diff --git a/content/en/about/board/_index.md b/content/en/about/board/_index.md index 966c56097c..9d47fd4c28 100644 --- a/content/en/about/board/_index.md +++ b/content/en/about/board/_index.md @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Maximilian Capraro is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Open Source Res Danese Cooper is the founder of InnerSource Commons. She is a long term open source advocate, having previously served as the of head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and she’s advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings. {{< /board-member >}} -{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}} +{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" >}} Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage. {{< /board-member >}} diff --git a/content/fr/about/board/_index.md b/content/fr/about/board/_index.md index 535b0b6a03..0909b7d2e1 100644 --- a/content/fr/about/board/_index.md +++ b/content/fr/about/board/_index.md @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Maximilian Capraro is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Open Source Res Danese Cooper is the founder of InnerSource Commons. She is a long term open source advocate, having previously served as the of head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and she’s advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings. {{< /board-member >}} -{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}} +{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg">}} Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage. {{< /board-member >}} diff --git a/content/ja/about/board/_index.md b/content/ja/about/board/_index.md index 8e30930626..599283bc66 100644 --- a/content/ja/about/board/_index.md +++ b/content/ja/about/board/_index.md @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Danese Cooperは、InnerSource Commonsの創設者です。彼女は長期にわ ました。彼女は健全なオープンソースコミュニティの形成に注力し、Drupal Association、Open Source Initiative、Open Source Hardware Associationの役員を務め、MozillaやApache Software Foundationにアドバイスを提供しています。Daneseは成功したオープンソースのコンサルティング業務も運営しており、ビル&メリンダゲイツ財団、SETI Institute、Harris、Numentaなどをクライアントとして数えることができます。彼女は会議中に編み物をすることでも知られています。 {{< /board-member >}} -{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}} +{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" >}} Isabel Drost-Frommは、ドイツのEuropace AGでオープンソースストラテジストを務めています。彼女はApache Software Foundationのメンバーであり、Apache Mahoutの共同設立者であり、いくつかのインキュベーションプロジェクトのメンターを務めました。IsabelはFOSS、検索、テキストマイニングに関するあらゆることに興味を持ち、優れた機械学習のバックグラウンドを持っています。ベルリンに住む人々の性格に忠実に、彼女は友達が短い訪問のために飛んでくるのが好きです。その結果、彼女はベルリンのBuzzwordsというテックカンファレンスの創設メンバーであり、創造的なメンバーの一人です。Buzzwordsは、検索、スケール、ストレージに関するすべてのテクノロジーに関するカンファレンスです。 {{< /board-member >}} diff --git a/content/pt-br/about/board/_index.md b/content/pt-br/about/board/_index.md index 7581eee46e..289911f47c 100644 --- a/content/pt-br/about/board/_index.md +++ b/content/pt-br/about/board/_index.md @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Maximilian Capraro é pesquisador e candidato a doutorado no Open Source Researc Danese Cooper é a fundadora da InnerSource Commons. Ela é uma Open Source advocate de longa data, tendo atuado anteriormente como Head de open source software do PayPal, CTO da Wikimedia Foundation, evangelista-chefe de open surce da Sun e diretora sênior de estratégias de open source da Intel. Danese também foi a primeira presidente da Node.js Foundation. Ela se concentra em criar comunidades open source saudáveis e já integrou os conselhos da Drupal Association, da Open Source Initiative e da Open Source Hardware Association. Ela também é consultora da Mozilla e da Apache Software Foundation. Danese também dirige uma bem-sucedida consultoria de open source que conta com clientes como a Fundação Bill & Melinda Gates, o SETI Institute, a Harris e a Numenta. Ela é conhecida por tricotar durante as reuniões. {{< /board-member >}} -{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" style="section-first" >}} +{{< board-member name="Isabel Drost-Fromm" image="/images/about/Isabel_Drost-Fromm.jpeg" >}} Isabel Drost-Fromm é Estrategista de Open Source na Europace AG, na Alemanha. Ela é membro da Apache Software Foundation, co-fundadora do Apache Mahout e orientou vários projetos em fase de incubação. Isabel se interessa por tudo relacionado a FOSS, busca e mineração de texto, com um bom conhecimento em aprendizado de máquina. Seguindo a natureza das pessoas que vivem em Berlim, ela adora receber amigos para uma breve visita. Como resultado, ela co-fundou e ainda é uma das mentes criativas por trás do Berlin Buzzwords, uma conferência de tecnologia sobre busca, escalabilidade e armazenamento. {{< /board-member >}}