、自身の専門知識と知識をコミュニティ内の他の人々のために活用し続けることに全力を尽くしています。
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Dmitrii Sugrobov" image="/images/about/Dmitrii_Sugrobov.jpg" >}}
-Dmitrii Sugrobovは、小売業界の経験豊富なエンジニアリングマネージャーであり、技術を活用して革新と効率を推進する能力に長けています。Dmitriiは、インナーソースをソフトウェア開発の産業標準として強く提唱し、多くのチームを指導し、このアプローチを使用して継続的にプラクティスを改善してきました。
-{{< /board-member >}}
@@ -106,6 +102,10 @@ Klaas-Jan Stolは、アイルランドのコーク大学カレッジの講師で
Russ Rutledgeは、WellSkyのInnerSourceおよびコラボレーションのシニアディレクターです。WellSkyは、ヘルスケア連続体全体の組織を支援するさまざまなソフトウェアソリューションを提供する主要なテクノロジー企業です。彼の役割では、RussはInnerSourceを一般的な作業方法とするために会社全体での変革をリードしています。以前は、RussはNikeで開発者コラボレーションの取り組みを立ち上げてリードしました。Russの情熱と熱意は、品質のツールと効率的な作業プロセスを通じて、すべてのソフトウェアエンジニアが驚くべき技術的な成果とビジネスの生産性を達成できるようにすることです。
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Dmitrii Sugrobov" image="/images/about/Dmitrii_Sugrobov.jpg" >}}
+Dmitrii Sugrobovは、小売業界の経験豊富なエンジニアリングマネージャーであり、技術を活用して革新と効率を推進する能力に長けています。Dmitriiは、インナーソースをソフトウェア開発の産業標準として強く提唱し、多くのチームを指導し、このアプローチを使用して継続的にプラクティスを改善してきました。
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Johannes Tigges" image="/images/about/Johannes_Tigges.png" >}}
Johannes Tiggesは、InnerSource Commons Learning Pathの共同作成者であり、InnerSourceを導入したHERE Technologies(リーディングのデジタルマップおよび
diff --git a/content/pt-br/about/board/ b/content/pt-br/about/board/
index 0c6c533181..7581eee46e 100644
--- a/content/pt-br/about/board/
+++ b/content/pt-br/about/board/
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ Georg Grütter é um evangelista de código social e defensor de desenvolvedores
Como defensor apaixonado do InnerSource, Yuki traduziu uma vasta gama de materiais e organizou inúmeros workshops e apresentações em vídeo para disseminar a conscientização e a compreensão do assunto. Ele se orgulha imensamente de servir como exemplo para outras regiões e continua comprometido em empregar sua experiência e conhecimento para beneficiar outros membros da comunidade.
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Dmitrii Sugrobov" image="/images/about/Dmitrii_Sugrobov.jpg" style="bg-light" >}}
-Dmitrii é um gerente de engenharia experiente no setor varejista, conhecido por sua proficiência em aproveitar a tecnologia para impulsionar a inovação e a eficiência. Dmitrii é um grande defensor do InnerSource como padrão industrial de desenvolvimento de software e liderou equipes no uso dessa abordagem para melhorar continuamente suas práticas.
-{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Matt Cobby" title="Secretário" image="/images/about/Matt_Cobby.jpg" >}}
Matt Cobby é Diretor de Engenharia na Deloitte, onde se especializa em ajudar equipes com suas práticas de engenharia, experiência do desenvolvedor e engenharia de plataforma e produtos. Como membro da InnerSource Foundation, ele conduziu um programa InnerSource em grande escala e agora busca inspirar equipes a buscar os muitos benefícios de um estilo de colaboração de código aberto dentro de suas próprias organizações. Com mais de 18 anos de experiência em transformação no Reino Unido, Europa e Austrália, ele tem paixão por orientar engenheiros e é um apoiador ativo de comunidades técnicas e locais que inspiram as pessoas.
{{< /board-member >}}
@@ -97,6 +93,10 @@ Russ Rutledge é Diretor Sênior de InnerSource e Colaboração na WellSky. A We
uções de software para organizações em todo o setor de saúde. Nessa função, Russ está liderando uma mudança transformacional na empresa em direção a um InnerSource amplo e abrangente como forma normal de realizar o trabalho. Anteriormente, Russ fundou e liderou o esforço de Colaboração de Desenvolvedores na Nike. A motivação e paixão de Russ é permitir que todos os engenheiros de software alcancem uma incrível produtividade técnica e empresarial por meio de ferramentas de qualidade e processos de trabalho simplificados.
{{< /board-member >}}
+{{< board-member name="Dmitrii Sugrobov" image="/images/about/Dmitrii_Sugrobov.jpg" style="bg-light" >}}
+Dmitrii é um gerente de engenharia experiente no setor varejista, conhecido por sua proficiência em aproveitar a tecnologia para impulsionar a inovação e a eficiência. Dmitrii é um grande defensor do InnerSource como padrão industrial de desenvolvimento de software e liderou equipes no uso dessa abordagem para melhorar continuamente suas práticas.
+{{< /board-member >}}
{{< board-member name="Cedric Williams" image="/images/about/Cedric_Williams.jpg" >}}
Todo o trabalho pessoal e profissional de Cedric foi guiado pelo desejo de melhorar a vida das pessoas, principalmente por meio da tecnologia. As possibilidades que podem ser desbloqueadas com sistemas de software e hardware são literalmente ilimitadas. Cada um de seus projetos tem lhe proporcionado a oportunidade de trabalhar nisso de maneiras novas, algumas mais voltadas para a tecnologia e outras mais voltadas diretamente para os clientes. Todos eles lhe deram uma profunda apreciação pela responsabilidade dos tecnólogos de sempre garantir que o que construímos melhore as coisas para todos os envolvidos.
{{< /board-member >}}
From 0de7fef56ea5d2e8703af07b14fbcb3fddc56a7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea K
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:07:03 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] fix: removes style from Isabels tile
content/en/about/board/ | 2 +-
content/fr/about/board/ | 2 +-
content/ja/about/board/ | 2 +-
content/pt-br/about/board/ | 2 +-
4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/en/about/board/ b/content/en/about/board/
index 966c56097c..9d47fd4c28 100644
--- a/content/en/about/board/
+++ b/content/en/about/board/
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Maximilian Capraro is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Open Source Res
Danese Cooper is the founder of InnerSource Commons. She is a long term open source advocate, having previously served as the of head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and she’s advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings.
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
+{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" >}}
Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/fr/about/board/ b/content/fr/about/board/
index 535b0b6a03..0909b7d2e1 100644
--- a/content/fr/about/board/
+++ b/content/fr/about/board/
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Maximilian Capraro is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Open Source Res
Danese Cooper is the founder of InnerSource Commons. She is a long term open source advocate, having previously served as the of head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and she’s advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings.
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
+{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg">}}
Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/ja/about/board/ b/content/ja/about/board/
index 8e30930626..599283bc66 100644
--- a/content/ja/about/board/
+++ b/content/ja/about/board/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Danese Cooperは、InnerSource Commonsの創設者です。彼女は長期にわ
ました。彼女は健全なオープンソースコミュニティの形成に注力し、Drupal Association、Open Source Initiative、Open Source Hardware Associationの役員を務め、MozillaやApache Software Foundationにアドバイスを提供しています。Daneseは成功したオープンソースのコンサルティング業務も運営しており、ビル&メリンダゲイツ財団、SETI Institute、Harris、Numentaなどをクライアントとして数えることができます。彼女は会議中に編み物をすることでも知られています。
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
+{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" >}}
Isabel Drost-Frommは、ドイツのEuropace AGでオープンソースストラテジストを務めています。彼女はApache Software Foundationのメンバーであり、Apache Mahoutの共同設立者であり、いくつかのインキュベーションプロジェクトのメンターを務めました。IsabelはFOSS、検索、テキストマイニングに関するあらゆることに興味を持ち、優れた機械学習のバックグラウンドを持っています。ベルリンに住む人々の性格に忠実に、彼女は友達が短い訪問のために飛んでくるのが好きです。その結果、彼女はベルリンのBuzzwordsというテックカンファレンスの創設メンバーであり、創造的なメンバーの一人です。Buzzwordsは、検索、スケール、ストレージに関するすべてのテクノロジーに関するカンファレンスです。
{{< /board-member >}}
diff --git a/content/pt-br/about/board/ b/content/pt-br/about/board/
index 7581eee46e..289911f47c 100644
--- a/content/pt-br/about/board/
+++ b/content/pt-br/about/board/
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Maximilian Capraro é pesquisador e candidato a doutorado no Open Source Researc
Danese Cooper é a fundadora da InnerSource Commons. Ela é uma Open Source advocate de longa data, tendo atuado anteriormente como Head de open source software do PayPal, CTO da Wikimedia Foundation, evangelista-chefe de open surce da Sun e diretora sênior de estratégias de open source da Intel. Danese também foi a primeira presidente da Node.js Foundation. Ela se concentra em criar comunidades open source saudáveis e já integrou os conselhos da Drupal Association, da Open Source Initiative e da Open Source Hardware Association. Ela também é consultora da Mozilla e da Apache Software Foundation. Danese também dirige uma bem-sucedida consultoria de open source que conta com clientes como a Fundação Bill & Melinda Gates, o SETI Institute, a Harris e a Numenta. Ela é conhecida por tricotar durante as reuniões.
{{< /board-member >}}
-{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}}
+{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" >}}
Isabel Drost-Fromm é Estrategista de Open Source na Europace AG, na Alemanha. Ela é membro da Apache Software Foundation, co-fundadora do Apache Mahout e orientou vários projetos em fase de incubação. Isabel se interessa por tudo relacionado a FOSS, busca e mineração de texto, com um bom conhecimento em aprendizado de máquina. Seguindo a natureza das pessoas que vivem em Berlim, ela adora receber amigos para uma breve visita. Como resultado, ela co-fundou e ainda é uma das mentes criativas por trás do Berlin Buzzwords, uma conferência de tecnologia sobre busca, escalabilidade e armazenamento.
{{< /board-member >}}
From 0cc4ad41c194f4625d7c6973d30101ed949558fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea K
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 12:23:30 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] refactor: comment out now empty elected officers section
content/en/about/board/ | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/en/about/board/ b/content/en/about/board/
index 9d47fd4c28..db48412461 100644
--- a/content/en/about/board/
+++ b/content/en/about/board/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Georg Grütter is a social coding evangelist and developer advocate at Bosch.IO.
Yuki is a distinguished technology expert currently serving as an Architect at GitHub, possessing an extensive background in Cloud technology and DevOps methodologies. Throughout his career, he has offered valuable guidance and proficiency to a myriad of enterprise clients, assisting them in refining their systems and processes.
Yuki’s area of specialization is InnerSource transformation, and he has notably established a thriving community in Japan that has engaged with prominent industry figures and thought leaders. As a passionate advocate of InnerSource, Yuki has translated a vast array of materials and has organized numerous workshops and video presentations to disseminate awareness and understanding of the subject. He takes immense pride in serving as an exemplar for other regions and remains wholeheartedly committed to employing his expertise and knowledge to benefit others within the community.
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